New Virtua Fighter 5 Videos!

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New Virtua Fighter 5 Videos! - Feb 10, 2006 22:11
Someone at VFDC (Virtua has posted these vids on the net.

Most are jerky shakey-cam footage, namely the MP4 videos. However the avi ones contain some of the best footage of actual gameplay you would have seen so far.

Check it out here:

All I can say is that I simply cannot wait to play this game...

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RE: New Virtua Fighter 5 Videos! - Feb 10, 2006 23:38
oh boy oh boy oh boy! I have' nt been this excited since my soul calibur / VF3TB DC days! aaah how I miss them..
< Message edited by jtypecav -- 10 Feb 06 15:38:55 >

Vx Chemical
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RE: New Virtua Fighter 5 Videos! - Feb 11, 2006 00:25
Bah DOA is the only figthing game thats worth the effort. Chicks are loads better!

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RE: New Virtua Fighter 5 Videos! - Feb 11, 2006 00:54
I don' t think so. After DOA4' s monumental mess up on balance, AI and priority given to the CPU on various attacks, I have lost faith in that series.

Obviously it' s a matter of opinion of what you like. But VF' s unrivaled depth, near perfect balance and decent AI (in VF4 Evo against real player data anyway), plus it' s stunning character design and beautiful artistry make it the best fighting game out there.

The only thing for me that can touch it is SNK' s KOF98' and KOF2000, which are the 2D equivalents for depth and gameplay design.

Vx Chemical
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RE: New Virtua Fighter 5 Videos! - Feb 11, 2006 01:02
I havent felt any imbalance issues in DOA 4, and i have no reason to really fight the AI, since it has online support. Fun factor is super, and somehow the name Virtua Figther is just a turn off in itself, left over from the early 90' ies. Silly really. But who knows Virtua Figther 5, might suffer as from faults as well!

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RE: New Virtua Fighter 5 Videos! - Feb 11, 2006 05:46
Lets get this clear once and for all...

DoA4 is the best in the series so far! Anybody who says that DoA is still about button mashing and stupidly easy reversals and counters needs to go out and buy the damn thing!

It' s the most attractive fighter you can buy right now, it has a great online mode (the lobby is superb), the series has some of the best characters you could ask for and it made women viable character choices in a beat em up.

DoA4 is complex. It takes ages to master and the changhes to the fighting games mechanics have done wonders for it.

It' s not inbalanced whatsoever, in fact, it' s probably one of the most balanced fighting games out there, and anyone who says the AI has an advantage should really just go get some more practice in...

I watched all my friends get beaten senseless by the CPU in the first round and you should have seen the shock on their faces. DoA4 actually requires real skill to play well, especially online.

Just wait until DoATV is up and running!!!


VF5, is going to be the most technical, most visually impressive (until Tekken 6 arrives), and most popular fighting game (again, until Tekken 6 arrives) when it' s released.

If it' s released on 360 (as is rumoured) then DoA4 will look pale in comparison to people who want a fighting game on their console. But, ...not only can you not compare the two directly (even in terms of visuals) because DoA4 isn' t an arcade game and VF5 isn' t even finished, ...but by the time VF5 arrives on a console, work on DoA5 will be well underway and Tekken 6 will either already be out or won' t be long off.

All 3 series' have their respective strengths and DoA4 offers an awful lot for fighting game fans. If you want a gorgeous, fast as hell, fluid (60fps), well thought out, technical fighting game to play in your home right now, then you need look no further than DoA4!

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RE: New Virtua Fighter 5 Videos! - Feb 11, 2006 06:59
It' s not that I find DOA4 hard at all, I really don' t. The AI is just obviously flawed, so much more to someone like me who plays at the higher end of the scale. The CPU trying to do cheap moves over and over isn' t exactly well designed, especially compared to hardest VF Evo opponents in which you have to change your tactics to win effectively.

In vs modes the engine is vastly superior to previous DOA' s yes. In that respect everything is fine, but I don' t have Xbox Live and can' t expect friends to come over every night just to play DOA. I expect the single player game to be slightly better, even if it' s just for learning new moves or combos.

DoA4 is the best in the series so far! Anybody who says that DoA is still about button mashing and stupidly easy reversals and counters needs to go out and buy the damn thing!

I' ve never once said that about the DOA series, I stand by the fact it is one of the most technical fighters out there, perhaps second only to VF. Ultimately I play all the major fighters (VF, Tekken, Soul Calibur and DOA), to the point of spending countless hours mastering one or two fav characters.

VF5 may have it' s faults sure, but going by past VF' s I can' t see any really occuring.
< Message edited by kyo.k -- 10 Feb 06 23:05:32 >

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RE: New Virtua Fighter 5 Videos! - Feb 11, 2006 07:10

Obviously it' s a matter of opinion of what you like. But VF' s unrivaled depth, near perfect balance and decent AI (in VF4 Evo against real player data anyway), plus it' s stunning character design and beautiful artistry make it the best fighting game out there.

VF depth is nice but 99% of those things (evasions,quick landings and stuff) are in games like soul caibur 3 - only made easy to execute (which is good).

VF is much more realistic than it seems in terms of moves and balance (I train boxing for a long time and I really can use some of the real life tactics very effectively in VF).

Those moves in VF are really hard to do - comparing to other games ofc - since it' s not impossible - it just needs training.I turns some people on - I understand that.

I think that DoA5 will have hard times trying to catch up with graphicall splendor of VF5.

Teken 6? HELL NO - I was a tekken fan for a long time (till TTT) , but graphically speaking every VF killed every tekken placed before it - and T6 will be the first in the series made on a new hardware ...

I don' t think it' s possible.

< Message edited by ]Gangsta[ -- 10 Feb 06 23:13:28 >

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RE: New Virtua Fighter 5 Videos! - Feb 11, 2006 07:25
They weren' t aimed at you Kyo, they weren' t directly aimed at anyone.

DoA5 isn' t even in development yet, but common sense should tell you that VF5' s visuals won' t be upgraded for it' s port to a console (not that they need to be), and VF5 is almost complete (the visuals are definately final), so if DoA5 is released mid-next year it' s almost a given that it' ll look nicer in most if not all areas.

Team Ninja really need to work on their water physics though!

TTT was ok but T4 was really bad. Now, the first 3 Tekken games were better than the first 2 VF games (i' m my book) and VF3 and VF4:EVO (only Evo) were better than TTT and T4 respectively!

Tekken 5 however was the best in the series and completely blew away VF4:EVO (oh no! how could i possibly...). Tekken 5 is a great game, that can' t possibly be disputed, ...just go read or download any review (the video reviews at Gamespot are pretty cool) and see for yourself if you haven' t already played it.

Some people won' t ever like Virtua Fighter and some won' t ever like Tekken, but the fact of the matter is that both are as technical as each other on different levels and they both have very different styles. Tekken 5 was a huge turnaround for the series and suprised me an awful lot.

Tekken 6 will be impressive visually, no doubts there. Whether or not Namco can continue to evolve the fighter and improve on Tekken 5' s mechanics is yet to be seen.

Still, at least next-gen Soul Calibur is definately coming to 360!

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RE: New Virtua Fighter 5 Videos! - Feb 11, 2006 07:26
Hell, I' m really looking for forward to Tekken on the PS3, I doubt the launch Tekken game will be Tekken 6 though.

Hopefully they' ll convert Tekken 5 Dark Ressurection, seeing as a PS2 release is virtually guaranteed not to happen.

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RE: New Virtua Fighter 5 Videos! - Feb 11, 2006 07:28
Actually i' m hoping the just confirmed as coming to PSP Tekken is going to be Dark Ressurection!

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RE: New Virtua Fighter 5 Videos! - Feb 11, 2006 07:40
Depth wise and technically I found VF2 superior to the first three Tekken games, and VF3 and 4 blew them completely out of the water.

I absolutely loved Tekken 5. The best fighting game in ages! Wasted so much money down the arcades as soon as it was in, then got it on PS2 on day of release. I hadn' t played VF for months at that time and didn' t both comparing it (let' s face it, Evo was old and I was bored of it after playing for an hour every day since it came out)

Namco definitely got it right, shame that the arcade I went to was almost dead, with few decent players around to make things more exciting.

Adam Doree
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RE: New Virtua Fighter 5 Videos! - Feb 11, 2006 07:41

ORIGINAL: Vx Chemical
Bah DOA is the only figthing game thats worth the effort.

You wanna get banned or something?!

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RE: New Virtua Fighter 5 Videos! - Feb 11, 2006 07:45

Actually i' m hoping the just confirmed as coming to PSP Tekken is going to be Dark Ressurection!

At last, I knew there had to be a reason I bought the thing. Well discounting Ridge Racer, WipeOut and Luminest that is, OutRun next month as well.

It would be cool if they did that. Hopefully they' ll also do a console port too, just to have a graphically perfect/enhanced version.
< Message edited by kyo.k -- 10 Feb 06 23:46:45 >

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RE: New Virtua Fighter 5 Videos! - Feb 11, 2006 07:50

Tekken 5 however was the best in the series and completely blew away VF4:EVO (oh no! how could i possibly...)

Not the arcade version (in terms of visuals it didn' t blew it away)

VF2 and 3 where just as good and for many better than T2 and then 3.I was a tekken guy back then , but aware of VF mania.

I enjoy Soul Calibur and DoA series the most lately (since I can' t play arcade games - POLAND) - haven' t played T5 yet - I' m playing VF4:EVO lately too

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RE: New Virtua Fighter 5 Videos! - Feb 11, 2006 08:11

but aware of VF mania

Sadly there wasn' t much of that in the UK. Sony hyped up Tekken so much that when VF3 hit arcades most places sent it back as nobody played. The place I usually play at didn' t bother ordering it. Strange as they had a huge japanese customer base, guess KOF was the thing down there.

I never liked the fisrt two Tekken games very much. The second game was okay but felt very clunky compared to VF2 & 3. Tekken 3 was the first game I really enjoyed playing, the engine was a bit more open and allowed you to be more original with your combos rather than using set strings all the time.

TTT was my fav Tekken game until T5 came out.
< Message edited by kyo.k -- 11 Feb 06 0:13:02 >

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RE: New Virtua Fighter 5 Videos! - Feb 11, 2006 08:15
Yeah, the PS2 version of Tekken 5 is awesome!

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RE: New Virtua Fighter 5 Videos! - Feb 18, 2006 21:23
Check out these new vids which show off some new stages and some reworked verions of older ones.|N2006212192652|N2006212194718

Shuns raft looks awesome, as does Wolf' s snow stage. Unfortunitely in some of the best looking stages the fights take place in a cage which is quite dissapointing. I would have prefered Sega to maybe put in smaller half size walls on one side, and maybe a ring out or something on the other. That way you would be able to fully appreciate the detail being displayed, as well as adding a touch more variety to the proceedings.

I' ve heard quite a few people at the location tests were not best pleased with this. Still the game' s not finished yet, and in the past with VF3 they made small changes to the stage layouts before release. Other than that I' m drooling fanatically over waiting to play this. Hell, it makes me want to splash out on a brand new Lindbergh arcade board.

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RE: New Virtua Fighter 5 Videos! - Feb 18, 2006 21:30
I enjoy the doa series and the soul calibur series haven' t really played much of tekken or virtua fighter but have to say that virtua fighter does look good.

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RE: New Virtua Fighter 5 Videos! - Feb 18, 2006 22:04
I never really warmed up to Tekken. Especially when this new craze for Tekken 1 was challenging my favorite Virtua Fighter 2! While i embraced the DOA series since DOA2, i still didn' t quite warm up to the Tekken series. After playing DOA2 and 3 (having gone from a dreamcast to an Xbox), i seem to have forgotten my first love in Virtua Fighter. But i still consider the Virtua Fighter series to be the most disciplined and realistic game interpretation of Martial Arts.

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RE: New Virtua Fighter 5 Videos! - Feb 19, 2006 02:19
Yeah i' d agree with that actually virtua fighter' s interpretation of martial arts are more believable and so is Doa to a degree added with a colourful, realistic background with an ok-ish story (stories behind the characters could be better).

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RE: New Virtua Fighter 5 Videos! - Feb 19, 2006 02:26
I think the fights in DoA tend to get a little too spectacular with too many crazy attacks, especially from the ninja characters.
The greatest thing about the Virtua Fighter series is its deep gameplay. Many people say that they don' t care about depth as long as the game is fun. But the depth in VF is what makes it so fun. I usually get bored with the DoA games after a couple of weeks while the VF games only get better since they' re skill based. That way the VF games are unbeaten when it comes to being fun, as long as you take the time to play it.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 18 Feb 06 18:27:31 >

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RE: New Virtua Fighter 5 Videos! - Feb 19, 2006 02:32
That' s exactly why I love VF so much, for it' s unrivaled depth and longevity.

Adam Doree
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RE: New Virtua Fighter 5 Videos! - Feb 20, 2006 05:34


That' s exactly why I love VF so much, for it' s unrivaled depth and longevity.


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RE: New Virtua Fighter 5 Videos! - Feb 20, 2006 06:05
I first got into Tekken cos Baek Do San did a similar style to the one I was doing at the time, and I thought it was so amazing that his moves had almost identical technique to the ones I was learning! Also the fact you had one button for each limb, rather than the hard kick, med kick, soft kick style from Street Fighter.

Played Tekken2 first on the arcades before PS1 came out, so when I heard Tekken1 was coming out for it, I got it straight away. Played each one since. Best one has to be 5, or maybe 2 for nostalgia.

I missed out on VF altogether tho, maybe cos I thought VF1 was pants with its floaty jumps etc. And I was also comparing Virtua Cop to Time Crisis at the time, which might have influenced me even though it had little to do with VF!

Now, VF is quality, but the series has advanced too far for me now so I can' t really access it. Shame really.
< Message edited by choupolo -- 19 Feb 06 22:06:46 >

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RE: New Virtua Fighter 5 Videos! - Feb 20, 2006 06:20
I don' t get it - It' s like any other game (only amazing) - get VF4 and play man - it' s so cool - I didn' t have the chance to play VF before (not for long ) - now I' m all into VF4.

Look at my Avatar man - the day I started playing VF4 my whole life changed - people respect me , my avatar is changed into ME as a Kung Fu masta !!

VF4 changed my life - and it could do the same for you

Call 0800 789 789 999 and order yours now to get a bonus Akira Haircut!!

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RE: New Virtua Fighter 5 Videos! - Feb 20, 2006 06:26
Hahah, wow it must have been quite a powerful moment for you Gansta!

Yea, I mean I' ve played VF4, but I can' t see myself spending enough time on it to learn the control system and all the moves. I just end up button bashing and that gets boring quick. Whereas I' ve been brought up on Tekken 10 hit combos and multiparts.

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RE: New Virtua Fighter 5 Videos! - Feb 20, 2006 06:31
well I play VF on arcade stik - it' s not that fun on your typical controller I guess - not as fun as other games like SC3 or Tekken.Those moves are hard to pull of without the right button placement.Not to mention the stick.

I was a tekken guy for a long time - until DoA for DC changed my opinion on the series and then SC - but I heard a lot of good things about T5 so I' m going to try soon.

It all depends on how many players are there to fight you I guess - if your friends play T than it' s better to stick with it.

In VF4 I' ve picked Vanessa - so button mashing was hard and I kept getting my ass kicked - untill I learned some stuff and now my ass doesn' t hurt that much :)

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RE: New Virtua Fighter 5 Videos! - Feb 21, 2006 01:04

VF1 was pants with its floaty jumps etc

What the? that was the Genesis of 3D 1 on 1s, the basics and foundations of that game was copied, altered ans spawned by everyother one after that.

When VF1 was first released it was totally gobsmaking and revolutionary!!

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RE: New Virtua Fighter 5 Videos! - Feb 21, 2006 02:15
Yeah no matter who you are and what you like - you can' t deny that :)

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RE: New Virtua Fighter 5 Videos! - Feb 21, 2006 03:47
So true, and then VF2 came along and redefined the whole system. Even today VF2 stands up to the likes of Tekken 5 and DOA4 in terms of depth and skill, in some ways it' s still much deeper.

VF3 though is my fav VF game. Shame nobody really gives it any credit anymore. Beautiful design, undulating arenas, and the tightest mechanics seen in VF. When Sega does a home port of VF5 I want to see VF2, 3 and 4 (the original version) arcade perfectly in progressive scan included.

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RE: New Virtua Fighter 5 Videos! - Feb 21, 2006 07:31
I see it' s not that easy to please you heheh :)

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RE: New Virtua Fighter 5 Videos! - Feb 21, 2006 10:06

VF3 though is my fav VF game. Shame nobody really gives it any credit anymore. Beautiful design, undulating arenas, and the tightest mechanics seen in VF. When Sega does a home port of VF5 I want to see VF2, 3 and 4 (the original version) arcade perfectly in progressive scan included.

Getting more and more frustrating with the messed up fighting system of DOA4, Me and my Brother decided to plug in my Dreamcast VIA VGA-out and play VF3..

We was like " This is more like it" and " cool, dodging!! and done how it should be!!"
No frustration, just pure deep thought.. If one of us lost, we knew it was because the other one played better on the match... the game is soo finely made in comparision to DOA4.

Next time he comes round definately more DC VF3 to come..

BTW - the game still looks quite nice, and great animation especially in VGA mode.

Adam Doree
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RE: New Virtua Fighter 5 Videos! - Feb 21, 2006 10:43
New hi-res screens on our site today too. go have a look.

Terry Bogard
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RE: New Virtua Fighter 5 Videos! - Feb 21, 2006 10:48

VF3 though is my fav VF game. Shame nobody really gives it any credit anymore. Beautiful design, undulating arenas, and the tightest mechanics seen in VF. When Sega does a home port of VF5 I want to see VF2, 3 and 4 (the original version) arcade perfectly in progressive scan included.

Ah! FINALLY someone else who shares my love for Virtua Fighter 3. It' s my favorite as well! Stick the Dural underwater battle in Virtua Fighter 3 and you' ve got purrrfection!
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.