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GTA4 (Europe???)
Jan 19, 2006 00:25
A British gaming publication, namely PSM, has stated that a Rockstar rep has revealed to them that the forthcoming next-generation GTA will actually be set accross 6 different European cities (harking back to GTA: London i expect). They go on to claim that it' ll be unveiled at E3 in May and will have an inital period of exclusivity on PS3, meaning that it will appear on 360 and PC some time after (6 months?). I expected as much, since it was the same case with GTA 3, Vice City and San Andreas. Also, while the PSP got Liberty City Stories, it' s expected to get Vice City Stories, San Andreas City Stories and Carson City Stories. PS2 will be getting a remade version of Liberty City Stories later this year. I do wonder whether GTA4 being set accross multiple European cities will put some American players off...
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RE: GTA4 (Europe???)
Jan 19, 2006 00:33
Just curious here, show of hands for anybody who cares about the next GTA game. My hend will be held firmly down thankyou, but I am curious to know how much appeal these gaems still have.
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RE: GTA4 (Europe???)
Jan 19, 2006 00:39
Check the sales figures for Liberty City Stories on PSP. Ofcourse people are still interested in GTA games, why else would they be so popular?
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RE: GTA4 (Europe???)
Jan 19, 2006 00:55
Relax majikdra6on, I' m not raining on your parade here. I now those games have sold a crapload of copies, but that' s not what I' m asking, I' m asking what is the interest level for the next game? And particularily from the users that post here. GTA games seem to be losing steam from the comments I see posted about them in other forums, and was wondering if the same sentiment held true here. Don' t forget, piles of peope went to see Attack of the Clones, because it was a star wars movie, and in general it was panned.
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RE: GTA4 (Europe???)
Jan 19, 2006 01:14
Granted, and i' m not especially keen on the series myself, but the leap from GTA3/Vice City to San Andreas was certainly impressive. With other developers attempting to better Rockstar at their own game (THQ' s and their 360 exclusive Saint' s Row), i would hope and expect the next generation GTA to make another giant leap in terms of gameplay and obviously visuals. I was specifically curious as to how people form the States would react to the game being set accross European Cities, especially since London will almost certainly be one of those, meaning that it would be directly compared to another PS3 title, The Getaway' s next incarnation.
Terry Bogard
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RE: GTA4 (Europe???)
Jan 19, 2006 01:16
The next Grand Theft Auto game should have taken place in Prison.....without any " hot coffee" elements
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.
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RE: GTA4 (Europe???)
Jan 19, 2006 01:22
I really enjoyed the prison parts of The Chronicles of Riddick. That' s actually a really good idea Terry. Vehicles would be lacking though, which wouldn' t be as bad as it would initially seem. Fashion your own shivs!
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RE: GTA4 (Europe???)
Jan 19, 2006 01:29
In response to Mxpx182' s question, I have no interest in the series myself... so my hand is firmly down as well. Though if they are going to make another one the European setting could be neat.
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RE: GTA4 (Europe???)
Jan 19, 2006 01:33
Isn' t Bully going to be set completely within the school grounds? Oh, Terry, are all Kikizos staff British?
< Message edited by Majikdra6on -- 19 Jan 06 9:34:20 >
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RE: GTA4 (Europe???)
Jan 19, 2006 01:38
I don' t know about being British, but they are all certainly stuck in the 80' s. I mean come on; Gradius??????
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RE: GTA4 (Europe???)
Jan 19, 2006 01:55
Gradius rocks, especially 3!!! Some games my friend stand the test of time and some don' t. The Gradius is one that does, and therefore deserve their classic status! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- But i was thinking that with Shaun Ryder voicing a character in San Andreas, that instead of London, they could choose to use Manchester instead. A city notorious for gun crime, drugs, music and the 2 greatest football teams in the country... Beats driving through London again!
< Message edited by Majikdra6on -- 19 Jan 06 9:58:05 >
Terry Bogard
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RE: GTA4 (Europe???)
Jan 19, 2006 02:13
Oh, Terry, are all Kikizos staff British? Not bloody likely Kikizo is worldwide The heavy hitters like Adam, Alex, Stephen, and a few others reside in Europe. I reside in the U.S., as do a few others, and there' s maybe a member or two residing in Japan (I think). I don' t know about being British, but they are all certainly stuck in the 80' s. I mean come on; Gradius?????? The rest of the staffers aren' t stuck on Gradius, I' m the one with the extreme Gradius fetish  ... The ONLY game that motivated me to get a PS2 as early as I did was Gradius IV :). It was either that or fly to Japan and play it at an arcade, which sounded much more appealing but also much MUCH more expensive. And now that the next Gradius has been confirmed for the PS3, that system is also an instant buy! I' m just a shooter whore in general.. If Konami announced Salamander 3 (Life Force 3) I would die a VERY VERY VERY happy man
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 19 Jan 06 10:15:46 >
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.
Vx Chemical
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RE: GTA4 (Europe???)
Jan 19, 2006 02:34
I liked GTA 1 and 2, but i didnt like the others much, i played Vice City because of the cool setting, but the whole crime boss thing just gets boring. I like games that have an epic feel, i dont like being a thug. And for a game trying to be so controversial? where is the blood? where' s the guts? dissemembered body parts? That would help bring GTA back in peoples heads!
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RE: GTA4 (Europe???)
Jan 19, 2006 02:59
I' ve never rushed to buy a GTA game, but I' ve bought them all at some point...played them through, enjoyed them and sold them on. Rockstar are actually one of my favourite dev houses (after Manhunt), and the original idea in GTA1 was inspirational, but eight years on it is wearing a bit thin. I tend to think of them as expansion packs nowadays! Vice City was probably my favourite so far tho, just cos of the music and scarface links. I' m sure GTA4 will have its extra hooks so it sells well and the map will be twice as large again, the London part will probably be a spoof of Lock Stock or any of the other now cliched cockney gangster films out there. Tbh I' ll probably pick it up on the cheap after its old, like I did with San Andreas.
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RE: GTA4 (Europe???)
Jan 19, 2006 03:42
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RE: GTA4 (Europe???)
Jan 19, 2006 03:56
I LOVE Snatch, that movie is so good. The only GTA i truly enjoyed, and the first in the series to play, is GTA III. and choupolo, GTA III has all the scarface soundtracks and not vice city. Vice city sucked if u ask me and san andreas was even worse. and the graphics too, god that game looked horrendous on the ps2 (san andreas i mean). especially on a 52" screen (at my buddy' s house). I hope they can make some quality shit. Oh well, i' m just waiting on The Godfather, that game is gonna kick some serious ass!! have u seen the trailers?? characters look so well done and surroundings too and I wouldn' t mind playing through the story of one of my favorite movies. Once I get my 360, Framy City Killer will be a game that i definitely wanna try also. GTA IV will really have to have updated graphics and improved gameplay, it lacks in good controls in gun fighting and some other things.
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RE: GTA4 (Europe???)
Jan 19, 2006 03:58
maybe the european setting will make it more interesting and i' ll get the game. who knows
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RE: GTA4 (Europe???)
Jan 19, 2006 04:32
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RE: GTA4 (Europe???)
Jan 19, 2006 05:16
If/when I get a PSP then I might get Liberty City Stories, but that will probably be it. I have never owned a GTA but I have played most of them. I have to say, Vice City is probably the only one I enjoyed that didn' t seem forced! It' s just the whole feel of being on a tropical island-like city that gripped me.
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RE: GTA4 (Europe???)
Jan 19, 2006 05:32
GTA4 Needs some serious gameplay improvements, well not thats its bad but come on, we have played the same game [basicly] about 3/4 times? it would be nice to get something to hook the player in other than nice graphics.
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine. Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!
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RE: GTA4 (Europe???)
Jan 20, 2006 02:57
I' m a sucker for GTA games even though I' ve only ever finished two of them; GTA and GTA3. The funny thing is I' m not too bothered about the next game now and probably won' t be up until about the time it comes out. Same thing happened with San Andreas and Vice City. Ok, so I bought a PS2 for number 3 but was dissapointed in it Vice City is clearly the game 3 should have been but San Andreas is just insane in scale.
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RE: GTA4 (Europe???)
Jan 20, 2006 03:58
Yeah San Andreas is huge! I was impressed with GTA:LCS on PSP. It shows what the unit can do...
Stephen Rowley
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RE: GTA4 (Europe???)
Jan 20, 2006 20:26
The singleplayer in Liberty City Stories is a bit meh compared to any of the PS2 games, but it' s worth it solely for the multiplayer - if you' re into that sort of thing and have like-minded, PSP owning mates. Next GTA set in European settings was the obvious progression, hope that is the case. Americans will buy it for the GTA name alone, but it could be re-subtitled for that market to increase appeal... GTA: Lardy Tourists Edition, GTA: We' re not in Kansas anymore or GTA: We' re off to London to visit the Queen. They do need to innovate more, and not just up the scale and make it prettier. Anyways, San Andreas was too big, imho.
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RE: GTA4 (Europe???)
Jan 20, 2006 21:00
I doubt Rockstar would be able to re-cteate London to the extent that SCEE' s London Studio will in the next Getaway. The original and Black Monday had some major gameplay flaws, but they did a decent job of re-creating the feel of the city. I' m hoping Rockstar actually decide to choose a different UK city than the overused capital. Manchester or Liverpool would work well! I also hope that they re-create actual cities, instead of just basing them on real ones. I' m keeping my eye on Saint' s Row, but i doubt it' ll be any good!
Vx Chemical
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RE: GTA4 (Europe???)
Jan 20, 2006 21:39
KingPin is the only real crime game. I just love the Quake 2 engine!
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RE: GTA4 (Europe???)
Jan 20, 2006 23:38
Not saying this to be offensive(I am half british anyway) but perhaps the protagonist could be a mysterious London bomber on the run. I think that would be pretty neat.
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RE: GTA4 (Europe???)
Jan 21, 2006 04:58
ORIGINAL: Marink Not saying this to be offensive(I am half british anyway) but perhaps the protagonist could be a mysterious London bomber on the run. I think that would be pretty neat. WTF??? SIX european cities, and you think it would be cool to play as a London bomber?! D1CK!
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RE: GTA4 (Europe???)
Jan 21, 2006 17:40
What' s up with you? I' m not trying to offend anyone! The series is about crime and sh1t.
Stephen Rowley
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RE: GTA4 (Europe???)
Jan 21, 2006 20:14
I doubt Rockstar would be able to re-cteate London to the extent that SCEE' s London Studio will in the next Getaway. The original and Black Monday had some major gameplay flaws, but they did a decent job of re-creating the feel of the city. I' m hoping Rockstar actually decide to choose a different UK city than the overused capital. Manchester or Liverpool would work well! I also hope that they re-create actual cities, instead of just basing them on real ones. Rockstar wouldn' t even try to replicate a real city, and rightly so. One of the biggest problems with games like Getaway and True Crime is that real cities just aren' t as fun to play in as the hyper-real cities that Rockstar create for that specific purpose. I suspect more likely, the ' european cities' of GTA4 (if that' s the plan), will just evoke feelings of their host countries - e.g. parts of all of England rather than just of London. As for the idea about a bomber, it' s a ridiculous one even just on the basis that it would hurt sales! It' s just too sensitive an issue to include, it would add nothing to the experience and it would turn many people off buying the game (and would make for a very short game anyhoo... level 1, blow yourself up, Game Over you lose). However, it will be interesting to see how well V for Vendetta does over here, and how much the original story is toned down.