XBOX 360 Freezing : Update January 17th

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XBOX 360 Freezing : Update January 17th - Jan 17, 2006 04:52
Ok, I believe I am the first kikizo member to encounter the dreaded " freezing" with their 360. I' ve had mine for 2 months now, and eveything was perfect till this weekend. Now ti' s frozen once in PD Zero, and 4 times with Amped 3. Very well ventilated aread, so I don' t think it' s overheating, but I' m running a series of tests right now. Good thing is that In Canada, microsoft doesn' t fix them, they just instantly replace with a new unit. I' ll keep you updated on what happens. Anyone else have any problems?
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RE: XBOX 360 Freezing - Jan 17, 2006 04:57
No, not yet. I got mine on launch day in the UK (2nd Dec) with every game and they' ve all been fine even after prolonged periods of play.

I had though the problems previously reported surrounded PGR3 specifically and not other games. The unit itself may get hot but the fans inside should be able to cope, it' s the power pack that needs to be ventilated, or at least that' s my understanding.

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RE: XBOX 360 Freezing - Jan 17, 2006 04:58
I have had two system crashes (xbox shutsdown) but only while playing King Kong, so i think its more likely its the game that has issues!! Otherwise it works perfectly!

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RE: XBOX 360 Freezing - Jan 17, 2006 06:09
I' m curious now. What are these tests you speak of?

Game Junkie
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RE: XBOX 360 Freezing - Jan 17, 2006 06:19
No problems besides with the crappy headset. And COD2 online, anyone know if its getting patched?
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RE: XBOX 360 Freezing - Jan 17, 2006 06:41
next generation eh? you swear you where talking about pc titles, tests, patchs, headsets? whats next, a hard drive!?

Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine.

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RE: XBOX 360 Freezing - Jan 17, 2006 07:49
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RE: XBOX 360 Freezing - Jan 17, 2006 09:06

No problems besides with the crappy headset. And COD2 online, anyone know if its getting patched?

They were working on patch but I' m not sure if it' s ready.

I agree - I hate it when videogames adopt the worst part of PC gaming.But it' s only Xbox so it' s not that bad for now.MS systems have huge support from PC developers and those stupid fucks can' t make any game right the first time.

(except Valve and Blizzard :) )

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RE: XBOX 360 Freezing - Jan 17, 2006 09:42

I' m curious now. What are these tests you speak of?

Running it for extended periods of time, noting if lock ups happen after long periods, or right away. I' m looking at when lockups happen, ie. loading or gameplay. I' m running the system with the hard drive, and then without, and then just seeing if there are any changes at all.

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RE: XBOX 360 Freezing - Jan 17, 2006 22:12
No problems with mine since I got the replacement unit.

ORIGINAL: Game Junkie

No problems besides with the crappy headset. And COD2 online, anyone know if its getting patched?

Yeah. What' s up with that new headset? The one for the first Xbox live ROCKED! I guess too many people complained about not being able to lay their head back while playing! P*ssies!

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RE: XBOX 360 Freezing - Jan 17, 2006 23:04
Lol, blame it on the PC devs! The main reason PC games dont work is cos of the huge variance in hardware. No such excuse for XBox Im afraid.

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RE: XBOX 360 Freezing - Jan 18, 2006 07:06
Choupolo that' s a very good point :)

What do they think comin' in hear to our console world and messing things up with some bugs, patches ..I mean What the fuck is wrong with those guys ?

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RE: XBOX 360 Freezing - Jan 18, 2006 12:05
Ok, official update on my situation, and it' s not a good one. Played my 360 this morning for 1 hour, zero problems. Got home from work, turned it on, 3 flashing red lights. I will here on refer to them as the " f*cking red lights" or FRL for short. The FRL are not good. In my very recent opinion they are a very bad thing. 1 out of every 10 times the machine makes it through to the actual game, but then locks up there.

I phoned up Microsoft to tell them about my FRL and they confirmed that yes, my machine was now a very unshiny paperweight. They are purolating a box to me overnight, I am sending in my FRL paperweight and they are hopefully sending me out a new XBOX 360. Good good.

The second issue I asked him about was the fact that I just purchased a year of Xbox live, and now due to the FRL I would likely not be taking advantage of any of the

# Great online multiplayer gameplay
# Exclusive Xbox Live Marketplace downloads and content
# Revolutionary TrueSkillâ„¢ matchmaking
# Enhanced gamer feedback
# Enhanced friends list

I then sugested that I should be compensated for my lost time upon which he talked to a supervisor and said there was nothing they could do. I asked him if he honestly believed there was nothing they could do, I suggested that they COULD do something, and that he should talk to his supervisor again. Anyways in the end they gave me one of those prepaid cards worth of microsoft points to download there crap off the net. Better than nothing. It will pay for some new PD0 levels.

Anyways, my advice to EVERYBODY is the instant your 360 starts acting up do not delay, phone them instantly (1-800-4MY-XBOX) and demand satisfaction!!! Even if your warranty expires (I' ll be purchasing the 2 year extended one, hell I won the thing It hasn' t cost me anything yet, and using the hell out of the thing) I would talk with the people and demand a free repair or new unit. No way should a 500 dollar machine fail on you after 3 months, heck after a year and the customer get stuck with the bill.

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RE: XBOX 360 Freezing - Jan 18, 2006 14:33
I' m not big on the fact that you demanded stuff when they were sending you a new console. They fixed the problem. That should be enough. Whatever though.
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99

" Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day "

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RE: XBOX 360 Freezing - Jan 18, 2006 16:21
rampage, what about the downloaded exclusive content???? arcade games??????

Oh btw, VALVE IS THE SHIT!!!!!!!

i don' t feel as bad for you mxpx just cuz u got urs for free and I couldn' t after spending so much time on the website. errrrrr that aside, I recommend 360 owners to change their 360 once a better version comes out. just like the xbox came with diff HDDs gradually and better dashboards/firmware (what do u call it?? console OS???). when u find out about it, break ur 360 and call in to get a new one. If u live in the states and they try to repair it, then use some good old magnets and the 360 should be unfixable, lol, which in return will give u a chance to get a newer, better one.

HL2 ROCKS!!! and ooooooooooooo baby, aftermath is coming out

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RE: XBOX 360 Freezing - Jan 18, 2006 16:47
Valve sux rat cack.
I' ve had tons and tons of problems with CS:S.
I really like Half-Life 2 and CS:S but valve is retarded sometimes.

They' ve released 4 patches on different occasions for CS:S that make the game unplayable for people with certain very poppular video cards.


I don' t know anyone who hasn' t had some sort of problem with Steam.

And they didn' t even finish CS:S in they 80 years they spent making HL2....

Valve rots my gut, they don' t deserve any praise at all.
"If you knew how good I am you would think I'm modest."

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RE: XBOX 360 Freezing - Jan 18, 2006 21:00


rampage, what about the downloaded exclusive content???? arcade games??????

Actually once you buy that stuff onl Live it' s linked to your Gamertag. You can go back an download it without any additional charges as long as you use your same Gamertag. Doesn' t matter what console you are I I think. That was pretty smart on MS' s part.
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99

" Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day "

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RE: XBOX 360 Freezing - Jan 18, 2006 21:46
Buying the 1st models of any electronic equipment is a risk that you take. Obviously some units will be faulty, it' s unavoidable.

The same kind of thing will happen with noth the PS3 and Revolution (N5)

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RE: XBOX 360 Freezing - Jan 18, 2006 22:41

I' m not big on the fact that you demanded stuff when they were sending you a new console. They fixed the problem. That should be enough. Whatever though.

I paid for Xbox live to play my games online. I could care less about all the " exclusive downloadable content" . Are you saying you don' t think I should be refunded somethig for the time I PAID for that I am obviously not going to use due to THEIR faulty equipment? I didn' t want the points, I asked him if they could simply extend my Xbox Live subscription for the amount of time I was without my console, when he said he didn' t think he could do that, that' s when I suggested they should do something else. Me getting a new console in return is a completely seperate issue from the Live stuff. I didn' t ask for anything free because my console busted.

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RE: XBOX 360 Freezing - Jan 19, 2006 00:45
Like i said, buying the 1st model incurs a risk. But your machine is under warranty and will be sorted out in due course.

When you subscribed to Xbox Live you accepted the terms & conditions relative to the component. Should your console be faulty and you are unable to use the Xbox Live service, Microsoft have every right to compensate you as they see fit. Technically they didn' t HAVE to do anything but you' ve managed to secure some Microsoft Points for yourself.

I understand your frustration but it' s a risk you decided to take.

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RE: XBOX 360 Freezing - Jan 19, 2006 00:52
Hah!!! I didn' t take a risk! I won my system, so I didn' t have to pay for it, but you are right about the first run stuff, taking a risk etc. That' s why there is the warranty period. I do find it funny how all videogame consoles which cost upwards of 500 bucks only come with 90 day warranties. A tv or camcorder of the same price would come with a 1 year or 2 year warranty.

As to the whole terms and conditions of Xbox live, you are probably right, but I certianly think that Microsoft having " every right to compensate you as they see fit" should find it in themselves to compensateyou correctly. If not then I have a problem with that company. As it is they did compensate me, no problem, I think they provided something for lost services, and that' s good.

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RE: XBOX 360 Freezing - Jan 19, 2006 01:19
And i agree, it' s not like they don' t have the money.

The thing is, even Microsoft' s callcentre' s don' t train their staff properly. You' ll hardly ever get a perfect service by calling them, although often you' re left with very little choice.

You are spot on about the warranties though, it' s almost as if they expect stuff to go wrong, but it' s actually down to the rate that newer models are churned out. Supposedly you' re only actually entitled to the same model you bought.

How did you win it?

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RE: XBOX 360 Freezing - Jan 19, 2006 01:36
Won it through the pepsi doritos contest they ran back in october. As per the warranties, in Canada we get the newest model, and no refurbished one ever. I' m not sure if it' s because Microsoft doesn' t have a service center in Canada, Canadian regulations, or what, but I' m not complaining.

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RE: XBOX 360 Freezing - Jan 19, 2006 03:44
Lucky git!

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RE: XBOX 360 Freezing : Update January 17th - May 15, 2006 03:39
send it to microsoft right now.
we had some problems with machines (360) too
but we have replace them .
it all starts like this first freeze
and again
red light blinks
dont wait send it it takes 3-4 days dont afraid.
i am from greece sorry for the syntax.

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RE: XBOX 360 Freezing - May 15, 2006 03:43
we never had problems with nintendo cosoles.
as ps3.ask sony why even nowdays every 5 ps2 we
selling 1 comes back for service. ( i have a shop here on greece)
this is 1 reason why sony have sold 105 milions units.
many customers have buy 2 and in some cases even 3 ps2

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RE: XBOX 360 Freezing - May 15, 2006 03:46
and drivers,software issues..........
you have absolutely right.

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RE: XBOX 360 Freezing : Update January 17th - May 15, 2006 06:44
talkin to yaself?
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine.

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RE: XBOX 360 Freezing : Update January 17th - May 15, 2006 07:08
never really had problems with either of my PS2' s just bought a second one for a new colour (and the quiet running was a plus)
NiGHTS into Dreamcast

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RE: XBOX 360 Freezing : Update January 17th - May 15, 2006 07:12
what can i say ..........................
at least you have answer me

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RE: XBOX 360 Freezing : Update January 17th - May 15, 2006 07:17
i said 1 to 5 here.
everyone that watched movies on their ps2 had problems
and dont forget here all gets illegal copies for ps2 and xbox 1.
but the xboxs dont crashes even with cheaps and copies.
here a game for ps2 has around 55-60 euros
and think that the basic paid for 12 hours jobs here are
525 eyros per MONTH

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RE: XBOX 360 Freezing : Update January 17th - May 15, 2006 09:31
Surely you have gone out of business by now!? , i doubt you can live on hardware sales alone...
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine.

Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!

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RE: XBOX 360 Freezing : Update January 17th - May 15, 2006 10:08
the same thing happens to all videogames stores here

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RE: XBOX 360 Freezing : Update January 17th - May 15, 2006 10:42
i forgot to tell you that all videogames stores here in greece are
selling copys because of the high price of the originals.
55 - 60 euro each game
525 euro 12 hour jobs basic pay off per MONTH.

Game Junkie
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RE: XBOX 360 Freezing : Update January 17th - May 15, 2006 13:36
Stop double posting, use the damn edit button!

As for the 360 freezing, yeah mine is all fucked up. It started freezing on occasion, but now it freezes after a few seconds of turning it on ever time, and now the picture breaks up at the same time. So I called MS support and they sent me a box so I can ship my 360 to them, since I live in Canada they won' t repair it instead I get a replacement with a new one. So, obviously I wished it worked the first time but at least MS acknowledged the problem and will obey the law and replace the dead 360' s.

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RE: XBOX 360 Freezing : Update January 17th - May 15, 2006 19:35
I had my UK 360 since launch and have had very few problems with is freezing. It froze once on Burnout Revenge and twice after downloading stuff from Live and me leaving the 360 on while it does so. The screen was scrambled but when I turned off the console and on again the demo / trailer had downloaded fine both times.

No other problems to report, my 360 rules.

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RE: XBOX 360 Freezing : Update January 17th - May 15, 2006 20:17
SInce we are all comparing the girth of our 360' s manhood, I thought I
might bring what my 360 has to offer.......

If it' s a replaced 1, does that count?

Ok, my old 360 was fine, it only crashed on PDZ, every now and then the lights
would flash red, then one day, the pads wouldnt sign in, the USB ports didnt work
and the console could only turn on, it essentially became a funny looking DVD player... (AhA!)

This was about the same time GRAW was coming out, so you can imagine how
pissed I was..

SO Microsoft sent me a new 360..... which was perfect, but, they are

They gave me a brown box instead of the original box, just to ensure that I can
never take it back to a shop and sell it at maximum profit, well done
Microsoft you sly bastards...

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RE: XBOX 360 Freezing : Update January 17th - May 16, 2006 00:33
My 360 is ok and everything and hasn' t frozen yet or given any problems (even though I accidently knocked over some ketchup on the motherboard) I kinda want a new one anyway cos i' m worried it might glitch in the long run but iv' e gotten used to this one so I think Ill keep it.

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RE: XBOX 360 Freezing : Update January 17th - May 16, 2006 01:08

even though I accidently knocked over some ketchup on the motherboard

Ahh, taking advantage of that extra heat ey? A la barbecue du saucisson?

Curious as to how you got ketchup there though... Drunken night with
the lads?

Well my 360 is a monster!

D' you know what my friend did? He saw the trailer for FFXIII and sold his 360
to exclamations that he was bought by Sony from that trailer?
I always tell him he' s a fanboy, so now he' s sold his 360 and waiting for the PS3
and saving as well...
< Message edited by Tiz -- 15 May 06 17:09:18 >
There are two rules to success:

1. Never tell all you know.

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RE: XBOX 360 Freezing : Update January 17th - May 16, 2006 02:39


Ahh, taking advantage of that extra heat ey? A la barbecue du saucisson?

Curious as to how you got ketchup there though... Drunken night with
the lads?

Well my 360 is a monster!

D' you know what my friend did? He saw the trailer for FFXIII and sold his 360
to exclamations that he was bought by Sony from that trailer?
I always tell him he' s a fanboy, so now he' s sold his 360 and waiting for the PS3
and saving as well...


Ahh, taking advantage of that extra heat ey? A la barbecue du saucisson?

Curious as to how you got ketchup there though... Drunken night with
the lads?

Nah not quite barbuece or drunkeness just clumsyness. When I got it I said I might open it up and check out inside, anyway my flatmate took that as an invitation for him to open thing I know I come home and he' s got the thing on the floor tampering with my stuff and as a joke I picked up the ketchup and threw it at him but the bastard ducked and it hit the wall and splatted all over.

Anyway I think I cleaned as much as I could but it got kinda rubbery and won' t
come off so I figured it' s inside anyhow and shouldn' t be too troublesome. Thats why I wanted to change the shell aswell but you can' t apparently.

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