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If you could be any video game character who would you be?
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Boss Hogg
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If you could be any video game character who would you be?
Dec 27, 2005 20:37
If you could be any video game character who would you be? I would either be: Sam Fisher (How many people can say their a spy) Master Cheif (Shooting aliens all day sounds pretty fun to me) Gordon Freeman (Tons of cool wepons and being humanities last hope? Awsome!)
< Message edited by boss hogg -- 28 Dec 05 4:57:04 >
Terry Bogard
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RE: If you could be any Video game character Who would you be?
Dec 27, 2005 20:46
Elta from Magician Lord Terry Bogard from Fatal Fury Vic Viper
George Foreman
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RE: If you could be any video game character who would you be?
Dec 27, 2005 20:59
Kirby cause who wouldn' t want to eat all day and not get fat? Also I' d have to pick Sonic cause who wouln' t want to leave Kenyans in your dust?
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RE: If you could be any video game character who would you be?
Dec 27, 2005 21:11
For hardassness: Solid " Dave" Snake - Sam who? For getting to make out with Rinoa: Squall - Rinoa deserves infinite props for putting up with Squall in the first place. For...everything: Link - Travel around Hyrule on Epona, drinking Lon-Lon Milk, feeling up princesses and raiding dungeons for ancient treasure. Hell, yes.
Vx Chemical
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RE: If you could be any video game character who would you be?
Dec 28, 2005 00:33
Sam Fisher for being the coolest spy, and he always has cool comments for everything. Ethan Thomas, from Condemned, i mean who wouldnt want to bash people in their heads with pipes  ohh i mean, fighting for your life gives such an adrenalin rush, i guess, because i havent tried. Maybe Ayane or something, could try being a chick for a change, with huge tits, and a ninja one at that. Also being Max from sam and max, would hold its appeal, beware of the killer bunny!
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RE: If you could be any video game character who would you be?
Dec 28, 2005 00:38
Tut-tut, so violent... Terry: is KOF Terry with Mai? If so, then I want to be him too. Even though her voice is a tad whingey in the KOF OVA.
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RE: If you could be any video game character who would you be?
Dec 28, 2005 09:42
Kazuya in Tekken 2 - what a family! Onikage from Tenchu 1 (not 2!) - best voice acting ever " You are brave but foolish! You shall die!" Guybrush Threepwood - The Secret of Monkey Island - just for the name! or maybe Dante - you know who... EDIT: or maybe an evil ninja, who was as hard as Kazuya, and looked like Dante...called Guybrush Threepwood.
< Message edited by choupolo -- 28 Dec 05 21:24:48 >
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RE: If you could be any video game character who would you be?
Dec 28, 2005 10:59
Sonic: Super fast and the most nifty shoes in the world. Plus ability to absorb power from powerful gems being able to turn super and the ability to survive most attacks as long as one ring is on your person. Ryu Hyabusa: Ninja with mystical powers, ace suit and the thing the girls love most, a huge sword.
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RE: If you could be any video game character who would you be?
Dec 28, 2005 11:06
DOA Jann Lee - just for looking/acting cool while performing his moves :) BR2 Shenlong - the ultimate loop combo with evil strength packed into it. Chronotrigger' s Magnus - he was a really cool bad guy at first and joins your side. KotoR HK-47 - the most diabolical droid assassin ever made with his own commentary. StH2 Golden Sonic - pfft, blue sonic ain' t got nothin on me. MGS Solid Snake - just because he can survive just about anything. SC Sam Fisher - the stealth operative with some threatening words. Z:Ocarina of Time' s older Link - give me my master sword and reflective shield. to be continued....
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RE: If you could be any video game character who would you be?
Dec 28, 2005 12:55
Terry Bogard or Ryu From street fighter.
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- Joined: Sep 14, 2005
RE: If you could be any video game character who would you be?
Dec 28, 2005 13:19
Dante without hesitation , you guys try to be different by saying some weird characters [:' (] lol
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RE: If you could be any video game character who would you be?
Dec 28, 2005 14:31
Jan Lee: Jeet Kune Do wins. nuff said.
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- Location: London, United Kingdom (but not British)
RE: If you could be any video game character who would you be?
Dec 29, 2005 09:12
No, seriously...Sam who?
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RE: If you could be any video game character who would you be?
Dec 29, 2005 09:39
duude it' s sam fisher sam , the splinter cell spy
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RE: If you could be any video game character who would you be?
Dec 29, 2005 09:54
Cid highwind enough said.
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RE: If you could be any video game character who would you be?
Dec 29, 2005 10:14
Yeah, I know who Sam Fisher is. But why would anyone want to be him? Why would any one want to be anybody connected to Tom Clancy for that matter? Tom Clancy sucks, and if you don' t believe me then you' re either wrong or related to the guy (in which case you would still be wrong). Even Maddox has taken a swipe (scroll down) at Clancy' s formulaic plots. To be Sam Fisher is to be a character trapped in the same geopolitical saga, known only as Clancyland: The Revenge, that never truly ends, due to its cyclical nature. Ubisoft, your credits are running out like the Sands of Time.
Boss Hogg
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RE: If you could be any video game character who would you be?
Dec 29, 2005 10:22
Why wouldnt you want to be Sam Fisher? He has cool gadgets, he can make himself invisible to guards basically, he can find ways out of almost any situation, and he' s a badass.
Mass X
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RE: If you could be any video game character who would you be?
Dec 29, 2005 10:47
Yeah, I know who Sam Fisher is. But why would anyone want to be him? Why would any one want to be anybody connected to Tom Clancy for that matter? Tom Clancy sucks, and if you don' t believe me then you' re either wrong or related to the guy (in which case you would still be wrong). Even Maddox has taken a swipe (scroll down) at Clancy' s formulaic plots. To be Sam Fisher is to be a character trapped in the same geopolitical saga, known only as Clancyland: The Revenge, that never truly ends, due to its cyclical nature. Ubisoft, your credits are running out like the Sands of Time. Is there really a problem with the Clancy method? It his own style why would he suddenly change the formula? He writes stories about espionage...what the f--- else are you supposed to talk about!? Aliens? Ancient Warriors? Unicorns?? Who' d I like to be, hmmm: -#47 (Hitman Series) -Conker -and of couse Sam Fisher!
Vx Chemical
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RE: If you could be any video game character who would you be?
Dec 29, 2005 11:07
Tom Clancy games are brilliant the stories are almost always brilliant, they produce a realistic view of what could/will happen someday. All of Splinter Cell are good, and so are Rainbox Six, especially the original!
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- Joined: Apr 25, 2005
RE: If you could be any video game character who would you be?
Dec 29, 2005 13:49
Tom Clancy sucks, and if you don' t believe me then you' re either wrong or related to the guy (in which case you would still be wrong). Wow, you must really hate him. I don' t know why because you obviously haven' t read or seen the background of why he writes those books. In fact on one of his books, he was called to the Supreme Court of Justice and they held a trial against him for obtaining deep classified information from an actual operative that he wrote about in his book. With that said, Tom Clancy' s books are somewhat close to the truth on how things are done in the government. -#47 (Hitman Series) Damn it, I was going to claim him next. I seriously have a picture of him holding his ballers on my cell phone for a good while.
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