No halo3 wont come this year!

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No halo3 wont come this year! - Feb 22, 2006 06:12
Thanks for the news Kikizo but i know for sure it wont come...

" Asked by Next Generation whether Halo 3 would hit this year, Microsoft' s Shane Kim said: " It depends. If it' s the game that everyone is expecting then, yes. For us it' s about making a proper impact on the platform. It has to be something with huge significance, so we won' t be rushed."

Now why would MS not delay the game to 2007 when their movie comes out?
That is the best way to do a big impact,gonna be intresting if the movie sells good or not,remember when Sakaguchis FF7 went sky high,and instead of doing ff8 he went and did the FF movie...


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RE: No halo3 wont come this year! - Feb 22, 2006 06:21
what do you mean it won' t?

I' ve been playing Halo 3 for 2 months now on my DS.
I have to say it' s a bit overhyped but online - its amazing.
< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 21 Feb 06 22:22:16 >

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RE: No halo3 wont come this year! - Feb 22, 2006 06:27
I' d say there was a good chance that it' ll drop in late November, just in time for the holiday.

It' s not like the movie will be based on Halo 3 anyway, would it?!

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RE: No halo3 wont come this year! - Feb 22, 2006 06:34
Okay,it might come in novemember if the movie is coming early 2007 i guess...
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RE: No halo3 wont come this year! - Feb 22, 2006 06:37
No one can say for sure - but that would be a dumb move on their side.
I think it' s been said that it' s based on Halo Books- and those are really cool.
< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 21 Feb 06 22:38:11 >

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RE: No halo3 wont come this year! - Feb 22, 2006 06:41
I read half of one last year when i was in Canada, but i think i misplaced it...

*makes note to get the Halo books..*

November would be perfect. Nintendo are expected to launch then, Sony could be launching in the US then, it' s the busiest time for games companies and the most profitable. I can see a race to be 2006s most wanted Christas present!

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RE: No halo3 wont come this year! - Feb 22, 2006 06:44
Halo 3 starts off where Halo 2 ended. It isn' t based on the books or movie.
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RE: No halo3 wont come this year! - Feb 22, 2006 06:45
But Majik,honestly do you actually think that MS honestly belive that they will make people who waited untill novemember for their ps3 will suddenly go over to 360 for halo3?
I mean sure it make win sales for 360 over the ps3 sales for the new games but it wont lure many consumers...
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: No halo3 wont come this year! - Feb 22, 2006 06:47
Depends on what becomes of PS3 i guess, and just how impressive Halo is actually is...

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RE: No halo3 wont come this year! - Feb 22, 2006 06:48
But according to the quote, if it comes in 2006, it would be a game that everyone is expecting, and I' m not expecting too much tbh.

If they delayed till 07 they might be able to make it a decent and original game, truly worthy of the hype....ok maybe not.

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RE: No halo3 wont come this year! - Feb 22, 2006 06:56
Depends on how long it' s already been in development.

*wonders if Microsoft will make Bungie use the Unreal 3.0 engine...*

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RE: No halo3 wont come this year! - Feb 22, 2006 06:57
despite the hype surrounding Halo 2 vs. the game itelf debates that have raged for what seems like years its important not to forget that Halo 2 made MS hundreds of millions of dollars on its launch, and also that it converted hoards of newcommers to the console, I forget the exact statistic, but it was a massive push, Like 30% or something...

so whilst I' m not going to call it the saviour of the 360 (hopefully better titles will take that place in time) it certainly can' t be ruled out as a major plus. Especially as the film is comming, even if it flops - millions of fan boys will LOVE it hehehe

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RE: No halo3 wont come this year! - Feb 22, 2006 06:58 unreal engine 3.0 plz do a own plz bungie...
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: No halo3 wont come this year! - Feb 22, 2006 07:02
There' s little chance of them messing up the multi-player though. Halo 2 is still the most played Live game.

Terry Bogard
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RE: No halo3 wont come this year! - Feb 22, 2006 07:08

remember when Sakaguchis FF7 went sky high,and instead of doing ff8 he went and did the FF movie...

Oh you mean the movie that bombed so badly that it damn near crippled Squaresoft, forcing them to go begging Nintendo to let them hop aboard the GBA ' easy money' train, as well as seeking refuge and merging with their biggest rival in Japan, Enix? Oh I think Sakaguchi is trying his best to FORGET those events

Don' t hurt me!!

Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.

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RE: No halo3 wont come this year! - Feb 22, 2006 07:09

Oh you mean the movie that bombed so badly that it damn near crippled Squaresoft, forcing them to go begging Nintendo to let them hop aboard the GBA ' easy money' train, as well as seeking refuge and merging with their biggest rival in Japan, Enix? Oh I think Sakaguchi is trying his best to FORGET those events

Don' t hurt me!!


Thats the one :)
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: No halo3 wont come this year! - Feb 22, 2006 07:10

Thats the one :)


Terry Bogard
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RE: No halo3 wont come this year! - Feb 22, 2006 07:12
I second your LOL and raise you a

Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.

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RE: No halo3 wont come this year! - Feb 22, 2006 07:15
Well i' ll see your LMAO and raise you a


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RE: No halo3 wont come this year! - Feb 22, 2006 19:24

But Majik,honestly do you actually think that MS honestly belive that they will make people who waited untill novemember for their ps3 will suddenly go over to 360 for halo3?

Peter Moore said that it isn' t true and that they realise PS3 launch will be an enormous succes and nothing can stop it , so they will release H3 as soon as it' s done and as soon as it' s done really really well.

Well i' ll see your LMAO and raise you a


And I' ll take my shotgun and smoke your asses right here right now KAAABOOOOOOOOOOOOOM

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RE: No halo3 wont come this year! - Feb 23, 2006 00:54
But i will evade said shotgun blast and confuse you to death...


And now i' ll have a Kit Kat!

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RE: No halo3 wont come this year! - Feb 23, 2006 01:15
Kit Kat sux,a Lion,snickers even a freaking twix is better ;)
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: No halo3 wont come this year! - Feb 23, 2006 02:49
I just don' t understand how one single game can have such influence on the market. If the PS2 has got 25 times more great titles as the Xbox the Xbox fans just go " Halo" and voilá! The Xbox is ruler supreme. It' s like the Halo franshise is worth as much as the entire library of the PS2... I don' t get it. Halo is fun but not that fun.

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RE: No halo3 wont come this year! - Feb 23, 2006 03:40
Halo 2 totally messed up the PStwo launch, Sony didn' t take anywhere near as much as they expected/hoped and it sold a shitload of Xbox' s.

The title was overhyped but still sold really well, proving that hype works.

The only game Halo 2 could possibly be compared to is Halo: CE! If they were two separate franchises and Halo 2 wasn' t sequel then it would have been hailed a masterpiece.

Halo and Halo 2 are the best multi-player games you can get for a console, and they both made Live. There isn' t a single FPS on PS2 that caould dream of matching them and FPS' are becoming important games for consoles.

I agree that PS2 has waaaaay more great titles than Xbox, that' s a given, but it doesn' t mean that Xbox doesn' t have some truly superb titles that PS2 player would like to have, ...many of them even overlooked by Xbox owners.

Otogi and Otogi 2 especially
Conker Live & Reloaded (which i actually think is better than Halo 2 on Live)
Oddworld: Strangers Wrath (i actually enjoyed Munch' s Oddysee too!)
Outrun 2
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (not Chaos Bleeds bacsue that was terrible)
Doom 3 (and Resurrection of Evil)
Half Life 2
Fable (and The Lost Chapters)
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
Moto GP 2
Far Cry Instincts

House of the Dead III
Jade Empire
Jet Set Radio Future
Ninja Gaiden
(and ofcourse Black)
Dead or Alive 3
Dead or Alive Ultimate
Phantom Dust
Project Gotham 2
RalliSport Challenge 2
Shenmue II
Stubbs the Zombie
Ghost Recon 2
(and Summit Strike)
Top Spin
Unreal Championship
(and 2: The Liandri Conflict)

Applogies if any of them actually are on PS2 too, i can' t remember...

Then you have superior versions of multi-platform titles like say Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory and Burnout Revenge...

Xbox was a good console, and if you add to that all the emulators and stuff that you could do with it, it' s even better.

I love my PS2 but i do wish Xbox had been given the kind of support that Sony' s machine had because the it would have been even better than it was and possibly even better than PS2.

I hate comparing consoles though because they always get different games and ' feel' different.

Unfortunately for me though, i gave my Xbox away when i got my 360 because i thought the backwards compatability list would be worked on extremely quickly. I' m hoping the update that should come in March will add some of my favourite games to the list that i can currently play

Halo 3 will sell on it' s name alone, and it' ll sell a shitload of 360' s in the process. I couldn' t really care less about the solo campaign, i just want them to kaeep the online play perfect, a little faster maybe...

I think even Sony see Halo 3 as a threat, and Gears of War/Too Human etc...

All the talk that' s going on, like Peter Moores comments about Microsoft not being able to do anything about PS3' s launch, it' s all tactical. It' s kinda like chess, or poker i guess.

I don' t trust much of what Sony say, i' ll believe developers comments before i listen to Sony. Microsoft have never really lied though and they' ve been fairly genuine to the end users, but that' s not to say i believe everything that' s said.

People look at the 360 launch and aren' t that impressed. Well, Call of Duty 2 (360' s biggest selling game so far) sold between it' s launch with the console and the end of the year, almost exactly what Resident Evil 4 sold on Gamecube for the whole of last year, and it was released in January (in the US & Japan/March in Europe). So it wasn' t THAT bad.

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RE: No halo3 wont come this year! - Feb 23, 2006 04:09
...getting back to the Kikizo article, i think that the writer is assuming a little too much...

...the source says that if the game is rushed in a more-of the-same fashion, then it would be out this year... ...MS obviously don' t want that for Halo 3, in which case it' ll be released when it' s ready as he said......

...for Alex to write that Halo 3 is coming out this year is premeture... he a nub editor or something?...

...a little less sensationalism next time please....
< Message edited by Bishonen -- 22 Feb 06 20:10:31 >
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RE: No halo3 wont come this year! - Feb 23, 2006 04:22
How long do you think Bungie have been working on Halo 3?!

I' d guess that preliminary work started right after Halo 2 went gold. It would suprise me if the game was already finished as rumours claim.

It would have made a great launch title wouldn' t it?!

" It depends. If it' s the game that everyone is expecting then, yes..

That there is confirmation, the question was whether Halo 3 would release this year!

..For us it' s about making a proper impact on the platform. It has to be something with huge significance, so we won' t be rushed"

The second part of the answer. Well, no i don' t expect they' ll be rushed, but if the game was well into it' s development if not virtually finished then pitting it against titles like Gears of War and Oblivion would be foolish wouldn' t it?! It would make sense to delay the game and put it through extra testing and debugging, perhaps continually adding enhancements. Remember that Gears, Ghost Recon and Oblivion were originally penned for launch titles then slipped.

And bear in mind that not officially announcing that it' s in development allows for a suprise launch.

I expect it this year, i expect it to be shown at E3 (what else will Microsoft show?!) and i expect it to launch in September/November (the important months in the games industry).

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RE: No halo3 wont come this year! - Feb 23, 2006 05:49


" It depends. If it' s the game that everyone is expecting then, yes..

That there is confirmation, the question was whether Halo 3 would release this year!

..i would of thought Halo 3 to not be the game that everyone is expecting...

....and wouldn' t Bungie of had to wait for 360 dev kits like everyone else?.. ...surely they don' t want to release a rushed one core style game like all the launch titles??..... ...surely they want Halo 3 to wipe the floor with all other 360 and PC titles???...

...i don' t think they can do all that by the end of the year... ...not unless they rush, throwing sh*t together with no regards for challenging game makers like Valve for example...

...i do however, think that Halo 2 was purposely cut short to allow for a crude continuation of the story in Halo 3...
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RE: No halo3 wont come this year! - Feb 23, 2006 05:58

..i would of thought Halo 3 to not be the game that everyone is expecting...

Isn' t it what everyone is expecting from Bungie?!

....and wouldn' t Bungie of had to wait for 360 dev kits like everyone else?..

Doubtful. I would expect Microsoft owned studios to have been the first to get dev-kits. Prey has undergone much of it' s development without a 360 dev-kit.

surely they want Halo 3 to wipe the floor with all other 360 and PC titles???...

What??? Why would they possibly want to put Halo 3 against other titles people are looking forward to on THEIR machine?!

...i don' t think they can do all that by the end of the year... ...not unless they rush, throwing sh*t together

But it depends on how long it' s already been in development. Halo 2 was released in November 2004, they' ve already had a year+ so far!!!

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RE: No halo3 wont come this year! - Feb 23, 2006 06:08

....and wouldn' t Bungie of had to wait for 360 dev kits like everyone else?..

Well even if MS homeboys got Devkits say a month earlier - it doean' t change much.

But it is true - Game Design takes a lot of time - level design , system , rules and shit - all those things could be done on paper and finalised on devkit later.

The story could be incredibly polished , characters and stuff - I mentioned it could be done on paper but the thing is they could' ve done all 3D objects on any PC just to port those later.

Same goes for Audio and visuals.

But I doubt that bungie guys are hard at work - they don' t deserve all that respect they gathered lately.
< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 22 Feb 06 22:09:17 >

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RE: No halo3 wont come this year! - Feb 23, 2006 06:43
...if most people agree that Halo 3 is not " the game that everyone is expecting" , then

" If it' s the game that everyone is expecting then, yes."

...surely means that Halo 3 will not be out this year?...

surely they want Halo 3 to wipe the floor with all other 360 and PC titles???...

What??? Why would they possibly want to put Halo 3 against other titles people are looking forward to on THEIR machine?! no no...

...i meant surely Bungie want their game to be the best it can be... game developers they must want their pride and joy to crush underfoot all competition...

...or are you saying that Bungie no longer exist, and have been totally swallowed up by Microsoft Game Studios?...
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RE: No halo3 wont come this year! - Feb 23, 2006 07:32

but the thing is they could' ve done all 3D objects on any PC just to port those later.

That' s pretty much how all games are developed.

...i meant surely Bungie want their game to be the best it can be... game developers they must want their pride and joy to crush underfoot all competition...

What?! Since Microsoft OWN Bungie and Bungie is part of Microsoft Game Studios, then the release date isn' t determined by Bungie, but by Microsoft.

Ofcourse Bungie want their own game to be the best it can be, but didn' t you read the article properly?!

We don' t want all the hype and speculation to overshadow some of the great titles that do have coming this holiday and thereafter

Microsoft need Epic to continue supporting them, Epic have become very important players in the games industry and they' re set up support Sony too. Gears of War and Halo 3 could be said to be similar games, so i can fully understand why Microsoft would wait until games like Gears are released before launching Halo 3.

Asked by Next Generation whether Halo 3 would hit this year, Microsoft' s Shane Kim said: " It depends. If it' s the game that everyone is expecting then, yes. For us it' s about making a proper impact on the platform. It has to be something with huge significance, so we won' t be rushed."

That means that the game IS Halo 3 and WILL be launched this year. Hence the freaking article!!!

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RE: No halo3 wont come this year! - Feb 23, 2006 14:51
I think the Halo series are really really good. Halo 2 could' ve used some more work and it' s obvious that it was rushed, if they had waited maybe 3 more months, it could' ve been something diferent. Bishonen is right maybe, they cut the sotry short so Halo 3 can have the same impact Halo had (even though it didn' t sell as much, it had an impact cuz of the way it was done, story too). The story is pretty interesting and the single player is pretty good too. it has by far the best aiming mechanism for a console fps in my opinion.

Releasing Halo 3 this year would be a mistake if u ask me. PS3 and Rev coming out, it will get overlooked. If they wanna release it soon, then why not release it in january or february? These two months are sooooo slow, practically no games at all. Halo 3 would be the only good game to get, and I believe it' s gonna be good. They learned their lesson with Halo 2 I think. A lot of ppl seem to not like the series, but I bet if it was released for the ps2, a lot of those peeps that don' t like it now would' ve liked it a lot more. I think it has to do with the fact that it' s MS related, especially BUngie being owned by MSGS.

Apparently Bungie are in the works of another title. That' s what they say on their website anyway. They could either be lying which means that in fact it is Halo 3 they are working on, or they could be working on Halo 3 (technical side of it) and on ideas and plans for a new project.

The movie has to be a rated R movie, otherwise it' ll suck big time. But then again Peter Jackson is producing it, so i have my hopes up high. The books are pretty good. The story of Halo 3 (for those of you that care about the single-player) will be really good. Majik you are right, the multi-player should be a bit faster, but just a bit. I want Master Chief to run faster. the look sensitivity is customisable already, u can make him look around faster.

Personally I don' t care when it launches, as long as they launch it when they feel they' ve made a superb game. The halo series has potential, but it hasn' t been fully utilized yet. Do Halo justice by releasing a sick Halo 3 plz, Halo 2 was not what it should' ve been (single-player wise).
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RE: No halo3 wont come this year! - Feb 23, 2006 16:54
Halo 2 125 million dollars made on day one 14.5 million copies sold worldwide.. Those types of numbers are scary enough to screw ANYTHING over. If halo 3 releases around the time of the ps3 alot of people will be extremely tempted to grab a 360 + halo 3 if they have any idea how huge that game will be and I' m sure even the most die hard of sony fans will know that.

It wont prevent a single ps3 from being bought, but with day one numbers like halo 2 had its NOT something sony wants to see released on the same day as their console.

Up until now resident evil 4 has only made 45 million dollars from ps2 and gamecube... (we all know how successful that game is - 45 million is extremely good) More than twice that on day 1 is absolute madness in all honesty though the ONLY way possible halo 3 will see a release this year is if its ACTUALLY ready that game is microsoft' s gem they wont do anything such as rushing its release and end up having it be a disappointment ESPECIALLY when this is the game that is suppose to end the halo series?? You can be sure they want this game to go out with a bang which will make the anticipation for the movie that much greater.

I honestly wouldn' t expect to see halo 3l released till late 2007 early 2008. Mid 2007 at the earliest.

Still expect Microsoft to show something huge off at E3 in regards to halo 3.

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RE: No halo3 wont come this year! - Feb 23, 2006 22:12
The reason for why Halo sold more than RE4 was because of the competition, or rather, the lack of it. The Xbox barely had any good games when Halo was released and no game had been hyped as much either, so every single Xbox owner bought it.
RE4 sold far less on the Gamecube than Halo on the Xbox because honestly, the Gamecube isn' t exactly this generations most popular console and many of the owners are too young to play RE4. And when RE4 was released on the PS2 many had already played it on the Gamecube and the PS2 also had lots of other great titles released and some being prepared for release as well.
So the reasons for why Halo was such a success are quite easy.
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RE: No halo3 wont come this year! - Feb 23, 2006 23:41
" on day one 14.5 million copies sold worldwide"

hahaha...yeah right,no but lets be honest and and remember xbox sold 20 million copies,at that time 16 so basically everyone with a xbox almost bought halo2? lol no.
It sold 1.5 million in Northamerica on day one,not 14.5 worldwide at day one,no game has sold that much ffs on one day.
And Halo2 was delayed 1-2 days for us europeans.
Halo2 has almost reached 6 million copies worldwide at the moment.
Ofc MS says more then 6 which any company will do,you doesnt say 5.7 million you say 6 and above.

Btw FF7 sold 9 million copies and came 97,and remember it req a lot of text and 40 hours gameplay to finish the Main quest,that is awesome numbers,Halo2 did a very good job to,it basically almost reached games like FF serie GTA etc but not as much,but still very impressive,the thing that halo2 did was that it sold a lot faster,but not " MORE" but " FASTER" probably because all xbox owners pre-orded halo...
< Message edited by QuezcatoL -- 23 Feb 06 15:45:36 >
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: No halo3 wont come this year! - Feb 24, 2006 01:13

" on day one 14.5 million copies sold worldwide"

Firstly, while i don' t like OptaviusX, you' ve got him wrong there. Halo 2 sold 2.5 million copies WORLDWIDE in it' s first 24 hours on shelves which amounts to $125 million.

It HASN' T sold 14.5 million copies Opta you fuckin' gimp, as of November 2005, they' d sold just over 7 million copies WORLDWIDE!!!

While still not bad figures, it' d not like Opta put it.

The Xbox barely had any good games when Halo was released

Understandable seeing as Halo was a launch title you plank!

It wont prevent a single ps3 from being bought

See now, you contradicted youself about 5 senonds earlier by saying...

If halo 3 releases around the time of the ps3 alot of people will be extremely tempted to grab a 360 + halo 3

Halo 2 launched successfully against the release of the PStwo (Slim). Halo 2 was rushed to be ready for the same weekend and Sony didn' t take anywhere near the numbers they expected because of it. There was also a huge surge in the number of Xbox' s sold for that week and the following 3 weeks.

I honestly wouldn' t expect to see halo 3l released till late 2007 early 2008. Mid 2007 at the earliest.

Some here may agree with you but i don' t. I expect to see it this year, before the holiday season.

Btw FF7 sold 9 million copies

I love FF7!!!

It sold 3 million in it' s first 48 hours y' know!!!

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RE: No halo3 wont come this year! - Feb 24, 2006 01:41
Yeah FF7 did,but then again it got later to EU :O
Also FF8 sold 8 million copies,and got later here too,cause it had to have german/spanish/france,iatlian language,mayby ff7 had that to? i would assume atleast FF7 came in german...
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.