BLACK Reviewed at IGN!

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Boss Hogg
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BLACK Reviewed at IGN! - Feb 23, 2006 10:47

Pretty decent score. I still wait for it though.
< Message edited by Boss Hogg -- 23 Feb 06 2:48:49 >

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RE: BLACK Reviewed at IGN! - Feb 23, 2006 18:28
I was very dissapointed with Black Demo - I might try the retail version to see if it' s any better.

" short and shallow" REVIEW - GAMESPOT

It' s one of those games that PC gamers can say " consoles FPS are hopeless and stupid - I played BLack"
< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 23 Feb 06 11:06:41 >

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RE: BLACK Reviewed at IGN! - Feb 23, 2006 21:53
Well i' ve played the full PS2 version, and while I am not really much of an FPS fan, I really enjoy it, to me it is my favourite fps since rainbow six 3. YOu can run and gun through it, or you can take your time as i like to do most of the time.

As for the things people on here have said about the many bullets to kill one person, while that is true, it depends where you shoot them, I get so meany head shot- one hit kills, but you gotta land it right.

For me, It lives up to the hype and infact surpasses it, as i wasn' t expecting to like it so much despite what i was reading.
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