What is wrong with SEGA?

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RE: What is wrong with SEGA? - Jan 31, 2006 03:22
Namco has always been great. Tekken, Soul Blade, Air Combat, old Tales games, Ridge Racer for the PS1 and the first Time Crisis. They all made me say WOW!
I' ve always prefered Daytona USA more than Sega Rally. Is that retarded? Is something wrong with me?
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 30 Jan 06 19:23:59 >

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RE: What is wrong with SEGA? - Jan 31, 2006 03:25
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FFS,now i tried to write my message 7 times... :S

ginjirou i get the same problem as you :S
< Message edited by QuezcatoL -- 30 Jan 06 19:26:08 >
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: What is wrong with SEGA? - Jan 31, 2006 03:26
Yeah, it' s beginning to get on my nerves. ADAM DO SOMETHING OR GIVE US YOUR DIVINE GUIDANCE!!!!

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RE: What is wrong with SEGA? - Jan 31, 2006 03:27

I' ve always prefered Daytona USA more than Sega Rally. Is that retarded? Is something wrong with me?

They' re very different as games so... no I guess we can call you " special" .

Love em both, Daytona USA was great.
And thus the saga...begins...

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RE: What is wrong with SEGA? - Jan 31, 2006 03:29
Daytona is cool - especially the arcade version.

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RE: What is wrong with SEGA? - Jan 31, 2006 03:34

ORIGINAL: ginjirou

Yeah, it' s beginning to get on my nerves. ADAM DO SOMETHING OR GIVE US YOUR DIVINE GUIDANCE!!!!

Try refreshing your browser before you reply. It' s just timing out.

Terry Bogard
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RE: What is wrong with SEGA? - Jan 31, 2006 08:42

I' ve always prefered Daytona USA more than Sega Rally. Is that retarded? Is something wrong with me?

You' re not the only one.. In fact, I never could stand the Sega Rally series. The only Sega Rally game I liked was the original Saturn version but ONLY when the game disc was spinning in my Discman and I was enjoying those kickass tunes on the go

Now Daytona USA 1 & 2, now those were racers I could sink my teeth into. Man did I LOVE LOVE LOVE the beginner track theme song in Daytona USA 2!!
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.

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RE: What is wrong with SEGA? - Jan 31, 2006 08:48
While SEGA will always and forever be my favorite game developer, Altered Beast for the PS2 almost made me cry. I was like WHAT THE F**K IS THIS???????????

To me, Sega was CONSISTENTLY an AWESOME, SUPERB developer during the Sega Saturn era. They had a few disappointments like Hang-On GP ' 95 and Shin Shinobi Den but MAN did they have a bunch of gold mines..

The Dreamcast era saw a few Sega goodies as well but not like the Saturn era where they seemed to consistently pump out games that I greatly enjoyed at home and at the arcades.

Ever since they went 3rd party something' s been lost, I haven' t seen much from them that I enjoyed all that much. There were a few trickles of decent to good games here and there but no barrage of goodies! One of their highlights no doubt had to be the Amusement Vision developed, F-Zero GX, which I thought was pretty kickass.

And speaking of Amusement Vision, despite my undying love for Sega, I will NEVER forgive Amusement Vision for f***ing up the legacy of Space Harrier with that slow-moving, boring piece-of-$hitte wannabe sequel, PLANET HARRIERS... The original Space Harrier is one of the top 5 greatest games of all time to me and If I ever get the chance to talk to Yu Suzuki again I need to ask him WHY, WHY did he not work on the ' update' himself, WHY did he not RESCUE the project from the grip of Amusement Vision!? lol..

Argh, I can' t think about Planet Harriers anymore or I' ll become depressed!
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.

Joe Redifer
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RE: What is wrong with SEGA? - Jan 31, 2006 12:03
Have you ever played Panorama Cotton? It' s like Space Harrier on acid.

I like daytona better than Sega Rally. Sega rAlly on the Saturn kicks ass. Sega Rally 2 on the Dreamcast pretty much sucks ass. Daytona on the Dreamcast kicks ass. That was Amusement Vision. Super Monkey Ball kicks ass... on the Gamecube ONLY! Trust me on that one.

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RE: What is wrong with SEGA? - Jan 31, 2006 20:37
Someone mentioned Tekken... I laughed a few years back when Tekken 4 went up against Virtua fighter 4 and all the UK PS2 mags were shocked that VF4 wiped the floor with it. Funny, I' ve known for a while the Virtua Fighter games are better but I' ve never really gotten along with Tekken. I did buy number 5 but it' s remained relatively unplayed.

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RE: What is wrong with SEGA? - Feb 03, 2006 07:34
I' m going to check T5 after I play enough of Soul Calibur 3 - I got bored with Tekkens after T3 (that game was really one of my favourites at the time) - the competition like DOA2 and SC for DC made it hard to come back to this " not that popular anymore" franchise

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RE: What is wrong with SEGA? - Feb 03, 2006 08:17
Tekken Tag Tournament was ok but not as good as i hoped. Tekken 4 tried some different stuff but ended up being pretty dire. Tekken 5 goes all the way back to the way Tekken 3 played (Tekken, Tekken 2 & Tekken 3 are included as extras, with all the characters unlocked from the start).

Tekken 5 is really good. I was suprised when i first got it but it' s definately the best Tekken yet (it' s not quite as pretty as Soul Calibur 3, but close). It' s the best weapon free fighter on PS2, better than VF4:EVO in my book.

I prefer DoA4 though (not just because it' s so attractive) because i prefer faster fighting games (KOF over Street Fighter too), but Tekken 5 is the fastest and hardest Tekken so far!

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RE: What is wrong with SEGA? - Feb 03, 2006 10:17
Sega probally is more suited to work on their own home console because I believe
they knew the customers a lot better And they definately had more freedom.

Aside from Shining Force Neo +- Tears I' ve only bought games that were in
some form on DC.
F-Zero (does it count?)
They seem to be heading towards better games though.

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RE: What is wrong with SEGA? - Feb 03, 2006 21:21
SEGA have seemed to have lost their touch, and that special magic which filled their games not so long ago. Just compare Sonic Adventure to Sonic Heroes.

However, VF5 looks awesome and OutRun2 proves they' ve still got it. I feel though that they simply want to make money off franchises rather than create totally amazing games. Not all of SEGA' s teams are like this though and once they are set making a healthy profit I feel the quality and love will come back.

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RE: What is wrong with SEGA? - Feb 04, 2006 02:06
TBH, since the dreamcast died (not with me, i still have it connected to my Projector rig via VGA-out) and SEGA went multi-format they had to more or less drop its ' creative' mode and think mostly ' business' ..

SEGA dev-teams had too much freedom beforehand and was banging out some of the most fresh and exciting games out of all developers at the time..

Now since the big re-shuffle and less creative freedom we are not seeing this anymore.

I don' t agree with:

Daytona on the Dreamcast kicks ass

Graphics-wise it was pretty good but the gameplay of the original Daytona was lost.. Im a massive daytona fan and the dreamcast version didnt play anything like it was over twitchy and the more advanced power slides from the arcade original were totally non-existent....

Sega rally on Saturn, now that kicked ass in gameplay terms.

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RE: What is wrong with SEGA? - Feb 04, 2006 02:38
...yeah, most people stopped caring after Sega stopped making consoles....

...they are just another mediocre games publisher now...

...probably be a good idea to move on... ..embrace the future...
< Message edited by Bishonen -- 3 Feb 06 19:12:19 >
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RE: What is wrong with SEGA? - Feb 04, 2006 02:51

Tekken 5 is really good. I was suprised when i first got it but it' s definately the best Tekken yet (it' s not quite as pretty as Soul Calibur 3, but close). It' s the best weapon free fighter on PS2, better than VF4:EVO in my book.

I prefer DoA4 though (not just because it' s so attractive) because i prefer faster fighting games (KOF over Street Fighter too), but Tekken 5 is the fastest and hardest Tekken so far!

Obviously ur not after a technical well-made fighting system..

< Message edited by f3hunter -- 3 Feb 06 18:53:42 >

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RE: What is wrong with SEGA? - Feb 04, 2006 05:44

F-Zero (does it count?)

Definitely - I should' ve mentioned that - this is an AAA title.

Obviously ur not after a technical well-made fighting system..

VF is not well made it is the perfect hardcore fighter - It' s hard to get people to play with you since you can massacre every noob if you have some skills.

That' s why I like DoA series , Soul Calibur - people love to play those games with you (and you can give them some chances by choosing characters you don' t have experience with :) )

DoA' s system is briliant - u need to learn the reversals and that' s it - all it takes is some thinking and trying to realize what your opponents think.Add to this that if you have trained any form of fightinig like boxing or whatever -it' s exactly what it' s all about.

I play SC3 with my girl all the time and she loves it.Sure she looks at me strange when I pick Taki or Ivy (I' m finishing her really fast with them) but I rarely do so :)

I' m not playing to show I' m the ultimate fighter of 2006 - I just want to have as much fun as possible.

Anyway Virtua Fighter 5 looks so sweet I won' t say a bad word about it - I want to play this bad boy ASAP.

It would make sense if they made it online - that way I wouldn' t have to think how hard it is for my friends - I could go stick to stick with pro' s :)

I' m trying t get a decent Arcade stick now - the one for SC2 (the universal one) gets great reviews , but my true love is the special edition aniversary Street Fighter stick (check lik sang) - it RULES.
< Message edited by ]Gangsta[ -- 3 Feb 06 21:50:13 >

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RE: What is wrong with SEGA? - Feb 04, 2006 05:59
While i have nothing whatsoever against the VF series (VF5 is one of my most anticipated games), Tekken 5 was something of a turnaround for the series. Tekken Tag Tournament was ok but i preferred SC2 and VF:4, then Tekken 4 sucked in my opinion, but Tekken 5 went back to a better system, is faster and more balanced than any previous Tekken.

Evo is a great game and sure i love a technical fighting system, but i' ll played Tekken 5 and DoAU more. DoA up until 4 was too easy. Now that they' ve re-configured the moves some and made reversals much harder to pull off, it' s a much more technical game.

While Gangsta' s girlfriend will evidently play Soul Calibur 3, mine won' t, ...she won' t play any 3d fighter. She does however kick my ass at KOF2002/3!!!

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RE: What is wrong with SEGA? - Feb 04, 2006 06:08
let her try - the gameplay will make her play it :)

Minbe didn' t want to play games like that she said shit like " I like only racing games" and good old Gangsta told her to try it (alright alrigth) ...made her to try it and she now loves the 3D fighting games as well.


You really got me intrigued with that Tekken 5 love - I definitely have to speed up my plans of trying it.

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RE: What is wrong with SEGA? - Feb 04, 2006 06:10
If you liked Tekken 3, you' ll love Tekken 5...

EDIT: Oh, Kazuya and Jin play completely differently, more so than ever! One of the new characters, Raven (based on Wesley Snipes ' Blade' ) is a great addition.
< Message edited by Majikdra6on -- 3 Feb 06 22:14:39 >

Terry Bogard
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RE: What is wrong with SEGA? - Feb 04, 2006 06:12
And even if you didn' t like Tekken 3 you may still love Tekken 5

I hated the entire Tekken series until I got my hands on Tekken 5. I can' t really explain what possessed me to purchase a game from a series that I' ve always hated but after the E3 trailer I just had a really good feeling about Tekken 5!
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 3 Feb 06 22:15:26 >
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.

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RE: What is wrong with SEGA? - Feb 04, 2006 06:16
You didn' t like Tekken 3?

Did you even try it (again) since it' s included on the Tekken 5 disc?

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RE: What is wrong with SEGA? - Feb 04, 2006 06:18
I need to squize some more fun from SC3 and then I' m all into T5 - I played T3 for years - I haven' t gotten that deep into a fighting game ever since(DoA2 nad SC were close).(that was mainly because I had no advanced opponents in other games)

Great news indeed :)
< Message edited by ]Gangsta[ -- 3 Feb 06 22:20:25 >

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RE: What is wrong with SEGA? - Feb 04, 2006 06:29

Just because!

Terry Bogard
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RE: What is wrong with SEGA? - Feb 04, 2006 06:47

You didn' t like Tekken 3?

Did you even try it (again) since it' s included on the Tekken 5 disc?

Nope didn' t like Tekken 3 when I first played it at the arcades many years ago. It was definitely better than 1 and 2 but I still wasn' t feeling the game. Replayed all 3 games included on the Tekken 5 game disc thinking that with all the time that had passed I' d find them a bit more tolerable, but when all was said and done my feelings hadn' t changed, I still wasn' t crazy about them.. Played Tekken 4 at a local arcade, talk about uninspired gameplay. Tekken 5 however was pure gold. Namco just hit all the right areas with that game.

As for Tekken Tag Tournament, well let' s just say that I' ve only walked away from two arcade games before the 1st round was even over. Tekken Tag Tournament was the first one. Capcom' s JoJo' s Venture was the second.
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 4 Feb 06 3:19:52 >
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RE: What is wrong with SEGA? - Feb 04, 2006 07:10
Dude you should post the widescreen version of Tekken 5. Square TV is sooooo yesterday. Pics from my copy of the game:

Im a massive daytona fan and the dreamcast version didnt play anything like it was over twitchy and the more advanced power slides from the arcade original were totally non-existent....

On Daytona for the Dreamcast, hold UP on the analog control stick at all times. When turning, arc the stick around the upper-half of the circle. This will allow for very precise control and no more twitchyness! Everyone knows this, even Ricardo Montalban.
< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 3 Feb 06 23:12:49 >

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RE: What is wrong with SEGA? - Feb 04, 2006 07:19
Joe get some new speakers or something - I' m tired of hearing how good your TV is :)

Joe Redifer
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RE: What is wrong with SEGA? - Feb 04, 2006 10:23
Sorry man but it' s gonna be at least 2 years until I stop talking about it. My speakers are pretty old and sound AWESOME! OMG U WUD NOT BLEEV IT!

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RE: What is wrong with SEGA? - Feb 05, 2006 01:27
I took those off the web but i do have a 4:3 projector for use with my PS2/Xbox (i' m using a 21" CRT monitor for my 360 at the moment).

The good thing about my native 4:3 projector is that it can also display 16:9 content while if i had a 16:9 projector and wanted to display 4:3 content it could be comprimised.

Tons of films are 4:3 and so are most music videos.

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RE: What is wrong with SEGA? - Feb 05, 2006 05:17
Most movies on DVD are 16:9. Who cares about music videos? 4:3 wouldn' t be comprimised at all since it used the same exact resolution as 16:9 (720x480 MAX in standard definition). 16:9 is simply stretched to that aspect. HDTV uses native 16:9 resolutions, though.

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RE: What is wrong with SEGA? - Feb 05, 2006 06:23
It would be stretched. Cars would look like lowriders with oval shaped tyres!

Loads of my anime is 4:3, but it makes no odds since my projector can display 16:9 too just not natively.

Joe, you don' t like music videos?

Joe Redifer
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RE: What is wrong with SEGA? - Feb 05, 2006 07:53
Oh. Anime. Nevermind.

I used to like music videos back when MTV was fairly new for the first few years. Now they are all just effects shows. And I really don' t like mainstream music these days so the videos have even less appeal to me. They are easy to make and edit, however.

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RE: What is wrong with SEGA? - Feb 05, 2006 22:21
Shit I can' t imagine movies without Anime like GITS , GITS2 , Gungrave , Princess Mononoke , Ninja Scroll , SteamBoy and many more.Still some people are to narrow minded to enjoy anime.

I think that black eyed peas have gorgeous videos.I don' t like mainstream music to much but it' s cool to see their videos from time to time.

Everything is easy after you get the concept and stuff - that however is not easy.

Sure many music videos are just " shake your ass for 5 minutes" clips , but not all of them.

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RE: What is wrong with SEGA? - Feb 06, 2006 02:17
The anime movies you list up there all are in widescreen. I think when he said " anime" he meant " Otaku TV episodes" like " Horny Boy" or " Boy suddenly becomes super hero" or " Principle character zapped to another dimension" .

Enjoy music videos or not, I highly doubt they' d take up the majority of your video library. Watch ' em with black bars on the side on a 16:9 TV. Or better yet maybe the people who make those videos will step up to current technology and shoot them in widescreen. I bet a lot of them already are, and are presented as letterbox when you guys buy them on VHS. I will be shooting and editing a music video this summer and I INSIST for it to be in widescreen. Also 24 frames per second... just because.
< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 5 Feb 06 18:18:06 >

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RE: What is wrong with SEGA? - Feb 06, 2006 02:26
GITS aren' t movies, they' re TV episodes. They are however widescreen as you say.

I was talking about stuff like Rayearth, Patlabor, Urotsukidoji, Spriggan etc...

I have tons upon tons of 4:3 formatted video which is why i got a 4:3 native projector. Like i said, i can still display 16:9 stuff so it doesn' t make any difference as far as i' m concerned. I' ll get a HDTV eventually but not yet.

I leave music videos running for hours, projecting onto my wall which is why i mentioned them and most are 4:3 so...

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RE: What is wrong with SEGA? - Feb 06, 2006 05:02
Let me guess. InFocus X1.

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RE: What is wrong with SEGA? - Feb 06, 2006 05:22

Can you still get those? I heard they suck and i think there' s an X2 out now but i' m not sure.

Mine' s a Toshiba T30 DLP, its max resolution is 1024 x 768 i think.

It' s ok as projectors go.

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RE: What is wrong with SEGA? - Feb 06, 2006 06:11

GITS aren' t movies, they' re TV episodes. They are however widescreen as you say.

Actually those are movies not the Stand Alone Complex series for TV.
And those 2 belong to the best movies I' ve ever seen.

Sure - I wouldn' t get a TV for watching music videos all day - I' d rather play games :)

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RE: What is wrong with SEGA? - Feb 06, 2006 23:43
Sega will always be Sega or so it seems?

I pretty knew that Sega is suffering mostly to renovate and innovate their image to their established gamers-fan base. The hay-days of the DC is amazing but not without ups and downs. This is also true during the later period of The MEgadrive and Genesis Console systems. Still, Sega is pushing much of its resolurces to fullfill and feed the necessities which by the way they really lacking during Sega Saturn.

and as much of most of its games being produced by non-sega R and D. this is due of their goal to enrich their relationships with outside developers. I see nothing wrong and bizzare to that. besides, I am hoping that one day, Sega' s glory will be back.

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