what' s wrong with namco..

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what' s wrong with namco.. - Dec 27, 2005 16:02
have you guys seen Love football , a soccer game by Namco ?? that game is so ugly that you would like to throw your 360 out of the window, you can' t imagine that this game is running on 360!! shame on namco !!! it' s really hilarious , check out the pictures on www.best4gamers.com or http://www.gamers.fr/lire_news.php?id=14270
notice the supporters, it' s soo funny they all wear blue like their team lool and what really killed me is the reflection of the stadium on the player' s short !!! hilarious !! those developers are so good that they managed to reflect the stadium on the short !! i bet other developers can' t do that !!

second upcoming game: Frame City Killer, now please just visit the site above and look for the latest pictures or google or something, that game is so so so ugly, i understand it' s a GTA like and i won' t expect realistic graphics but have you seen the cars, look at those and you' ll understand ....

what' s wrong with you Namco ????

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RE: what' s wrong with namco.. - Dec 27, 2005 16:13
I know how bad the game looks. It makes you think, about the gameplay vs graphics battle. Or in mainstream terms: CRAP.

I hope to god, that Namco can pull something out of there asses and get to work on the game.

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RE: what' s wrong with namco.. - Dec 27, 2005 16:23
Those players look they' ve been wrestling in baby oil. Dang. They should call it Shiny Soccer, or possibly Frictionless Football.

Terry Bogard
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RE: what' s wrong with namco.. - Dec 27, 2005 16:37
Given Namco' s very talented artists, designers, and programmers I wonder if this game is actually developed by Namco of Japan. It looks more like a Namco Hometek (America) monstrosity. Or maybe some other developers developed it and Namco is publishing it?
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.

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RE: what' s wrong with namco.. - Dec 27, 2005 16:44
terry i' m talking about two games here, at least frame city killer is sure made by namco 100% and i' m wondering why this huge decrease in quality graphics , it' s a way lower than xbox360 average (compared to most launch titles)
those game will both be crap for sure, if a programer will make a 360game look like ps2 in many ways , then you can' t be optimist about the gameplay or anything else ... crap crap crap that' s what they are.

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RE: what' s wrong with namco.. - Dec 27, 2005 16:46

ORIGINAL: Terry Bogard

Given Namco' s very talented artists, designers, and programmers I wonder if this game is actually developed by Namco of Japan. It looks more like a Namco Hometek (America) monstrosity. Or maybe some other developers developed it and Namco is publishing it?

Rare is making it.

I' m assuming. Just play along with it. It wont be released for another 6 years.

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RE: what' s wrong with namco.. - Dec 27, 2005 16:57
rare ??? you can pick many developers out there but rare ? :) rare release very beautiful games ..

you guys know that Frame city killer is made by unreal tech 3!! i' m serious and the game will be released on february

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RE: what' s wrong with namco.. - Dec 27, 2005 17:25
If that' s the case, then they' ve heard of Secret of Evermore, right?

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RE: what' s wrong with namco.. - Dec 27, 2005 17:58
Hmm doesnt seem as they are so secure with making better graphic then this gen " yet" ...
Also i would hope more of the use of UE3.0 in frame city,then what they shown so far :S
Lets hope they make " tales of" much cartoonish like Blue dragon
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What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: what' s wrong with namco.. - Dec 27, 2005 18:59
The ' Tales' series is called the ' Tales' series...not the ' Tales of' series ;)

I don' t know...you don' t think a realistic Tales game would be awesome? I do. Maybe a remake of Tales of Phantasia, if they managed to keep the overall style and mood.

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RE: what' s wrong with namco.. - Dec 27, 2005 19:11

what' s wrong with you Namco ????

I dunno, but it sounds like they are feeling the big hurt from losing the " T" all those years ago. Namco really needs the " T" back, BAD. Namco must rise from the ashes and be NAMCOT once again! Back when they were NAMCOT they could do no wrong and owned half of the entire world. Ahhh, my beloved NAMCOT.

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RE: what' s wrong with namco.. - Dec 27, 2005 21:22
What? Sega' s been on fire ever since they dropped the ' rvice mes' . Namco don' t need no stinking T...they need to hire me ;)

Joe Redifer
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RE: what' s wrong with namco.. - Dec 27, 2005 22:00
But notice there aren' t any T' s in " ervice mes" . If there had been a " T" in there, Sega would be synonymous with Acclaim or Parker Bros today.

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RE: what' s wrong with namco.. - Dec 27, 2005 22:36
But by that reasoning, Sega' s initial failure to include a T anywhere within the brand name should have resulted in immediate financial strain. In fact, I put it to you, my good man, that Namco' s misfortune comes not from their brand name missing a ' T' , but rather a lack of salami in their managerial staff' s diets. If we ship enough salami to Namco HQ we can rectify the dreadful [We] Love Football situation.

Vx Chemical
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RE: what' s wrong with namco.. - Dec 28, 2005 00:24
What about Team Ninja, they dont have a T in them

Look at the silly monkey, look at him!

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RE: what' s wrong with namco.. - Dec 28, 2005 00:46
*waves an imperious hand*

That isn' t the monkey you' re looking for...

Besides, Team Ninja loves salami. Every true ninja master knows that by tapping a certain key-combination on the Gaiden title screen you are able to access a huge sword, made completely out of salami. If you finish the game with this weapon, Hayabusa takes off his mask and reveals that he' s not actually Japanese, clarifying the issue of his striking green eyes forever more. Then he signs a deal with Police sunglasses and his career goes downhill, despite high profile relationships with DOA co-star Kasumi and Gaiden collaborator Heather Graham.

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RE: what' s wrong with namco.. - Dec 28, 2005 02:30

ORIGINAL: Abasoufiane

second upcoming game: Frame City Killer, now please just visit the site above and look for the latest pictures or google or something, that game is so so so ugly, i understand it' s a GTA like and i won' t expect realistic graphics but have you seen the cars, look at those and you' ll understand ....

what' s wrong with you Namco ????

I agree that Love Football looks like ass, but don' t judge Frame City Killer by screenshots. I used to think the same thing as you but when I saw it in motion it' s actually not bad at all. I have a HD version of the TGS trailer on my computer and it' s quite suprising how nice it looks - yes, it' s a little bit shiny, but we' re seeing that on a lot of games now. The Unreal Engine 3.0 I think is a little wasted on it and certainly is no Gears of War but it' s not bad by any means.

Try this link to watch it. Watch the top one.
< Message edited by Unluckyone -- 28 Dec 05 10:44:15 >

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RE: what' s wrong with namco.. - Dec 28, 2005 02:46
i don' t have to see the trailer again since i saw those (old ones) and yes there are better , however the screenshots are the latest

you don' t need a trailer to notice that the tire' s car is rather cubic , it' s not rounded, even the marks on the road (those white lines) are not rounded ... the city look so empty, the cars are lacking details so what' s left, characters, they are just average for next gen ... no real need to see the trailer no need and i' m surprised that you would think this game is beautiful...

Vx Chemical
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RE: what' s wrong with namco.. - Dec 28, 2005 03:01
i dont see reason to complain about frame city killer, just visit IGN' s screenshot archive and look at it, streets a burstling with people all of them looking quite nice.

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RE: what' s wrong with namco.. - Dec 28, 2005 03:43
And don' t forget that Frame City Killer is still very much a work in progress. Because Namco liscenced the UE3 they' re probably still learning it as they go so it' s not going to look as good as what Epic will put out (the people who designed the engine). Not sure what the release date is now (Feb 7th I think?) so until the game' s in our hands, it' s not completely fair to judge it on how smooth the wheels are on parked random cars.

I think some people are a little dillusioned by " next generation" consoles. Think back to our current consoles, and ask yourself how many completely graphically awesome games there are. Now think of how many other " average" games there are out there too. For every awesome looking game on the Xbox/PS2 there are about 100 average looking titles. Just because it' s a next generation console doesn' t mean that every game will instantly have " super high definition omgwtfbbq awesome graphix" . Progression is a slow thing so give it time.

Joe Redifer
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RE: what' s wrong with namco.. - Dec 28, 2005 04:36

But by that reasoning, Sega' s initial failure to include a T anywhere within the brand name should have resulted in immediate financial strain.

NOO!!! you see, the " T" is a cruch. Sega learned to walk without that crutch. Namco came along, then they decided to become NAMCOT but only for the 16-bit generation. After that they lost the " T" and have been in a downward spiral ever since. reports from Japan indicate that everyone who ever worked at Namco suddenly got SARS.

In fact, I put it to you, my good man, that Namco' s misfortune comes not from their brand name missing a ' T' , but rather a lack of salami in their managerial staff' s diets.

That is proposterous! Seriously, be reasonable and have some amount of logic and intelligence, man! They are Japanese, they do not eat salami. All they eat is fish and rice. Never anything else, otherwise their Japaneseness would disappear and they would all have English accents and look like people from Iceland. NAMCOT was able to control half of the world without salami. Geez!

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RE: what' s wrong with namco.. - Dec 28, 2005 05:51

i dont see reason to complain about frame city killer, just visit IGN' s screenshot archive and look at it, streets a burstling with people all of them looking quite nice.

i visited IGN, i' ve seen the screenshot, they are much better (now looking average) than the latest screenshot , however IGN screenshot are a bit dated, they are posted on October ok??? the difference between those screenshots and the latest is significant...

And don' t forget that Frame City Killer is still very much a work in progress. Because Namco liscenced the UE3 they' re probably still learning it as they go so it' s not going to look as good as what Epic will put out (the people who designed the engine). Not sure what the release date is now (Feb 7th I think?) so until the game' s in our hands, it' s not completely fair to judge it on how smooth the wheels are on parked random cars.

man this game is probably on shelves in like 2 months or 3, it won' t get much better

about the rest of your post, i don' t expect at all from this generation to see a cubic wheel of that kind so what about the 360????!!!! i thought we got oevr this from dreamcast, well yeah there are a looot of crap games that will make look a ps2 game like an n64 game and what i' m saying and please follow me what i' m saying is: frame city killer is one of these games , that look just crap and crap ... i won' t care about that if it was from another developer but absolutly not from namco ... i think they have the enough ressources to not make out games with this quality .

N.B: try to check out the latest pics of that game on www.best4gamers.com

Gaius IV
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RE: what' s wrong with namco.. - Dec 28, 2005 06:52

Namco should not release this football game, it looks terrible and this is on xbox360? What a joke! Just go buy Fifa 06 on xbox360. I don' t know...but maybe the japs are intetionally making crap looking games for the 360! If they were to make a footy game for the ps3 I doubt it' ll look this bad...even if it were on last gen consoles!
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RE: what' s wrong with namco.. - Dec 28, 2005 10:11
I wonder what made them want to give the players shiny kits? That' s just strange...

And if Frame City Killer wants to be GTA, its possible they sacrificed graphics for the sheer scale of the city to be streamed smoothly like GTA3 did. Only GTA covered up those bad polygons and textures much better, so the screeshots looked nice too.

Early 360 games will most definitely have to choose between next-gen graphics and other aspects, as they learn the architecture. That' s why NBA Live 2k6 skimped on features. I expect GTA 4, Frame City Killer 2 or some such to be stunning.

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RE: what' s wrong with namco.. - Dec 28, 2005 17:24

ORIGINAL: UnluckyOne

I think some people are a little dillusioned by " next generation" consoles. Think back to our current consoles, and ask yourself how many completely graphically awesome games there are. Now think of how many other " average" games there are out there too. For every awesome looking game on the Xbox/PS2 there are about 100 average looking titles. Just because it' s a next generation console doesn' t mean that every game will instantly have " super high definition omgwtfbbq awesome graphix" . Progression is a slow thing so give it time.

I totally agree with you on that one UnluckyOne. There' s this whole illusion with the next gen that all games are gonna be when in fact most of them will just be and some will even be [:' (].

Also, people looking at screen shots and trailers are generally ignoring two very important factors. Artistic direction and gameplay. I' m playing Oddworld: Stranger' s wrath and Advent Rising currently. If you were to take screenshots of the two, and then ask someone to decide which to buy, no one in their right minds would get Advent. Not saying that that' s a bad decision, considering that Oddworld is frickin' sweet, but Advent is a top-notch game as well. Perhaps not in the graphical area, but the artistry and gameplay are great.

Terry Bogard
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RE: what' s wrong with namco.. - Dec 28, 2005 18:57
For me it' s not the power of the next-generation consoles that makes me raise an eyebrow, it' s mainly the developer behind the listed games ;). Namco of Japan makes pretty looking games.. Namco Hometek does NOT :p.

Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.

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RE: what' s wrong with namco.. - Dec 29, 2005 00:12
As Cheesaw stated the hype for " next gen" as been enormous this time around, like nothing we saw during the launch of the PS2, but infact back then the jump was bigger.
The jump from 50 polygons to 5000 was enormous, but the jump from 5000 to 50000 want be seen as much, it will be seen though, as in little details in models will be modelled and not skinned.
< Message edited by Vx Chemical -- 29 Dec 05 8:13:09 >

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RE: what' s wrong with namco.. - Dec 29, 2005 02:29
Are you sure frame city killer is using Unreal 3? because they only say unreal technology, so it could possibly be unreal engine 2 which was used by UT2k4 and Unreal 2 and Unreal Championship 1 and 2. The graphics don' t really look all that bad when you watch the high def trailer, although they certainly don' t look that good. And when you have tons of characters and cars on screen you can' t make them taht detailed. GTA just has a field of view of like 10 degrees and everything is is blurred out on the sides.

Although I am disapointed in this games graphics. They can definetly do better.
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RE: what' s wrong with namco.. - Dec 29, 2005 02:38
There was no jump from the Dreamcast to the PS2. I think the graphics got worse actually.
And it isn' t just polygons for this generation. Shader 3 adds 200 times the detail without using any more polygons. That and the lighting, blurr effects and other special effects that can' t be done on the older consoles.

In PDZ each individual brick and grit are 3D. You don' t see anything near that in the old gen. You can see individual blades of grass in fifa.

This is probably the biggest jump. N64 to Dreamcast was second biggest. DC added many 3d special effects and had a very powerful GPU (the jumps are much bigger if you have HDTV for 360 or VGA adapter for dreamcast)

When dreamcast came out i was extremely wowed. When PS2 came out i kind of laughed. When Xbox came out i was slightly wowed. When 360 came out I was pretty wowed.
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RE: what' s wrong with namco.. - Dec 29, 2005 04:31
I keep forgetting the dreamcast ever existed, it was hardly released here in denmark, it had a small following but the Playstation was too well dug in at that moment in time.

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RE: what' s wrong with namco.. - Dec 29, 2005 09:00

That is proposterous! Seriously, be reasonable and have some amount of logic and intelligence, man! They are Japanese, they do not eat salami. All they eat is fish and rice. Never anything else, otherwise their Japaneseness would disappear and they would all have English accents and look like people from Iceland. NAMCOT was able to control half of the world without salami. Geez!

Aha! How little you know of Japan. Anyone who' s ever watched ' Mr. Baseball" knows that the Japanese dine only on steak and champagne. This sushi stuff is WWII propaganda that still hasn' t worked itself out of the system. They have to import it, as it' s already the national dish for another country [Iceland].
Besides, David Beckham eats salami, so it stands to reason that 74% of Japanese consumers eat it too. In 20 years they' ll have completely mastered the " Do What The West Does - Just Better" cultural technique and will be far more Caucasian than most Europeans.

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RE: what' s wrong with namco.. - Dec 29, 2005 14:28

ORIGINAL: locopuyo

Are you sure frame city killer is using Unreal 3? because they only say unreal technology, so it could possibly be unreal engine 2 which was used by UT2k4 and Unreal 2 and Unreal Championship 1 and 2.

Yes they' re using UE3.


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RE: what' s wrong with namco.. - Dec 29, 2005 15:24
Now why would anyone use unreal 2 to a next gen game?
...Many developers are insecure and new to the technology infront of them,and since making a 3d engine can be costly and hard thats why we see people buy the UE3.0 ...anyway,as the time goes people will start use the power.
And probably start making their own.
< Message edited by QuezcatoL -- 29 Dec 05 23:26:37 >
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: what' s wrong with namco.. - Dec 29, 2005 15:45
Well Unreal Engine 3 is also a very good engine. Many capabilities and very easy to use. It is probably the best engine out there for first and third person games.
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RE: what' s wrong with namco.. - Dec 30, 2005 06:37
Before i start, i want to state there are always acceptions.
But in the rhelm of graphic power, most asian development studios are just now learning to use these new graphic gizmos, such as normal mapping and specualr shading.
Namco has been focused on making the playstation look good, and as much work as that takes, it' s all pretty familiar seeing as the playstation is about as base as you can find.
So companies like ID or crytek or valve don' t really exist in asian (korea being exempt) because there have been no real demand for graphic work horses.

IMHO i think if it' s pulled off right, like virtua striker, i will enjoy it.