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Casshern? - Apr 06, 2004 02:13
Anyone hear or know anything about this movie?
Check out the trailer at:

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RE: Casshern? - Apr 06, 2004 02:44
I' ve seen the trailer and it looks very good. I hope it comes to the US.
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" Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day "

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RE: Casshern? - Apr 06, 2004 02:50
That' s what I was hoping to.
Looks real cool and the music sounds awesome.
Too bad I can' t understand what they are saying.

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RE: Casshern? - Apr 06, 2004 02:53
Wow, that looks really cool! Very video game-ish, almost looks like a mix between Shinobi and The Matrix.
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RE: Casshern? - Apr 06, 2004 02:55
That' s exactly what I told my roommates it looked like.

Mass X
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RE: Casshern? - Apr 06, 2004 03:09

" An alternate world with an alternate history.

The entire planet was divided between two opposing alliances.
After fifty years of bitter warfare,
the Greater Eastern Federation triumphs over
the forces of Europa and gains dominion over the Eurasian continent.

However, this is an empty victory.
Years of chemical, biological and nuclear war have poisoned the land and
left an exhausted population at the mercy of every pestilence and newly-mutated disease.

It seems that there' s little hope for humanity' s future.
Debate rages over the chances of finding some way to stave off
the seemingly-inevitable decline of civilization.

One man comes forward with a possible solution.
Dr. Azuma is a geneticist who proposes a " neo-cell" treatment that
can rejuvenate the body and regenerate humankind.
He' s driven in his studies by a desire to save his beloved wife, Midori,
from the ravages of pollution-related disease.

He appeals for funding to the government
but the politicians in the Health Ministry turn him down,
fearing that the new technology will threaten their entrenched powers.

However, a sinister faction in the powerful military makes
a secret offer to provide the support he needs to further his research.

When an incident occurs in the lab that sends
the Professor' s " neo-cell" cloning experiment haywire,
a race of mutant human beings (Shinzo Ningen) is unleashed upon the world.

Instead of being the savior of mankind,
the Professor' s miraculous technology looks set to threaten its very existence..."

Thats what it says on the site - But while listening to the trailer it says that the son of the scientist makes himself part superhuman to battle the creations.

heres the trailer if the main site runs slow for liek like it did for mine

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RE: Casshern? - Apr 06, 2004 03:24
Sounds pretty awesome to me

Mass X
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RE: Casshern? - Apr 06, 2004 12:17
hell ya it does, and with the very nice visuals. I sure hop eit reaches the US