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Crappy games
Feb 23, 2003 23:06
When was the first time you noticed a game was complete shit? At first every single game was fun when young. When did you grow up and notice developers were shoving shit down your throat? I think mine was Clockwork(or something like that) for Saturn
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RE: Crappy games
Feb 23, 2003 23:20
I started to feel cheated when I got my N64 a few years ago. Many of the products could have been better - that' s when I decided to try and get into a bit of gaming journalism. Now I can tell companies making video games exactly what I think of their offerings... and it feels real good. Anyhow, I can' t remember the last " crappy game" I played, I somehow manage to find something decent in just about every title I pick up. Ill get back to you on that though...
Adam Doree
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RE: Crappy games
Feb 23, 2003 23:55
Mortal Kombat - without a doubt. These days though it' s supposed to be quite good (MK:DA). Since then, the list of crap games I' ve found is endless...
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RE: Crappy games
Feb 23, 2003 23:56
Mortal Kombat - without a doubt. I hope you don' t mean part one
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RE: Crappy games
Feb 24, 2003 16:42
The first time was probably when I was really young and still on my first machine - the C64. Like Drew I had thought every game was great, but when I played Aliens (licensed from the film) I knew that this wasn' t the case. Aliens got some decnet reviews at the time, but despite being a fan of the movies I couldn' t believe how much I hated this. Dereadful, boring, uneventful gameplay with crap grapohics and no atmosphere sums up the experience for me.
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RE: Crappy games
Feb 24, 2003 18:27
I got Friday The 13th when I was six. After playing it for a few hours I knew it was complete shit.
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RE: Crappy games
Feb 25, 2003 15:56
Pitfighter on the Lynx. Played it once. For about two minutes. Never touched it again.
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RE: Crappy games
Feb 26, 2003 23:19
Oh Christ! Thats easy. E. fuggin T. on the Atari 2600. That game sparked me to become a critical consumer.[:' (]
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RE: Crappy games
Mar 09, 2003 03:52
ET on the Atari 2600 yeah I remember that, really shitty! But another crap came was Return of the JEDI arcade, compared the the Vector Grafix original it was arse. Oh and another worth a mention was the first one on one beat' em up on the Megadrive Street Smart, oh dear...
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RE: Crappy games
Mar 12, 2003 23:06
There were some InTellevision games that pissed me off lots, but I can' t remember them because I tossed them and spent the last 20 years forgetting. The last one that really stands out was Bayou Billy on the NES. This game coulda been SWEET! It had driving, fighting, and shooting! In theory it was perfect....a cross between Double Dragon, Operation Wolf, and Rad Racer; three of my favorite games. Utter crap.
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RE: Crappy games
Mar 13, 2003 04:47
Ah-the old Intellivision. The one I hated for it was a piece called something like Vectron-it became impossible after the third short level. I still have it and all my othe Intellivision games.
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RE: Crappy games
Mar 18, 2003 23:57
For me it was when i played " no one can stop mr. domino" for psx. that game was such crap.
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RE: Crappy games
Aug 29, 2004 15:26
Ya that domino game sucked but overall baseball games take the prize. i dont think they have realized that graphics aint everything. Makes me sick[:' (]
Terry Bogard
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RE: Crappy games
Aug 29, 2004 19:02
I think mine was Clockwork(or something like that) for Saturn DIE!!! and die HARD!! :p I love that game! :) Paperboy 2 for the SNES was the first game to put me to sleep. I woke up ten minutes later and had to go for a walk just to really wake me up...
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RE: Crappy games
Aug 29, 2004 23:02
Last year I bought a new rig and Pre-Ordered Doom 3. I still feel kind of ripped off. Sonic Blast is got to be my most hated game that I have bought. Saved for about two months before release date, Biked (In the Friggin cold, too) to the store. So you can imagine my utter disappointment when Sonics wicked transition to 3D was complete utter poo. Me and my mate felt so ripped off. needless to say we went back to the good old Tried and true 2D sonic. i have stayed there ever since. I did play Superman 64. Twas a good thing I rented it (I learned my lesson well  ) Now I regret not buying as it has reached cult status as one of the worst games of all time. I' m still on the look out for a copy.
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RE: Crappy games
Aug 30, 2004 00:39
For me, the Atari 2600 version of Pac Man was soooo hyped, then turned out to be the biggest bunch of sh** that I ever played. It was nothing like the arcade in looks or play...
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RE: Crappy games
Aug 30, 2004 02:06
I was kind of pissed off with Grandia II for PS2... In the cities, the game would... lag... it was way tooooooo easy... I was also very disapointed with Hunter the Reconing: Wayward.
vanswa garbutt
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RE: Crappy games
Aug 30, 2004 02:36
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RE: Crappy games
Aug 30, 2004 07:09
I enjoyed almost every game and I think every game I played had a decent story and gameplay...since I was born in 1988 and didn' t play games until 8-9 years old, I didn' t get to touch the Atari or Intellivision or whatever oldie consoles are out there...the oldest console I have is the NES, which had decent games...the only crappy games are those that are damaged...scratched...dusty...
Games I want: Starcraft: Ghost (went to gamestop and saw it on the shelf labeled " coming soon, reserve your copy today" Halo 2
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RE: Crappy games
Aug 30, 2004 13:50
Run Like Hell for PS2 (means " RUN LIKE HELL AWAY FROM THIS GAME)
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RE: Crappy games
Aug 30, 2004 14:06
Let' s see...some truly trashy trash that stands out in my memory- Superman (N64) War Gods (PSOne, N64) E.T. (Atari 2600) Zero Wing (Genesis) Army Men: Green Rogue (multi) Driven (multi) Star Wars: Masters of Teras Kasi (PSOne) Kabuki Warriors (Xbox) Pulse Racer (Xbox) Paris-Dakar Rally (PS2) Akuji the Heartless (PSOne)
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RE: Crappy games
Aug 31, 2004 03:30
Ahh, I just remembered a more recent piece of cr**...Azurik for the XBOX!
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