Sony and Microsoft have gone for the glitz and glamour in their systems, nintendo just wants you to have a good time playing the games, and they also want to get new gamers on board, people who have never otherwise played games regularly, that in it' s own is awesome!!!
MS is trying to go that way too with Live Arcade. They are going for the glitz and glamour, but also after the simple, easy to pick up games. You can play street fighter on Aracde now, how cool is that. Midway is gonna have 5 of their old skool games available for Live Arcade, just wait until other companies join too, like Capcom. Maybe in a year we' ll see SNK games on there, Metal slug, last blade, samurai showdown, GMOTW etc etc.
Im really excited about the Rev too...I still want to know more, but like Majik said, sign me up for when the rev is released, I' ll be buying one, even if I haven' t bought the 360 or ps3 yet.
PS3 on the other hand, I don' t know if they are gonna have something like Live Arcade, but anyway, no matter what, PS3 is gonna get the biggest support anyway and it is going to be a success, no matter how much they' re fucking around now.
Joe, you know more about movies and what not, and since blu-ray and hd-dvd are closely linked to movies, which do you think will win, hd-dvd or blu-ray? Ive read somehwere that the HD-DVD is more felxible than the blu-ray when it comes to types of video formats and sound and all that shit, which would be an advantage for the future. and you guys, what do you think? I know this is a topic about the ps3, but I think the blu-ray is and will play a huge role on the ps3, so trying to understand it better wouldn' t be a bad idea.
< Message edited by KiLLeR -- 7 Mar 06 0:48:22 >