2006, your predictions

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2006, your predictions - Jan 16, 2006 09:34
So here we are at 2006. Its going to be a huge year for games and i want to hear what you guys are looking forward too.

First off, well the one that springs to mind right now is the PS3 launch., witch will no doubt sell out and be in huge demand, europe will get it last as usual but sony has laenred a lesson or two from the psp and it wont be so bad.

I forcast that a ps3 redesigned controller will appear near enough to e3, which everybody will agree is better than the last model. ps3 will be playable at e3 but mgs4 wont, only a new video, that game is thenb slated for a 2007 realase.

Revolution will also be playable at e3, and nintendo will get praze for its simplicity and general ease of use. Super smash brothers will be a launch title for the rev, which will get a new name, and a tariler for the new mario bros title.

Revoloution will sell the bucket load at launch, a flawed but decent marketing [ads with people in huge mobs shouting " viva la Revolution!" comes to mind] campaign helps ninty roll out the consoles. Mulitple colours and a very low price are a great selling for it. The gamecube is officaly dead now, after LOZ:TP. Which pikes the consoles sales for the last time. Mario Party 128 gets confirmed.

On Microsofts side, the 360 sells well still with the high enough price. Games like oblivion and gears of war help the consoles going. At e3 microsoft show new trailers for games, which will make the xbox fanboys ' woo' in surprize saying ' the 360 is way more powerfull than the ps3, look at this!' . Nintnedo and Sony will steal the show at this years e3, but Microsoft has an ace up its sleve, a teaser trailer what could or could not be Halo 3, another one of those ilovebees sites is set up.

Towards the end of the year, killer titles for all coneoles will be launched, with europe finally getting the ps3, both revoloution and 360 getting into the market before it the real next gen starts then.

That is only my view on what is very simply going to happen, i didnt put in any unforseen surprizes, like the phantom launching with Duke Nukenm Forever. Hell i am no fortune teller!

anyway, thats my take on 2006, what are you looking forward to? and what do you predict?
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine.

Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!

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RE: 2006, your predictions - Jan 16, 2006 11:17
I like it. It' s definately possible.

But, ...tons more 360' s appear within the next couple of months along with Oblivion, Advanced Warfighter, Gears of War, Burnout Revenge (360) and Battlefield 2 (360). 360 sells out again and Microsoft overshoot their new target of 4 million 360 sales by June 06, Xbox Live flourishes. Halo 3 is announced and GAMEPLAY footage is shown at E3. Resident Evil 5, DoA4, and Blue Dragon help 360 garner more Japanese support and Square Enix announces new IP' s exclusive to 360 while keeping the offline FF series exclusive for PS3. Konami officially announces online MGS for 360 and graphics improve vastly in the 2nd half of the year as developers really get to grips with the hardware. Microsoft aquire several more games developers towards the end of the year.

PS3 is shown, complete with new controller and slightly altered look for console. Games not playable at E3, instead 100% of games shown are realtime. Sony misses Spring 2006 launch in Japan and is put back to November, but due to technical difficulties is delayed again until early 2007. Games appear in playable form at TGS 2006 and Japan goes wild in a PS3 frenzy.

PSP sales soar as more games are released, namely Gran Tourismo and the next GTA (Carson City?). DS keeps selling but PSP begins to catch up towards the end of the year.

Revolution' s secrets are unveiled at E3, stealing the show in the absence of playabe PS3 games and the PS3 being delayed. Revolution gets new name (N5) and everyone in the gaming world is extremely suprised with the quality of the graphical output of the machine. Price and launch date are announced. Revolution launches worldwide in September and sells out within hours. Mario 128 is available on launch day and breaks sales records everywhere.

Nintendo also announce the next Gamboy at E3 and games are shown at TGS, it' s almost as powerful as Gamecube and offers similar features to the PSP.

HD-DVD and Blu-Ray launch within a month of each other and neither sell very well due to player prices being extortionate and PS3 slipping into next year. In Q4 indication are that HD-DVD has a slight lead in sales but with PS3 set to launch early in 2007 (February-March-ish) Toshiba begin to worry and announces larger capacity HD-DVD disc.

Bully is released for PS2 and 360?! and Hilary Clinton tries to get it banned!

Rare announces 360 Banjoe, Conker and Killer Instinct games along with a new IP.

id Software announce ' real' successor to Quake 3, after releasing next Enemy Territory.

Every game to film adaption released this year suck badly and Peter Jackson decides to direct Halo himself.


Ok, so while PS3 probably will launch this year in Japan, it' s more than possible it' ll slip into next year for Europe and possibly the US.

This is how i see this year panning out.

Vx Chemical
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RE: 2006, your predictions - Jan 16, 2006 16:36
Okay, 2006

Xbox 360 sales still going strong, as MS opens the third factory sales soar higher as they can finally meet their demand. Price drops slightly around the 3rd quarter 2006.
MS shows Halo 3 at E3, it steals much of the show, added multiplayer functions and up to 64 player support.

Sony announces at E3 that the console wont make a spring launch, and pushes it back to early fall release, they show off R/T graphics as well as Prerendered trailers, neglecting once again to tell which is which. Sony fanboys are surprised to find the power of the PS3 similar to the 360. Having been forced to show its card, PS3 shows its game a bit to early, and comes off at an unlucky start, having to show games at half their potentiel as microsoft did at E3 2005.
Sony meets its Fall release in Japan, and makes the holiday season in the US, it gets outsold by the Xbox 360, due to its high price tag, and a drop in the 360 price.

Nintendo shows Revolution at E3, having well polished titles, Super Mario 128 ready for launch, fall 2006. The graphics are good, but the lack of HD support is dissapointing. The launch goes well, and as Nintendo planned the console buyers flock for a piece of the revolution, people having a Revolution beside their 360' ies and the PS3' ies

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RE: 2006, your predictions - Jan 16, 2006 21:48

Every game to film adaption released this year suck badly and Peter Jackson decides to direct Halo himself.

Peter please ..don' t - he' s so lame when it comes to directing

I like your take on Nintendo - that would be cool.

360 sells well but not incredibly well - things won' t change in japan for it.Most of the exclusive titles will be great but not without major flaws (like always for Xbox).Sakaguchi' s games will change a lot but won' t be enough for japan.E3 -Revolution rox the show but playable content for PS3 (MGS4 included) is there , and announcements and new trailers are enough to forget X360 (in Japan ofcourse).New announcements for X360 are on gamers mouths across Europe and USA.Big news.

Sony downgrades CPU clock speed on march conference and modifies specs a bit.
System is on track for spring - it sells like crazy with price lower than expected,in 5 5 months PS3 establishes user base larger than X360.1 or 2 system sellers emerge at that time plus lots of mediocre and good games.

People report a lot of issues with their PS3' s and start to realise that X360 games look signifinacntly better.

At that time Revolution comes into play and proves that once again N was right.Low price tag , next gen gameplay and great visuals make it the biggest surprise of the year.It doesn' t sell very fast but it' s sales grow all the time and eventually it' s becoming a huge international succes as the system for everyone , plus great addition to HD platforms for hardcore gamers.

IN 2007 only true haters will be dissin' Rev.Only true Fanboys will be talking about PS3 graphics superiority and only xbox lovers will be saying that 360 has the best design.

At that time gamers like us will be playing fantastic games thinking " thank GOD for competition" - unfortunately some of us will be there to pick up a fight with all the haters and fanboys - and it will be a very frustrating fight indeed.Everyone knows that fools won' t listen but it still hurts to read their posts :)

< Message edited by ]Gangsta[ -- 17 Jan 06 5:49:26 >

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RE: 2006, your predictions - Jan 16, 2006 22:37
You didn' t like King Kong Gangsta? Or Lord of the Rings?

I don' t see how PS3 can launch in Spring since that' s April, May and June, and PS3 dev-kits only went out just over a week ago and they are supposed to be really buggy (360 dev-kits had similar problems, and i was pissed off that it missed it' s penned launch dates twice).

E3' s in May (9th-11th for the conference program and 10th-12th for the EXPO) and i can' t forsee any playable titles by then. Sony haven' t even announced a price yet or the re-designed controller and shops (high street stores) aren' t yet taking pre-orders. So what, are Sony going to announce all this stuff at E3 then launch a month later?! Nah, not even in Japan.

Japan will likely get PS3 in September/November, with the US getting in around February 2007 and Europe getting it Spring 2007.

I also expect the PS3 to change slightly, probably in size since they haven' t managed to fit everything into the shell they displayed at E3, TGS and CES yet. Blu-Ray player looks big too and since the console is using Blu-Ray i expect that' s the problem (the PS3 shell displayed at CES had ' Conceptual Design' printed next to it).

N5 will be the biggest gaming success ever. It' s just a shame it won' t support hi-definition. Still, Mario 128 (surely it wouldn' t even be a 128bit Mario now anyway, it' d be greater wouldn' t it?!) should it make launch will be THE game for this year!!!!

Shit, imagine a Zelda game at launch....

Game Junkie
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RE: 2006, your predictions - Jan 17, 2006 02:09

On Microsofts side, the 360 sells well still with the high enough price. Games like oblivion and gears of war help the consoles going. At e3 microsoft show new trailers for games, which will make the xbox fanboys ' woo' in surprize saying ' the 360 is way more powerfull than the ps3, look at this!' . Nintnedo and Sony will steal the show at this years e3, but Microsoft has an ace up its sleve, a teaser trailer what could or could not be Halo 3, another one of those ilovebees sites is set up.

My prediction is that 2006 is going to be the best year for gaming as of yet (at least for me), Oblivion will finally be out in just three months! and that is only the beginning. The ps3 will be great but some Sony fanboys will whine that its not any different from the 360 performance wise.

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RE: 2006, your predictions - Jan 17, 2006 08:37

You didn' t like King Kong Gangsta? Or Lord of the Rings?

To be honest I think that Peter is a crappy and very overrated director - The editing of King Kong was terrible - they should' ve cut out most of the " Island crap" - it lasts for about an hour and it really is boring.The effects are way below what I' m used to in movies - I think he' s Special FX company didn' t quite show off this time and it' s clear that they' re nowhere near IL&M.

Same goes for Lord of the Rings - the SFX however were top notch.Still , watching it again on DVD is just boring - I couldn' t finish it. P.J. needs to learn what he should leave and what he should cut out.

That' s my opinion :)

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RE: 2006, your predictions - Jan 18, 2006 04:57
ps3 is gonna kick ass 360 sucks big time. Microsoft rushed it!!!!

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RE: 2006, your predictions - Jan 18, 2006 05:41

ORIGINAL: Max_chelsea

ps3 is gonna kick ass 360 sucks big time. Microsoft rushed it!!!!

That' s your prediction?! Huh, that kind of post belongs at gamespot.com in the system wars thread. You can' t think of anything productive to add?