Does Any one Know When The PS3 Will Launch In Europe for sure still comment if you don' t????

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Does Any one Know When The PS3 Will Launch In Europe for sure still comment if you don' t - Feb 07, 2006 00:49
I have been told that it will launch in spring 2007 just wonder if anyone knows anything else

Please Bring Good News

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RE: Does Any one Know When The PS3 Will Launch In Europe for sure still comment if you do - Feb 07, 2006 02:27
April 1st 2007!!!

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RE: Does Any one Know When The PS3 Will Launch In Europe for sure still comment if you do - Feb 07, 2006 08:12
Max_chelsea you are sooooo damn funny lol

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RE: Does Any one Know When The PS3 Will Launch In Europe for sure still comment if you do - Feb 07, 2006 08:14

ORIGINAL: Abasoufiane

Max_chelsea you are sooooo damn funny lol

Why' s he funny?

He' s British i think, which means he' s not gonna be far off for the UK launch.

Like i said, April 1st 2007!!!
< Message edited by Majikdra6on -- 7 Feb 06 0:15:13 >

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RE: Does Any one Know When The PS3 Will Launch In Europe for sure still comment if you do - Feb 07, 2006 19:54
I can see the future!
People standing in line for hours, even days, waiting for the stores to open with the new PS3. And when the shop finally opens the store owner yells " April Fools!" and all you see in the store is Xbox360s and since everyone waited so long they don' t want to go home empty handed and thus the 360 sells out once again.
At the same time Kutaragi says that the PS3 will undoubtedly be more powerful than the 360 during a press conference. When the curtains are down and he takes a smoke back stage he silently says " April Fools!" smiling as he knows people will buy the PS3 regardless.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 7 Feb 06 11:54:30 >

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RE: Does Any one Know When The PS3 Will Launch In Europe for sure still comment if you do - Feb 08, 2006 00:32
thanks 4 ur replys

1st april that suks

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RE: Does Any one Know When The PS3 Will Launch In Europe for sure still comment if you do - Feb 08, 2006 00:51
Yeah chelsea, it' s a long time off i know, but it' ll be worth it!

At least April 1st 2007 gives you time to get the £500 together it' s gonna cost you.


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RE: Does Any one Know When The PS3 Will Launch In Europe for sure still comment if you do - Feb 08, 2006 01:03
I heard it' s still Spring 2006 so don' t worry or get an Ulser over this.
I' m kidding about the Ulser.
Yeah i can' t wait for it too, in my opinion the best of all the Next Gen machines.
I allways get all i' m a fan of all, they all have good games, really.
With 1 machine why play too many smaller games when you can play all the big ones and the smaller ones.
On a side note Stomach Ulsers can cause death see your Doctor if you get an Ulser immediately.
Yaay for E3....

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RE: Does Any one Know When The PS3 Will Launch In Europe for sure still comment if you do - Feb 08, 2006 01:22
Oh no, it' s definately April 1st for Europe!

Adam Doree
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RE: Does Any one Know When The PS3 Will Launch In Europe for sure still comment if you do - Feb 08, 2006 02:38
It' s not coming out this spring anywhere.

And it is doubtful it will arrive in Europe before 2007.

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RE: Does Any one Know When The PS3 Will Launch In Europe for sure still comment if you do - Feb 08, 2006 02:42

April 1st 2007!!!

Yup, 2007!

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RE: Does Any one Know When The PS3 Will Launch In Europe for sure still comment if you do - Feb 08, 2006 02:57
I think it depends on xbox360 sales...
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: Does Any one Know When The PS3 Will Launch In Europe for sure still comment if you do - Feb 08, 2006 03:07
It depends on.. a) when they finalize the hardware, b) how long it will take them to produce the first 1 million units they want for Japan, and c) what Nintendo announce as their launch plans at E3 in May.

I think Japan will probably get it in September this year, with the US getting it either early in December or late January and Europe having to wait until at least March 2007 (possibly months later judging by the way PSP was handled).

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RE: Does Any one Know When The PS3 Will Launch In Europe for sure still comment if you do - Feb 08, 2006 21:20
I wish it was though, i guess i' ll have to wait longer.
Hopefully it will have more games than the PS2 launch.

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RE: Does Any one Know When The PS3 Will Launch In Europe for sure still comment if you do - Feb 08, 2006 21:55
I wouldn' t count on it. Early indications are that Revolution (N5) will have more games at launch. PS3 will be in a similar position to 360, since games are taking longer to develop for the machines.

I' m expecting the following to be available on the UK launch day, with perhaps one or two others.

Fight Night Round 3
Heavenly Sword
Tekken 6
Formua One
Fifth Phantom Saga

The rest will just filter through, maybe one or two a month.

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RE: Does Any one Know When The PS3 Will Launch In Europe for sure still comment if you do - Feb 08, 2006 22:55
That' s a pretty decent launch line-up to say the least IMO.
If the PS3 is released in 2007, won' t that be so far away that the prices for the PS3s components will be slightly cheaper, in other words, won' t the PS3 be sold for less than the estimated price?
How come everyone is so sure they won' t release it in spring? I have my doubts to but you guys seem 100% sure. And if Adam is 100% sure it' s got to mean something.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 8 Feb 06 14:55:24 >

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RE: Does Any one Know When The PS3 Will Launch In Europe for sure still comment if you do - Feb 09, 2006 00:50
Ha, well, ...the component price certainly won' t drop quite that quickly. Sony are good at pushing their production prices down but since the pS3 will sell at a higher price anyway, why would they be so quick to lower it?!

As for Spring, ...well,' s just not going to happen.

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RE: Does Any one Know When The PS3 Will Launch In Europe for sure still comment if you do - Feb 09, 2006 01:25
Sony would be overhyping and downplaying the xbox even more if the launch was just months away, they arent showing anything, and thats because they dont have anything to show yet, either that, or they should hire a new marketing department

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RE: Does Any one Know When The PS3 Will Launch In Europe for sure still comment if you do - Feb 09, 2006 03:16

Majikdra6on thanks for your info been very good

i will get £500 dno how many dollars that is but i dont care LOL