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Ayane Kikizo Beauty Queen
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RE: Ayane Kikizo Beauty Queen
Jan 22, 2006 05:39
...no... ...i was agreeing with dragon' s post before last....
Adam Doree
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RE: Ayane Kikizo Beauty Queen
Jan 22, 2006 05:51
Who cares what an instruction manual or whatever says about Ayane' s age? Firstly she is not real so nobody needs to actually worry about anything. Secondly, if she wasn' t meant to be looked at sexually they wouldn' t put her in skimy skirts and naughty bikinis with her tits hanging out all the time, and let you look at her vagina in DOAX. She' s designed to look like an 18 year old, bottom line. 14yos don' t have chests like that so " 14" is just stupid. Also, in the upcoming film, Ayane is clearly adult. So I say, Ayane-loving is ALLOWED ON KIKIZO. Glad we cleared that up.
< Message edited by Adam Doree -- 22 Jan 06 13:53:22 >
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RE: Ayane Kikizo Beauty Queen
Jan 22, 2006 06:06
EDIT: Ok, while the Ayane issue is obviously cleared for discussion, due to her being a fictional digital character, we were protesting to VX' s comments which regarded real 14 year olds.
< Message edited by Majikdra6on -- 22 Jan 06 14:13:58 >
Vx Chemical
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RE: Ayane Kikizo Beauty Queen
Jan 22, 2006 06:36
Protesting against me is fine, but i think the general perception of the subject is different in Denmark, where i live. Here it is okay for 21 year olds ( as an example) to date 14-15 year old girls, most parents find it okay, its socially acceptable. Most of my friends have had girlfriends around that age. Im just saying its naive to say that you cant find them attractive, its illegal to sleep with them, but its not illegal to look. difference of culture, even though we almost only live a stone' s throw from eachother!
Terry Bogard
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RE: Ayane Kikizo Beauty Queen
Jan 22, 2006 06:42
I DON' T CARE WHERE YOU' RE FROM, THE ONLY TIME YOU SHOULD BE ATTRACTED TO A 14 YEAR OLD GIRL IS WHEN YOU' RE BLOODY 14 YOURSELF!!! Actually when you' re 1 - 15 years old Fortunately I' ve always been the type who was more attracted to OLDER women (older than myself)
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 22 Jan 06 14:43:20 >
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RE: Ayane Kikizo Beauty Queen
Jan 22, 2006 06:48
LOL! Rooney? Is that you?
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RE: Ayane Kikizo Beauty Queen
Jan 22, 2006 07:17
Protesting against me is fine, but i think the general perception of the subject is different in Denmark, where i live. Here it is okay for 21 year olds ( as an example) to date 14-15 year old girls, most parents find it okay, its socially acceptable. Most of my friends have had girlfriends around that age ...just remember that it isn' t post-pubescence which dictates sexual maturity... ...it' s law... ...mess with that and you' ll have to answer to him  I AM THE LAW!
Vx Chemical
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RE: Ayane Kikizo Beauty Queen
Jan 22, 2006 07:36
Im not going to do anything illegal, id find myself silly dating girls that age, but i do admit that i like looking.
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RE: Ayane Kikizo Beauty Queen
Jan 22, 2006 08:11
Nice Bishonen, very nice! VX, i don' t pretend to understand your culture and i respect the fact that our cultures are different, but i can' t understand how anybody your age would " ..like looking.." at 14 year old minors. You say your 21 year old friends have had girlfriends that young?! Well, what' s so wrong with your friends that they can' t get grilfriend their own ages? I understand the whole women mature at a younger age than men concept, but 14 is still 14, and 14 is still too young! The legal age in the UK is 16, and it varies by both gender and state in America. I just can' t comprehend what a 21 year old male would want with a 14/15/16 year old girl. WTF are you gonna talk to them about? Barbie? You are obviously entitled to your opinion just as we are, but there is definately something wrong with adult males even looking at girls that young!!!
Vx Chemical
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RE: Ayane Kikizo Beauty Queen
Jan 22, 2006 19:44
It' s really not hard to talk to girls that age, well it werent when i was 21 atleast, im 25 now, and i havent spent time with a girl that age for a while. But really maybe you should halt your aging process just a little, as you dont know what they think about at all. I recently read an article, well it was a mailbox, by a famous Sexologist (is that spelled right?) here in denmark, where a guy at age 23 wrote her and told about him being attracted to teen girls (14-16). And she responded to him that most guys are. I think she is right, but most people have a hard time admitting it. Sinfull thoughts-. Did a search on the net for teen models and found this girl, who is 15 years old, and if you didnt know her age or she told you she was 18, you would be very much attracted to her, or you would be dead My point is, girl those ages can be very pretty and attractive.
Chee Saw
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RE: Ayane Kikizo Beauty Queen
Jan 22, 2006 20:36
Ok. Allow me to speak my very knowledgeable, and absolutely correct, opinion. Firstly, beauty knows no age. Sexuality on the other hand, which is what we' re really talking about here, is a matter of law. So don' t have sex with minors (whatever that may be in your country)! As far as appreciating the beauty of a young girl (14, 15, or whatever), there are lines and boundaries which shouldn' t be crossed. Can a young girl be attractive? Of course. I' ve said on several occasion, two very specific phrases that encompass the way I think when I see someone of that age that one may consider " sexy" . 1) Wow. She' s really going to be an attractive young lady. 2) Damn! That' s just not right that that middle-schooler looks like a frickin' super model! Must be the BGH in the milk, nowadays. In neither case have I villified myself by thinking or saying anything sexually related. I personally think that little girls should be left alone (by horny men, and people out to make a buck) until the age of 18. Little girls should NOT be photographed in bikinis, in suggestive positions! Personally, I do not find the muddy girl attractive, in any way. I like womanly curves, and girls that at least LOOK older than 18! That girl looks 12. In other words; girls of a young age CAN be attractive. They should NOT, however, be exploited in a sexual manner (such as that pic). The people who allowed that girl to pose in that picture, and the ones using the 15 year olds bikini pictures should be scorched in heck! Edit Oh yeah. Ayane rocks, and since she' s a digital creation, I just choose for her to be about 23 or 24 in my mind.
< Message edited by Chee Saw -- 22 Jan 06 12:39:21 >
Vx Chemical
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RE: Ayane Kikizo Beauty Queen
Jan 22, 2006 20:48
i' ll just shut up
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RE: Ayane Kikizo Beauty Queen
Jan 24, 2006 01:14
Sir: She' s designed to look like an 18 year old, bottom line. 14yos don' t have chests like that Chee Saw: Oh yeah. Ayane rocks, and since she' s a digital creation, I just choose for her to be about 23 or 24 in my mind. ...let' s not kid ourselves here guys.... ...anyone who pays attention can clearly see that Ayane, Kasumi, Hitomi, and Lei Fang are ALL modelled on school girls... ...anyone who has played DOAX will attest to this.... the above mentioned all REGULARLY boast some sort of school uniform as outfits... ...they DO NOT speak, behave or move like women.... ..Christie, Lisa, Helena and Tina are obviously the only characters who are designed to be over the age of 18..... ...oh and there are plenty of large breasted girls of 14 years and younger in the real world.... ..didn' t you see the F-Cupped 11 year old on page one?....... ...and don' t even ask about Koroko....
Adam Doree
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RE: Ayane Kikizo Beauty Queen
Jan 24, 2006 01:46
I am in love with Kokoro, if that makes me a paedo then lock me up.
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RE: Ayane Kikizo Beauty Queen
Jan 24, 2006 01:51
lol, vxchemical, i feel sorry for you, no one understands u... I see your point Vx and I get it and it' s a difference of culture. When you are grown up with something guys, in denmark' s case to think of legal age as 15, then you get used to it and i guess you don' t see anything wrong with it. VX, what' s the legal drinking age?? I find it funny how legal age is 18 let' s say and see a girl of that age in a porno, and yet on the other hand she' s not allowed to drink until 19 here in canada or 21 in the states. that' s just weird if u ask me. Vx you can talk to them, the 15 year olds I mean, but it' s not the same. 21 and 15, wow, I dunno how you can keep a relationship like that going, cuz she just doesn' t have the maturity level as the 21 year old. I dated a 14 year old, and no I didn' t have sex with her u pervs  , when I was 18. Two weeks later I broke up. Going out with her in the first place was a mistake. I had a hard time communicating with her as I would with girls my age or older. I dun even know why I went out with her in the first place, usually I' m attracted to older girls
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RE: Ayane Kikizo Beauty Queen
Jan 24, 2006 01:57
Oh and Itagaki is definitely a pervert, don' t care what anyone says. He dreams of little girls with huge boobs in catholic school girl outfits with super short kilts. then he dreams of them playing volleyball on a beach wearing practically nothing...no wonder people like his games  hahahaha
Game Junkie
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RE: Ayane Kikizo Beauty Queen
Jan 24, 2006 02:02
What boobs!!!! I think the judges like to call them " assets" .
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RE: Ayane Kikizo Beauty Queen
Jan 24, 2006 02:23
I thought Ayane was only 14 in the first game. In DOA2 she was 16 and in 3 she' s 18. I was 14 the first time I clapped eyes on Ayane anyway so logic dictates if she was real she' s be my age thus it' s ok for me to perve over her. Mwuhaha.
Vx Chemical
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RE: Ayane Kikizo Beauty Queen
Jan 24, 2006 02:30
lol, vxchemical, i feel sorry for you, no one understands u... I see your point Vx and I get it and it' s a difference of culture. When you are grown up with something guys, in denmark' s case to think of legal age as 15, then you get used to it and i guess you don' t see anything wrong with it. VX, what' s the legal drinking age?? I find it funny how legal age is 18 let' s say and see a girl of that age in a porno, and yet on the other hand she' s not allowed to drink until 19 here in canada or 21 in the states. that' s just weird if u ask me. Vx you can talk to them, the 15 year olds I mean, but it' s not the same. 21 and 15, wow, I dunno how you can keep a relationship like that going, cuz she just doesn' t have the maturity level as the 21 year old. I dated a 14 year old, and no I didn' t have sex with her u pervs , when I was 18. Two weeks later I broke up. Going out with her in the first place was a mistake. I had a hard time communicating with her as I would with girls my age or older. I dun even know why I went out with her in the first place, usually I' m attracted to older girls It' s legal to drink at age 15, in denmark, though nightclubs cant serve girls under the age of 18, that doesnt stop it from happening, at any given club you could easily run into 14-15 year old girls, and in some clubs iv seen em get even younger. When i was 21 i had a girlfriend who was 15, we were together almost 2 years, and we didnt have any problem communicating on any level. It really wasnt that hard, what can i say other than its rather normal here. Now im 25 with a 21 year old girlfriend and a 8 month old daughter so it isnt really something i give much thought, except that i on occasion turn my head and check out a girl. Last time i did a 14 year old, i was 15 myself, so technically i could have been convicted of sex with a minor back then I myself have never been attracted to older girls. I dont know why, but i just dont like them, maybe i have some desire to feel superior. I am your god, as usually my first line on a date (J/K)
< Message edited by VX CHEMICAL -- 23 Jan 06 18:32:05 >
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RE: Ayane Kikizo Beauty Queen
Jan 24, 2006 02:36
My girlfriend is older then me. Just by a year but... I don' t know why I had the urge to say that just then...
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