Anyone know any facts on PS3? And I mean any?

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Anyone know any facts on PS3? And I mean any? - Feb 09, 2006 03:19
my biggest worry is that it will have hardly any launch games like the PS2 launch

Vx Chemical
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RE: Anyone know any facts on PS3? And I mean any? - Feb 09, 2006 03:25
Its made by Sony

Uses Cell Processor

Nvidia is creating the GPU!

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RE: Anyone know any facts on PS3? And I mean any? - Feb 09, 2006 04:03
It' ll cost close to 500 million dollars but will be able to detect incoming ICBM' s.

It might play some games too.

Vx Chemical
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RE: Anyone know any facts on PS3? And I mean any? - Feb 09, 2006 04:07
And it can make toast and fried eggs

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RE: Anyone know any facts on PS3? And I mean any? - Feb 09, 2006 04:35
Vx chemical , that' s bullshit, don' t believe him max, how the hell you know it can make that ? even Ken katagari didn' t say it !!!!
< Message edited by abasoufiane -- 8 Feb 06 20:38:02 >

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RE: Anyone know any facts on PS3? And I mean any? - Feb 09, 2006 04:42

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RE: Anyone know any facts on PS3? And I mean any? - Feb 09, 2006 04:47
Actually he did ,check his interview on ign I have a quote somewhere ...oh here :

" And it can make toast and fried eggs" -K.Kutaragi.
< Message edited by ]Gangsta[ -- 8 Feb 06 20:48:23 >

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RE: Anyone know any facts on PS3? And I mean any? - Feb 09, 2006 04:58

ORIGINAL: Vx Chemical

And it can make toast and fried eggs

It also cuts out the fat in red meat. So it' s really good if you' re looking to be healthy!

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RE: Anyone know any facts on PS3? And I mean any? - Feb 09, 2006 05:21


Actually he did ,check his interview on ign I have a quote somewhere ...oh here :

" And it can make toast and fried eggs" -K.Kutaragi.


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RE: Anyone know any facts on PS3? And I mean any? - Feb 09, 2006 05:33
damn i didn' t know that, i must have miss it i' m sure there will be more info about that on e3...

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RE: Anyone know any facts on PS3? And I mean any? - Feb 09, 2006 05:38

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RE: Anyone know any facts on PS3? And I mean any? - Feb 09, 2006 06:41

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RE: Anyone know any facts on PS3? And I mean any? - Feb 09, 2006 07:08
alright Absoufiane i can' t stand the tension anymore... i' m going to take a deep breath, and hopefully, i' ll be the stupid one in thinking that you didn' t realise this... we' re kidding. just a joke, but a good one at that. I used to get really ticked off by fake quote posts like gangsta' s, that weren' t in jest as his was. but after this email my friend' s game site recieved, i couldn' t help but laugh.
" omg this is big news ever! cuz i' ve got a ps3 cuz sony gave me one fore testnig so there arent no bugz and i' ve got halo 6 cuz nintendo gave me teh demo disk 4 it but it' s jus a demo so not relly done but i jus relizedthat it plays all the games ever for Xbox or ps2 or gamecube & youcan get a cheat4 iton ebay to play gameboygames but anyways this is big news cuz halo6 is tehsweetness.
so thank for your time anyways.
******** (name ommited to prevent lynching)"
yeah, someone actually had the cojones to send that to me, with their real name on it. but returning to the playstation 3 news, it will have an at least 2 teraflop floating-point, and if that comes to pass, then the makers of the wildly popular Ginsu knives has announced a razor-sharp vibrating knife attachment for making pulled pork. mmmmnmmn, pulled pork!
< Message edited by Eddie_the_Hated -- 8 Feb 06 23:11:13 >

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RE: Anyone know any facts on PS3? And I mean any? - Feb 10, 2006 00:30
I think it' s better if you read articles and official statements on sites like and than posting that kind of question in a forum.

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RE: Anyone know any facts on PS3? And I mean any? - Feb 10, 2006 00:31
thank ginjirou i will