Dragon Quest 8

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Dragon Quest 8 - Feb 07, 2006 22:21
i am soooooooooooo pissed offf , that game has some major flaws in its gameplay that will want you to kill all those developers one by one

i don' t know from where to start, i' m not a newbie in Jap RPG, see for those who played DQ8 i want to see if they share the same opinion.

1) first of all, the alchemy pot idea isn' t really good, in fact for this game it' s just soooo stupid, it' s funny when an Npc tells you, heey it' s easy to make up things they just have to make sens or something in these lines... but the thing is, 90% of the things you can creat are not obvious at all, exemple of the key thief " knife + (a weapon of some sort " anyway how the hell can you figure that out , ooh i know i should go to the internet but that' s not a game , this is not how it should be done ... oh yeah there are recipies you can find in books through out the game, but so far and i' m on level 29 probably more than 50% of the game, and i have only one reciepe of a weapon , only one, i have other rrecipes items and shields but i need weapons !!! forget the other reciepes that ask you about items 80% you don' t own ....

2) nooow the most stupid thing ever, again i' m on level 29, there is noo magic that can heal all the party at once, that is just rediculous, all rpg i have and specialy from squareenx, that magic is available around level 16 (although it heals only small amount) but it' s stil very very useful .

3) check that out , the item that allows to ressurect your ally is " extremly" scarce, during the whole game (32 hours) i found 2 !!! ( leaf ...) are they kidding me ?? then they made it easier by giving you the magic to do that (50% of success) and with a tough boss you can' t allow a 50% of success, i just can' t believe what they did i swear who the hell was in charge , who the hell was behind that ??oh my goooood

4) the combat are very basic , no real strategy is required, well sometimes, but that doulmegus boss is beating the hell out of me, i tried so many stuff that i thought would be clever nothing work because he is powerful again i should level up, and have everybody above level 28.... and that' s

5) just fucking boring, combat are not really fun and slow, i just keep hitting the attack botton when they are weak and it' s sooo repetitve soooo slow, there is no real motivation behind leveling up because

6) there are not enough spells/magic here is the list for the magic lady:

Start -> Frizz
Start -> Sap
Level 10 -> Crack
Level 11 -> Sizz
Level 11 -> Evac
Level 12 -> Snooze
Level 14 -> Bang
Level 16 -> Crackle
Level 19 -> Oomph
Level 20 -> Sizzle
Level 21 -> Frizzle
Level 23 -> Boom
Level 25 -> Insulatle
Level 33 -> Kaboom
Level 35 -> Kafrizzle

so up to level 35 you have only 15 spellls and only few of those are useful , this is sad, comparing to a final fantasy game this is rediculous , the oher characters are worse and yungus so far (level 28) has only 2 spells (heal not useful at this level and share magic)

also to level up in this game takes sooo much time

so i guess that' s enough, the game is still god but not " that" good, i will beat it but i' m not motivated as before , they always try to change stuff and mess it up, developers proved they are stupid so many times, the proof is they correct their mistake later (prince of persia warrior within comes to mind)

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RE: Dragon Quest 8 - Feb 10, 2006 00:29
i have never heard of it, it sounds like poo thow

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RE: Dragon Quest 8 - Feb 10, 2006 05:42
Man you' re such a fool

I' m on Level 24 and have spells to heal all party members plus spells to ressurect them.

The spells list is the list of your spells and you are a fuckin Noob if that' s all you' ve got at that level.

The combat is simple? sure why complicate if it' s cool and people love it? (yes people love it - check the sales and reviews)

The alchemy pot - man you' re just so fuckin stupid - it' s the idea to search for the recipies.

Next time think a bit about posting crap like that that has nothing to do with reality.Always take into consideration how stupid you are - You could' ve at least checked some FAQ to see if it' s you or the game that' s fucked up.

Fuckin N00b.

Max chelsea you haven' t heard of Dragon Quest?

< Message edited by ]Gangsta[ -- 10 Feb 06 10:50:00 >

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RE: Dragon Quest 8 - Feb 10, 2006 05:46

have never heard of it, it sounds like poo thow

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.......


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RE: Dragon Quest 8 - Feb 10, 2006 05:52
shut the fuck up gangsta , i' m not a noob and i know what i' m talking about , it' s not like youcreated these magics , you have them automaticaly when you level up , and soo don' t play the smartass ok?? resurection inmentioned it and it' s 50% success so far 50% ok you hear me ????
the alchemy pot , when i know it' s about reciepe stupid fuck duuuh , still not all the items you can find on reciepies , some are secret and most of them are not obvious at all, man you' re the only who played this game on this forum, i need an opinion of other people

those spell i posted i got them from FAQ all right ?? check it out ..... damn why am i answering ....

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RE: Dragon Quest 8 - Feb 10, 2006 06:12
No, he' s not a noob, ...he' s a n00b!


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RE: Dragon Quest 8 - Feb 10, 2006 06:29
How can you call someone a " Fucking noob" wtf is wrong with you gangsta?!

Doesnt take a genius to figure out majik is a freaking piece of shit,but do you also need to sink down to his level?

" The combat is simple? sure why complicate if it' s cool and people love it? (yes people love it - check the sales and reviews)"

Even FF creator Sakaguchi said himself;" we need or rather gonna implant new system for the battle,why does he say that"

And your argument doesnt make a lot of sense,i know a lot of people who think the fighting system in FF serie sux,FF8 fighting system was not fun,it was not fun to be in battle,nor to fix/boost your characters still i loved it,why? cause its a freaking great game and why is it so? cause i love the characters/story/event,i hardly play FF8 for the fightingsystem,does anyone here do?

And another thing,pokemon serie has got scores like 70-90% and sold over 140 millions,you gonna claim it has the best battle system then? cause people buy that rpg like crazy?
The kiddies lead the way right?!
Dragon quest is not huge in europe or USA,it sells good here,but not huge,its very big in japan though,and that says itself.
S-E even aim for the japanese market.not european/Us as the ydo with FF serie.
And then ofc it might not always suit them.

Bye noob!
< Message edited by QuezcatoL -- 9 Feb 06 22:29:46 >
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: Dragon Quest 8 - Feb 10, 2006 06:36
Man your posts are always full of shit. Perhaps it' s because you two muppets can' t speak English to good...

I' ve told you once and i' ll tell you again, ...the stuff you come out with is rubbish (as in wrong).

What the hell has Pokemon got to do with anything?

Now i' m not going to pretend to know much about the Dragon Quest series, but i know my games and i can see, just by reading, that Gangsta know' s what he' s talking about and you two don' t.

Like i said, ...kekeke...

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RE: Dragon Quest 8 - Feb 10, 2006 06:41
" The combat is simple? sure why complicate if it' s cool and people love it? (yes people love it - check the sales and reviews)"

Open your fucking eyes and read what gangsta wrote.
He basically say that its " cool" that' s his opinion he also doesnt say why he think its cool and he also assume that the battle system must be good,cause of good sales/reviews,and i gaved him a ex when a game got that too;Pokémon.

I know that might be to hard for you to get but im not expecting anything normal to come out of your writings anyway.
< Message edited by QuezcatoL -- 9 Feb 06 22:42:51 >
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: Dragon Quest 8 - Feb 10, 2006 06:50
i don' t speak good english ??
well can you understand me when i say : fuck you ??!!

stupidmagic, i' ll be glad to see you leaving this forum ... no may be we don' t speak english as good as you , you' re a native speaker but people understand us and that' s the most important ...

what quez means you stupid idiot is that sells don' t translate the quality of the games, just look at some EA games...

i didn' t say the game is bad not at all, i said that is is frustrating because of those flaws , the flaws i described are right there they exist and you can' t change that fact , when i say that items to ressurect your allies are extremly scarce then it' s true ok?? it' s fucking true and it' s fucking annoying ...

that thread did not concern you anyway , you didn' t play the game so shut the fuck up !!

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RE: Dragon Quest 8 - Feb 10, 2006 06:53
I know people who got angry cause they couldn' understand the materia system in ff7 first time they played,and wrote they thought that sucked.
I did not call them a " fucking noob" .
Instead i tried to help them.
This forum is getting fucking insane,so many bad mannor people here now,and majik is the one who started this freaking bad mannor attitude that we see here on kikizo nowdays.

Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: Dragon Quest 8 - Feb 10, 2006 06:53
Out of my writings?

Dude, you attack me, i attack you, it' s that simple. I, for the love of Christ, don' t care what you think. Why would i, or anyone else for that matter. We post on a forum and a games forum at that.

Everyone is entitled to thier own opinion. Gangsta has his, you have yours. Why are you arguing about it? All you and Abasoufiane ever seem to do is argue with people about trivial stuff!

I get frustrated with people spweing mindless factless stupidity. Games surround me all day, on my course, in my room, here, everywhere. Generally, the guys on my course know their shit too so the conversations can be pretty indepth and interesting, but i come here and read stupid comments and arguments.

There are people here who do know what they' re talking about, people who are interesting. There' s just too few of them!

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RE: Dragon Quest 8 - Feb 10, 2006 06:58
Majik fu you.
This is some of your comments that has been made for no reason,when people has not attacked or being hostile nor being a fanboy or anything that could take as negative in any way.

I' m sick of that and your freaking attitude scumbag.
Im sick of your disgusting attitude towards people,calling them stuff,and attacking people who try their best with the english language.
People like you are so fucking lame and disgusting.

Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: Dragon Quest 8 - Feb 10, 2006 07:11
You use the word ' freaking' waaaaay too much!

Ok, now i' m pretty sure i just said i didn' t care what you think...

I, for the love of Christ, don' t care what you think. Why would i, or anyone else for that matter. We post on a forum and a games forum at that.

Yep, there it is see^^^

If you read it, it actually looks like i was diffusing the situation (or attempting to), but there you go again, arguing!

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RE: Dragon Quest 8 - Feb 10, 2006 18:23
As for my language here - I couldn' t stand more of that crap from the nooby friend of ours.

what quez means you stupid idiot is that sells don' t translate the quality of the games, just look at some EA games...

So now you' re editing my words for your convienience?
Sales AND REVIEWS (by people who know more than you that' s for sure)

you have them automaticaly when you level up , and soo don' t play the smartass ok??

Oh actually no - you get to decide what spells you get depending on what skills you build (Staves for Jessica for example give most of her magic)

For other means to resurrect you can go to nearest town (teleport) and pay those guys at church.

If that' s to hard for you then go play driver 3 , but don' t come here saying that this game is bad cause " not true , not true , lie" -some people don' t know how little you know about games and could take it as objective opinion from someone who knows his stuff.

I really had hard times trying to let it go when you wrote shit like " oh it' s so hard I die all the time and the bosses are hard" and then you' re telling everybody what a hardcore gamer you are - and that you played more games than X cause he' s from UK.


Quez - the level I got " down" to is the level of your friend Abasoufiane.
Pokemon games were a huge succes cause a lot of people enjoy what they offer and those reviews speak for it.It' s not like they have to buy them you know.

Most people say that FF7 system was better but they like FF8 battles.

I guess you' re not too smart either if you don' t get that DQ is not DQ without the formula.And he says those things are FLAWS - I don' t think you can call something you don' t like and many do ,a FLAW.
< Message edited by ]Gangsta[ -- 10 Feb 06 10:52:04 >

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RE: Dragon Quest 8 - Feb 15, 2006 00:54
THIS if for those interested in DQ8 ,
and Gangsta specialy

here is a link to a review of dragon quest 8 i just found, what is interesting about this review is that it says most of the things that i said, in fact i agree with this review 100% , if you want a great review about DQ8, then read this:


the reviewer says the game suffers from many flaws, this guy played all dragon quest before and sure he knows what he' s talking about,n and sure he' s not a noob, and i' m not a noob neither , probably because we played so many rpg' s before that we will probably know what' s right and what' s wrong...

Read the article please or just the gameplay departement, that' s where most of the flaws are, the skills system and poor battle system

*) skill system is tedious
*) leveling up these skills are very slow (and most of the stuff you unlock through this , are not interesting)

let me tell you that while i find dragon quest 8 an easy game (but sometimes very frustrating) i had huuuuuuge problems with two bosses, dhoulmagus (after his transformation) and a boss in the begining of the game... my mistakes were very simple

with dhoulmagus, angelo didn' t have the level 30 yet, soo i didn' t have multiheal, this spell is " extremly important" to beat this boss otherwise you cannot beat this boss gangsta at this level range , and since i was in level 29 i didn' t have that... again the skill system did a very bad trick to screw the gameplay. once i leveled up to 30 and acquired the multiheal spell, the boss was easy and not a single character was down .

same thing for the other boss, i was lacking only one level, only one, that it made it impossible to overcome...

as the reviwer said, previous dragon quest were about to win wisely not by just bulding up levels, and while i didn' t play previous dragon quests but i played final fantasy series and i know exactly what he' s talking about ...
although the reviwer was very harsh , he gave the game 6/10 i will give the game 7.5/10 if i give final fantasy 8 or 7 or 9 or 10 (9-10/10)

about the alchemy pot that you liked so much , gamespot (i think) said that it was vaaaague and that combinations from the names are not obvious because of the TRANSLATION probably + MOST of the items that you will need for these reciped are aquired much much later in the game (ultimate key) !!! (i just read the article yesterday)

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RE: Dragon Quest 8 - Feb 15, 2006 04:21
Well I for one was really enjoying DQ8, I got about half way through perhaps before i didn' t get as much time to play it. It was a nice, fun RPG, although (and don' t hate me for it) I don' t care much for Toriyama' s art, it' s all so samey and makes me think too much of DBZ.

While i don' t find it as involving or with such a deep story as FFX/VII, Chrono Trigger, Panzer Dragoon Orta, but it' s still imo a very enjoyable game.

I didn' t find the battles too hard really... Surely finding the bosses hard is incentive enough to level up (is for me at the very least). Combat was simple, certainly not crap, but perhaps not as good as some of the other RPG' s out there.

Still it was a big change for the series as i understand it, It sold well and will get more DQ in the west. I guess the series entries will only improve from here... It' s certainly not a bad place to start...

(Don' t really care for the voice overs though, too english and cartoony bleh...but better than turning it off, I guess)
< Message edited by uumai -- 14 Feb 06 20:22:34 >
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RE: Dragon Quest 8 - Feb 15, 2006 04:41
Im sorry,but plz dont say FFX had a deept story,or plot for that matter ...

:) im sorry but,i live for attacking FFX and because kitase basically ruined the whole FF serie from Sakaguchi.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: Dragon Quest 8 - Feb 15, 2006 04:46
I guess I should respect other people opinions more - I love this game and every single thing about it ,so It' s hard for me to hear it being attacked like that:)

I haven' t read those revies you gave links for , but sure there will always be guys who don' t like games like that - FF7 had many against it when it came out as well.

I think it' s about what you like and my PEaceful approach is brought to you by lots of beers for valentines day I guess :)
Cheers :)
< Message edited by ]Gangsta[ -- 14 Feb 06 20:47:54 >

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RE: Dragon Quest 8 - Feb 15, 2006 04:49
uumai it seems like you dind' t really read my post, i didn' t say that the game was hard, it' s easy, and its combat system is soo simple sooo simple that it lost interest , although i love the old school way...

and i didn' t say the game was terrible or not fun, the game is fun and good but i am disapointed , that game was hyped in my opinion. it' s only at last part of the game that things start getting intresting (after getting the ultimate key)..

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RE: Dragon Quest 8 - Feb 15, 2006 19:58
I actually remember you talking about how hard it is - and how you die a lot and how hard it is and then how hard it is again :)

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RE: Dragon Quest 8 - Feb 15, 2006 20:56
Aba i read your post... Until i bored of the bickering going on after...

However i decided to give my opinion on the game... I don' t mean that for everyone the games i mentioned are better or deeper... but to me they are. I was much more involved in the other games. And maybe you wont like PD saga but if you like the series it' s so deep going into them... especially when you get the pd 1 dragoon ^_^
Maybe some people will disagree with everything i said... but that is their choice...

Anyway... enjoy the game
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