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your thoughts
Dec 13, 2005 15:50
Just pick a game or two, and say what can be improved for these games on next gen, what would you like to see in future , everyone please give " possible" ideas, and why not listing some things that should not exist anymore in next gen... the game that i have in mind is Castle vania, i' m a big fan but sadly enough, 3d versions are not that good so i' m thinking that with power of next gen i hope that this franchise see its true glory with 3d i want fantastic graphics and specialy fantastic design, gothic not like PS2 crap versions that look like dungeons , if only those castle vania look as good as resident evils 4 or devil may cry 3... anyway the atmosphere should be dark , gothic, ghoulish and macabre... for sound, i want a soundtrack as good (or alsmost) as SOTN' s the gameplay, if i' m paying extra cash in this generation then i' m expecting a long game (tons of secrets to descover in the castle), upgradable character (many variables), various weapons , huge bosses , fast character and very good motions i want a decent story and lot of cut scenes (with in game engine duuuh) and spcialy specialy oooh please Konami give me a fantastic classy powerful character to play with (like alucard yeeesss) not a girly man ... ok that' s about it, nothing original but i was just seeking improvements for this game and i hope it won' t screw up next time with next gen..
Joe Redifer
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RE: your thoughts
Dec 13, 2005 17:37
Super Monkey Ball - Not sure how this could be much improved upon. More mini and party games, for sure. More levels. HD graphics. 5.1 sound. Good music like the first two games and not like the crappy DS version' s music. Lots of unlockable stuff.
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RE: your thoughts
Dec 14, 2005 02:19
This is the second time i ask in this forum for people ideas but i get almost none ... that' s weird i' m about to think that people don' t like to think
Vx Chemical
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RE: your thoughts
Dec 14, 2005 02:22
give the topic a chance, people will probably post soon, ill post once i get a chance to think something through!
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RE: your thoughts
Dec 14, 2005 02:33
sorry my bad, probably i said that because of past experience
Gaius IV
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RE: your thoughts
Dec 14, 2005 04:05
Castlevania on next gen will rock! If they stick with the same formula only change some artists here and there and definatley keep michiru yamane (composer of SOTN and curse of darkness) and ayami kojima (character designer and main artist) then things' ll be good. The only real problem with the 3d versions of castlevania is the stage designs. I would also like to see Alucard return on the next gen!
what is best in life? To crush your enemies, see them driven before you and to hear the lamentation of their women!
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RE: your thoughts
Dec 14, 2005 10:19
I' m not sure if this counts, but I would like a downloadable Goldeneye( on the Rev) that has many many new additions! It would be awesome to play Goldeneye online! I' m not too bothered about the graphics, but I do think that we should be allowed the option of switching on footstep sounds so that you can know that your opponent is near. On the other hand, it would be nice to get a few surprise shots in. Perhaps crouching could make the player more stealthy... There should definetely be more weapons. The characters should also have their own unique abilities. Perhaps Jaws could kill someone with his teeth. Yet with every advantage there is a disadvantage, so Jaws' bite could be tricky to manoeuver.
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RE: your thoughts
Dec 14, 2005 10:50
Mario 128 without FLUDD! Imagine the commersials if they keep FLUDD: " now you can actually point where to spray the water thanks to the Rev-controller" , bah! No more Mario games except the main Mario games! Baseball, Party, Soccer, Racing... That' s too many things to do for an italian plumber! Shenmue 3: Keep the japanese voice-acting in the EU/US version! I can' t be the only one who think that the English Ryo sounded a little slow in the head. Soul Calibur IV: Just release a port of the DC Soul Calibur and we have the ultimate game. Why the hell did they make the sequels slower than the original? Voice-acting in the next Zelda game Just make sure Miyamoto doesn' t do the voice for Link as he joked about before! Final Fantasy Games going old-school! FFVII, the greatest RPG of all time! Why are the new FF games so different? Blood in fighting games! Usually, people bleed when they get hit. Even Soul Calibur, a fighting game with weapons, has no blood! Characters in fighting games should react more to damage. As they recieve more damage, they should get slower, weaker, more ugly and have the facial expressions of someone who' s about to die.
Terry Bogard
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RE: your thoughts
Dec 14, 2005 11:15
Actually for a little while now I' ve been steering clear of anything that makes me think ;). Anyways, my game choices would be: 1. A 2.5D Castlevania. With it you' ve got the best of both worlds. 3D graphics for those who require that in their every day gaming ;) and you' ve got the benefits of 2D gameplay... I would LOVE to see the Innocent Devils from Curse of Darkness return as they rocked hard. Also the music in Curse of Darkness was pretty good, let' s continue with something like that.. Also I' d like the game to play more like the greatest Castlevania of them all in my opinion, Dracula X: Rondo of Blood!! 2. Sonic. I' d like for Sonic Team to take the idea of Sonic Rush to the next level on consoles. Side scrolling action levels and 3D boss battles if need be. If anything I' d like it to be a 2.5D game. It would look and play so well like that.. I' d also like individual character missions like the original Sonic Adventure and Sonic Rush as OPPOSED to being forced to play as certain characters at various points throughout the game, as was the case in Sonic Adventure 2.. 3. Gradius. It became a bit apparent with Gradius IV that Konami may have been running out of ideas, short of taking the series 3D which I assure you, I would have flown to Japan and KILLED them for. It was a genius move to have Treasure, with a bit of help from G.Rev, develop Gradius V. I' d like to see the upcoming PS3 Gradius game follow Gradius V in that its once again developed by Treasure and hopefully by Konami' s Gradius team as well, BUT this time let Konami of Japan handle the music. That' s just never been one of Treasure' s strong points. 4. Resident Evil 5. Simply put, I think it' s about time Capcom implements 2D controls in the games as an option... 2D controls simply means that the characters run in the corresponding direction that you press on the analog stick/d-pad.. Silent Hill games began offering a choice between 3D and 2D controls with the last 2 or 3 and I think it' s high time that Resident Evil does the same. Other than that, continue with what they' ve done in Resident Evil 4. Shops to purchase weapons from. Enemies dropping ammo & health items behind. New types of enemies that aren' t the traditional slow-moving, brain dead zombies.
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.
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RE: your thoughts
Dec 14, 2005 13:06
I' d also like to see at least one Paper Mario on the Rev and that Kingdom Hearts 3(excluding the GBA one, of course :P) that Square Enix supposedly announced! I think a Toy Story side-world would be pretty neat. You know, perhaps you could search around the worlds for Mr. Potato Head' s missing pieces. One thing' s for sure, we can all rest easy knowing that Mario Party 50 will just make it on the Revolution. Also Fifa 3000!
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RE: your thoughts
Dec 14, 2005 13:35
This is for RTS fans take for instance the next age of empire, why won' t developer make for each single unit its own characterestic (based on experience) , let' s take 5 variables: " Attack" , " defense" , " range" , " speed" , " acuracy" , " health" ... imagine that the more you play, the more a unit kills, the more it gets experience and become stronger ... this will truly revolutionize RTS games... 1) you will not want to lose your units since you would like to keep them so they can be improved 2) because of that you will care about each unit 3) " true" heros will emerge from that system because there will be some units that fought many battles (online battles) and you managed to keep them, and now they are extremly powerful 4) from your reputation, your online oppenent know the name of your heros and would like to kill them at all cost , this will give enormous depth to the game, strategy , you will start hearing (you know " gamertag" , he has one powerful warrior maaan he killed 10 of my soldiers !!!) 5) they should add the factor of luck as well , i know how this will work but i won' t go to a lot of details, just think abour luck in war , with this you will still have hope if your army is 200 and facing an army of 300 ( same kind of units fighting each others) gooood i should be working with empire studio lol
Chee Saw
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RE: your thoughts
Dec 14, 2005 18:22
I agree with Terry, in that some developers need to come out with a 2d game with 3d graphics. Altered Beast SHOULD' VE been like that, as well as the next Street Fighter. Hell, I' d like to see them do SOMETHING with Street Fighter other than rehash it as a new game or completely and utterly FAIL to bring it to 3d. Even just getting it to the Guilty Gear graphics level would be fine with me. ORIGINAL: Marink I think a Toy Story side-world would be pretty neat. You know, perhaps you could search around the worlds for Mr. Potato Head' s missing pieces. LOL. Nice. I like the way you think, Marink (and no, I wasn' t TRYING to rhyme!). Abasoufiane, that' s actually a GREAT idea. That would be cool if they could bring a decent RTS to a next-gen console AND include something fresh and invigorating to the genre at the same time.
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RE: your thoughts
Dec 15, 2005 02:23
Thank you Chee Saw I have another idea for fighting game which is inspired from the RTS idea i talked about... i thjink now in a fighting game the on line part is very very important, Soul calibure could do much beter if it had an online play... For next fighting games : 1) give the possibility to creat a character that look almost as good as other orginial characters (this is next gen right , what' s that Cell doing ?? lol) , or the possibility to creat a character that looks a lot like you, with the help of the Eyetoy (ps3) may be it would be possible ... 2) your created character can evolve in online and get experience; just the attack power , the defense, the recovery and and the aura... now imagine after playing 100 fights , my total exp = 1000 points .... if i have to face a much weaker opponent say he has only 100 points.... then i should beat it with a single blow , if one of my punches touch him then he' s KO right away, because there is a huge gap between me and him and it' s all relative if i' m playing against a person that has alsmost the same amount of experience as me then the fight will be pretty much equal and it will ba all about techniques and skills. If a weaker character (I.e 100 points) managed to beat me by avoding all my punshes and attack me at the same time, he will get a lot and a lot of experience, he' s character will get stronger fast enough , and about me well i will lose my aura, i' m no more charismatic.... well the aura is hmmmm imagine that your character is so strooong that at the stage , you' ll see some colors changing in the decor, the sky gets darker, howver if you lose against that weak opponent , you' ll lose that cool effect and you should aquire that again... because of this there will be " infinite" experience, you character can' t stop getting stronger because it' s all relative ... imagile again two characters but the gap between them is even bigger (100 vs 10000) then i cannot lose against that opponent because even if i don' t touch the pad and let him beat the hell out of me , i recover more than the damage ... in addition , with he aura thing mixed with the power, you can even destroy elements of the decors, things you can' t do when your character was weak + suppose you face an opponent has a very nice outfit , you liked it , well guess what if you beat it you have the right to get it !!!! this will be truly fantastic , a lot of people will get addicted with that system (considering all other things are good : graphics, control.....) you get on line , you think that your opponent is extremly string and when you make your first hit , the opponent had almost nooo damage .... pooooor you then lol !!!
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RE: your thoughts
Dec 15, 2005 03:11
That almost sounds like an RPG and not a fighting game. I like the good old straight on fights. I hope the 2d fighters will survive for the next-gen. I never liked the 3d Street Fighter games.
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RE: your thoughts
Dec 15, 2005 06:57
and what??? what if it sound like a RPG, it' s still a fighting game, yes pure fighting game, same gameplay, same control... the new thing here is that your character is fully customized, it is unique not a single one on earth will have exactly the same power and may be look of your character , isn' t that just cool??? all developers seem to head that way , " creat character" " train your character" but it' s still at early stage .... this is what i want for next gen fighting game , and i' m sure it will work fine , anything that give you the feel that your unique is coool ... i don' t like to find thousand and thousand and thousand of players have the same character as mine, + after experience they even apply the same technique ... OF course they should keep the regular online mode as we know it today
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RE: your thoughts
Dec 15, 2005 07:14
actualy terry about resident evil 4, what i didn' t like about that game is that it' s not as scary as before, you feel more threatened sure but it loses somewhat its charm... see the game most of the time is like a " Rambo" game, just shooting because there are so many zombies... they should make zombies less and ammo less as well... other than that the game is excellent (i' m playing it on PS2)
Terry Bogard
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RE: your thoughts
Dec 15, 2005 08:10
and ammo less as well... Are you INSANE??? I want MORE ammo dude! :p. I found Resident Evil 4 to be less scary in some ways but also more scarier in others. I was actually nervous as heck while making my way through some of those environments. I didn' t really get that feeling with the previous games in the series cause the enemies were slow as hell and definitely NOT as smart. What the previous Resident Evil games did well that Resident Evil 4 lacked were " jump moments" or sudden scares. You know, you enter this room with glass walls, bend down to pick up a key and all of a sudden something leaps right through the glass, scaring the proverbial $hitte out of you. OR you walk past some boarded up windows only to be startled by a loud hissing sound and hands reaching through the boarded up windows to grab you.. But other than that, I didn' t really feel threatened by many of the enemies in the previous games since most of the time you can simply leave an area and be done with them for a while. Now Resident Evil 4' s enemies were relentless, no matter where you ran and hid they' d break down the doors and find your ass! ;)
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.
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RE: your thoughts
Dec 15, 2005 08:24
I think it' s time to see a legitimate Contra update (not those other 3D pieces of junk)! Maybe in 1st person/FPS mode... Also, A solid Guardian Heroes remake would beawesome!!! Finally, I could see an updated Golden Axe update that would rock each and every console it graced...
Videogaming is the contemporary interactive pasttime.
Terry Bogard
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RE: your thoughts
Dec 15, 2005 09:16
Finally, I could see an updated Golden Axe update that would rock each and every console it graced... Did you play the one included in Sega Classics Collection? UGH, the rockage just wasn' t there! Sega should hand the job over to Treasure and let them work their umm magic on a Golden Axe update.;)
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.
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RE: your thoughts
Dec 15, 2005 10:05
Nah! Too much to think about. To much time wasted on customization. I like the arcade style where two novice guys can beat the crap out of each other instantly without thinking of anything else. A solid Guardian Heroes remake... yeah that would be nice. Very nice indeed. As long as Ginjirou is in it
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RE: your thoughts
Dec 15, 2005 14:36
A Final Fantasy,with more action element,and that they add,more things to touch,or look for hidden things,like in FF9. A Resident evil game with much more fast pace action,as this new RE5 looks like,and add more lights. A halo3 with singel player made in mind too...
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
Terry Bogard
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RE: your thoughts
Dec 16, 2005 06:53
I think it' s time to see a legitimate Contra update (not those other 3D pieces of junk)! Maybe in 1st person/FPS mode... The sound you just heard was that of several sniper rifles aimed at you
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 16 Dec 05 14:53:41 >
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.
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RE: your thoughts
Dec 16, 2005 08:00
quote: I think it' s time to see a legitimate Contra update (not those other 3D pieces of junk)! Maybe in 1st person/FPS mode... The sound you just heard was that of several sniper rifles aimed at you To those snipers...I say bring it on!!! I just turned 40 yesterday, and I now rule the 40 and over crowd!!! Muhahahaw!!! And as for the Golden Axe comment, I was referring to actually updating the game, not just putting the old one in a ' classics' compilation (though that' s been done...excessively).
< Message edited by DaRoosh65 -- 16 Dec 05 16:02:33 >
Videogaming is the contemporary interactive pasttime.
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RE: your thoughts
Dec 16, 2005 13:49
i hate hate hate hate when developers think that i will buy their games because they put some hot hald nude chick in the game... i even feel insulted come on take Prince of persia 2, what' s this girl with this outfit is doing in that type of game , it doesn' t belong to the world at all even if the game is dark , what kills me is when the camera zoom in to her ass (in the very begining) what' s that shit about, if they want top make games look mature their are otehr ways... and in ninja gaiden , that dominatrice girl with black leather , oooh why she didn' t spunk me i wish she could  stupid developers , can' t they find better ways to attract mature people ... NO MORE THIS IN NEXT GEN NO MORE PLEASE , if i want that i' ll go and buy a playboy magazine or watch porn
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RE: your thoughts
Dec 16, 2005 14:01
1.Rachel did not look good in ninja gaiden. 2.her cloths did not make any sense,and was ugly too. 3.only girl allowed to look sexy is nicole in broken sword :P
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
Terry Bogard
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RE: your thoughts
Dec 16, 2005 14:04
And as for the Golden Axe comment, I was referring to actually updating the game, not just putting the old one in a ' classics' compilation (though that' s been done...excessively). Actually the entire game was updated as a Sega Ages remake. Graphics, orchestral sound, gameplay, level designs, etc. The problem is that, with the exception of the cool music, the update seemed more like a major downgrade. This ancient review sheds a bit more light on how badly the remake turned out:
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.
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RE: your thoughts
Dec 16, 2005 14:12
for the two first comments i agree 100% with you quezcatole but the sexiest girl in video games hmmmm ok let' s not change this thread to that please
Terry Bogard
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RE: your thoughts
Dec 16, 2005 14:49
but the sexiest girl in video games hmmmm ok let' s not change this thread to that please Don' t be shy I' ll start: The sexiest video game girl is!! Dixie Clemets from Rumble Roses! Along with Claire Redfield from Resident Evil Code: Veronica And let' s not forget the vivacious, AMY ROSE
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 16 Dec 05 22:50:41 >
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.
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RE: your thoughts
Dec 16, 2005 14:56
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
Terry Bogard
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RE: your thoughts
Dec 16, 2005 15:03
Who the hell is " Nicole Dammit" ?
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.
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RE: your thoughts
Dec 16, 2005 15:22
i feel that his thread will get hot , yeah i' ll give on asking people to think loool the sexiest girl iiiiiis : princess Pitch !!!!
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RE: your thoughts
Dec 16, 2005 15:24
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
Vx Chemical
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RE: your thoughts
Dec 17, 2005 00:30
Princess Pitch? or Princess Peach? Sexiest chick in a video game is Cate Archer, from no one lives forever, got to love the 60' ies and the 70' ies clothes, yeah!
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RE: your thoughts
Dec 17, 2005 01:35
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
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RE: your thoughts
Dec 17, 2005 03:03
princess peach i think one of the most beautiful girl in video games was Linoa/Rinoa depending on what version (Final Fantasy 8)
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RE: your thoughts
Dec 17, 2005 03:26
herro,i like lice.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
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RE: your thoughts
Dec 17, 2005 14:18
1.Rachel did not look good in ninja gaiden. 2.her cloths did not make any sense,and was ugly too. ...WTF??? ARE YOU BLIND??? .....Rachel is without question THE most stunningly beautiful woman ever to grace a video game.... ...if you don' t find her attractive, you are NOT heterosexual....
< Message edited by Bishonen -- 17 Dec 05 22:19:32 >
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Terry Bogard
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RE: your thoughts
Dec 17, 2005 15:01
Rachel has absolutely nothing on Amy Rose
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.
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RE: your thoughts
Dec 19, 2005 07:43
.... Amy who?
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Terry Bogard
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RE: your thoughts
Dec 19, 2005 08:48
Amy Rose!
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.