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now we understand why zelda got delayed!!
Dec 23, 2005 11:30
you probably already know this by now but for those who don' t, the new zelda will include some feautures that will be compatible with the revolution controler !! we were sick to hear that zelda was pushed further instead of a november 2005 release, because the team wanted to include some additional cool stuff, well here it is... you can now imagine using the controler as a sword or may be using it as the .... how do you call his thing by the way ?? you know the thing you use to reach very high platforms ... damn it good news i guess , i can' t wait to see the results!!
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RE: now we understand why zelda got delayed!!
Dec 23, 2005 11:43
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RE: now we understand why zelda got delayed!!
Dec 23, 2005 11:46
this is again from www.best4gamers.com Source - NGC Magazine & Gamekult the website is in french that' s why i didn' t see a reason to post a link and i never bullshit anyone, i guess history proved it :)
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RE: now we understand why zelda got delayed!!
Dec 23, 2005 12:44
Please translate the whole article to english. You' ll be my best friend for the rest of the year If it' s all true, it pisses me of. I want the game NOW. If they want to add stuff for the Revolution, they can do that later.
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RE: now we understand why zelda got delayed!!
Dec 23, 2005 12:56
Ginjirou be sure that that' s what the article says and i' m sure it' s 100% true, it even makes sense why nintendo pushed the game to a mid 2006 release... for the imagination part , that was my part , it was my magination but i' m sure that nintendo will use its controler in the fishing part , may be for using the bow as well why not?? or move your boat using the controler as oars ... imagine what you want but the idea sound interesting although a lot of people will nto care and want their zelda now...
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RE: now we understand why zelda got delayed!!
Dec 23, 2005 13:50
how do you call his thing by the way ?? you know the thing you use to reach very high platforms ... damn it The Longshot!
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RE: now we understand why zelda got delayed!!
Dec 23, 2005 14:11
it' s a bit B U L L S H I T cause : They said they need to add some things (dungeons and stuff they feel they didn' t get right in Wind Waker) and that game needs to be more polished to be a worthy addition to the series. It' s true it will use Rev controller (it' s all over web now - IGN ,1up -you name it)but it' s not the main reason for the delay. :)
< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 23 Dec 05 22:13:06 >
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RE: now we understand why zelda got delayed!!
Dec 23, 2005 14:47
it' s not bullshit gangsta :) it' s not the main reason as you said of course , but i think an addition like this will need a lot of work ... yes longshot thanks
Joe Redifer
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RE: now we understand why zelda got delayed!!
Dec 23, 2005 15:46
The whole game will be compatible with the Revolution controller, being that it' ll likely be released on the Revolution instead of the Gamecube which is dead.
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RE: now we understand why zelda got delayed!!
Dec 23, 2005 15:56
they didn' t say the whole game joe, but some aspects
Joe Redifer
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RE: now we understand why zelda got delayed!!
Dec 23, 2005 22:03
I know they didn' t say that. They are slowly segueing into it. That way once they have everyone knowing that the thing works with Revolution features, they' ll come right out and announce it as a launch title for the Revolution and that it will not come out on Gamecube. It makes perfect business sense. That game could/would do so much for the Revolution, especially at launch, than it could ever do for the Gamecube. In all, there is much more potential $$$ to be made if it is a Revolution launch game.
< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 24 Dec 05 6:04:25 >
Terry Bogard
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RE: now we understand why zelda got delayed!!
Dec 23, 2005 22:07
^ Is pretty much what I said about their next-gen Mario game and they eventually moved the project over to the Revolution which I thought was incredibly wise on their part.. I to also believe that they should move Zelda to the Revolution as there' s really nothing the game can do for the GameCube at this point. But IMAGINE the impact of having a next-gen Mario and Zelda game at launch and a few months after launch?? That would definitely make some sort of impact!
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.
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RE: now we understand why zelda got delayed!!
Dec 24, 2005 02:20
Nintendo themselves recently said that the game would surely be released for the Gamecube. The reason is that Revolution will be fully backward compatible with all Gamecube games. So releasing it for the Gamecube will be the same as releasing it for the Revolution. Even though the Revolution is probably capable of performing better graphics and such, the time required for such an upgrade of the game would delay the game even more. So by simply adding controller elements that takes advantage of the Revolution they really have chosen the best option. The Gamecube might get a slight boost in sales when the game is released and the Revolution will have a superb game even before launch. I still feel I want the game now.
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RE: now we understand why zelda got delayed!!
Dec 24, 2005 04:12
FF12 comes when ps3 comes...my brother took my ps2,and i xbox/gc,nice that dragon quest8+ff12 will be playable on it for me.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
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RE: now we understand why zelda got delayed!!
Dec 24, 2005 10:45
Zelda will be playable on the rev and the cube, so there is no need to bring it over to the rev as a luanch title, as it allready is.
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine. Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!
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RE: now we understand why zelda got delayed!!
Dec 24, 2005 10:50
however it won' t be revo optimized
Terry Bogard
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RE: now we understand why zelda got delayed!!
Dec 24, 2005 11:35
A killer app released for the Xbox doesn' t make it an Xbox 360 killer app regardless of backwards compatibility. Same goes for PS1 to PS2 to PS3, and same goes for the GameCube to Revolution  . For one thing, the incentive to rush out and get a Revolution isn' t there since the game is also playable on the cheaper GameCube.
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.
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RE: now we understand why zelda got delayed!!
Dec 24, 2005 13:47
But the game esperience is totally different on the Revolution. Pretty much like a different game. If they would optimize it for the Rev, it might be released long after the Rev release. It' s better to release it now for the Gamecube and get working on a new title for the Rev.
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RE: now we understand why zelda got delayed!!
Dec 24, 2005 17:14
but the rev needs it, the rev has allmost no games lined up for it. Super smash brothers is all i hear for the launch. Nothing to wet my pants over. Seriously, it needs more games!
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine. Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!
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RE: now we understand why zelda got delayed!!
Dec 24, 2005 17:43
For people wanting a ps3 and doesnt have a ps2 or is it broken,buying a ps3 and then use their ff12 on it is just awesome...
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
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RE: now we understand why zelda got delayed!!
Dec 26, 2005 01:56
Revolution might have hundreds of launch titles if you can download old games for your virtual console at launch ..if you can call it launch titles....
Joe Redifer
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RE: now we understand why zelda got delayed!!
Dec 26, 2005 18:07
You can' t. Also I have a hard time paying to download something I can not have physically. What if the Revolution memory gets wiped somehow? Will they let you re-download the games again? Forever and ever long after the Revolution goes away?
< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 27 Dec 05 2:07:53 >
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RE: now we understand why zelda got delayed!!
Dec 26, 2005 21:17
They' re not going to start optimising it now... Twilight Princess as we' ve seen it definitely hasn' t shown a graphical shift worthy of the Revolution. I' m aware that this particular shift isn' t going to be as noticeable as that of the PS2 to PS3, Xbox to Xbox 360 transitions, but there would certainly be a notable leap in visuals. Granted, it would make sense to have a Revo-primed Zelda title in the wings at launch. Gamers are savvy enough these days to know that a Mario/Link combo is just as fearsome as the prospect of playing as Solid Snake, or Tidus Inferior (or whatever that new FF-XII guy is called...). Miyamoto has stated Twilight Princess has been delayed for implentation of exciting new gameplay features, which may very well be gyroscopic in nature, but I think you only need to take a look at the game to see it' s ' Cube-bound. With backwards compatibility not an issue, it doesn' t really make a difference to Nintendo which console they release it on. In fact, in the absence of Revolution-specific Zelda title, it seems infinitely more profitable to release the game on the GameCube, taking full advantage of their current installed userbase for this generation of hardware, not to mention currying up some love for the next-gen platform.
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RE: now we understand why zelda got delayed!!
Dec 27, 2005 10:54
Haven' t you ever payed for something you can' t have physically, like a month of Wow or something? Mp3 files? I think Nintendo will work it out somehow. The easiest way would be if everyone got a user account where all their purchases are displayed and where you can download your files multiple times (kind of like when you download PSP material on yourpsp.com) I think Zelda will be a huge hit regardless of which console it is released for. And since the Revolution is such an different console than others, I don' t think a Zelda game would be the best possible release title. Good release titles are games that show how the controller works in a good way. After everyone has been impressed, they can release a deeper game like Zelda or whatever. Starting off with a Zelda game is to difficult and that' s why I kind of like the idea that Twilight Princess just have some parts that are Rev-compatible. I think Smash Brothers is a good choice of release title.