Terrible game concepts...

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Terrible game concepts... - Feb 04, 2006 07:29
If you could make one game that would full on, flat out SUCK, what would it be about?

Myself, I think " Let' s Pluck Eyebrows" or " Christmas in Conneticut: X-treme!!!"

Then again, there' s always " Spaceballs: The Musical on Ice the Socket Wrench the Video-Game" to keep yourself in a state of Gameplay Coma.

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RE: Terrible game concepts... - Feb 04, 2006 07:34
I would make fantastic freedom and waste it with buggy graphics and stupid idea of making a " violent game" (it' s not really violent to shoot a hooker - it' s stupid).

Shit I think I' m to late - Rockstar guys have done it already ...damn it all to hell ...

Terry Bogard
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RE: Terrible game concepts... - Feb 04, 2006 08:11
Anything released by THQ during the 16-bit era.
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.

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RE: Terrible game concepts... - Feb 04, 2006 20:34
I' d just copy Segas games....

(please don' t ban me)

JOKE! It' s a JOKE!

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RE: Terrible game concepts... - Feb 05, 2006 01:30
I' d have a driving game that uses the same physics the original Ridge Racer had all those years ago...

Oh yeah, ....Ridge Racer 6!

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RE: Terrible game concepts... - Feb 05, 2006 22:06
Majik - what racing game did you like best lately?

I can' t wait for RR6 (huge fan of the series) and it would be my main reason for getting a 360 (next to DoA4 and PDZ).

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RE: Terrible game concepts... - Feb 05, 2006 22:33

Ok, i loved RR4. I didn' t like 5 and i think 6 is just stupid...

PDZ will probably disappoint you, i expected more. In fact it' s probably the most overhyped game ever, the online sucks in comparison to Halo/Halo 2 and not only is the game really short but the storyline, boss fights, character animation are all rubbish. It' s nice to look at for the most part but everything (even the bricks and sand) look shiny and it' s crap compared to CoD2.

PGR3, DoA4, Condemned, CoD2 and Amped 3 are the best games for 360. Kameo and NFSMW are the next best. With Burnout Revenge, Ghost Recon 3, Oblivion and Gears of War not far off then you' d be better waiting for those really.

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RE: Terrible game concepts... - Feb 05, 2006 23:21

PDZ will probably disappoint you,

I think so to , but I have to try it at least (my favourite game of all times is Perfect Dark for N64).

Amped 3? All I heard is what a fuckin crap it is - still I haven' t tried it.

I think Oblivion might look gorgeus but I' m not sure about the Gameplay aspect (like fighting that was so fuckin wrong in Morrowind)

Gears of War - that game looks very nice , but Epic guys ..they' re not famous for their gameplay.

I don' t like Burnout - B3 was just boring to me - I' d rather play Outrun 2 and cool mission mode , than complete 300 races/crashes that look the same after you' ve done 20.B revenge was better in terms of gameplay , but still massively overhyped.

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RE: Terrible game concepts... - Feb 05, 2006 23:54
Perfect Dark on N64 is one of the greatest fps games there is but PDZ isn' t as good as it' s made out to be. I' d recommend renting or borrowing it if you can before you spend your money.

Amped 3 is slow going i guess, but it' s got tons and tons of depth and the story is brilliant. The best thing about the game is its cutscenes which are probably the best examples of cutscenes i' ve ever seen (they are genuinely funny). Every one is different and uses stuff like claymation, action figures, anime, 2D animation etc... It' s a really good game if you a) like snowboarding games, b) like quirky games, and c) want something relaxing to play. I like it anyway.

Oblivions fighting mechanics are different to Morrowinds. Supposedly it' s now running at a constant framerate with no slow-down and when you hit people you actuallt hit them rather than Morrowinds stupid setup. I can see why you' d be unsure but i think you' ll be pleasantly suprised. It' s out next month too!

As for Gear of War, Epic are a decent developer. They came out of nowhere and challenged id Software and have been hugely successful. I think Gears of war will be good, i have high hopes for it. It looks fantastic and they need a good example of what their engine can do beacuse they' re still competing with id Software (Prey uses the Doom 3 Engine). I like the over the shoulder angle for fine aiming (no doubt stolen fom Resident Evil 4) and the fact that you can use cover and stuff. 360 needs Gears of War as soon as possible (it' s looking to be released at exactly the same time the next big batch of 360s become available which isn' t a coincidence)!!

Outrun 2 is great, but Burnout Revenge is good fun too. Like you said Burnout 3 wasn' t very good but Revenge was much better. It' s gonna be big on Xbox Live i think.

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RE: Terrible game concepts... - Feb 06, 2006 06:36
I hope those games become as good as you hope - honestly I' m not that sure.

Naked Snake
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RE: Terrible game concepts... - Feb 06, 2006 07:05
I think, the better the graphics are, the worse is the gameplay

It' s true for the most newer games, but there allways will be a good game^^.

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RE: Terrible game concepts... - Feb 06, 2006 07:47
So you' re saying that, at least in theory, the first truly photo-realistic game will deserve to be drawn and quartered and fed to a whale from a gameplay perspective?

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RE: Terrible game concepts... - Feb 07, 2006 06:17

So you' re saying that, at least in theory, the first truly photo-realistic game will deserve to be drawn and quartered and fed to a whale from a gameplay perspective?

Probably yes - especially since the first truly realistic game will be a PC exclusive :)

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RE: Terrible game concepts... - Feb 14, 2006 07:15
well, when the games get photorealistic, i' ll eat whatever device they' re stored on. and if this site is still running by that time, i' m expecting for someone to take me up on that offer.

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RE: Terrible game concepts... - Feb 14, 2006 07:31
Photo realism is virtually (see what i did?!), impossible.

To calculate everything that would make a game photo relistic would take technology 50+ years down the line.

Take a look about your room at the glass, the lighting etc and think how far off rendering exactly that is. Just think how long the game would take to develop, with everything being painted by hand.


The Getaway (PS3) looks good though. The gameplay will probably be rubbish and full of glitches but it' ll still look nice!

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RE: Terrible game concepts... - Feb 14, 2006 09:01
Complete photorealism is a fair way off, but not as far as the clever people thinka dn not as near as the fanboys would have it. As the technology gets better so do the tools that support it, as do the shaders / libraries etc.. little over ten years ago the majority of gaming homes had 16bit consoles / computers and 66mhz computers were top of the range!

Some industry analyists predict it could be as little as two full generations away. It' s also worth considering that photoreal doesnt mean physics / AI real!

Xbox 4 / PS5 anyone?!

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RE: Terrible game concepts... - Feb 15, 2006 00:26
Photorealistic games doesn' t have to actually look photorealistic with exact simulation of reality. There are many ways of fooling the eye. Technology isn' t everything.

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RE: Terrible game concepts... - Feb 15, 2006 04:25
Photo realism isn' t important, just so long as the game has good art direction. I see real things all around me, I dont need it in a game too... it' d get boring
< Message edited by uumai -- 14 Feb 06 20:26:07 >
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RE: Terrible game concepts... - Feb 15, 2006 04:57
Sure just give us 4 pixels with gameplay 10/10 and nobody will complain :)