PlayStation 3 Spring launch still a go?

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Terry Bogard
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PlayStation 3 Spring launch still a go? - Feb 04, 2006 08:26
I never doubted that they' d be able to launch in Spring, the PS2 was a rushed launch just to counter the Dreamcast, so it' ll be interesting to see how they manage things this time

Taken from Magicbox!

P L A Y S T A T I O N 3

- Reuters reported that Sony has confirmed a spring 2006 launch date for PlayStation 3, but no territory was specific, so the system maybe launched in Japan first. Sony has denied the online reports about the PS3 launch been pushed back to Q4 2006.

- PSM has reported new tidbits regarding to PlayStation 3, based on info provided by anonymous developers.

* There are far more game titles in development for PS3 than originally expected in US.
* Some developers have already received the final development hardware for PS3 in early January 2006.
* The performance of the PS3 hardware is faster than expected, PS3 also possesses a Digital Video Recording (DVR) function.
* Sony will have a content download service similar to iTunes, but will offer high definite films and music.
* PS3 will have Media Center capabilities similar to Xbox 360, but with more functions.
* Video and audio can be streamed over a home network, Sony is planning for a location free rendition over PSP.
* PSP will be able to exchange data with PS3; it is possible to upload multimedia contents from PSP to PS3.
* PS3 will have firmware update capabilities similar to PSP.
* PS3 will have more BluRay functionalities than a regular BluRay Player, because the Cell and RSX processor can do a lot more tasks while reading the discs.
* PS3 will launch in US in Autumn 2006, certain game titles will have online functions at launch.
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.

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RE: PlayStation 3 Spring launch still a go? - Feb 04, 2006 09:26
If that' s the case (and i don' t want to second guess PSM now do i?!), how come Sony has been so quiet since TGS?

The information they list seems aimed at 360' s previous (due to a lack of knowledge about PS3) advantages (media center, comprehensive online service, updates etc). And while this is certainly interesting news, i' ll be happier when its confirmed.

The DVR function is interesting. I guess 360' s TiVo-esque capability will be announced officially before long, as well as other not yet officially public information about the console.

It' s certainly turning out interesting. They have to be spying on each other (real industrial espionage). It all seems very tactical to me. Sony aren' t saying anything officially but informations being leaked, Microsoft have announcements yet to be made...

Huck it, ...bring on Revolution!

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RE: PlayStation 3 Spring launch still a go? - Feb 04, 2006 09:32
it' s funny how it says no territory was specified but then later on it said US in fall of 06.

How do they plan to keep it resonable enough for consumers to buy it if they keep adding expensive features? I Don' t think they will make it by spring unless they rush it and with sony that means lots of bugs will most likely be a rampant problem.

The CES show said the controller and even the case were still concept ideas meaning the final ones aren' t even done yet and like i read the problems is making enough consoles to go around. Let' s say they want to release 1M units by spring and even if it takes 1 minute to make one machine (on the production lines i mean) 1,000,000 units ÷ 60mins = 16,666.67 hours which = 694.4 days with just one machine/plant and how many plants do they have making? Even 10 plants working nonstop is about 70 days which is which is over 2 months. That is also taking into mind if the final hardware is even completed yet (which i don' t think so seeing how they weren' t last month).

So all i can say is good luck they will need it.

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RE: PlayStation 3 Spring launch still a go? - Feb 04, 2006 09:43
Perhaps it' s all been a ruse.

PSM is a lame magazine. From Sony saying they won' t be having an online service last month, to now having one, to it supposedly being able to do everything 360 can do and more etc...

It sounds like viable information and it' s the way they' d need to go if they want to counter 360' s additional capabilities but so much info that' s not official, and with no official word...dunno what to think.

I' ll be buying the damn thing anyway but the price is gonna be sky high based on what we do know and this stuff. It costs Microsoft more than $700 to produce every 360, ...if PS3 can do more and has more stuff (like Blu-Ray wich adds $101 to every console) then surely PS3 would cost more to produce. If that' s the case you should bear in mind that although a big company, they' re nowhere near as big or as rich as Microsoft and still can' t afford to lose much money on their consoles.

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RE: PlayStation 3 Spring launch still a go? - Feb 04, 2006 10:24
I don' t think they' ve hyped it up enough yet to make spring launch.
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Terry Bogard
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RE: PlayStation 3 Spring launch still a go? - Feb 04, 2006 10:33
The other interesting bit is how much Japanese developers, retailers, and consumers think the PlayStation 3 is going to cost.

What is the expected retail price of PlayStation 3?
# Developers: 40,000 yen (US$339) average
# Retailers: 40,000 yen (US$339) average
# Consumers: 50,000 yen (US$424) average

My original figures were pretty close to that of the retailers and developers listed above. I originally listed $299. But $299 - $350 is basically where my thinking has always been, DESPITE Sony claiming that its going to be expensive..

I know its naive on my part to think it could remain that cheap given all of the features listed above but NAIVE has always been my middle name

And no mxpx, I haven' t forgotten - I' ll wear that Ricky Martin avatar with pride come time for Sony to announce the price of the PlayStation 3
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.

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RE: PlayStation 3 Spring launch still a go? - Feb 04, 2006 10:37
Ofc Sony can afford to lose money on their ps3,wtf are you talking about majik?
Sony make money on publisher paying them royaliest for being able to make games on their platform,and when you have 80 million sold ps2 and 100 million psx,you got your money covered.
Its not like the publisher gonna say,hey lets go over to the 360,how much has the xbox360 sold yet?
like 3 millions or less.
Where are all the gamers?
They haven' t chosen side yet,and the big mainstream audience is still out in fact more then sony could hope for,the most of them are still on ps2,buying ps2 games and feeding sony,and they probably jump to ps3 afterwards.

The diffrence between sony and ms in this console war is that,ms lost money on eevery console AND on their game market,basically not enough games was sold to pay off the price they had to pay for the console manufactring cost and to pay its employs.

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RE: PlayStation 3 Spring launch still a go? - Feb 04, 2006 16:16
i don' t see how it' s possible to release the PS3 for anything less then $500-700 and they keep adding stuff to it. Just the video card alone (if sony is telling the truth about being as powerful as 2 7800 ultra' s) alone is $1000 and even just one 7800 ultra is $500 not to mention the Cell CPU seeing how that is expensive and new and Blu-ray being expensive and new.

Like Kenny K said " it wil be expensive" and he said it twice which is not a good sign especially from a arragant cocky dork like him, and they might lose much more money per console then MS this time around and MS has LOTS more money then Sony and if the games are more expensive and complex to develop for i don' t see how developer' s will stick around when there is a cheaper alternative (X360 for the high def stuff) and a more innovative alternative (obviously the Rev for the different stuff) as well.

I was telling my friends i think E3 will determine it. If sony has a lame showing with nothing hardcore and concrete and Nintendo has a HUGE showing with their Rev with playable demos and stuff. THe hype for PS3 will plummet and the hype for the Rev will skyrocket. All the news shows and press will be quoting the song " don' t call it a comeback" and call them the Phoenix (hehe pardon the pun ) who rishes from the ashes to be back to be poised to reclaim the #1 spot especally being the cheapest console by far among the 3.

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RE: PlayStation 3 Spring launch still a go? - Feb 04, 2006 20:22
I think it' s going to be the same thing as with the 360. They will release it in spring(in Japan) but there will be a HUGE shortage.
I' m sure Sony is willing to lose money on every sold console just like MS so listing all the capabilities and basing a price on that will not reveal the price.
Reduce the estimated price with at least 100$ and you' ll be closer.
I think the price will be 500$-600$. That will make sence for regular people as you can look at it like this: Console 400$, + Blu-ray player 200$. That way it will look as if the PS3 has the same price as the 360 but with a cheap additional Blu-ray player packed together.
Sony will also order huge amounts of parts which will give them reduced prices. Mass production!
I' m expecting Sony to blow our minds away at E3 this year. They will make everything they can anyway. Anything else would be stupidity beyond what humans can understand.
If they have Firm-ware as with the PSP they will gain lots of support from publishers and developers as it will be a huge blow to piracy. They might also make lots of profit with different online services. Not to mention their share of the Blu-ray sales which I think will be the biggest reason for them to really lower the PS3 price.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 4 Feb 06 12:23:46 >

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RE: PlayStation 3 Spring launch still a go? - Feb 04, 2006 23:08
Why didn' t they just wait and make a good system for 2007 - now their chances for a good hardware are so low seems like a huge dissapointment is coming from sony this year.

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RE: PlayStation 3 Spring launch still a go? - Feb 05, 2006 00:35
PS3' s production costs are supposedly in the region of 54, 000 yen (approx $500, not including labour). So if Sony launch at $399 and lose the $100 on every console sold (same thing happened with PS2, it sold at a loss for more than a year). Now Microsoft lose about $126 on every console they sell but Microsoft can afford to do that forever anyway so Microsoft' s position doesn' t count.

Since Sony are expected to lose at least US $1 billion due to the nature of next gen components being more expensive.

Sony need to sell at a loss to gain market share. Technically a foreign company selling an item at a loss in the US market to gain market share is called " dumping" and is illegal and subject to import tarrifs.

While PS3 will eventually make money as long as it sells then they needn' t worry. But they can' t sell at a loss for long, even the money they make on software will be less due to developers having to use Blu-Ray (and the money they spent developing that is rediculous).

Ken Kutaragi actually said " It' ll be expensive" and " I' m aware that with all these technologies, the PS3 can' t be offered at a price that' s targeted towards households. I think everyone can still buy it if they wanted to,"

What i was saying is that Sony can' t actually afford to sell the console at a loss like Microsoft can. Microsoft could lose double what they lose already and it wouldn' t bother them.

I' ll be buying it regardless.

Adam Doree
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RE: PlayStation 3 Spring launch still a go? - Feb 05, 2006 01:36
It' s not coming out in spring, end of story...

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RE: PlayStation 3 Spring launch still a go? - Feb 05, 2006 02:21
At all?

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RE: PlayStation 3 Spring launch still a go? - Feb 05, 2006 02:27
How do you know what the production costs are? It' s not even finished and we don' t even know what exactly will be in it. The cheapest Blu-Ray player will be $1000 and i read the PS3 Blu-Ray will be better then normal players because of the cell processor can do more things.

By the way MS is losing $300 per console. I ma tryign to find the story and it was at a few places but it was a while ago when it was released saying that the X360 costs $700 to make. And it doesn' t have nearly as many things and theey claim the PS3 will have. The Blu-ray alone is alot of money extra, not to mention the power of 7800 ultras, and now they claim a DVR which will add another hundred or so. Like Kenny Said " it will be expensive" and he said it twice and by the way he said " I want people to work MORE hours so they can afford to buy our stuff" i will find you the actual quote but you know if it said expensive twice plus he said " the PS3 is NOT a game machine, it' s a Super COmputer for the home" and he said that to make the HIGH price point seem worth it. Don' t think of it as a expensive ghame machine and to try and think of it as SUPER COMPUTER. I have no doubt no matter what the price is the Sony fans will buy it but they alone cannot keep it afloat it' s up to the masses like the average hoe who is a casual gamer and i have serious doubts they want to spend $500+ for this seeing how Nintendo' s is only $200 approx. and they have a MUCH big library and the old school game will bring in lots of old school gamers like parents who played mario bros and all the old odd games they played years ago. Don' t underestimater the power of nostalgia. The New Zelda alone should drive sales for people who don' t have a GC and want to play it.

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RE: PlayStation 3 Spring launch still a go? - Feb 05, 2006 03:07 offence, but your post smells fishy... your letting your personal....ahh... ' preferences' .... cloud your judgement?....

..Objectively, Quez is right.... most own Playstation 2, and most will own Playstation 3..... ...revowhat?

.....$500 - $700 dollars for a consumer gaming product seems like more anti-Sony FB dreams to me.....

...regardless of building costs etc, the speculation that PS3 could retail for anything more than $450 is totally ridiculous....

Edit: ..damm too slow.... ...i ment your earlier post dude..
< Message edited by Bishonen -- 4 Feb 06 19:09:17 >
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RE: PlayStation 3 Spring launch still a go? - Feb 05, 2006 03:21 it really conceivable that Sony intend on abandoning their HUGE market share buy out pricing their product to the casual gamer?....

...wouldn' t that be akin to shooting your self in the foot?....
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RE: PlayStation 3 Spring launch still a go? - Feb 05, 2006 03:22
i am not anti-sony fanboy i have all 3 and a REAL gamer doesn' t care about what system it' s for i will play any game if it' s cool and fun despite who it' s for and by. Gamers play " games" not consoles.

I am not the only one who believes it. Do you honestly think it will be less then $500? Plus what about the expensive quotes and saying " it' s not a Game Machine it' s a super computer for the home" ? A lame excuse to make the expensive price tage seem feasible.

Honestly i don' t care for Sony they have horrible customer service and they have faulty crap. I prefer Nintendo because i grew up with them, they have the funnest games, they have great customer service, and their stuff it built to last. They care more about fun games then flashy graphics.

Watch you will see anythign less then $500 (even that is being generous) they wil be taking a monstrous hit and if they don' t sell the games they are in a world of hurt and i read on couple of stories Devs might leave, the dev cost are too high and complex for small game companies.

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RE: PlayStation 3 Spring launch still a go? - Feb 05, 2006 03:26
THey are arrogant and cocky that happens from being nunebr #1 too long look at nintendo? THey were #1 the king of games and their hard ass ex president Yamauchi got the same way, the thought they can do no wrong and look what happened? You ego gets over inflated and it may seems like great ideas and that you can do no wrong and you fall on your face. SOny has been on top for a while and if you are on top the only way to go is down, they need to be humbled some and inflate some of that hot air. It Happened to Nintendo and they had to rethink their whole strategy and look what they came up with. Something lots of people are excited for like press, devs, and consumers.

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RE: PlayStation 3 Spring launch still a go? - Feb 05, 2006 03:34
...hey, i don' t dislike Nintendo but....

...Sony brought gaming into the mainstream!.... ...they have made MEGABUCKS!!!

...i can' t believe that they are going to throw all that hard work away by releasing some obscure, ultra expensive, specialist piece of hardware that no one will be able to afford....

...that has to be dumb right?.... ..i know Sony may piss people off but.....

...come on!....

..Adam, please put an end to all this speculation....
< Message edited by Bishonen -- 4 Feb 06 19:34:52 >
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RE: PlayStation 3 Spring launch still a go? - Feb 05, 2006 03:37
Sony will launch at around $399 and will take a loss. There' s no other way if they intend to maintain the marketshare.

Losing US $1 billion (which sounds right to me) at first then re-couping later.

I don' t think that was the initial plan but i' d say it won' t be far off now.

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RE: PlayStation 3 Spring launch still a go? - Feb 05, 2006 03:45
If it wasn' t for nintendo Sony wouldn' t even be in the game business the name " Playstation" isn' t even their creation. They wanted full control of the SNES CD drive named the PLAYSTATION which Nintendo called it. ALso when you have 2 arrogant peopel they tend to clash and Nintendo' s pres. said fine then we are done and tore up the contract. So to spite Nintendo SOny released it as their own and kept the name Playstation. The PS1 made it because of Final Fantasy 7. Yamauchi also pissed off Square-Enix and they left and Sony offered them a ton of money so they made FF7 for the PS1 and boom it took off.

Nintendo Made it maintream with the SNES and Gameboy.

We have no idea what they are thinking, to them this seems like a smart move and think peopel want all this extra stuff which i am guessing the majority of the people who buy it won' t even use.

Why do you think he said " I want people to work more hurs to be able to afford out stuff" ? Because it will be expensive. I think if they put more power into it peopel will think it' s cool but doesn' t matter how powerful and how many gadgets it has, if the games aren' t there and if the games are boring people won' t play. Especialy if they have a cheaper alternative with a focus on FUN games.

All i can say is Power corrupts the mind.

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RE: PlayStation 3 Spring launch still a go? - Feb 05, 2006 03:55
Like i said, i don' t think launching at a loss was the original plan. People keep talking about Kutaragi' s infamous bloody quote and et it was ages ago, before they finalized the prodcut!

Kazuo Hirai, president of Sony Computer Entertainment America, says the PS3 will not be expensive and that it will be competitively priced against the Xbox 360. If 360 is selling for $299/399 then expect Sony to launch at a loss (like the PS2 did) and meet Microsoft head on. It would make even more sense should it officially make light that PS3 can' t quite match 360 in terms of power/visual output.

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RE: PlayStation 3 Spring launch still a go? - Feb 05, 2006 03:59 one doubt' s Nintendo' s contribution to gaming..... point is that, IMO, only a thumbless buck-toothed retarded baboon would release a home console for more than $400...

...but i guess we' ll just have to agree to wait and see... (hey that rhymes!)
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RE: PlayStation 3 Spring launch still a go? - Feb 05, 2006 05:16
Yeah time will tell what price its going to be, its hard to tell iv they are going to go above 400, im thinking 450 or 500, and thats still with a big loss. It wont make spring launch. Because of Sony arrogance on the matter, they deserver to get their asses kicked.

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RE: PlayStation 3 Spring launch still a go? - Feb 05, 2006 07:14
Neither Sony or Nintendo can stop Microsoft. Go here and check this out...

I couldn' t stop laughing for an hour!

Adam Doree
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RE: PlayStation 3 Spring launch still a go? - Feb 05, 2006 14:25
Well, it' s not rocket surgery... PS3 will be expensive when it comes out - very expensive. Then it will drop in price over its five year lifespan.


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RE: PlayStation 3 Spring launch still a go? - Feb 05, 2006 16:53
well said Adam! :P

all this price speculation and what not, especially with the blu ray drive, costing 101 dollars. No way!! retail price might be 1000+ dollars, but when ur buying 5 million + blu ray drives, what do u think the price is gonna be? I mean goddamn, the 360 sold at 399 at retail stores. If you go to alibaba and look for wholesale stores, those that do sell 360s in quantities, they go for like 245, if u buy 50. This goes to show how much the wholesaler got it for if it' s willing to sell them at 245 each, if u buy at big quantities!! My point, don' t look at components and think of the retail price. Things actually cost much much less when bought in huge quantities.

I still think the PS3 will be more expensive than the 360, cuz now SONY wants to sell a computer that can play games, but they might fuck up and end up with a product that is neither a computer or a gaming machine, which equals: expensive piece of shit.

Im gonna buy one, but only in like 2 years, maybe in 2008 ill buy one, or if i get a lot of money in my hands, i might just get it by 2007. Now I can make fun of my friends cuz they always dissed my xbox and said that if they wanted a pc, they' d get a real one and not an xbox and what not. bragging about their ps2 being a pure gaming console. Well, now they' ll be buying a SUPERCOMPUTER, which is still a computer, that can play games. I wanna see the excuses they make up. and I think that was the general percetion, that the xbox is a computer and therefore does not belong in the console category. What now sony fanboys!!!

I hope they change the design, cuz the current design of the PS3 SUCKS. I think it' s awful, and it really does remind me of some kind of cooking ware. They should get George Foreman to make the PS3 commercials, maybe even call it the Foreman japanese style grill.

Forget about spring launch, I don' t think there will be spring launch. Phoenixx is right, if they fuck up at E3, lots of ppl will be either buying a N5 or a 360.

My prediction for the price is 650 USD. Which means that here in canada it will be too damn expensive, damn taxes.

In my opinion, sony will still have the biggest marketshare. even those ppl that are not so sure about the ps3 anymore, will still buy it just cuz they are guaranteed to get their GTA, MGS, GT, FF, Killzone, socom, dmc and so on. But then again, we can never know until the time comes.

BLACK is coming out this month!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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RE: PlayStation 3 Spring launch still a go? - Feb 05, 2006 17:44
What convinces me that the PS3 will be very expensive is the fact that Sony themselves said that it would be expensive. You don' t say something like that if the price is going to be close to the 360s.
Sony also promised their stock holders that they would make lots of profit in 2006 since they lost so much in 2005. If they really want to do that then the PS3 will have to have a very high price tag and sell lots of units.
I' ll be very happy If the price will be around 500$ but I think a 600$ price tag is more likely.
Since I' m not a supporter of the HD era, I' d prefer if Sony would just skip the Blu-ray player and just use a regular DVD-player.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 5 Feb 06 9:44:22 >

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RE: PlayStation 3 Spring launch still a go? - Feb 05, 2006 17:53

You don' t say something like that if the price is going to be close to the 360s.

People won' t buy xbox 360 because they will save up for PS3. Or people will save up more money then buy more games and accessories when it costs less. People will think they are getting an awesome deal when it costs less. People won' t complain about the price as much. People think it must have really good stuff inside.

There are many reasons to " lie" about the price. Sony love to hype.

It wouldn' t surprise me much if it ends up costing $500 in the US, but I doubt anything higher. It' ll probably be $400 or $450.
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RE: PlayStation 3 Spring launch still a go? - Feb 05, 2006 18:09
Hmm when I hear " the PS3 is going to be very expensive" the first thing that gets in to my mind is " Ok, then I' ll just buy a 360 now and wait for the PS3 price drops" . That' s not what Sony wants to hear.
I mean, it will take very long time berfore the PS3 will make its first price drop so if the PS3 is going to cost like 700$+, then I' ll be getting a 360 to have something to play during the wait.
But maybe it will be cheap though. The parts may be expensive but many people says the components have been put together " sloppy" , maybe that can lower the price???
The 360 has got some expensive parts but it must cost as much to put them together in such a nice way.

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RE: PlayStation 3 Spring launch still a go? - Feb 05, 2006 22:04
Ok, but since price is a big issue for most people (people who have PS2s,, teenagers, students etc) and since their is a fair amount of negative information flying around about the consoel, ..launching at over $500 is a big risk.

Sony have 2 options. They can launch at a competative price (say $399) and take a loss initially (like they did with PS2). Or they can launch at a more expensive price (say $500-700) and likely not be so popular until the price comes down.

By the time PS3 hits games like Gears of War, Too Human (hopefully), Ghost Recon 3, Far Cry, Oblivon, Blue Dragon, Prey, Dead Rising, Halo 3 (hopefully), Lost Odyssey, Wardevil, Sonic, Lost Planet, ...and a whole host of other games will be out for 360. Then games like Resident Evil 5, Virtua Fighter 5, Unreal Tournament 2007 and Brothers in Arms 3 that are expected on PS3 around it' s launch will likely also launch for 360 at the same time.

So who would pay $500-700 for a non-proven machine with a thrown together online service and a small number of games at launch, the best of which will be available on 360 (except exclusive titles like Gradius)???

Probably the cheapest Blu-Ray player on the market though...

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RE: PlayStation 3 Spring launch still a go? - Feb 05, 2006 23:05
That would be true it it happened your way and you don' t know what PS3 will launch with and so on.

I' m pretty sure they' ll downgrade those spec' s - since it this state PS3 is not capable of utilising it' s peak performance.

Still the March is coming and those stupid speculations will come to an end at last :)

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RE: PlayStation 3 Spring launch still a go? - Feb 05, 2006 23:51
Yes im sure the price is gonna be 700-1000 dollar...

Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: PlayStation 3 Spring launch still a go? - Feb 06, 2006 00:14
It doesn' t take a genius to see that launch games are generally pretty lame (with some exceptions) as far as games on that console go. I hope it launches with VF5 (not exactly asking a lot) as an exclusive title and several others that won' t be on 360.

To be honest, fall 2006 for the US sounds right to me, then February/March for Europe.

Condemned is being ported to PS3 too, i thought that was pretty strange. They will need to add some extra stuff to it i think, just to make it a viable purchase (it' s already out on 360 and will be out soon on PC).

I don' t particulary care about the price. I can' t see it being more than $450 though, it' d have to be one hell of a piece of kit for people to but it at a higher price.

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RE: PlayStation 3 Spring launch still a go? - Feb 06, 2006 01:10
I said in e3 last year,that i thougt ps3 would come in march in japan.
And in europe in the 3-4 quarter...
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

Terry Bogard
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RE: PlayStation 3 Spring launch still a go? - Feb 06, 2006 01:22

I hope they change the design, cuz the current design of the PS3 SUCKS. I think it' s awful, and it really does remind me of some kind of cooking ware.

HELL NO!! I absolutely adore the system design .. The controller is another story, but the console design is beautiful in a PC Engine Duo RX sort of way
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.

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RE: PlayStation 3 Spring launch still a go? - Feb 06, 2006 01:38
I don' t like the fact that the case as E3/TGS/CES was actually bigger than the 360. PS3 is gonna be BIG!

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RE: PlayStation 3 Spring launch still a go? - Feb 06, 2006 01:43
Just use it as a table.

Terry Bogard
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RE: PlayStation 3 Spring launch still a go? - Feb 06, 2006 01:55
I use my Japanese Xbox as a TV stand, and the American one to help change my car tires. I place it behind the rear tires to prevent the car from rolling backward and then go about changing the tires! Works wonders I tell ya!
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.

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RE: PlayStation 3 Spring launch still a go? - Feb 06, 2006 02:38

Man look at this...

I seriously can' t wait, ...PS3 is in the back of my mind right now...

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