Any Final Fantasy Fans?

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Any Final Fantasy Fans? - Jan 21, 2006 00:09
If you' re here , that means you :
A:love FF series
B:Wonder WTF is this post about
C:Came here looking for Sony Fanboys to kill them all.

For all you who answered " A" and " C" - I' m with you - however this post is for those who answered " A" .

I started my FF experience with Final Fantasy VII , then went retro to play Final Fantasy VI.
Lately I found Final Fantasy X to be very lacking in areas I care for most (in FF games) - Freedom and Exploring WorldMap.The story itself didn' t appeal to me that much .
I didn' t have the chance to play FFXI but I know I will ,however FFXII was a shock to me and it felt like something great have just ended forever(I' ve played the demo).

I' d love to know if any of you think that " innovations" introduced in FFX make series better or worse?

Don' t you want to have a fantastic jRPG the way they always were?
I really enjoy Dragon Quest 8 so much more than FFX.
I also read ( that Grandia III is going to kick ass and is making people like jRPG' s again.

It feels like people who say they like RPGs are the ones who actually mean they used to like them in FFIV-VIII and IX " Era" - those where the days of Grandia , Star Ocean , Final Fantasy Tactics , Suikoden , Suikoden II and so much more.

I think that jRPG is the only genre that was seriously hurt by " innovation" (like no world map).

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RE: Any Final Fantasy Fans? - Jan 21, 2006 00:47
I' ve been trying to curse Sony for some time. I' ve tried bloody allsorts, even had cow blood thrown at me while i chanted this and that...

Anyway, ...

I' m currently playing the 360 Beta of Final Fantasy XI, which strangely doesn' t use Xbox Live. Obviously it' s not exactly a new title, the game is 3 years old, but i can see why Microsoft would want it,' s the name. Final Fantasy...

I' m playing as a Tarutaru and have spent much of the day moping about with a couple of others, mugging smaller (well not smaller than my Tarutaru) creatures and the like. This game does however require a serious amount of gameplay to actually get anywhere though and i won' t be buying it on release.

I' m a sucker for anything and everything Final Fantasy 7/8. 7 is my preference and i' m seriously hoping they port the Playstation original to PSP, but i like 8 too!

I have played most FF games, but i don' t think anything that has come since has compared to eithet 7 or 8, and specifically 7 which is much better than 8.

Chocobo drumsticks anyone?!

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RE: Any Final Fantasy Fans? - Jan 21, 2006 00:47
Ofc i love FF,however FF creator Sakaguchi and the comopisoter Nobuo has left Square-enix and is making 4 new more into them then ff serie now TBH...

FF is love and FF7 is world best game ever made
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RE: Any Final Fantasy Fans? - Jan 21, 2006 01:02
Mistwalker are working on 3 New RPG' s; Blue Dragon & Lost Odyssey and an as yet un-named project.

What' s the fourth?

Blue Dragon & Lost Odyssey are 360 exclusives...

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RE: Any Final Fantasy Fans? - Jan 21, 2006 01:06
" Cry on" a action rpg,and a nds game that is gonna be strategy/rpg.
And yes BD and LO is gonna be exclusives cause Microsoft is publishers and paying mistwalker,that where sakaguchi got his money from,and ms did a great deal there
< Message edited by QuezcatoL -- 21 Jan 06 9:07:34 >
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RE: Any Final Fantasy Fans? - Jan 21, 2006 01:25
Oh look, it' s for 360 too. Ha, Microsoft have sooooo much money it' s just not fair!

Do we know that the un-named project is yet?

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RE: Any Final Fantasy Fans? - Jan 21, 2006 02:06
i am a huge fan of final fantasy series

i beat FF6, FF7, FF8, FF9, FFx, FFx-II

i agree with you 90% gangsta of all what you said, exceprt for FFx part which i think was a good game as well and i liked the story, but it had me disapointed because lke you said no world map, not many secrets and not many G-force, so that sucks but the overall game it is the best RPG in ps2, or may be dragon quest 8, i' m undecided.

FFx system cobat was excellent, they should have kept that for FF12, now that game really scares me, i' m seeing FF franchise going down with this one

1) i don' t like the character , he looks girly
2) the system combat doesn' t seem appealing

the best combat system is FFX in my opinion .
i hope that the next final fantasy (after 12) will be corrected, i really want them to go back a little bit, i mean dragon quest 8 system is simple, old school but awesom.

but don' t you guys think that it' s a bit awkward to keep the old school combat system , while graphics are photo realistic ??? it seems a bit weird isn' t it???
< Message edited by abasoufiane -- 21 Jan 06 13:38:51 >

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RE: Any Final Fantasy Fans? - Jan 21, 2006 02:23
Hmmm sakaguchi and nobuo is the biggest name or former in square-enix however their students that taken over at square-enix and the former people and with the amount of money S-E has,FF serie will still be top notch.
And sony still owns 8% of them...
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RE: Any Final Fantasy Fans? - Jan 21, 2006 08:00
Yeah the combat was great in FFX - but I love the FF7 system with materia and the FFX solution while OK still haven' t gotten even close.

There' s a very positive Vibe about Grandia 3 in the industry - it might be the best RPG for PS2.
< Message edited by ]Gangsta[ -- 21 Jan 06 16:01:28 >

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RE: Any Final Fantasy Fans? - Jan 21, 2006 08:09
loved the materia system too,however it should have been weaker and 4e character should have been allowed...
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RE: Any Final Fantasy Fans? - Jan 22, 2006 03:21
....I have played FF VII, VIII, IX and X....

...I found VII to be arguably the best .... inspite of the generally rubbish visuals, it had cool characters (Barret was funny), good story and was enjoyable to play...

...VIII was the most adult of the series... ..the characters and story were more appealing to me than VII, which i found to be rather childish.... ....but i missed the matirea system....

...IX is my least played FF game.... frankly i was put off buy the art direction of the game... i didn' t like them ditching the style they had used in VIII....

....X was, in short.... ...a disappointment..... the characters were generally good.... (Auron was soooo cool) ....but i HATED the story.... Tidus was a crap lead character..... and the stupid puzzle maze magic system was totally unnecessary and idiotic.... ...I did think that the battle system was the best so far though.... put a greater emphasis on fun.... and i absolutely loved ' Jet-Ball' , the main mini-game.... i think i spent weeks perfecting my team' s stats in that game..... the end my team could score from the half way mark!.... ..yeah that was fun....

...actually i think VIII is the best ever FF.... IX is defiantly the worst.. ..

....I haven' t played X-2 and XII... ...what are they like? ....
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RE: Any Final Fantasy Fans? - Jan 22, 2006 03:42
There' s a reason why FFVII is by far and away the most popular in the series.

Although not an RPG I can' t wait to play Dirge of Cerberus. I find the whole FFVII story to be the most engrossing, probably due to the number of likable characters. I really hope they port FFVII to PSP, it wouldn' t eactly be a hard task!

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RE: Any Final Fantasy Fans? - Jan 22, 2006 04:01
Kitase is the director there too.

Btw i forgot to add that " cry on" will be to xbox360,blue dragon gonna be our chrono trigger to 360,remember that nobuo,sakaguchi,and akira did it,even though kitase and another guy who i forgot the name did most of the music.
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RE: Any Final Fantasy Fans? - Jan 22, 2006 04:12

I really hope they port FFVII to PSP, it wouldn' t eactly be a hard task!

If they ever did bring it to the PSP I don' t think they' d do a simple port, I think they' d update the graphics, like they' re doing with the PSP version of Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth.

Sorry to make you drool
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.

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RE: Any Final Fantasy Fans? - Jan 22, 2006 04:25
Yeah, but it wouldn' t exactly be a hard task. Modern compression techniques and the amount of space on PSP' s UMD' s would enebale them to fit it all on 1, i would hope.

Still, with rumours (due to the PS3 tech demo) of a Final Fantasy 7 remake, and the success in Japan at least of Advent Children, and another game set in the same universe coming out on PS2 soon. I would think that Sony would have at least given it some thought.

I had hoped to have seen a Playstation Classics range (perhaps with improved visuals and sound etc) for PSP. By the time they get around to it, the naughty people hacking and putting out emulators for PSP will already have gotten the PSone emu working properly (though you' d have trouble fitting all of FF7 on your memory card...).

I wanted Nintendo to do a N64 calssics range too. I have so many fond memories form days gone by, i want portable versions i can carry round with me!

Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth looks REALLY good!

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RE: Any Final Fantasy Fans? - Jan 22, 2006 07:28
Kitase and nomura who also did ff7 with sakaguchi,and is still at square-enix and other employers has said themself they want to do a ff7 remake but as it is now they got no time,but if they had and they got the money,they would do it without a doubt.
So there is why people really think its coming,also ff7 sold 9 million copies,and is a game that takes 40 hours+ to finish,and is using text...
Not many games that can beat that.
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RE: Any Final Fantasy Fans? - Jan 29, 2006 03:31
guys i just played FF12 demo, and i should say that i' m a bit disapointed, i' m not impressed at all except for the trailer that is very very good, you can bet there will be a very good story.

still the combat system is nt that good, it doesn' t feel final fantasy 12 anymore, may be i should wait the final release but for this demo, things are not that good...
i' m worried about this game, i hope that squarenix know what its doing :(

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RE: Any Final Fantasy Fans? - Jan 29, 2006 07:35
For me,lost odyssey is the FF12...and for me Blue dragon is the sequal to chrono cross...or rather trigger...but well i see it as the 3rd...
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
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RE: Any Final Fantasy Fans? - Jan 29, 2006 07:42
Quez - FF7 takes 25-30 h to finish and adding good voice acting is not a problem.

FF12 DEMO is shockingly dissapointing - only Sega Rally 2006 can beat that (what the fuck happened to SEGA?)

Grandia III is my last hope ...