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Final Fantasy 12 Scores 40/40
Mar 08, 2006 23:30
OMG, i could not believe it would score that, let' s agree, sometimes famitsu is a bit lunatic, according to 1up, only 5 games scored 40/40 which are : 1) Soul Calibur (might agree) 2) zelda : ocarina of time ( might agree) 3) wind waker (might agree) 4) Nintendo dogs (hell no) 5) Vagrant Story (HEEEEEELLLLL NOOOOOO) so i don' t know what to believe guys, i played the demo and i would not give that game 40/40, you don' t feel like it , but that was just a demo i might be totaly wrong *crossing my fringers*
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RE: Final Fantasy 12 Scores 40/40
Mar 08, 2006 23:53
To be honest from what i played on the demo, it really doesn' t deserve 40/40. I really dislike what they have done with the battle system. The graphics haven' t really progressed much from FFX. And it really seemed boring to play.... I will skip this iteration of the series, and wouldnt give the game (based on the demo) anything more than 30 tops. And then thats only if the story is good.... the demo to me felt really uninvolving
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RE: Final Fantasy 12 Scores 40/40
Mar 09, 2006 01:10
But that' s just a demo! For all you know, the full game could turn out muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuch better. After all, it' s wrong to base an entire game on a single demo- especially from a battle you may even get used to eventually and the graphics. I remember once that many criticised the demo of a particular game(although, a name doesn' t spring to mind)but, in the end, the same people actually enjoyed the final game.
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RE: Final Fantasy 12 Scores 40/40
Mar 09, 2006 01:14
But ABO,im sure its a great game but if you saw the list 50% of all games of the topp 100 is rpgs,and even FF3 is before z64 in the famitsu readers opionion... Their readers love FF like crazy,they doesnt dare saying anything else...
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RE: Final Fantasy 12 Scores 40/40
Mar 09, 2006 01:55
But that' s just a demo! For all you know, the full game could turn out muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuch better. After all, it' s wrong to base an entire game on a single demo- especially from a battle you may even get used to eventually and the graphics. I hope for their sakes the game turns out much better, I really don' t think i can get into the battle system that seems a mix of real time and turn-based. To be honest I wouldnt like to buy the game knowing i has a system i hate, sure it might not be so bad or even fun after sometime its a risk im not willing to venture the cost of a game on. I bought FFX-2 but really didnt like it i only played for an hour or so, horrible... playing as yuna with that annoying run of hers, mission based (like FFXII appears to be) to me takes away from the story, i like more linear story telling methods such as FFX. Also the graphics comment doesn' t bother me (except the main characters nose) it' s just that for a game to get 40/40 it has to be a real achievement, and the graphics are hardly impressive in this day and age, so even for that simple fact it should lose points. But Famitsu is bound to give it a perfect score, they are rpg whores who know no better than to slap a perfect or near perfect score on anything labelled Final Fantasy etc
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RE: Final Fantasy 12 Scores 40/40
Mar 09, 2006 03:13
i' m not saying the game will turn out to be bad but i don' t think it deserves 40/40, that' s perfect, and since the graphics didn' t impress me for a ps2, that should take away a point or two .... ok let' s forget famitsu language in reference to IGN, the game will range from 9.2 to 9.6 .... that' s my guess
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RE: Final Fantasy 12 Scores 40/40
Mar 09, 2006 03:36
Its simple, famitsu; the largest gaming mag in Japan, a country mad for rpgs especially the ff series, isnt going to rate the lastest and long awaited ff game badly, many people would simply stop buying the mag because of their devotion to FF, famitsu would lose out, square enix would lose out in loss of potentail sales, and everybody would be stuck in a rut. Instead, they gave the game a good score to please all the fans. but 40/40, .. what game is PERFECT?
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RE: Final Fantasy 12 Scores 40/40
Mar 09, 2006 05:04
Just because a game recieves 40/40 doesn' t neccessarily mean that they are suggesting that the game is perfect in every way. It' s just what some people rate a game that, they believe, stands out above the rest- and have a misunderstanding of the scoring system  . In reality, no game is perfect! There will always be a game that is just that little bit ' better' than the other. Athough, if you gave a game one score below the highest possible score; and then thought a particular game is better, then you would have to rate it higher wouldn' t you? I, personally, don' t think that 40 is a sensible score limit- but then, they are Japanese...
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RE: Final Fantasy 12 Scores 40/40
Mar 09, 2006 05:25
They have 4 people that review a game,each of them write a score of 1-10 and some facts and thoughts about the game,and each 4 rpg experts at the magazine gaved it 10/10...
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RE: Final Fantasy 12 Scores 40/40
Mar 09, 2006 06:05
40/40 for FF12 is great news ...after playing that demo I thought it was about 7/10 , but maybe there have been some changes. Its simple, famitsu; the largest gaming mag in Japan, a country mad for rpgs especially the ff series, isnt going to rate the lastest and long awaited ff game badly, many people would simply stop buying the mag because of their devotion to FF, famitsu would lose out, square enix would lose out in loss of potentail sales, and everybody would be stuck in a rut. Instead, they gave the game a good score to please all the fans. LOL Conspiracy theories are always fun to read. but 40/40, .. what game is PERFECT? The Legend of Zelda : Ocarina of Time Soul Calibur (DC) For the rest of those 5 titles I' m not so sure (but I' m not against 40/40 for them) , but these 2 are PERFECT in EVERY ASPECT.
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RE: Final Fantasy 12 Scores 40/40
Mar 09, 2006 10:06
Banjoe Tooie was perfect!
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RE: Final Fantasy 12 Scores 40/40
Mar 09, 2006 17:18
Shit I only played Banjo Kazooie ... I' ve also heard recently of an amazing shooter for N64 from Treasure. I hope it' s downloadable for Rev cause it never left Japan. What a system that was ...quality over quantity.
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RE: Final Fantasy 12 Scores 40/40
Mar 09, 2006 21:25
But it' s squaresoft! So that means the japanese press HAVE to kiss it' s butt, they even did that with that crappy, secret of evermore. It' s famitsu, what can you say?
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RE: Final Fantasy 12 Scores 40/40
Mar 09, 2006 22:39
What a system that was ...quality over quantity. that system was one of the worse in video game history, although it has some of the best games in the history, but there were so many crap^games, extremly bad games, and there were a lot oh yeah almost all games from 3rd parties ... Banjoe Tooie was perfect! one of the best games i ever played, just awesome, banjoo&kazooi as well, yeah that' s the gold age of rareware
< Message edited by abasoufiane -- 9 Mar 06 14:40:50 >
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RE: Final Fantasy 12 Scores 40/40
Mar 09, 2006 23:50
that system was one of the worse in video game history For me it was one of the best sysems in history - like I said QUALITY OVER QUANTITY - it had the best AAA titles I' ve ever played - but I can understand that it sux to own it as your only console - I bouht it when DC was out , so I just played the best of the best. Secret of Evermore was way ahead of it' s times - there are many people who' ve enjoyed it a lot. If Famitsu is kissing Square' s ass , why didn' t previous FF games get 40/40 Mr Spy? (especially since FF7 is a legend among Japanese gamers). I bet Square is gatehering money to build worlds greatest ninja army and take over...take over...AMERICA
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RE: Final Fantasy 12 Scores 40/40
Mar 10, 2006 04:10
The Legend of Zelda : Ocarina of Time Soul Calibur (DC) I didnt like the menu in SC, so its isnt perfect. And OOT is eteremly outdated by todays standards which Sc has kept up. If a game is to be perfect, it should stand the test of time [no,no goldeneye  ] and everybody should love it. So basicly the perfect game is impossible, but ' pretty darn good' games are very realisitc.
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RE: Final Fantasy 12 Scores 40/40
Mar 10, 2006 04:56
I didnt like the menu in SC, so its isnt perfect. And OOT is eteremly outdated by todays standards which Sc has kept up. If a game is to be perfect, it should stand the test of time [no,no goldeneye ] and everybody should love it. So basicly the perfect game is impossible, but ' pretty darn good' games are very realisitc. Can' t say it' s smart of you to say something like that. Check Ocarinas review (gamecube edition) on IGN - they gave it 9/10 and it came out with wind waker. Graphics always get dated - Ocarina looks very good even today and it haven' t lost any of it' s values in terms of gameplay (it stands the test of time perfectly)- same for SC. That' s just stupid to say that graphics have to look great 10 years later. You didn' t like menu in SC? oh right but why would I care what you like? for me it was perfect and it seems for many others too. Everyone should love it ? Whatever ...
< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 9 Mar 06 20:59:46 >
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RE: Final Fantasy 12 Scores 40/40
Mar 10, 2006 05:44
Yeah, I played OOT the first time last year and I still gave it a 10/10. The graphics are dated of course but the design makes everything look beautiful anyway. Few games of today can match OOTs gameplay. I liked the menus in SC as they were arcade like.
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RE: Final Fantasy 12 Scores 40/40
Mar 10, 2006 07:07
FF7 is the best game ever :)
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RE: Final Fantasy 12 Scores 40/40
Mar 10, 2006 18:18
Actually FF7 looks even better than FF8 today - FF8 is much more pixelated , plus it' s the best RPG ever made :)
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RE: Final Fantasy 12 Scores 40/40
Mar 10, 2006 20:52
Well I am just saying that no game is perfect, everybody has a different opinion, if a game gets 10/10 in a review on a respected site, that dosent mean it is universally loved. I Dislike Metroid Prime, but that game got good review, whats wrong? was it the game? or me? as i seem to dislike a game everybody else loves. I might review the game with a 3/10 therefore no way near perfect. Baiscly no game can please everybody, and for me that' s what the ' perfect game' is, perfect games have to stand up against the test of time [look at metal slug, old but still looks good], but graphics are a minor part of the perfect game. Games can allways be improved, but we will never have the ' perfect game'
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RE: Final Fantasy 12 Scores 40/40
Mar 11, 2006 03:43
I might review the game with a 3/10 therefore no way near perfect. The thing is if you score Metroid Prime 3/10 then everyone says " what an idiot , why is he writing reviews? That guy doesn' t know shit about games" Some values in games can be seen even if that particular game doesn' t appeal to you. If a couple of reviewers(errr like all of them?) and a huge gaming community considers Zelda to be Perfect.... it means something. It' s democracy - the majority of experts and gamers opinions over some minority of people (who may not even know too much about games)
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RE: Final Fantasy 12 Scores 40/40
Mar 11, 2006 03:44
I might review the game with a 3/10 therefore no way near perfect. The thing is if you score Metroid Prime 3/10 then everyone says " what an idiot , why is he writing reviews? That guy doesn' t know shit about games" Some values in games can be seen even if that particular game doesn' t appeal to you. If a couple of reviewers(errr like all of them?) and a huge gaming community considers Zelda to be Perfect.... it means something. It' s democracy - the majority of experts and gamers opinions over some minority of gamers opinions (who may not even know too much about games)
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RE: Final Fantasy 12 Scores 40/40
Mar 11, 2006 06:11
I don' t think it' s stupid if you dislike a game everyone else loves. What I do think is stupid is that some people believe a 100% score in a review means that it is a perfect game for all eternity. If a reviewer didn' t find anything negative in a game at the time he reviewed it then it must get a 100% score. At the point it was reviewed it can be called a perfect game but with time other games will surpass it in different areas such as graphics and gameplay. OOT was perfect at the time it was released for the first time. It isn' t perfect anymore, but if it was released today, it would still get great reviews. Games are made for the present and should be reviewed with that in mind.
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RE: Final Fantasy 12 Scores 40/40
Mar 11, 2006 09:03
Well for ex at gamerankings there is a guy who gaved ff7 6/10,and then said,i dislike RPG' s and especially japanese but this was " okay" . Now why even do a review then? And why even say what score you got it? Its fine by hating famous games everyone else likes. But is it really worth telling other people that you for ex consider GTA 3 to be a 3/10? Why not just say you doesnt like it? Or else people think its a new fanboy attack.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
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RE: Final Fantasy 12 Scores 40/40
Mar 12, 2006 07:27
That' s why you' ll probably NEVER see a review of anything from the Gran Turismo series, Sega GT series, Namco Moto GP series, and Turn-based RPGs from me. NEVER, EVER, NEVER...
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.
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RE: Final Fantasy 12 Scores 40/40
Mar 12, 2006 17:35
Ginjirou did you play Majoras Mask? I Think it' s even better than Ocarina - it' s really different and just amazing
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RE: Final Fantasy 12 Scores 40/40
Mar 12, 2006 23:46
So i wonder if this new FF game is any good. Could we have the next ff7 on our hands? or just another ff9. [i didnt like ff9]. Another ff10 would be good too..
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RE: Final Fantasy 12 Scores 40/40
Mar 13, 2006 00:43
ff9 was old school,but probably rushed cause it came out when ps2 did. I liked ff9 but did not really like ff10...well sure for a RPG it was great...but for a FF? nah...
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RE: Final Fantasy 12 Scores 40/40
Mar 13, 2006 04:23
I hate ffX but I don' t think FF9 was as good as FF game should be either... I played the Demo of FF12 and it' s completely new and different...is it good? we' ll see - all I can say is " I hate that demo it' s the worst that could happen to ff series" but it' s just a demo so .... :)
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RE: Final Fantasy 12 Scores 40/40
Mar 13, 2006 04:27
A demo of a FF game cant say much,remember that horrible ff8 demo,when you was in the dance and then training ground...omg :P I would never have bought ff8 if i went just by that demo.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
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RE: Final Fantasy 12 Scores 40/40
Mar 13, 2006 08:51
Ha! I remeber that, they should have just left the movie clip of the intro instead, and let us imagine...
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