The best thread EVER!!!!

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Vx Chemical
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The best thread EVER!!!! - Mar 02, 2006 04:55
If you could take a franchise, any franchise, any game or movie, even tv-show and the adabt it to a game in the style of Lego StarWars?

Soldier of Fortune would be immensely fun, it would be fun to see arms, legs and heads blown of the lego models, hehe.

EDIT: Once again i edited the subject, somehow people dont even look at whats in this thread.
< Message edited by VX CHEMICAL -- 3 Mar 06 7:50:59 >

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RE: Your Own Lego Game - Mar 02, 2006 08:05

A little Lego Al Pacino running around saying...

" Why don' t you try stickin' jou head up jour ass -- see if it fits"


" You know what capitalism is? Gettin' f**ked!"


" Say goodnight to the bad guy"

and finally

" Say ' ello to my little friend!"

Chee Saw
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RE: Your Own Lego Game - Mar 02, 2006 10:17
Michael Jackson' s Thriller! Man, I' d love to see some little Lego guys doing the Thriller dance!

Vx Chemical
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RE: Your Own Lego Game (really good post) - Mar 03, 2006 04:20
this is a really good post, so start posting!

Like you may have seen, i edited the topic, to let people know its a good post.

So to start things again.

How about a Lego game based on Saving Private Ryan, or maybe Saving Private Brick instead ;)

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RE: Your Own Lego Game (really good post) - Mar 03, 2006 05:28
Any World-War two game would be freakin hilarious gone lego. I' d buy it.
Ha! the little M-1' s with the decal sticker sights. It' d have to be 3rd person, because aiming with 3 piece moulded plastic gzoins could get interesting

Metal Gear Solid: Bricks of the Patriots: that would be excellent.
if you agree, check out this link.

scroll down till you see the game names, all of the lego' s are customized. it' s pretty sw33t

Vx Chemical
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RE: The best thread EVER!!!! - Mar 03, 2006 15:52
Yeah i think WWII games would be really fun as well,

But also, the Doom franchise, lone spacemarine, hehe, id love to see the toys for that also

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RE: The best thread EVER!!!! - Mar 03, 2006 19:43
Pokémon ;) i wanna see those balls that are now a square.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: The best thread EVER!!!! - Mar 03, 2006 21:55
I' d like to see all games in LEGO versions.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 3 Mar 06 13:56:07 >

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RE: The best thread EVER!!!! - Mar 03, 2006 23:17
What about " Bruce Campbell vs. Army of LEGO" ? Or maybe " Whose LEGO is it Anyway?: The Game" . Ooh! I know! " Akira Kurosawa' s LEGO Samurai" !

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RE: The best thread EVER!!!! - Mar 03, 2006 23:55
BrokeBlock Mountain: the lego (of my cowboy hips) experience

no really, there' s one that i think would be really excellent. but then again, it might not be, so don' t flame me if it' s not. I' d like to see... Lego Star Wars. that would just be too cool.

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RE: The best thread EVER!!!! - Apr 05, 2006 07:27
Oh Snap, let' s go to that place and run around in circles LAWL