Kicka$$ game trailers!

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Terry Bogard
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Kicka$$ game trailers! - Feb 14, 2006 00:22
What are some of your favorites? The ones that made you go WOW, I must have this game no matter what!?

- One of my absolute favorites was the original BREAKDOWN (Xbox) E3 trailer. I hate first-person type games but the trailer was done soo friggin well with a great song " Take it all" , that it became my most anticipated Xbox game that year.

- Another favorite is the PC choking HD Dead or Alive 4 E3 trailer. Really Really well done, my favorite scenes are the Kokoro kata scenes, and the scenes showing Ryu in action. I downloaded the Kikizo video and HAD to put that sucker on my PSP memory stick!

- Virtua Fighter 3 promo trailer = The most excellent Virtua Fighter CG stuff I' ve ever seen!

- Sonic Adventure.. Prior to the Dreamcast' s Japanese launch, Sega was blitzing Japanese Televisions with Sonic Adventure ads, and while I wasn' t much of a Sonic fan at the time, the trailers made me anticipate the game more and more, quickly becoming a MUST HAVE title.

< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 13 Feb 06 16:24:46 >
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.

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RE: Kicka$$ game trailers! - Feb 14, 2006 00:43
The E3 Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty trailer was fantastic! With Snake jumping off the bridge and onto the ship, it was great!

Then we got stuck with Raiden...

Vx Chemical
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RE: Kicka$$ game trailers! - Feb 14, 2006 01:18
That would be the Warcraft 3 E3 trailer, which shows the Orc and human battling as the sky rains fire!

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RE: Kicka$$ game trailers! - Feb 14, 2006 02:12
The first Zelda: Twilight Princess trailer gave me feelings I did not know existed.

Boss Hogg
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RE: Kicka$$ game trailers! - Feb 14, 2006 03:23
The Gears or War and BLACK trailers had me pissing my pants in anticipation.

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RE: Kicka$$ game trailers! - Feb 14, 2006 03:27
Then you' ll be interested in the rumour that Black is being ported to 360 then like Revenge has?!

Boss Hogg
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RE: Kicka$$ game trailers! - Feb 14, 2006 03:36
Wow thanks Majikdra6on I diddnt know that. That means when i finally get my 360 I can keep playing BLACK sweet.

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RE: Kicka$$ game trailers! - Feb 14, 2006 04:52
Sonic adventure, gotta agree on that one... Also, Legacy of Kain: Defiance.. the music was awesome.

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RE: Kicka$$ game trailers! - Feb 14, 2006 05:27
Twilight princess - haven' t felt like that for years

Other than that many games and almost every title you' ve mentioned made me say wow :) - it' s mostly thanks to Next Gen Graphics.

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RE: Kicka$$ game trailers! - Feb 14, 2006 06:19
Metal Gear Solid 4- not the original trailer, although it was astounding. no, what really got me was when kojima was doing a press talk later that day, and he paused the trailer, turned the camera around, and changed the lighting and shading via the dev-kit they had there...

Black on the 360, that will be frikkin awesome. the thing has borderline next gen graphics to start with. Man, this is making me lose controll of all bodily discharge.

The Wise One
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RE: Kicka$$ game trailers! - Feb 15, 2006 02:09
The Devil May Cry 3 trailer had me shaking with anticipation.