Quez VS Majikdra6on Gamescores (renamed ps3 thread due to relevance)

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Michael Star
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Quez VS Majikdra6on Gamescores (renamed ps3 thread due to relevance) - Feb 28, 2006 08:33
Let' s just have 1 thread with all the latest on ps3 release info, or not if nobody' s interested. Anyway, here' s my latest " official" find, claiming the production is finally gonna commence @ the end of this month. And please, no more Merryl Lynch quotes....

SAN FRANCISCO (AFX) - Sony Corp may be forced to delay the launch of its PlayStation 3 console until the autumn, according to published reports.

The launch, originally scheduled for the spring, could be delayed for months because of the failure to set the specifications of the Blue-ray DVD technology, a Sony Computer Entertainment spokesman said, according to Kyodo News.

A group of about 80 Blu-ray DVD manufacturers, including Sony Corp and Matsushita Electric Industrial Co, did not set specifications for the advanced DVD format by the end of last year, Kyodo reported.

Manufacturing is scheduled to begin at the end of the month, Kyodo said.

This story was supplied by MarketWatch. For further information see

< Message edited by Michael Star -- 1 Mar 06 17:02:28 >

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RE: PS3 news thread - latest additions - Feb 28, 2006 08:58

Let' s just have 1 thread with all the latest on ps3 release info

We' ll have whatever we like thankyou.

Firstly there' s nothing " official" about it. Look...

Manufacturing is scheduled to begin at the end of the month, Kyodo reported.

Kyodo isn' t the Sony spokesperson it' s a news group. Kyodo News! It' s not an official comment from Sony.

The manufacturing talked about isn' t PS3' s it' sBlu-Rays.

The delay, was caused by the AACS and they have only recently offered provisional licenses to Sony and the other companies who will be supplying HD players. The players themselves are expected to roll out in the next couple of months so their manufacture would have to start soon. That' s what' s being reported.

It only mentions PS3 because the complications Sony have run into with Blu-Ray are what Sony claim could be responsible for PS3' s strikingly obvious impending delay.

PS3 hardware according to industry sources has still not been finalised. They' re certainly NOT going to be beginning production yet. We' ll know when they do though because it' ll be everywhere.

So, ...thank' s for your " official" PS3 update, that wasn' t a PS3 update at all. Courtesy of google automatic updates was it?!

< Message edited by Majikdra6on -- 28 Feb 06 1:22:20 >

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RE: PS3 news thread - latest additions - Feb 28, 2006 13:14
I think we have one ps3 thread. Kikizo' s PS3 hands on report is good enough, it went on long and we can just post there. but anyway, thanx for taking interest here. Hope u stay around! and yes, read my last post on that topic, it talks about this and something you' ll wanna know.
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RE: PS3 news thread - latest additions - Mar 01, 2006 01:02
Yeah michael welcome..

BTW, ignore Majikdra6on' s rudeness, Hes secretly out for a Job from Kikizo and is trying his very hardest to impress them with his Internet inflicted knowledge-based threads .. he don' t like people ' stepping on his turf' as they say..

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RE: PS3 news thread - latest additions - Mar 01, 2006 02:56
nice icon killer.

anyways, dont listen to either Majik or F3hunter, they' re both agents working for the illuminati.

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RE: PS3 news thread - latest additions - Mar 01, 2006 03:24
Watch out for Majik and F3hunter - it' s true they both work for illuminati , but Eddie works for Bin Laden so it' s not the best bet either :)

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RE: PS3 news thread - latest additions - Mar 01, 2006 04:09
I dislike Bin Ladin,my name is Bi...Lodin...so...it pisses me off!!!
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: PS3 news thread - latest additions - Mar 01, 2006 05:02
Actually i work for the Illuminus not the dreaded Illuminati!!!

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RE: PS3 news thread - latest additions - Mar 01, 2006 05:06

Manufacturing is scheduled to begin at the end of the month, Kyodo said.

This story was supplied by MarketWatch

Lets just hope its true,i wont be able to afford ps3 when it comes out,but,listen,the sooner ps3 is out the better,the more competetion and price drop we will see.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: PS3 news thread - latest additions - Mar 01, 2006 05:07
Quez, it isn' t even talking about PS3. Where it talks about manufacture starting it' s about Blu-Ray..

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RE: PS3 news thread - latest additions - Mar 01, 2006 05:10
I cant lie,i just read what i quoted and the topic :P
wtf >_<
I must learn to read new peoples post' s,im sorry micheal star.
< Message edited by QuezcatoL -- 28 Feb 06 21:11:14 >
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: PS3 news thread - latest additions - Mar 01, 2006 05:14

You' re my favourite person here Quez, i can' t believe we argued before...

< Message edited by Majikdra6on -- 28 Feb 06 21:14:51 >

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RE: PS3 news thread - latest additions - Mar 01, 2006 05:34

I cant lie,i just read what i quoted and the topic :P
wtf >_<
I must learn to read new peoples post' s,im sorry micheal star.


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RE: PS3 news thread - latest additions - Mar 01, 2006 05:35


You' re my favourite person here Quez, i can' t believe we argued before...

You seen my gamerscore and achivments?
finished PDZ on secret agent today!!!
Give me graw now...
And btw PDZ was great,i give it 88/100
Its to short though,but the graphic is extremly nice :) so is the missions,but it only has 12 mission when PD had 21,last mssion in pdz is a boss,so i say 12.

Majik,let our former anger go over people from Northamerica in graw :P
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: PS3 news thread - latest additions - Mar 01, 2006 06:08

Majik,let our former anger go over people from Northamerica in graw :P

Oh yeah baby! We are gonna kick some ass alright!!!

Your Perfect Dark score is much higher than mine, ...you' re on 115 and i' m only on 30!!! I haven' t played it in ages though.

I thought my overall gamerscore of 2045 was pretty reasonable until i saw my friends was over 8000...

March will be a busy months for me since i want almost every game thats being released for 360. I need to check the Oblivion achievements and see what' s what...

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RE: PS3 news thread - latest additions - Mar 01, 2006 06:13
Its kind of crazy that you get 15 points for finishing PDZ on secret agent,while 200 for finishing KING KONG on easy...

The gamerscore is more about how many games do you have,and do they put the score on Mp or SP...
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: PS3 news thread - latest additions - Mar 01, 2006 06:33
You get point for both i think, it depends on the developers. I know you can get achievements (like all the multi-player one you' ve got yourself already) online but i think you get points too.

The points need to be sorted out for the next lot of games though. The sports games which i haven' t even bothered with yet give you tons really quickly and you get 600 for completeing Kameo.

I had a bad run online playing DoA4 last week and netted myself a ' loser' achievement, ...i wasn' t amused!

I can' t wait for Ghost Recon!

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RE: PS3 news thread - latest additions - Mar 01, 2006 06:40
Achivments is a good idea though,cause you can bust liars.
Remember when i said i finsihed Ninja gaiden on very hard?
Well that was a fucking lie.
And none of you people here could ever control that,but now you can on Ninja gaiden 2 via my GT >_<

I finished it on HARD,not Very hard ffs.

Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: PS3 news thread - latest additions - Mar 01, 2006 13:36
i knew you was lying lee, i knew you was lying! (rush hour 2 if no one remembers)
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Michael Star
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RE: PS3 news thread - latest additions - Mar 02, 2006 01:00
well, maybe I misinterpreted the " news" I read too, but just guess what the google alert provided me with today? I' m sorry I can' t provide you with a link, ' cause I deleted the mail it came with. Same thing with official sony comment this time. Maybe I should do a bit more research before I post something, but fuck, For me anything that sounds as Japanese as kyodo, will do for me. Anyways, at least it was nice to have read the 2 page long jibberish about your scores; so if this thread goes down being a bad ps3-news post, I can always rename it into QuezcatoL vs Majikdra6on gamescores, ' cause so it seemes, there a lot of interest in that matter.

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RE: PS3 news thread - latest additions - Mar 02, 2006 01:10
Penis envy?

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RE: PS3 news thread - latest additions - Mar 02, 2006 01:25
What the heck is ' Penis envy' ? and who has it? lol.
< Message edited by dasher232 -- 1 Mar 06 17:25:45 >

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RE: PS3 news thread - latest additions - Mar 02, 2006 01:31

ORIGINAL: dasher232

What the heck is ' Penis envy' ? and who has it? lol.


Damn that made me laugh!

Mr Star isn' t happy we turned his PS3 news thread into a conversation about Xbox Live Gamerscores. He likely doesn' t have an Xbox 360 and is suffering from penis envy...

^5 dash!!!

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RE: PS3 news thread - latest additions - Mar 02, 2006 02:10
Do you guys play PDZ online much?? If so, add me as a friend " RaKier" . I think my gamerscore is 220 or something, but not sure. The achievments in that game are rediculous when compared to others. The EA games in particular are so weak. I believe you get something like 200 gamer points for your first win in madden 06. Hell just for doing the training mission in Call of duty I got 50. Then you go to PDZ and you have to get 1000 sniper kills or play 10 000 deathmatch games for 30 a piece. My gamer score is 2335, and that' s pretty much all from PDZ, Amped 3, Gun, and Dead or Alive.

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RE: PS3 news thread - latest additions - Mar 02, 2006 02:11

Achivments is a good idea though,cause you can bust liars.
Remember when i said i finsihed Ninja gaiden on very hard?
Well that was a fucking lie.
And none of you people here could ever control that,but now you can on Ninja gaiden 2 via my GT >_<

Damn that was funny Quetz!!! " Well that was a fucking lie" . Ahhhhhhh, you slay me.

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RE: PS3 news thread - latest additions - Mar 02, 2006 02:29
Please keep threads on topic or they get locked. This one started well too which is a shame. :(