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Outstanding Graphics
Jan 06, 2006 12:24
I just got a PStwo slim and played SoulCalibur 3 - this game is so incredible on my 16:9 TV, that it puts every single game on my Xbox to shame.DoA? sure , Ninja Gaiden? yep. Did you people see the boss level? - Now I' m not saying how music is unfuckinbelievable or how gameplay is improved - just graphics. I mean I haven' t been that blown away this generation (maybe some parts of Metroid Prime or Splinter Cell - still not even close) I mean just WOW. I didn' t even want this game - I thought that it can' t be as good as SC2 on Xbox or DoA.But it is. But seriously it' s PS2 -how is that even possible? Namco rox :) And why can' t xbox games have gorgeous musical score like Dragon Quest VIII? I mean gorgeous.They cost just as much but they seem cheap comparing to those Japanese blockbusters. I sold My PS2 after MGS2 - and played Xbox games since then - now when all the good ones have been completed I decided to get PS2 and man I don' t care for next gen - I' ve got quality gaming for at least 6 months. It' s what Japanese developers do - they shock you with polished and very high artistic values and tricks that make visual experience much better than the one allowed by specs. I guess they really lack good FPP games ,and Racing games from X suit me better (Outrun 2 , Rallisport Challenge 2 and PGR2) but I now know why that system sold 100mln worldwide. I' m just shocked but I bet you can tell by now :)
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RE: Outstanding Graphics
Jan 06, 2006 13:49
This comes from outstanding design which is what really amazes people not just graphical capabilities. and Yes I was truly amazed. This type of stuff is what i like about less powerful system. design is better than effects.
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RE: Outstanding Graphics
Jan 06, 2006 14:17
Ha, i find this quite amusing actually. I agree it does look nice, but perhaps you should have broadened your scope for a visually impressive fighing game. Tekken 5 is easily the best fighting game on PS2 and have some of the systems best visuals, and DoA Ultimate (the DoA2 remake) is probably the best looking fighter bar DoA4. Soul Calibur 3 is a bad game. Soul Calibur 2 on Gamecube was the best version of the franchise to date. SC3 has been made for PS3 and isn' t even in the arcades which is why it doesn' t feel right. It hasn' t had the kind of testing that makes arcade ports so successful in terms of gameplay. I know you' re not talking of gameplay, but it' s 10 times more important than pretty colours. If you want a visually impressive game on PS2 then get Resident Evil 4. It almost looks as good as the Gamecube version and plays better too. Now that' s a good combination of great graphics and great gameplay! Remember that next-gen systems will also have games of great design, along with pretty colours! Ha, i love my PS2 but it' s dead as a dodo now. Just like Xbox. The only console with a valid 6 months is Gamecube and Twighlight Princess is out this next couple of months. I love my 360, although i binned Perfect Dark after completing it twice and deciding the multiplayer sucks too. Halo 2 is better. But Call of Duty 2 is fantastic in every aspect apart from online. Kameo and PGR3 are superb and Condemned is truly next-gen. With DoA4 out in the UK next week and Oblivion and Ghost Recon 3 following shortly after i' m definately happy about this new era of gaming. PS2 will soon become a retro console.
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RE: Outstanding Graphics
Jan 06, 2006 14:22
Oh God you are so wrong. SC for the DC is the best in the series. And the best fighting game for the PS2 is Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution (Tekken sucks). The GC version of RE4 is better than the PS2 version because the aim works better thanks to the wonderful GC controller (but the extended story for the PS2 is worth playing). As long as Okami, Ryu Ga gotoku and other cool games hasn' t been released for the PS2 the PS2 isn' t dead. End of story.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 6 Jan 06 22:27:33 >
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RE: Outstanding Graphics
Jan 06, 2006 14:56
PMSL! Ha ha ha...
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RE: Outstanding Graphics
Jan 06, 2006 14:58
Forgive my lack of knowledge but what does that mean? PMSL?
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 6 Jan 06 23:01:40 >
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RE: Outstanding Graphics
Jan 06, 2006 15:11
PML/PSML = Piss myself laughing. No offence though. Virtua Fighter 4 FT was the best version of the game, and not available anywhere but Japan. It took them the original game and 2 remakes to get it right. I like VF but prefer Tekken 5, guess it comes down to preference. I stand by all my comments, apart from the SC2 is better than SC. I just got my DC out and i' ll give you that one.
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RE: Outstanding Graphics
Jan 06, 2006 15:18
Actually DOA Ultimate is not that good looking. RE4 is an old game and I finished it on GameCube (and people say it' s much better looking than PS2 version) SC2 looked best on Xbox.But GCN had Link so I wouldn' t really say it was better. SC for DC was the best , then SC2 didn' t deliver ...but SC3 is way over my expectations for next SoulCalibur game.It' s almost next-gen and for me it' s the best SC or SB (SE in US) ever and everyone should at least check it. I' d take Virtua Fighter over Tekken anytime - I stopped at T4 - at that time I really wanted play Doa2 on my DC much more or Doa 3 on Xbox. I think that SC3 looks better than DoA4 - not technically more impresive but it just blows away cause the design is incredible and some true artists made it.DoA4 is just incredibly sharp and realistic where as SC3 is almost like SFX from Lord of The Rings (but not all levels - some are worse than SC2 Xbox version) :)
< Message edited by ]Gangsta[ -- 10 Jan 06 13:45:42 >
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RE: Outstanding Graphics
Jan 06, 2006 16:19
Not that good looking?! Perhaps you' re blind. Check out the Kiziko review and refresh your memory. It looks amazing! SC3 looks nice for a PS2 game, but Tekken 5 still looks better! RE4 obviously looks slightly better on GC since it' s a more powerful console and it' s what it was made for (the PS2 version is a port). But the differences are negligible (slightly muddy textures is all). DoA3 sucked. Team Ninja even recognised that. DoA Ultimate beats it, and every other current gen fighter hands down. But i guess it bottles down to preference. Tekken 4 was rubbish. VF4 Evo was rubbish. VF4 Evo FT is a much superior game. VF5 looks amazing! DoA4 is the best looking fighter on release, and runs at a constant 60fps and in it' s native 1080i.
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RE: Outstanding Graphics
Jan 06, 2006 17:03
ok guys calm down just take word from experts like me soul calibur 3 is indeed the best soul calibur ever, give me one single reason why shoud i pick up the DC version, i' m not a fool , come on be honest guys, SC3 is better in graphics, have better modes more characters and more importantly the same gameplay experience at least + a better controler than the dreamcast ... i think that should make it the best . Gangsta, i think you' re overhyping SC3 graphics, sure it looks fantastic for a ps2, but dude don' t dare compare it to DOA4, even tekken 5 looks a bit better, i own both games and i can clearly see the difference.. for resident evil 4, i own the game as well and and and and what can i say, i have never played the cube version, although if the cutscenes that are in the PS2 version are taken from the in game graphics in gamecube , then sure there is a noticeable difference in graphics and not a slight... i hate when graphics go down after the cut scenes, and i hate this trick that developers start doing . they did that in halo 2 and some other games . no more that pelase but i can forgive capcom since the game is still looking freaking awesome.
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RE: Outstanding Graphics
Jan 07, 2006 04:16
RE4 is significantly better looking on GCN that' s a fact I don' t care for reviews I uncovered 100% of DOA ultimate and some levels looked great and some not and the characters are getting old now. And DoA3 is much better than DOAU - air throws and moves.The only thing DOAU has is Online play I don' t know about overhyping SC3 but it really rox for any kind of hardware - I had an Xbox for the last 2 years and it was my main gaming machine - I' ve finished all the good and great games on it. Tekken 5 didn' t have that kind of impact on me , but some levels of SC3 just ...daaamn :) About DoA4 yes It is next gen and sharp and realistic but the characters are only slightly improved and it looks strange plus the characters animation isn' t that awesome.SC3 really made me feel like playing a Fantasy Movie and I' m simply amazed. I say this from a normal man' s perspective not technically speaking.It does look incredible.(there are a few levels that don' t deliver that kind of quality , but the boss level and a few others are insane)
< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 7 Jan 06 12:18:27 >
Joe Redifer
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RE: Outstanding Graphics
Jan 07, 2006 04:24
Something must be extremely wrong with my super high end HDTV and my PS2 and component cables, because the great graphics seem to be missing from my version. Sure, they look nice, but they never impressed me beyond " looks like a PS2 game" . Keep in mind that not only am I running the game in widescreen, but in progressive scan as well. Hell, I don' t even REMEMBER the last boss graphiccs, and I beat the game many many times. I do remember that I always had to fight Sigfried or some other dingleberry right before him, though. I also remember having to dodge the damned clock gear EVERY SINGLE TIME I played the game when that one dude knocked it towards me at the beginning of the 3rd stage or so. I also remember some jaggies. Not sharp. Jagged. Soul Calibur 3 looks nice, but certainly doesn' t sound as good as the DC version. Soul Calibur 2 on the Xbox looks better, especially when played in HD (720p). Kicks the hell outta the Gamecube version. And yes, for a PS2 game Tekken 5 looks MUCH better. I mean WOW, that' s pretty damn good... for a PS2 (which typically produces insanely non-memorable graphics).
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RE: Outstanding Graphics
Jan 07, 2006 05:20
Doeasn' t sound as good as DC version? DC had the worst quality sound in the series - SoulEdge was better - those " tunes" in DC version where nice but kind of flat. SC3 impressed me much more than any other game lately - I guess it' s just me (or maybe I got a PS3 by mistake hehe) but I don' t agree - SC2 for Xbox looks worse (characters and levels , with some exceptions) even if it is a bit sharper.I wish they made SC3 for X with all the hardware benefits but it still is the best looking game I' ve played lately on any system.(plus HD TV' s display SDTV formats terrible I' ve heard) Design over power that' s what it is
< Message edited by ]Gangsta[ -- 10 Jan 06 13:50:49 >
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RE: Outstanding Graphics
Jan 07, 2006 06:10
oh this thread has got me moist for my Jap DC, when I was working at Sony before the PS2 dev kits were even out we were playing SC on our lunch breaks.. I remember when the ps2 version came out they all prefered the DC version. I cant comment on the later ones, but the DC for a 200mhz console at that time was years a head of anything available - and by leaving mine running on a widescreen in a shop window I took the most preorders for the UK DC in the UK! So I got a special retailers edition one from from Sega. Those were the days.... Oh 1999 where have you gone!
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RE: Outstanding Graphics
Jan 07, 2006 08:17
Something must be extremely wrong with my super high end HDTV SC3 on a PS2 in progressive scan (480p) using component to VGA and then displayed on a Naomi arcade monitor, now that looks great. Far better than those fixed panel LCD or Plasma which ruin the image via upscanning. What HDTV are you using because nothing I' ve seen compares to the set up mentioned above.
< Message edited by kyo.k -- 7 Jan 06 16:18:32 >
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RE: Outstanding Graphics
Jan 07, 2006 09:28
ORIGINAL: Joe Redifer Something must be extremely wrong with my super high end HDTV and my PS2 and component cables, because the great graphics seem to be missing from my version. Sure, they look nice, but they never impressed me beyond " looks like a PS2 game" . Keep in mind that not only am I running the game in widescreen, but in progressive scan as well. Hell, I don' t even REMEMBER the last boss graphiccs, and I beat the game many many times. I do remember that I always had to fight Sigfried or some other dingleberry right before him, though. I also remember having to dodge the damned clock gear EVERY SINGLE TIME I played the game when that one dude knocked it towards me at the beginning of the 3rd stage or so. I also remember some jaggies. Not sharp. Jagged. Soul Calibur 3 looks nice, but certainly doesn' t sound as good as the DC version. Soul Calibur 2 on the Xbox looks better, especially when played in HD (720p). Kicks the hell outta the Gamecube version. And yes, for a PS2 game Tekken 5 looks MUCH better. I mean WOW, that' s pretty damn good... for a PS2 (which typically produces insanely non-memorable graphics). Precisely. I tried but couldn' t say it better than my man Joe. Ok ]GaNgStA[, while you may not care for the reviews, it doesn' t stop them being right. It isn' t a well tuned fighter, mainly due to not having an arcade background like the previous incarnations. It' s new modes are fairly unimpressive and there are both better looking and more playable beat-em-ups out there. DoA3 was a disappointment in the long term, but a great launch title for Xbox. It was waaay too easy to pull off counters and Ultimate is just more well rounded and much better looking. I got DoA4 and Ridge Racer 6 the other day, and DoA4 is amazing. It' s actually harder to pull of the more powerful counters and special moves. It' ll never be as complex as VF, or as rubust as Tekken, but at the moment it' s the best there is.
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RE: Outstanding Graphics
Jan 07, 2006 11:53
]GaNgStA[ SoulCalibur 3 - this game is so incredible on my 16:9 TV, that it puts every single game on my Xbox to shame.DoA? sure , Ninja Gaiden? yep ...that' s some potent ganja ure smoking dude.... ]GaNgStA[ and why can' t xbox games have gorgeous musical score like Dragon Quest VIII? ...Halo... Majikdra6on If you want a visually impressive game on PS2 then get Resident Evil 4. It almost looks as good as the Gamecube version and plays better too. Now that' s a good combination of great graphics and great gameplay! ..hell yeah!.. ]GaNgStA[ And DoA3 is much better than DOAU - air throws and moves.The only thing DOAU has is Online play ...agreed. ... plus ultimate has glitches (inconsistent throw detection for example).... .... gameplay wise, it felt retarded compared to DOA3...
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Terry Bogard
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RE: Outstanding Graphics
Jan 07, 2006 12:13
Random Comments in no particular order: - Music-wise, the BEST theme out of all of the Soul fighting games to me was Knightmare' s theme in the original Soul Calibur (Dreamcast). I have that sucker recorded to mini-disc and listen to it quite often.. 2nd to that would be 2 themes from the original Soul Edge. Those are the only ones I found to be memorable from the series... - I' ve always hated weapons-based fighters like the Samurai Showdown and Soul Calibur games, I MUCH prefer hand-to-hand combat, but even so, I found Soul Calibur 3 to be a more challenging game than its predecessors. I didn' t find it to be as button-mashing friendly as the previous games. You can still button mash but the AI seems to be a bit smarter this time around. - As for Dead or Alive 3, no doubt that the game looked great! But until I play Dead or Alive 4, the high point of the series will still be Dead or Alive 2 to me. Dead or Alive 3 just felt a tad bit uninspired to me. I didn' t feel any kind of excitement while playing it. I beat it once and never bothered with it again. Part 2 is a game I have lots of love for and could always look forward to kicking fools down 90 flights of stairs or through stained glass windows 3 stories high!
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.
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RE: Outstanding Graphics
Jan 07, 2006 13:18
gangsta always makes posts claiming some random PS2 game has better graphics than an xbox game. This guy is retarded. I remember he claimed GT4 had better graphics than PGR2. Why do you lie to everyone? Anyone who has played both realises you are a complete moron. SC3 has better graphics than DOA3 or DOA2U? LMFAO you are a dumbass. PS2 has inferior graphics to xbox. Stop lying to yourself and everyone else.
"If you knew how good I am you would think I'm modest."
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RE: Outstanding Graphics
Jan 07, 2006 14:07
locopuyo, you' re not completely right about PGR2 vs GT4, if you' re talking about tracks then most probably PGR2 is a winner but about the cars GT4 beats its ass even forza' s cars, no doubt , and i own all those games.
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RE: Outstanding Graphics
Jan 07, 2006 14:14
I like the DC version the most because the gameplay is more fluid and intuitive than in the sequels. I wouldn' t say it was button-mashing friendly, not if you used the parry/repel techniques anyway. Also, the design and artistic feel was much greater even though the graphics weren' t as good as in todays games. Many hated the " water colour" backgrounds in SC but I loved them. The characters were bettter too. They didn' t look as overexaggerated as in the newer games and they had more personality. Nowadays they' re just plain cool, which is boring. I think the character animation is much worse too. One of the first things I noticed in SC was how lifelike the movements were, especially in the exhibition theater. But in the later games the movements are slower, stiffer and the characters look bigger and uglier. The character who has got the worst " make over" is Mitsurugi. He was incredibly cool in SC but they ruined him in the sequels. SC started out with class and was an artistic achievement but has now ended up as just another fighting game with overexaggerated characters and graphics.
Terry Bogard
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RE: Outstanding Graphics
Jan 07, 2006 14:24
What I meant by button-mashing friendly was in regards to battling against the CPU opponents. I mean most people here already know that there isn' t a competitive bone in this tall, deliciously slender, but ugly Body of mine  . With that said, I could easily button mash my way through games like Dead or Alive 2, Dead or Alive 3, Soul Calibur, and Soul Calibur 2.. Soul Edge wasn' t as forgiving, neither was Soul Calibur 3. Don' t even entertain the thought of button-mashing in the Virtua Fighter games!
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.
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RE: Outstanding Graphics
Jan 07, 2006 16:02
...i remember Soul Caliber or Soul Edge on the PSOne and at the the time being very impressed... seemed like the then cutting edge of games tech, and had a certain ' swagger' which eclipsed tekken (3 was it?) ..Soul Caliber 2 seemed like console filler to me, when it came out on xbox.... felt tired, irrelevant and just plain boring... and the voice dubbing as absolutely horrible.... ...compared to DO3, it seemed like a random PS2 port.... the environments were more or less crap as was the overall art direction..... ...I did like Todd Macfarlane' s Spawn and Necred (who seemed wasted somehow).... Taki and Ivy were the only other characters i thought were reasonably well done.... ....SC2 is the most least played game i own.... ...SC3 seems even crapper....
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RE: Outstanding Graphics
Jan 07, 2006 16:14
ORIGINAL: locopuyo gangsta always makes posts claiming some random PS2 game has better graphics than an xbox game. This guy is retarded. I remember he claimed GT4 had better graphics than PGR2. Why do you lie to everyone? Anyone who has played both realises you are a complete moron. SC3 has better graphics than DOA3 or DOA2U? LMFAO you are a dumbass. PS2 has inferior graphics to xbox. Stop lying to yourself and everyone else. LOL!!! Now i like that. Thankyou! And you ARE right about PGR2 being visually and technically superior to GT4. Abasoufiane, just because a game is all shiny doesn' t mean it' s prettier. PGR2 beats it hands down, even in the car modelling. What do you make of PGR3? Soul Calibur 3 was a complete letdown. I don' t think i read a review that scored it higher than number 2, and tons of sites gave SC on Dreamcast 10/10. It was certainly the highlight of the series. But, ...hand to hand is better. Tekken is better than Soul Calibur, Dead Or Alive is better than Tekken, and Virtua Fighter is better than them all.
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RE: Outstanding Graphics
Jan 07, 2006 16:42
Abasoufiane, just because a game is all shiny doesn' t mean it' s prettier. PGR2 beats it hands down, even in the car modelling GT4 have cars better modeled than PG3 no doubt, GT4 is a reference in that, forza is the prettiest car game in xbox, and ign and some other websites said as well that it doesn' t match GT4 car model, you don' t even have to read that, it' s obvious. about soul calibur reviewers sometimes give a crappy score because they think the game is not much different of its predecessors. your argument to show that SC is better than SC3 is irrelevent. of course SC will earn 10/10 that was almost a revolution in the fighting game, it was extremly good for its time, what fighting games were before ?? tekken 3???? lol SC 3 has everything that SC has and more, it just doesn' t have the same impact as SC had because there is no major jump in any area " gameplay, graphics, sounds" don' t forget that reviewers weren' t forgivable because of the absence of the online mode!! and by the way, Gamespot gave SC3 the best fighting game of the year so it' s not crap as some say, there was tekken 5 and DOA4 as well in taht year
< Message edited by abasoufiane -- 8 Jan 06 0:46:43 >
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RE: Outstanding Graphics
Jan 08, 2006 06:32
ORIGINAL: Abasoufiane Abasoufiane, just because a game is all shiny doesn' t mean it' s prettier. PGR2 beats it hands down, even in the car modelling GT4 have cars better modeled than PG3 no doubt, GT4 is a reference in that, forza is the prettiest car game in xbox, and ign and some other websites said as well that it doesn' t match GT4 car model, you don' t even have to read that, it' s obvious. about soul calibur reviewers sometimes give a crappy score because they think the game is not much different of its predecessors. your argument to show that SC is better than SC3 is irrelevent. of course SC will earn 10/10 that was almost a revolution in the fighting game, it was extremly good for its time, what fighting games were before ?? tekken 3???? lol SC 3 has everything that SC has and more, it just doesn' t have the same impact as SC had because there is no major jump in any area " gameplay, graphics, sounds" don' t forget that reviewers weren' t forgivable because of the absence of the online mode!! and by the way, Gamespot gave SC3 the best fighting game of the year so it' s not crap as some say, there was tekken 5 and DOA4 as well in taht year Calm down dude, like i said, it comes down to personal preference (and good taste!), regarding Soul Calibur. But 3, is nowhere near as good as 1 or 2 (that' s MY take). Comparing GT4 to PGR3 is lunnacy. Forza isn' t the best looking racing game on Xbox, PGR2 is, Forza has more depth. But perhaps you should spend some time playing PGR3 and use the photo mode (i know there' s one in GT4 too) and just look at the cars. Most games have accurate car modelling down to a T now, but all of the inside of the car is modelled as well, along with a happy little driver etc... Then, if you take a lookmat the tyres, metal texture, plastic texture on the car, you' ll find it superior. Add to that a list of licienced cars Sony couldn' t afford, then damage modelling (ok so it' s not realistic damage modelling but it' s still there), better gameplay (again MY preference) and it' s evident you' re looking at a better game. The car models in GT4 are nice, but they just covered them in reflective maps and had done with it, ...Bizarre put proper textures on all parts of the car. A PS2 game can' t compare visually to a 360 game. Simple.
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RE: Outstanding Graphics
Jan 08, 2006 13:23
SC3 is good but I still find SC more enjoyable. Mostly because some things in the original game has been made slightly different and, in my opinion, to the worse. It' s has nothing to do with the fact that SC was released ages ago. I' m playing SC because i find it more fun and clean than SC3, not because it was good " back then" . I don' t give a f**k what reviewers think.
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RE: Outstanding Graphics
Jan 08, 2006 15:02
HAlo score Vs Dragon Quest VIII? Well maybe close but not as good as DQ8. GT4 is a really good looking game - Check Forza reviews on the net (because I was saying it looks better than forza you moron) and you' ll find the same opinion in many. SC3 is not technically better than DOA3 I know that and I wrote it for all you angry kids.I' m saying that it is designed so cool with cool lights and atmosphere (not all levels like I said ) that it really blew me away.(blew ME away - read that again - it says ME) Locopuyo don' t waste my time with your bitchin and poor insults - this is gamers talking ,you might want to stand back for a minute , since we expect at least basic knowledge of the titles we mention. All you can do is make me a PS2 Fanboy hehe what a looser - I got PS2 like a week ago. WOW Xbox is more powerful? Some knowledge you' ve got there HAHAHAHAHHA Guess what X360 is more powerful than PSone ..what you knew that? damn you' re good. You' re tu fuckin stupid to even understand a post and reply to it hehehe that' s really bad haha
< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 8 Jan 06 23:08:01 >
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RE: Outstanding Graphics
Jan 08, 2006 15:03
ORIGINAL: ginjirou SC3 is good but I still find SC more enjoyable. Mostly because some things in the original game has been made slightly different and, in my opinion, to the worse. It' s has nothing to do with the fact that SC was released ages ago. I' m playing SC because i find it more fun and clean than SC3, not because it was good " back then" . I don' t give a f**k what reviewers think. Huh? SC got 10/10 on loads of sights. SC3 sucks compared to other fighters. Most of us here agree that the original is the better game, which is what the reviews show. Unless your talking about Gamespot giving it ' fighter of teh year' thingy, which is just stupid. Gamespot sucks ass. IGN, Kikizo, 1UP are much better!
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RE: Outstanding Graphics
Jan 08, 2006 15:24
gangsta = hypocrit seriously dude, give it up, everyone is sick of your straight up lies.
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RE: Outstanding Graphics
Jan 08, 2006 15:54
duuude i must have been drunk or something how could i say GT4 has better car modeling than PGR3 ok sorry Majikdra6on i didn' t mean 3 but 2 i mean PGR2 , that' s why i used the quote , i don' t know how the hell i ended up writing PGR3, probably because it' s in my head lately daaamn it could you hguess at least that i might have made a mistake (3 instead of 2) i can' t be that lunatic  but you don' t know me so it' s all right, you can expect everything from people so i understand you for that
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RE: Outstanding Graphics
Jan 08, 2006 16:00
ORIGINAL: Abasoufiane duuude i must have been drunk or something how could i say GT4 has better car modeling than PGR3 ok sorry Majikdra6on i didn' t mean 3 but 2 i mean PGR2 , that' s why i used the quote , i don' t know how the hell i ended up writing PGR3, probably because it' s in my head lately daaamn it could you hguess at least that i might have made a mistake (3 instead of 2) i can' t be that lunatic but you don' t know me so it' s all right, you can expect everything from people so i understand you for that Ha, yeah i realised early on what you meant, i just found it amusing. OK, so GT4' s cars are modelled to a better standard than PGR2, i admit it. But PGR2 is a pretty game and with the tracks it comes close. Ha, PGR3 is addictive. I got both NFS;MW and RR6 too and RR sucks ad i stopped playing NFS when i was 4 from the top, i' ve just been playing PGR3. Cestation of hostilities? Friends?
Game Junkie
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RE: Outstanding Graphics
Jan 08, 2006 19:22
I Just played the new DOA on my 360, and while it looks pretty the gameplay is pure crap. Tekken Tag remains the top dog as far as fighters go, Soul Caliber series isn' t bad either. The thing I hate about DOA is that its too fast and focuses more on breast physics then a functional combat system, I guess that' s two things. I hate the fact that the women are faster/better then the men. I don' t like playing as women so I feel like the game isn' t playable. Who' s bright idea was it to include women in fighting games in the first place ayways (there' s no logic in that) and why are they faster? AS far as I' m conserned DOA is targeted towards 12 year old boys whos testicals just dropped. DOA is just mediocre at best. The only thing I like about the new DOA is the new online lobby.
Terry Bogard
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RE: Outstanding Graphics
Jan 08, 2006 19:32
I Just played the new DOA on my 360, and while it looks pretty the gameplay is pure crap. Tekken Tag remains the top dog as far as fighters go, Soul Caliber series isn' t bad either. The thing I hate about DOA is that its too fast and focuses more on breast physics then a functional combat system, I guess that' s two things. I hate the fact that the women are faster/better then the men. I don' t like playing as women so I feel like the game isn' t playable. Who' s bright idea was it to include women in fighting games in the first place ayways (there' s no logic in that) and why are they faster? LOL, WOW, sexist much? I personally love playing as women in fighting games. The majority of the times that I play games from the Virtua Fighter series I play as Aoi or Pai. Women characters in fighting games and beat-em ups have traditionally had a speed advantage over their physically stronger male counterparts. I' ve always been a fan of speed over strength so I tend to play as speedy females or males..
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.
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RE: Outstanding Graphics
Jan 08, 2006 20:22
I think the gameplay is awesome. The game really tests your patern recognition and reflexes. Even against the AI. I think the combat sytstem is extremely balanced. There is always something you can do to counter your opponent and you always have to be thinking what the best move to make at the moment is. I guess if you aren' t into fast games DOA isn' t for you.
"If you knew how good I am you would think I'm modest."
Joe Redifer
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RE: Outstanding Graphics
Jan 09, 2006 00:37
Doeasn' t sound as good as DC version? DC had the worst quality sound in the series - SoulEdge was better - those " tunes" in DC version where nice but kind of flat. Admittedly Soul Calibur had compressed music and the compression artifacts are audible if you listen for them. But the composition of much of the music is indeed better than much of Soul Calibur 2 and 3 (which share a large portion of their soundtrack). Far better than those fixed panel LCD or Plasma which ruin the image via upscanning. My TV does not upscan a 480p image. My TV displays 480p at 480p. I see jaggies. My TV is the Sony 34XBR960, one of the best (if not THE best) CRT HDTVs out there. And CRT' s have the sharpest image of any HDTV technology at the moment, they just weigh 9,000 pounds and don' t come in giganto-huge screen sizes.
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RE: Outstanding Graphics
Jan 09, 2006 03:28
Locopuyo since when did you become the voice of KIKIZO FORUMS? What a silly fool ... Joe - in that case I agree - the compositions where great , but that compression really made it just " good" for me - I couldn' t listen to it on the go or through my STEREO. I Just played the new DOA on my 360, and while it looks pretty the gameplay is pure crap. Tekken Tag remains the top dog as far as fighters go, Soul Caliber series isn' t bad either. The thing I hate about DOA is that its too fast and focuses more on breast physics then a functional combat system, I guess that' s two things. I hate the fact that the women are faster/better then the men. I don' t like playing as women so I feel like the game isn' t playable. Who' s bright idea was it to include women in fighting games in the first place ayways (there' s no logic in that) and why are they faster? I think it' s better to have game with breasts physics than one with no physics at all (tekken). I really enjoyed Tekken games and T3 was my favourite - and than I played Dead or Alive 2 on DC (my favourite of Doa' s - it' s mainly cause it had such a big impact on me) witch gorgeous graphics , smooth " anime style" animation and multi level stages with cool interaction.Tekken is just boring for me now.Soul Calibur on the other hand is the most spectacular , fun and deep fighting experience (maybe beside VF4) I' ve had and it' s been this way since Soul Edge. SC2 was a game that should have never been done - SC3 should' ve been SC2. Still having that said I think that DoA and SC complete each other in some aspects.I love to have both , cause I often feel like having SC or DoA experience depending on mood and shit.I' d say that they are equally entertaining but in different ways.
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RE: Outstanding Graphics
Jan 09, 2006 03:54
This is more like it. A proper debate! Tekken Tag was a good launch game but just a rehash of Tekken 3 with a slightly different take on things. Tekken 4 sucked ass. Tekken 5 made things a little more complicated, is very balanced and requires real skill to pull off the heavier hitting moves. DoA3 dissappointed me in many respects and i regard DoA Ultimate as a better game, it just feels right. But, ....DoA4 has got me hooked, it' s seriously addictive. It' s much harder to counter and doesn' t play like the previous games, even moves have been revomed or changed, it feel like a totally different fighter. DoA4 beats Tekken 5 hands down, it' s more technical. Ok, so VF4;Evo FT beats them all, and VF5 will be THE fighter for the next couple of years, but right now DoA4 is up there. Tekken has got a little boring for me and going back to it after playing DoA4, it just feels unresponsive and clumsy. And Game Junkie, BREASTS ARE THE BEST THING EVER! Some of the best characters in fighting games are the females. It started with Chun Li! Are you gay?
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RE: Outstanding Graphics
Jan 09, 2006 04:37
It' s been scientificly proved in the field of psychiatry that men likes breasts because it reminds them about their mothers. About the time when you were having milk, you know. Exaggerated interest in womens breast is a sign of a child being ignored by his mother in the first years of his life. At least that' s what I' ve heard.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 9 Jan 06 12:38:19 >
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RE: Outstanding Graphics
Jan 09, 2006 04:50
ORIGINAL: ginjirou It' s been scientificly proved in the field of psychiatry that men likes breasts because it reminds them about their mothers. About the time when you were having milk, you know. Exaggerated interest in womens breast is a sign of a child being ignored by his mother in the first years of his life. At least that' s what I' ve heard. GAY!