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Omg! just look at these pics of Oblivion!!
Mar 04, 2006 02:20
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
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RE: Omg! just look at these pics of Oblivion!!
Mar 04, 2006 02:31
it looks even better than i had thought it would on 360, i think im going to have to get one just as soon as i can. elder scrolls oblivion will probably be 360s first killer app!
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RE: Omg! just look at these pics of Oblivion!!
Mar 04, 2006 02:38
I thought GRAW was gonna be that ;) But what you say is not wrong either,looks like one of the first " next gen" game.
< Message edited by QuezcatoL -- 3 Mar 06 18:38:57 >
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
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RE: Omg! just look at these pics of Oblivion!!
Mar 04, 2006 03:04
silly question i know, but is this game both offline and online? cos then it would rock.
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RE: Omg! just look at these pics of Oblivion!!
Mar 04, 2006 03:08
No MP just dl content,its basically about giving you a huge world basically 16 squaremiles long,thats freaking huge,no enormous!!! And it has a epic main quest,with A-star celebs doing voices,while main sidequest,and diffrent classes/skills to chose,and it use face gen so you can create your ownself.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
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RE: Omg! just look at these pics of Oblivion!!
Mar 04, 2006 03:29
I think the scenery in the game is really nice, there is something about the graphics I dont like much though, whether its the characters of the art direction... I don' t know, can' t put my finger on it.... But again landscapes/scenery are fantastic. I' m sure it' ll keep a lot of people very busy, what with " wow" ing at the gfx and then with the game itself
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RE: Omg! just look at these pics of Oblivion!!
Mar 04, 2006 03:31
Yeah,when having 1500 npc,and 16 squarmiles huge world,it really is hard to keep up the characters models to top notch,they look great,nothing more.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
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RE: Omg! just look at these pics of Oblivion!!
Mar 04, 2006 03:41
Very true, to me for now this is the game to show off the 360, Can' t think of anything i' d rather look at on the system at the moment. Hear there is mild pauses for loading and bits of slowdown, pitty really.. mainly the loading pauses, I would like all games seamlessly loaded so there is 0 loading.. Possible or not, it' s what i want
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RE: Omg! just look at these pics of Oblivion!!
Mar 04, 2006 04:04
They said recently the loading times has went down with 400% and is seamless,if compared to e3,remember in e3,took like 3-5 sec to load some places. So this is great i guess :)
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
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RE: Omg! just look at these pics of Oblivion!!
Mar 04, 2006 05:04
The only problem I can see with this game is if I should get it for my 360 or my PC! It' ll be comfier for me in my 360 gaming environment on a bigger screen and such but I don' t know if playing with a pad will be a drawback and if the graphics will be as good as the PC version.
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RE: Omg! just look at these pics of Oblivion!!
Mar 04, 2006 05:27
IGN Hands On To try and sum up this mess of a hands-on, the Xbox 360 version of The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion is looking very good. Its framerate did tend to slow down a little when characters crowded onscreen, but that didn' t make it any less playable. The game enters a loading screen when moving through doors, and in open areas will take brief pauses to load new textures when traveling across the countryside. Across all instances of loading, they were consistently swift. The only disappointing features I saw were the wonky third-person controls and ultra low-resolution textures that blanketed distant objects. Other than that, shadows, character detail, weapon models, water effects and animations all looked excellent. The PC version looked slightly sharper and ran at a better clip than the Xbox 360..... While I was only able to get four hours of play, I definitely got hooked..... So depending on how good your PC is the PC one will be slightly better
< Message edited by uumai -- 3 Mar 06 21:29:10 >
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RE: Omg! just look at these pics of Oblivion!!
Mar 04, 2006 06:12
" Both versions of the game ran fairly smoothly, though we did notice that the Xbox 360 version seemed to have a slightly faster pace than the PC version." gamespot said this,but the dev said,if you got a hdtv it doesnt matter on which you take,basically 360 runs on everything with maxium,so if your pc can handle all things on maxium then its the same.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
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RE: Omg! just look at these pics of Oblivion!!
Mar 04, 2006 06:28
isn' t the xbox360 supposed to be much more powerful than current PC' s, so how come they created a game that run less smoother on the 360 ?? developer' s incompetence ??
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RE: Omg! just look at these pics of Oblivion!!
Mar 04, 2006 06:33
t' ll be comfier for me in my 360 gaming environment on a bigger screen and such but I don' t know if playing with a pad will be a drawback and if the graphics will be as good as the PC version. 360 version is definitely the better one - it' s been said in the latest hands-on on many sites that this time the controller is better than PC setup (since this time it' s been made for it from the very beginning). Graphics of the final version are said to be improved (framerate and shit) and Bethesda guys say that for PC, visuals depend on your system - it' s as good as 360 for some high end machines and worse for some older PCs. If I were you I' d wait for some reviews to clear any doubts on that.
< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 3 Mar 06 22:39:24 >
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RE: Omg! just look at these pics of Oblivion!!
Mar 04, 2006 06:47
isn' t the xbox360 supposed to be much more powerful than current PC' s, so how come they created a game that run less smoother on the 360 ?? developer' s incompetence ?? Well look at Quake4,it runs better on my PC,then on the 360,but huge diffrence in cod2 who runs fucking awesome on the 360,the 360 plays with it. I dont know why,probably dev issues,but you heard GS,they said the 360 version runned better,anyway we know in 20 mars,whatever the result ends in,we both know that the 360 runs at maxium with everything turned on with steady 30 fps.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
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RE: Omg! just look at these pics of Oblivion!!
Mar 04, 2006 07:06
Despite it all slight slowdown (if it is existant in the final version) and other negative things, are hardly issues, I personally would go for the 360 version because my tv is bigger than my monitor, and perfer to do things with my computer that would affect the quality of a pc game. So dispite what people say, the reviews and all gotta say, get the one thats either more convenient (ie. set up and ease) or cheaper (unless your rich  .. please send cheques to......jk) - but this point would depend on how good your pc is.
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RE: Omg! just look at these pics of Oblivion!!
Mar 04, 2006 07:08
Well im getting the game for my pc. However i might buy it to 360 later,or when the price goes down. Got a pc that can handle it at medium and some on high/ 1024' 768 2xAA so...
< Message edited by QuezcatoL -- 3 Mar 06 23:09:09 >
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
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RE: Omg! just look at these pics of Oblivion!!
Mar 04, 2006 07:15
Quez, what gfx card have you got? Sys specs?
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RE: Omg! just look at these pics of Oblivion!!
Mar 04, 2006 07:19
I got p4 3ghz 1gb ram Radeon 9800 pro 256mb. I tried that system check on a site,and got 1 milimeter from " recommend" . The good news is,that a dev over at beathes said,i had p4 2.4 ghz 1gb ram radeon 9800 pro 256mb,worked great,and we even dev the game on that in mind,so all things turned on and 1024' 768 2XAA will not be a problem. But he also added that on his working pc,he did not have any other programs on. Just the game itself,thats the same on all working pc,just the program they work on is actually on,and when they beta test and dev.
< Message edited by QuezcatoL -- 3 Mar 06 23:22:02 >
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
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RE: Omg! just look at these pics of Oblivion!!
Mar 04, 2006 07:37
Nice some happy gaming for you then, Mine would prob run it medium to lowest. I was looking at new pcs today remembering the time before my gf when i could just buy things i wanted coz i wanted them... Instead of waiting for a good reason, I don' t really play pc games though so it' s no so bad.
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RE: Omg! just look at these pics of Oblivion!!
Mar 04, 2006 07:43
My 1000th post...ahum...nice ;) Anyway my mom bought this pc for over 3 years ago and this baby still fights! Anyway im a more of a console guy,and would rather buy a new console like NR or PS3 then to buy the best 3dcard out there,and more RAM.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
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RE: Omg! just look at these pics of Oblivion!!
Mar 04, 2006 08:38
I got a HD TV so that’s the main reason for wanting it for 360. It' ll be more expensive but it means I can unlock achievements for it onto my gamerscore, and show the game off better than I would having people huddle around my small PC monitor. I need a better monitor for sure soon.
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RE: Omg! just look at these pics of Oblivion!!
Mar 04, 2006 14:04
I' ve been losing sleep in anticipation for Oblivion for over six months now. I don' t even care about the graphics, the gameplay is eons above any other RPG. There is so much content it will blow you mind away into... Oblivion! I' m one of those people who spent over 200 hours on Morrowind. So Oblivion is half the reason I bought a 360, I' m counting the seconds till release.
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RE: Omg! just look at these pics of Oblivion!!
Mar 04, 2006 20:22
I got a HD TV so that’s the main reason for wanting it for 360. It' ll be more expensive but it means I can unlock achievements for it onto my gamerscore, and show the game off better than I would having people huddle around my small PC monitor. I need a better monitor for sure soon. Sadly the Gamerscore sux,you get like 35 for finishg pdz on secret agent while 200 for king kong...or cod2.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
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RE: Omg! just look at these pics of Oblivion!!
Mar 04, 2006 22:18
I haven' t played any of the other Elder Scrolls games, but already I' m tempted to get an Xbox 360 for this and Huxley alone. Of course, there' s also Gears of War and Dead or Alive 4 that I' d like to get...
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RE: Omg! just look at these pics of Oblivion!!
Mar 05, 2006 01:52
Yeah don' t even get me started with Huxley.
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RE: Omg! just look at these pics of Oblivion!!
Mar 05, 2006 02:56
this game is OMG indeed...i want it
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RE: Omg! just look at these pics of Oblivion!!
Mar 05, 2006 06:08
If Jessica Alba was a videogame she would be Oblivion
Chee Saw
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RE: Omg! just look at these pics of Oblivion!!
Mar 05, 2006 19:27
ORIGINAL: Sulphur_Genius If Jessica Alba was a videogame she would be Oblivion Actually, I' d rather she was DOA Volleyball with the nude patch!!