Toshiba competing against... themselves?

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Toshiba competing against... themselves? - Feb 26, 2006 03:21
I don' t know if I' ve got this right but Toshiba was involved in the creation of the Cell chip, a very important part of the PS3 right?
And they are also developing HD-DVD roms right?
And the PS3 will have a Blu-Ray drive.
Doesn' t this mean that if the PS3 is successful, Toshibas chip will be very successful but their HD-DVDs will probably not be.
And the other way around, if the HD-DVD drives are successful, the PS3 might not be, and thus Toshibas chips will be less successful.
I know it' s not that simple, for one thing the Cell chips will be used in other products than the PS3 and that the success of the PS3 and HD-DVDs might not be related to each other. But it' s still a tricky situation that bugs me. Doesn' t this mean that Toshiba wants the PS3 to be succesful as much as they want it not to?
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 25 Feb 06 19:38:57 >

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RE: Toshiba competing against... themselves? - Feb 26, 2006 04:14
Ha ha ha...

...Yeah pretty much. I' m suprised anyone else here picked up on it. We had a similar discussion last year in one of our seminars...

IBM, SONY and Toshiba started work on CELL in 2000 i think, which is well before Sony began Blu-Rays development. It' s just another case of SONY wanting to control the market.

HD-DVD was voted for by the DVD Forum (the people who maintain one standard of such media) by 8 votes to 6. Blu-Ray Wasn' t submitted to the DVD Forum for consideration because SONY knew they wouldn' t win the votes.

CELL is a certain to be a success because if the wide range of things it can be used it. The military bought into CELL too, likely using it in their own computers.

I guess in a roundabout way it DOES mean that Toshiba is competing against themselves, but it isn' t their fault and it' s not like they set themselves up for it.

Terry Bogard
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RE: Toshiba competing against... themselves? - Feb 26, 2006 04:26
I' ve thought about the Toshiba and Sony relationship before since they (Toshiba) supposedly developed the custom 128-bit CPU used in the PS2. It' s an interesting situation, and I always wonder what kind of strain it puts on the Sony - Toshiba relationship in other areas.
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.

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RE: Toshiba competing against... themselves? - Feb 26, 2006 16:55
yeah it' s weird. the cell chip will be used in computers by sony and IBM, but im sure they won' t put in a hd-dvd rom in there, but a blu-ray rom. Wouldn' t that piss off toshiba though, since they developed the cell too, but want to sell hd-dvd? I dunno man.

Apparently, Sony doesn' t look at MS as a threat, they might consider working with them. Lol, if they do, they' ll be so busy sorting out their probs that Nintendo will go to the top. I dunno, MS and Sony? together? We' ll see I guess, I don' t expect much from it though, IF it happens.
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