general ps3

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general ps3 - Feb 28, 2006 22:20
I live in Canada and just signed up for kikizo forum. I have come to realize that this site and forum is THE best place for any news and or gossip on 360, rev or ps3,(I heard NO THREADS ALLOWED). I am looking for truth and not threads or rumors. I held off on buying a 360 in hopes that the ps3 would be out by the spring launch date or at the very latest early summer, and also because I currently own an xbox and have come to a conclusion that what has made ps2 better than xbox is quality and volume of games. So it was my understanding that the same, most likely, would be the same when it came to the 360 and ps3. However, reading articles on this site as well as in the forum, I am not so sure now that my decision was correct. I am at a point now where I don' t know whether I should just buy a 360 or ps3, or just go ahead and buy them both. Ps3 has given us some great trailer footage but that is about it, no new news on launch dates or a price tag. Sony is playing a dangerous game, and I' m not sure if it will hurt them or reward them in the long run. Blu ray keeps popping up as the biggest obstacle facing Sony right now, not the cost of parts as we all know they will be willing to lose money on the console and make that up on the games. Sony needs to close this issue with Blu ray and give us gamers some kind of concrete news, which I imagine will not come for at least a month or 2(E3).

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RE: general ps3 - Feb 28, 2006 22:32

We' ll be hearing some sort of news in the next few days hopefully. Tomorrow DevStation 2006 begins and runs for 2 days is specifically focusing on PS3. With any luck we' ll hear a couple more things about PS3 development ad what the future holds.

The DevStation website is located here...

Also note that GDC (Games Developers Conference) runs from the 20th to the 24th of March and both Sony and Nintendo have keynote speeches lined up.

The GDC site is located here...

We' re unlikely to get any further clues as to when PS3 will launch but it should answer some of our questions.

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RE: general ps3 - Mar 01, 2006 06:45 both dude....' s the only way to avoid tears.....
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RE: general ps3 - Mar 01, 2006 13:31
and don' t forget the Rev, it' ll replace your morning exercise.

oh and welcome!
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RE: general ps3 - Mar 01, 2006 23:28
Thanks for the reply.
Sony Announces Blu-Ray Date; PS3 Soon Thereafter?
By: Jared Black

Sony has announced that the Blu-Ray format will launch in North America on May 23rd, with the Samsung BD-P1000 being the first Blu-Ray player available on the market. Eight movies will launch alongside the format, including 50 First Dates, The Fifth Element, Hitch, House of Flying Daggers, A Knight' s Tale, The Last Waltz, Resident Evil Apocalypse and XXX.

These will be followed by Kung Fu Hustle, Legends of the Fall, Robocop, Stealth, Species, SWAT and Terminator on June 13th. Sony also announced that it is merging its optical drive business with NEC' s, forming a joint venture with the HD-DVD supporter (Sony hedging its bets perhaps?) in which it will have a 55% majority stake.

Of course, what we really care about here at VGGEN is when the PlayStation 3, which will of course feature the format as a major selling point, will launch. After yesterday' s story where Sony admitted a launch delay was possible due to delays in nailing down the final Blu-Ray specs, it would seem that we now have a vague idea of when the PS3 launch will happen. The system will almost definitely launch no earlier than May 23rd, and likely several months after that unless Sony is planning the greatest E3 surprise of all-time (which would show the company learned nothing from Sega' s ill-fated surprise Saturn launch in 1995). Since they would also want to give Samsung and other Blu-Ray player manufacturers a few months to sell their units before the cheaper all-in-one PS3 hits the market, that would place the PS3 launch sometime in the Fall in North America.

That, of course, has been the prevailing theory here at VGGEN and elsewhere in the media for quite some time now.
With this article can' t we just safely assume a PS3 launch date or what? We now know when Blu-Ray is being launched so PS3 couldn' t be too far behind now could they? I guess once again we' re just going to have to wait for Sony to come out with an OFFICIAL word.

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RE: general ps3 - Mar 01, 2006 23:57

Sega' s ill-fated surprise Saturn launch in 1995

Yeah, that pissed a lot of people off. Sony won' t be doing anything of the sort though.

It' ll probably hit Japan in September then the US in November

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RE: general ps3 - Mar 02, 2006 05:00
sony won' t be coming out with any official press statement' s anymore, they' re allergic.

hey, if we can get it stateside or... uh... canadaside? by thanksgiving, i won' t be suprised. yeah, it would bite, but it' s not like a late release was unexpected.

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RE: general ps3 - Mar 02, 2006 21:56
I agree majik, I' m not upset anymore about hearing sony has delayed the launch of the ps3, with what I' ve read in the past few weeks, I' ve come to expect a northamerican launch sometime this fall, which isn' t that bad. For Sony, as long as they have ps3 out for the Christmas rush it' ll be fine.

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RE: general ps3 - Mar 03, 2006 10:23

For Sony, as long as they have ps3 out for the Christmas rush it' ll be fine.

It would have benefitted them to have it out sooner, especially seeing as Revolution will be launching in the US this fall too and 360 is expected to have sold 8-10 million by the end of the year.

I' m reserving my judgement for now but i don' t expect a lot from the launch anyway and i' ll be buying Revolution as soon as i can, ...i don' t even have to see it, just sign me up...

For me to part with what Sony will ask, they have some work to do. This E3 is going to be major i think

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RE: general ps3 - Mar 04, 2006 00:58
i agree, this e3 will be the hottest one since the dreamcast launch. and as for the ps3, it won' t matter what their launch date, or titles are. people will buy, it' s a ps3 for pete' s sake. it' s gotta be better than the ps2!!! that means it rocks! right? right?

but i' ve got my money on nintendo. i think they' re moving away from the pack in terms of gaming. 360 and PS3 are the only real competitors in the next gen race.

but that' s only because Nintendo has no real competition. they are a company all their own. They' ve got that quirky gaming thing down to a science with the DS, and they' ll dominate the japaneese market, the young market, and the estranged 35 year old pac-man playing market with the revolution. everyone' s clamoring for visuals, and i think ps3 and 360 will deliver. but nintendo always has and always will be for gameplay.

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RE: general ps3 - Mar 04, 2006 01:24
i think sony are being way too risky with the way they are treating gamers. although theyre probably thinking e3 will calm everyones fears and get people all hyped up i think they should be reassuring people and showing the hardware off. if they were honest like microsoft were about 360 then people would be so concerned about where it was all going.

nintendo poses a huge threat to both systems and i think sony knows that it will be targetted the hardest by rev. the whole bluray (beta-ray even) mess has caused a lot of difficulties for sony and many people have lost some faith in the company.

did you know that the first bluray discs will only hold 25 gig and the first hddvd discs will hold 30? because of that and all the other problems with the bluray technology companies who had previously been stout bluray supporters have also said their films will be released on hddvd too. its not like people will even take the jump until there is a clear winner anyway so sony were stupid to stop the development of hddvd/bluray combo players.

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RE: general ps3 - Mar 06, 2006 22:23
E3 will be amazing, hopefully. Hopefully Sony will have some kind of announcement concerning ps3. I like the comments made about rev, since a lot of people, me included, have forgotten about rev. The rev controller for one looks fantastic, since the first time it was unveilled I have had visions of how great fps will be for rev!!! Both ps3 and 360 will have to watch out for rev, rev may not be as advanced as either of the 2, but what nintendo has going got them is pure enjoyable gameplay. How many people would by the rev just to play the next mario kart game or mario party game? Sony and Microsoft have gone for the glitz and glamour in their systems, nintendo just wants you to have a good time playing the games, and they also want to get new gamers on board, people who have never otherwise played games regularly, that in it' s own is awesome!!!

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RE: general ps3 - Mar 07, 2006 06:29
Definately, if sony had been honest, i think there' d be more hype. yeah, mystery and the unknown always brings hype, but when people start to realise that they won' t know anything for a while, a long, while, the suspense wears off. I was anxious for the launch when they were first showing off the case, and when i saw the mgs 4 trailer, but i almost bought an x-box 360 in a fit of anxiety last week. i just have to hold out till fall... 2024

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RE: general ps3 - Mar 07, 2006 07:01

but i almost bought an x-box 360 in a fit of anxiety last week.

I know the feeling, I keep checking the internet each day hoping against hope that there is some new information.
I also found myself last week really tempted to by a 360, until i realised, that is, there is nothing on the system i would be willing to spend out on as there are not many things are to my taste yet. I just wanted to have something ' new' .. I hope when PS3 launches that there are some good games, but currently i just wanna get all the information on it

Well for now my PS2 is keeping me very happy, and this year seems good for the machine. I' m not in a rush for a ps3, just want lots of new official news (and to see gameson a rev too but this is not the place for that, is it?)
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RE: general ps3 - Mar 07, 2006 13:45

Sony and Microsoft have gone for the glitz and glamour in their systems, nintendo just wants you to have a good time playing the games, and they also want to get new gamers on board, people who have never otherwise played games regularly, that in it' s own is awesome!!!

MS is trying to go that way too with Live Arcade. They are going for the glitz and glamour, but also after the simple, easy to pick up games. You can play street fighter on Aracde now, how cool is that. Midway is gonna have 5 of their old skool games available for Live Arcade, just wait until other companies join too, like Capcom. Maybe in a year we' ll see SNK games on there, Metal slug, last blade, samurai showdown, GMOTW etc etc.

Im really excited about the Rev too...I still want to know more, but like Majik said, sign me up for when the rev is released, I' ll be buying one, even if I haven' t bought the 360 or ps3 yet.

PS3 on the other hand, I don' t know if they are gonna have something like Live Arcade, but anyway, no matter what, PS3 is gonna get the biggest support anyway and it is going to be a success, no matter how much they' re fucking around now.

Joe, you know more about movies and what not, and since blu-ray and hd-dvd are closely linked to movies, which do you think will win, hd-dvd or blu-ray? Ive read somehwere that the HD-DVD is more felxible than the blu-ray when it comes to types of video formats and sound and all that shit, which would be an advantage for the future. and you guys, what do you think? I know this is a topic about the ps3, but I think the blu-ray is and will play a huge role on the ps3, so trying to understand it better wouldn' t be a bad idea.
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RE: general ps3 - Mar 07, 2006 19:15
I will one that will have a rev as soon as it comes out...cuz its all about games right? i must say i am a xbox 360 fan but so far its expensive, specially games, and 1st generation of games arent usually that great because developers dont know the hardware that well....when halo 3 is officially announced then count me in

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RE: general ps3 - Mar 08, 2006 01:22
Canadagamer - you should realise that PS3 won' t have as many cool games as 360 for at least a year after it' s launch.(remember first year of PS2?)

I think Playstation is a brand that could be described as " The ultimate gaming platform after 3-5 years from launch" - OFC if it sells very well (cause that will force Devs to make games for a " very hard to program system" )

This month Xbox 360 will totally rule with Ghost Recon and Oblivion.

Now I don' t own 360 (I' m still playing on PS2 - MGS3 at the moment) , but it has become a fantastic system - I can' t believe how many good games came out for it in such a short time.

Call of Duty 2
Project Gotham Racing 3
Quake 4

and now GRAW and Oblivion.

and soon even more amazing games ...damn :)

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RE: general ps3 - Mar 08, 2006 01:26
I dont wanna speak for games for ps3 yet...
many games that are being dev that isn' t announced that may have gotten very far,or games like dmc4 for ex...
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RE: general ps3 - Mar 08, 2006 02:30
Y?eah you' re right , but looking at PS2 - it' s promising titles and then the actual launch titles, I think it could be mediocre.Still maybe they' ve learned something ...

Can' t wait :)

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RE: general ps3 - Mar 08, 2006 06:59
I suppose all this wait for the system is helping devs as they (possible) have more time to work on their games. So at least the games should be polished first gen games.

I wonder about launch... Multi release? Doubt it, but it' d certainly help them they would sell out quick but then, they will anyway. If they can wait until a time they have enough components etc then it' s possible.
Launch titles? Sony need to pull something out, if people wait a lifetime for this console and then it launches with the equivilent of the ps2 launch line up (read crap) then it' s gonna hurt them even more.

Monday after next is first day of gdc, sony are set to make a speech, do you think it' ll be another tgs (read another E3) or will sony FINALLY unveil something new, something REAL?

Here' s hoping something good this way comes.
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RE: general ps3 - Mar 08, 2006 07:14
[quoteI suppose all this wait for the system is helping devs as they (possible) have more time to work on their games. So at least the games should be polished first gen games.

Good point,could SONY be delaying Ps3 with purpace,to let dev have more time so they can show something better at the launch date?!
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
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RE: general ps3 - Mar 08, 2006 08:07
It' s virtually impossible for Sony to reveal anything substantial before E3. This years E3 is going to be all about Nintendo, and Sony are faced with countering that, ...and it' s all the more important because their launch windows will coincide.

I just expect a couple of minor announcements and more information about Playstation HUB from GDC, ...maybe a PSP announcement too.

Luckily for Microsoft, by the time Rev and PS3 launch, 360 will have a large userbase (could be as many as 10 million by the end of the year) and BIG BIG games will be arriving or already out.

I should get Advanced Warfighter tomorrow and i can' t wait, ...then i have to wait for Oblivion, ...then for Prey, then for Double Agent...etc...

I' m not even concerning myself with thoughts about PS3 until, ...well, ....until E3 i guess...

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RE: general ps3 - Mar 08, 2006 08:09
IGN 3/7/2006 9.2 out of 10 92.0%
Electronic Gaming Monthly 4/1/2006 9.5 out of 10 95.0%
Game Informer 4/1/2006 9.5 out of 10 95.0%
TeamXBOX 3/7/2006 9.3 out of 10 93.0%

So far at gamerankings... for GRAW :P
ANyway,i called the store they said,you can only buy it on friday,or i will get in trobule :)
So i have it on friday morning.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
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RE: general ps3 - Mar 08, 2006 22:18
I agree with majik, we all should wait til E3 because that is where sony will make, hopefully a big announcement. gangsta you are right as well, I remember with the ps2 launch the games were garbage and we waited a long time for devs to learn to make great games for ps2.

At E3 I believe sony will be making a bigger announcement than just talking about hub or something new for the psp, as majik said E3 is all about nintendo, and sony is going to have to give us something concrete, like a launch date.
I can dream can' t I????

With all the great games already out for 360 and others on there way, this puts Sony behind the 8 ball. I don' t think gamers will have the patience they had with the launch of ps2 (granted there was no xbox launch at the same time) only because 360 has been out for months now and launched with great games. Sony has to do make doubly sure that their launch titles are up to the standards brought forth by 360.

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RE: general ps3 - Mar 09, 2006 00:18

At E3 I believe sony will be making a bigger announcement than just talking about hub or something new for the psp

I said GDC not E3 GDC is this month and i don' t expect to hear much from Sony, just Playstation HUB stuff and some stuff on PSP...

At E3 Sony will certainly announce the release dates for all territories along with tons of game announcements, the final console design and controller and some funky EyeToy stuff. They' ll alos probably officially announce the $99 EyeToy PS2 that' s been rumoured, combat Nintendo as best they can.

From Microsoft i expect loads of Xbox Live/Marketplace stuff to be announced, new peripherals and lots of exclusive game announcements.

But Nintendo will put on THE best show in years...

Sony has to do make doubly sure that their launch titles are up to the standards brought forth by 360

Well i expect PS3' s launch lineup will be far superior to 360' s launch titles but i think they' ll be overshadowed by the 360 games that are releasing at the same time, ...that and Revolutions lineup!

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RE: general ps3 - Mar 09, 2006 07:59
sorry about that majik, I looked back and saw that you indeed said gdc and not E3. You do bring up some good points as to what will be mentioned and shown off at E3. I hope that sony will have far superior lauch titles than 360 had for what it' s worth.
All I can say is can' t wait for E3 this year, going to be a good one me thinks.

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RE: general ps3 - Mar 09, 2006 08:04
Shame about the new rules regarding the booth babes though...
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RE: general ps3 - Mar 12, 2006 05:14
rules regarding booth babes? tell me they' re not like illegal or anything now?

so my theory on this whole E3 shindig is that if we can figure out what kind of things were done at the E3 when PS2 was announced, we can have a good idea of what sony is announcing for ps3. does anyone have a good link to something like that, that was before i was really into gaming news.

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RE: general ps3 - Mar 12, 2006 07:16
Well...all i can say is,MS really has made 2006-2007 to a great year for us xbox360 owners,no matter what ps3 get,we dont need to be envy,sony can only fail at this moment,while MS is doing better then expected.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: general ps3 - Mar 12, 2006 08:57
The booth babes?!

There are to be no scantly clad women at E3 2006. It was announced in January that the new rules include an on the spot fine of $5000 for the booth owner if the women promoting the stand wern' t fully clothed!!!

Take a look...

Terry Bogard
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RE: general ps3 - Mar 12, 2006 09:04
In addition to that, now all we need is for the " booth babes" to be tested on their knowledge of the games they' re pimping out at their respective booths, and if they get more than half of the answers wrong, fine the booth owners an extra $1000
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Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.

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RE: general ps3 - Mar 12, 2006 10:00
Well in usa they use old cranky actresses that failed :P as booth babe,or young babes that doesnt have enough money as it is.
While in japan the girls love to dress up and act like booth babes,ofc there is some booth babe that is the same as the american,but majority of th girls in japan really love to dress up for big event and use that sexy cloth :P that a girl had in a game.
And they always have a smile on their face,and if someone take away that,we need to get them :P
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
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RE: general ps3 - Mar 12, 2006 10:01
Heh, I assumed it was just a ban on camel toes... I' m pretty sure overall babe usage will be just as tasteless as it usually is!

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RE: general ps3 - Mar 12, 2006 17:34
For the first time this week i heard " camel toe" thanks to " the weather man" staring nicolas cage, i know what it means now because there were some illustrations :)

and there you go choupolo , you said it again

why am i saying this?

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RE: general ps3 - Mar 12, 2006 20:48
I' ve been to Egypt and Saudi Arabia, and i' ll tell you, ...camels toes really ain' t all that!!!

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RE: general ps3 - Mar 15, 2006 00:36
Looks like sony is in even more hot water since their court battle has been thrown out. I' m just glad that microsoft decided to pay an out of court settlement and become one of their licensee' s.

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RE: general ps3 - Mar 15, 2006 01:33
I laughed my ass off when i heard about it. They paid their witness $150, 000 and claimed it was advanced royalties?! Immersion are gonna rake the money in. Sony are still appealing and so can continue to sell PS2' s (which they wouldn' t be able to do if they lose because they' re bundled with a dual shock 2) until they eventually lose, ...which they will.

The $90.7 Million payment to Immersion still stands and it would cost Sony about $30 million a year to licence the technology for future or continued use when they eventually lose the entire case.

Sony are pathetic!

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RE: general ps3 - Mar 15, 2006 02:28
That was so forseen though I don' t know what logic they were working by on paying $150,000 it' s so easily discredited as un-reliable. Now i' m even more interested in seeing what' s going to be the ps3' s fate.

Stupid sony.
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