What are some of your favorites? The ones that made you go WOW, I must have this game no matter what!?
- One of my absolute favorites was the original BREAKDOWN (Xbox) E3 trailer. I hate first-person type games but the trailer was done soo friggin well with a great song " Take it all" , that it became my most anticipated Xbox game that year.
- Another favorite is the PC choking HD Dead or Alive 4 E3 trailer. Really Really well done, my favorite scenes are the Kokoro kata scenes, and the scenes showing Ryu in action. I downloaded the Kikizo video and HAD to put that sucker on my PSP memory stick!
- Virtua Fighter 3 promo trailer = The most excellent Virtua Fighter CG stuff I' ve ever seen!
- Sonic Adventure.. Prior to the Dreamcast' s Japanese launch, Sega was blitzing Japanese Televisions with Sonic Adventure ads, and while I wasn' t much of a Sonic fan at the time, the trailers made me anticipate the game more and more, quickly becoming a MUST HAVE title.
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 13 Feb 06 16:24:46 >