Quake 4

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Vx Chemical
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Quake 4 - Feb 09, 2006 03:49
How is quake 4 for the 360? i really liked Q2 and Doom 3, so how are my chances for licking this game?

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RE: Quake 4 - Feb 09, 2006 03:56
If you' ve got a decent PC then get it for that.

If not then you might still like it on 360, but you' d have to be a fairly harcore fan. The single player sucks mostly (i though Doom 3 was much better), but the online is ok i guess.

You' d be better with Call of Duty 2.

Don' t get PDZ!

Vx Chemical
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RE: Quake 4 - Feb 09, 2006 04:01
too late, i already have PDZ, i wont complete the singleplayer again. And i have more fun online with DOA.

Iv considered it for the PC, mmmm maybe i should see if a friend has it, so i can borrow it!

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RE: Quake 4 - Feb 09, 2006 04:49
Everyone ignor Magicdra6on!!!! Do get PDZ. Just don' t play the single player. The multiplayer game is by far my favorite online game I' ve ever played. As to the single player, I don' t not like it, It' s just every time I go to play it, that multiplayer option is sitting right there and I click on it instead. COD II is an amazing single player game, but the multiplayer isn' t so hot, ESPECIALLY if you are wanting to play split screen.

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RE: Quake 4 - Feb 09, 2006 05:26
SPLIT screen?!

Do they still put that in games?

Yeah, everyone should definately ignore me and go blow £50 on a game you' ll only play online. Or, just play Halo/Halo 2, ...it' ll only cost you about £15 for Halo 2!

PDZ is THE most overhyped game ever, ..it' s gorgeous to look at sure (although everything looks plastic), but everything from the animation to the story sucks ass.

Get it when it' s £20.

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RE: Quake 4 - Feb 09, 2006 05:30

The multiplayer game is by far my favorite online game I' ve ever played

you havent played Battlefeild 2 then, i am in love with that game now!

there is a demo out for the pc version of quake 4. If you have 360, try it, the clunky controls of an console pad might just sway my vote to the pc. You would want a decent speced pc though.
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine.

Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!

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RE: Quake 4 - Feb 09, 2006 06:21
Ignore nubdragon06 he is just a nub.
Quake 4 has a pretty sweet single player. WAY WAY WAY better than Doom 3. Doom 3 was just a scary game but monsters always spawn in rooms when you go in them and its just lame and stuff. MP was plain bad for Doom3.

Quake 4' s multiplayer is good, actually its almost the exact same as quake 3 which is a good thing. The single player is awesome. A great Action FPS.
This game is better for PC though. If you a good gaming PC you would be better off with it on PC. I would say a 6600 or better and it would be better to get it on PC. It has frame rate issues on xbox 360 because they didn' t optimize it at all. If they actually spent some time on it it would be able to run silky smooth like COD2.
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RE: Quake 4 - Feb 09, 2006 06:53
That' s MR Dra6on to you bitch!

The single player is awesome?

Ok, the review here (kikizo) had this to say..

" Quake 4 is a solid and mostly enjoyable game, if you switch your mind off and come at it with no expectations of greatness. As a singleplayer game it gets some things right, such as the range of weapons and the atmosphere, but others so wrong (the dull vehicle sections and engine slowdown), and is already bettered by its Activision stable mate, Call of Duty 2."


IGN' s review contained...

" Other than that, though, single-player was pretty straightforward and hassle-free. In fact, I found it to be a little too straightforward. The areas felt a little linear, with locked doors kind of magically unlocking as I triggered mission completion events. I' m certainly no game designer, but I think the game could have benefited from navigation markers, rather than just blocking your progress from one end to the other with a series of gates."


" Lastly, single-player combat feels behind the times, with enemies generally choosing to stand right in front of you and fire, with some hopping from side to side to spice things up. Then there' s the next tier that heads right for you. Sometimes they run, sometimes they amble, but there isn' t much tactical consideration to it. One enemy has a grenade launcher that he' ll aim with fairly good accuracy, and there are some units later in the game that do make attempts to keep themselves in one piece, but there' s little of the challenge we' ve experienced in shooters like Call of Duty, Far Cry, Tribes: Vengeance, or Brothers in Arms. This is one of the reasons why it will take you around ten hours, maybe less, to finish the campaign."

Simply put, ..it looks good but it' s dumb as shit! At least Doom 3 had atmostphere going for it, AND has better visuals.

Raven Software make sub-par games. They always have and they always will!

It' s terrible on 360! Just download the demo on Xbox Live and see for yourself. It may look pretty on your PC but there are far superior games available out there.

Bring on Enemy Territory: Quake Wars and fuck Quake 4!


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RE: Quake 4 - Feb 09, 2006 06:54
if you ave a 6600 then you' re better off with the 360 version along with its slowdowns , because with a 6600 or 9800 rro it' s a lot worse (playing with the same level of detail and resolution as 360) , so unless you own a 6800GT , you better get it on your 360.... of i forgot mouse/keyb are better in fps , for me at least...

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RE: Quake 4 - Feb 09, 2006 06:56
That' s MR Dra6on to you bitch!

The single player is awesome?

Ok, the review here (kikizo) had this to say..

" Quake 4 is a solid and mostly enjoyable game, if you switch your mind off and come at it with no expectations of greatness. As a singleplayer game it gets some things right, such as the range of weapons and the atmosphere, but others so wrong (the dull vehicle sections and engine slowdown), and is already bettered by its Activision stable mate, Call of Duty 2."


IGN' s review contained...

" Other than that, though, single-player was pretty straightforward and hassle-free. In fact, I found it to be a little too straightforward. The areas felt a little linear, with locked doors kind of magically unlocking as I triggered mission completion events. I' m certainly no game designer, but I think the game could have benefited from navigation markers, rather than just blocking your progress from one end to the other with a series of gates."


" Lastly, single-player combat feels behind the times, with enemies generally choosing to stand right in front of you and fire, with some hopping from side to side to spice things up. Then there' s the next tier that heads right for you. Sometimes they run, sometimes they amble, but there isn' t much tactical consideration to it. One enemy has a grenade launcher that he' ll aim with fairly good accuracy, and there are some units later in the game that do make attempts to keep themselves in one piece, but there' s little of the challenge we' ve experienced in shooters like Call of Duty, Far Cry, Tribes: Vengeance, or Brothers in Arms. This is one of the reasons why it will take you around ten hours, maybe less, to finish the campaign."

Simply put, ..it looks good but it' s dumb as shit! At least Doom 3 had atmostphere going for it, AND has better visuals.

Raven Software make sub-par games. They always have and they always will!

It' s terrible on 360! Just download the demo on Xbox Live and see for yourself. It may look pretty on your PC but there are far superior games available out there.

Bring on Enemy Territory: Quake Wars and fuck Quake 4!


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RE: Quake 4 - Feb 09, 2006 07:01
oooh noo stop right there, quake 4 has better visuals and in some areas it leaves doom 3 to dust, the begining of quake 4 though is not appelaing and it feels so close to doom, but later on the game well OMG

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RE: Quake 4 - Feb 09, 2006 07:26
Shut up!

Better visuals my ass! You' re insulting id Software!

Even the arms/hands are modelled much better in Doom 3...

Doom 3

Quake 4 (best shot of hand/arm i could find, see if you can find a better one)

In fact, you hardly see Kane' s hands.

And the enemies in Doom 3 kick the shit out of Quake 4' s...

Doom 3

Quake 4

The weapon design (with the exception of the nailgun) is shoddy in comparison (just like in Wolfenstein). And the outdoor areas are laughable! See...

It could have been so much better if only id Software had handled it themselves!

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RE: Quake 4 - Feb 09, 2006 15:14
Quake 4 has way better visuals. Single player isn' t anything revolutionary but it is still awesome. Its just a pure action game. It isn' t supposed to be a thinking type game. Doom 3 gameplay was lame, like I said before monsters just spawn whenever you walk into a room and you feel lamed. In quake 4 they at least come from places.

Reason I say 6600 is because you can set the graphics to a level you get a smooth frame rate, even though the graphics won' t be as good as the 360 version.

And the cut scenes in Quake 4 just plain pwn. Best opening cutscene in a game ever.
"If you knew how good I am you would think I'm modest."

Vx Chemical
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RE: Quake 4 - Feb 09, 2006 15:25
Now now you two.

Taste in games differ. I did play the demo, but i had other games to finish so i only played 3 minutes or so. It looked okay, i just wish i had a HD tv


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RE: Quake 4 - Feb 09, 2006 22:08
The dude' s a dick, it' s that simple.

" ..the cut scenes in Quake 4 just plain pwn."

Sad man, the cutscenes fuckin' suck. You DO play console games right lollypop? Best fuckin' cutscene ever my ass!

Shit, ...Snake Eaters opening scene walks all over any in Quake 4...

Quake 4 sucks. Doom 3 was a pain in the ass with the spawning enemies (everybody agrees on that), but was a masterful technical achievement (which Quake 4 suprisingly didn' t match, ...even the outdoor parts in Doom 3 were 10 times better than the lame ones in Quake 4).

The enemies, weapons and art design art all superior in Doom 3 (courtesy of id Software), ...and the Raven fools STILL can' t model hands properly!

There' s no accounting for taste VX, the game' s flawed (i' m not saying Doom 3 isn' t, just that the bulk of it is better executed). Quake VI didn' t live up to Quake II (loved that game), but Quake II is included with the 360 version too.

It' s not worth £50!!

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RE: Quake 4 - Feb 10, 2006 00:37
Okay, Magikpenis or whatever your name is, youre the dick. You started flaming, and then attributed a quote from Vx and said it was Loco. So yay, you two can fight on the internet, both look like total fags (and not cigarettes you Brits ;) ) and both be completely wrong. It doesnt matter what you think, other people still have an opinion. And right now that opinion is that Magikdroa6on is acting like a baby.
I dont want to celebrate, I want to sell you hate.

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RE: Quake 4 - Feb 10, 2006 00:55
Who the hell is this guy?

And just which particular quote did i attribute to VX?!
< Message edited by Majikdra6on -- 9 Feb 06 16:55:55 >

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RE: Quake 4 - Feb 10, 2006 01:01
Doom3 engine was build for a creepy close hall game.
However the graphic was better in quake4,not only is the enemies espeically the human cyborgs amazing looking,the starship was freaking awesome.
Overall the graphic is better in quake4 then doom3,there is many tiems you see it,like your in the enemis bases trying to shut off computers or wtf it was with a team.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: Quake 4 - Feb 10, 2006 01:34
The enemies in Quake 4 use less polygons than those in Doom 3 to have it running at the same framerate with more going on onscreen.

The team element in Quake 4 was laughable and games like Call of Duty 2 and the Brothers in Arms games walk all over it.

Doom 3 and Quake 4 look much the same, but extremely high resolution textures and bump-maps were taken out and toned down to keep everything smooth.

Like i said, ...everything from the weapon design (including things that attactach to that; arms, reload animations, particle effects etc..), to level interiors and enemy animations are sub-standard when compared to Doom 3.

One of the biggest things that made Doom 3 so attractive to peole like me is the vast array of tweaking potential, something which was drastically shallowed in Quake 4. On a lower end PC, you can get Doom 3 to look better and run at a higher framerate simply by tweaking the DoomConfig file in notepad and installing the parallax mapping mod.

While Quake 4 can be tweaked too, it' s certainly not as open as Doom 3 was.

Lets just get this straight, ..i do not dislike Quake 4. The multi-player component is night & day better than Doom 3' s. It' s just that the singleplayer campaign is sorely lacking when compared to not only other FPS games that are available but also to Doom 3.

Parts of Doom 3 were stupid, like the spawning enemies, and it had a weak plot, but just because Quake 4 has a bolder attempt at a storyline (which was still rubbish) that it' s suddenly a better game. There are tons upon tons or more obvious flaws in Quake 4, most of which i' ve previously highlighted.

I had high hopes for it when i first saw it, i HAD hoped it would be more along the lines of Quake 2 complete with NIN soundtrack and highly bouncable grenades! It wasn' t though and thus it was disappointing.

It' s not a bad game, but it' s still a mindless dumb shooter.

Now, PREY, which also uses the Doom 3 engine is going to blow EVERYTHING away in both single and multi-player!

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RE: Quake 4 - Feb 10, 2006 03:04
T' will be good

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RE: Quake 4 - Feb 10, 2006 06:48
I can' t wait for " multi-preyer" lol
"If you knew how good I am you would think I'm modest."

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RE: Quake 4 - Feb 10, 2006 06:56
Ok, i' m gonna appologise for slating loco...

Sorry dude. Opinions eh?!

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RE: Quake 4 - Feb 10, 2006 07:02
You' re embarssing,someone calling quez a bad word i must apologies too.
jesus...you' re even more pathetic then i thought.
You piece of shit.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: Quake 4 - Feb 10, 2006 07:06

English dude, speak English!

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RE: Quake 4 - Feb 10, 2006 07:09

What? English dude, speak English!

And how will you be able to hear me?
You mean write?
But nice try,i guess your iq is as high as a kiddie...
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: Quake 4 - Feb 10, 2006 07:12
I know some exceptionally bright children.

Ok, you CAN speak if you want, you want my phone number?

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RE: Quake 4 - Feb 10, 2006 07:21
I' m not gay as you are.
So i turn that offer down,but feel free to lure other people to call long distance call to your gay hotline.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: Quake 4 - Feb 10, 2006 07:32
I' m gay?


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RE: Quake 4 - Feb 10, 2006 07:39
Well,why did you change cloth on people on the tv show queer eye for the straight guy.
or wtf its called.
Anyway just dl the demo of " star war empire at war" !
Gonna check it out,so cant responde now on awhile.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: Quake 4 - Feb 10, 2006 07:44
See now, i don' t watch TV, but how do you know about that kind of stuff?!

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RE: Quake 4 - Feb 10, 2006 08:18
Jeez, stop raging! be civil

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RE: Quake 4 - Feb 10, 2006 08:19
We keep trying but he just flares up again.

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RE: Quake 4 - Feb 11, 2006 00:14
*Makes licking gestures at QuezcatoL*

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RE: Quake 4 - Feb 11, 2006 01:45
^5 Marink!

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RE: Quake 4 - Feb 11, 2006 07:31
what the fuck is going on with some people here?

I think Quez is aiming for that fancy BAN award we' ve been hearing about :)