WOW! Japan sure does hate the Xbox brand.

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Terry Bogard
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WOW! Japan sure does hate the Xbox brand. - Dec 13, 2005 13:18

HOLY CRAP! Is there even a competing figure out there for lowest launch numbers? Aside from N-Gage that is ;). I wonder what the Virtual Boy sold at launch... Given that Final Fantasy XI was already available on the PS2 for quite some time, still I find it amazing that even with the inclusion of the trial version of Final Fantasy XI Online it still sold THIS low.

Thankfully, as was the case with the Sega Genesis, Microsoft has the U.S. and Europe to keep the Xbox brand afloat.
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.

Vx Chemical
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RE: WOW! Japan sure does hate the Xbox brand. - Dec 13, 2005 13:24
It would actually be better for Microsoft to have waited with the launch in japan till they had Japan friendly titles, but it is a surprise that its sold less than the old xbox, but then again, that had more launch titles than the 360

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RE: WOW! Japan sure does hate the Xbox brand. - Dec 13, 2005 13:39
Tbh, I wasn' t really expecting anything else. MS just stand for something at odds with Japanese culture. Im not quite sure what it is. Maybe the gameplay style, maybe their open confession at E3 to want to sell 1 billion units to anyone and everyone, whether they want/need one or not. At least that put me off a little, but Im not japanese!

Still they tend to ignore the fact that Sony really want the same thing! Then again, there are just as many smash-my-PSP vids out there as smash-my-XBox ones!

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RE: WOW! Japan sure does hate the Xbox brand. - Dec 13, 2005 14:03
I' m not surprised - Japan needs much better systems when it comes to design.I' m talking fan noise , size and stuff.

The powerbrick and size alone could' ve been the problem - it' s why they didn' t want original X at their homes.

It' s not over yet - if they get some quality titles worthy of Japan , they can have a boost in sales.

For now PS2 is to big of a winner when it comes to software in Japan and DS is performing incredibly cool as well.

They won' t get a system for pure graphics -it' s Japan , they know it' s about gameplay and current gen still has plenty.
< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 13 Dec 05 22:05:49 >

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RE: WOW! Japan sure does hate the Xbox brand. - Dec 13, 2005 14:33
I think the problem is it isn' t made by Sony or Nintendo. It has nothing to do with how good the system is, or how big, it' s who makes it, and Microsoft has ZERO loyalty In Japan.

Terry Bogard
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RE: WOW! Japan sure does hate the Xbox brand. - Dec 13, 2005 14:38
The Microsoft game division needs to prostitute all of their wives and relatives and get Square Enix fully onboard developing RPGs for Xbox360, ones with Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy in the title. That may be their only hope over there!
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.

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RE: WOW! Japan sure does hate the Xbox brand. - Dec 13, 2005 15:20
i' m with mxpx, japan just hates microsoft and stays loyal to its own brand.. i feel like they' re being very patriotic and specialy it comes to a company like microsoft... Japan does not want to see sony and specialy intendo crash, never ... one of the ways to avoid that is to not support microsoft

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RE: WOW! Japan sure does hate the Xbox brand. - Dec 13, 2005 17:40

Thankfully, as was the case with the Sega Genesis, Microsoft has the U.S. and Europe to keep the Xbox brand afloat.

The Mega Drive didn' t do THIS badly in Japan.

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RE: WOW! Japan sure does hate the Xbox brand. - Dec 13, 2005 17:44
While Microsoft has no brand loyalty in Japan (apart from the hardcore fans) I think it mainly had to do with the lineup of games. I mean, it really was crappy whichever way you look at it - especially for a Japanese gamer. If games like Enchant Arm, 99 Nights, DOA4, Frame City Killer, etc were actually at launch, the response would have been much, much better.

It may not have been the best beginning for them, but once we see more games like the ones mentioned above, a clearer picture of the consoles future in Japan can be painted.

Terry Bogard
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RE: WOW! Japan sure does hate the Xbox brand. - Dec 13, 2005 18:15

It may not have been the best beginning for them, but once we see more games like the ones mentioned above, a clearer picture of the consoles future in Japan can be painted.

I REALLY REALLY wish I could be a bit enthusiastic about the 360' s future in Japan BUT with Sony hyping up the PlayStation 3 and Nintendo' s Revolution set to appear as well, whatever tiny bit of steam the 360 might have now will likely get sucked up by the PS3 and Revolution hype.. And sadly, given Japan' s history with more than 2 competing consoles in the market, I don' t think the 360 stands a chance.
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.

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RE: WOW! Japan sure does hate the Xbox brand. - Dec 13, 2005 18:31
This really isnt a surprise to anybody is it? Way before the 360 came out in Japan people said it was gonna bomb and look what happened.I just hope things get better for Microsoft in Japan.

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RE: WOW! Japan sure does hate the Xbox brand. - Dec 13, 2005 18:44
i think microsoft deserved better. those japanese are really a strange bunch of people. i mean, they have exelent gamers like the team marubaku, who loves to play arcade race games (most of them sega one' s), but still while sega has released a exelent conversion from outrun 2 on the xbox, they completely ignore it. is it becouse its from the usa ? i mean, yes, the xbox, and the xbox 360 are huge in size, but its the games that count, and the xbox 360 will be getting all the multiplatform releases also. but, to be honest, there are to little exclusive tittles. but for me, the gamepad with repositioned black and white buttons, with the allready exelent analog sticks jost works miracles with racing games. and let that be my favorite type of game


Vx Chemical
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RE: WOW! Japan sure does hate the Xbox brand. - Dec 14, 2005 01:14
As far as i remember, the PS3 console is bigger than the Xbox (dont string me up and that)

It is about national pride, and about Microsoft not delivering other Asian friendly games at launch than Ridge Racer, which from what iv read is mediocre at best. They should have had some RPG in development along side PDZ and Kameo. I dont know why they didnt do that, i mean even americans and europeans love these would be RPG gameS!

Gaius IV
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RE: WOW! Japan sure does hate the Xbox brand. - Dec 14, 2005 03:57
they did have an rpg in development, that was ' enchant arm' but got delayed. Doa 4 also was to be a launch title too. If these 2 games came out on launch day, I think the story would have been different.
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Vx Chemical
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RE: WOW! Japan sure does hate the Xbox brand. - Dec 14, 2005 04:16
ohh yeha, thats right, forget about enchant arm, actually thought of it as Ninety Nine Nights, a well, they should have done more to make sure it was done on time, but maybe sales will pick up when the titles are released!

Gaius IV
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RE: WOW! Japan sure does hate the Xbox brand. - Dec 14, 2005 04:35
flipping japs! Not buying xbox360s and here I am going into every store in london searching for one. Now I have to wait after christmas!
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Chee Saw
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RE: WOW! Japan sure does hate the Xbox brand. - Dec 14, 2005 06:40
If I was Microsoft, I would concentrate on CRUSHING Sony and Nintendo in America and Europe! Japan IS the second largest video game market, and I, as well as a lot of other people, would like to see more Japanese developed games for the Xbox brand, but c' mon! Microsoft should just DOMINATE the markets that they can, and Japan will fall in line eventually. I mean, developers, whether Japanese, American, European, Venutian, or Martian are going to develop games where the money is.

I blame Canada for this fiasco!! With their flapping heads and beady eyes. It' s all Mxpx182' s fault!

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RE: WOW! Japan sure does hate the Xbox brand. - Dec 14, 2005 09:07
I understand why the 360 didn' t do well in Japan, it' s not worth the money. When you buy a console you want lots of games that last a long time. But the 360s line-up, especially in japan, was really bad. To be honest, there' s not a single game out for the 360, except Condemned, that even I am interested in. And lots of the games that are out can be finished quite fast. I have played most of them in stores and such but i wasn' t impressed at all. I' m sooooo disappointed! Even the graphics weren' t as cool as I was expecting.
The controller was kind of nice but it' s just a slightly enhanced Dreamcast controller. I actually prefer the Wavebird controller.
I might buy the Xbox360 in the future if there are enough games worth playing, but as it is now, I' d rather save my money for the Revolution and the very expensive PS3. And that' s probably what the japanese are doing as well. I doubt it has much to do with loyalty or anything like that. I' m not saying the 360 is bad. It' s one hell of a console, just not as good as I was expecting or to be worth my money.
I know lots of people are probably getting upset by reading this (Am I the only one who doesn' t like the 360 right now?) but I' m really not impressed with the Xbox360 at all. Only thing I really like right now is the design and Xbox Live. Not something you spend 400$ on.
But hey, maybe the japanese will buy lots of 360s right before christmas?

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RE: WOW! Japan sure does hate the Xbox brand. - Dec 14, 2005 09:15
I really thing Japan just hates MS. I agree, the launch over in Japan was crap. They got sh*t when it came to games. There really wasn' t much MS could do though since their main japanese titltes are coming from third party support. MS doesn' t have any contrl on when they get to release their games. Hopefully when the big Japanese title s come out the 360 will pick up steam. I' m desperately crazing Enchant Arm and 99 Nights. thos should be out relatively soon.
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RE: WOW! Japan sure does hate the Xbox brand. - Dec 14, 2005 09:49
Maybe conservative patriotic hardcore samurai-wannabes in Japan hates Microsoft and the US. But regular as well as hardcore japanese gamers at the age of 14 to 25, living in modern society, were all of the cultures are mixed up, probably wouldn' t ignore the first next-gen console if they really liked it. I mean, they like lots of other stuff from outside Japan, why not Microsoft?
And by the way, I think the US and European launches were crap to. Not enough to keep my interest anyway. All the games out for Xbox360 now are just old games in a new shell. And the shell is not that impressive.
All the hype and commersials got me excited but in the end, I don' t feel the Xbox360 is worth its money right now. Maybe when they lower the price sometime in the future, then maybe, I' ll be buying one.
I can' t say I' m optimistic about the future releases for the 360 either. It' s got a couple of games that might become must-haves but to me, but it seems it will pretty much get the same games the Xbox had. Even though MS managed to get some japanese buds, Sony is still Mr. Popular among japanese developers.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 14 Dec 05 17:52:34 >

Terry Bogard
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RE: WOW! Japan sure does hate the Xbox brand. - Dec 14, 2005 10:13
Sadly I don' t think a great gaming lineup would have done much for the 360 in Japan. Nowadays, if you don' t have a Dragon Quest or Final Fantasy game somewhere in your lineup in Japan don' t even bother coming to the dance.

That' s why the U.S. is more like the land of opportunity for a console maker that does everything RIGHT but doesn' t have the backing of a Square Enix or the strength of the Nintendo name.. Sony did everything right with the first PlayStation and managed to wrestle the market away from two long time veterans. In Japan they did so with the help of Squaresoft and Final Fantasy VII..
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 14 Dec 05 18:19:10 >
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.

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RE: WOW! Japan sure does hate the Xbox brand. - Dec 14, 2005 10:28
If you don' t have FF, Dragon Quest, Mario or equivalent, then it' s not a good lineup

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RE: WOW! Japan sure does hate the Xbox brand. - Dec 14, 2005 10:53
...tell it like it is, dude...

..... it' s got nothing to do with console size, shape or colour.... nothing to do with the word ' Microsoft' or branding...... and nothing to do with patriotism.....

...there is only one painfully obvious reason why those sensible, school-girl loving ' japs' correctly laugh with disdain at the xbox/360...


...there are exceptions of course... but why do you think most people own Playstations? ...because with Sony you know that you won' t be inundated with sh*tty, bottom of the pile games.... ...Seriously, does Microsoft really think an endless stream of second-rate sports, driving and first person shooters is what people really want? they are Japanese, American or European??...

... having said that, MS do seem to be trying harder this time ' round.... i think that the 360 won' t be as huge a rip-off as the Xbox was.....and no one can argue with Xbox-Live, which combined with an ABUNDANCE and VARIETY of worthwhile games could really help 360 to strongly rival PS3...

Also: i have been wondering if half the people here work for Microsoft... it' s like the Xbox/360 can do no wrong...
< Message edited by Bishonen -- 14 Dec 05 19:07:47 >
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RE: WOW! Japan sure does hate the Xbox brand. - Dec 14, 2005 11:34
These sunglasses should hide my beady eyes. Now if only I can quit saying chesterfield and touque I might be able to sneak up on Cheesaw undetected. HAHAHAAHAHAAAHHA He' ll be in the presence of a Canadian and not even know it!!!

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RE: WOW! Japan sure does hate the Xbox brand. - Dec 14, 2005 12:05
I always thought Japan loved America, what with all the blonde haired anime and video game heroes, Elvis cosplays and school girl infatuations with foreign bands etc! Japan is actually trying to branch out from their own culture at the moment, which is kind of a shame for us, but understandable. [:' (]

As far as I' ve read, the old patriotism and fear of change only exists among the older generation these days. (Any japanese ppl please correct me!)
< Message edited by choupolo -- 14 Dec 05 20:07:05 >

Vx Chemical
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RE: WOW! Japan sure does hate the Xbox brand. - Dec 14, 2005 12:14


...there are exceptions of course... but why do you think most people own Playstations? ...because with Sony you know that you won' t be inundated with sh*tty, bottom of the pile games.... ...Seriously, does Microsoft really think an endless stream of second-rate sports, driving and first person shooters is what people really want? they are Japanese, American or European??...

... having said that, MS do seem to be trying harder this time ' round.... i think that the 360 won' t be as huge a rip-off as the Xbox was.....and no one can argue with Xbox-Live, which combined with an ABUNDANCE and VARIETY of worthwhile games could really help 360 to strongly rival PS3...

Also: i have been wondering if half the people here work for Microsoft... it' s like the Xbox/360 can do no wrong...

Big quote, i know, but rarely have i seen so much crap in one post.

There is just so many thing to say, lol i dont even know where to start.

You say MS only releases worn out sports games, but fact of the matter is, almost every single one of those games are released for the Playstation as well. Both consoles have their own niche, and the xbox' s niche is FPS games or games like that. Sony console its japs adventures and stupid games like ratchet and clank and jak and daxter. There are more crappy games released for the your precious Sony console than there are on the xbox, ofcourse mainly because more people purchased it, because at the point it was released it was really the only console out on the market worth buying.

Yes half the people here like xbox, but the other half likes Playstation so thats about equal.

I cant see why people keep bashing the 360, i havent heard of a single user (okay one who sold his because of a noise issue) who has been dissapointed with the purchase, all the games i have are good, albeit they might be short, but if a long game is at the sacrifice of watching 10 hours of meaningles japaneese nonesense in a rpg, and using the rest of the 30 hours of gameplay bashing monsters in random encounters, then ill stick with my 12 hour Condemned or PDZ.

Okay the graphic might not be super.... yet... but dont expect that on the PS3 either. and expert as many old school games in new shells as on the xbox, i cant really see why people complain about that. Yes its and fps, yes we' ve seen that gun before, but its wrote around new stories and characters, we dont complain (okay some do) about movies going around in ring.

The industry takes a small step every generation, in graphics, style, gameplay and imagination, trying to force things to evolve by complaining want help. MS is as inventive as Sony, and there are definetly more fun games for me on the xbox system than on the playstation, probably because i dont see the point in having different silly animals prance around in guns and armor, when i can have humans or sexy chicks instead. If putting a boy with sharp eyes with a squirrel makes a game more original, thats plainly sad..

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RE: WOW! Japan sure does hate the Xbox brand. - Dec 14, 2005 14:53
microsoft should have waited untill DOA4 and Oblivion where ready, the japs dont like fps as much as us.

The main reason it didnt sell is becuase it dosent appeal to the japs. They are not like americans and us europeans who want the biggest, the best, and the Most expensive technogly on the market today, instead they want the smallest,most quick and silent technolgy on the market today.

It will pick up after a while tough.
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RE: WOW! Japan sure does hate the Xbox brand. - Dec 14, 2005 17:17

ORIGINAL: Silentbomber

microsoft should have waited untill DOA4 and Oblivion where ready, the japs dont like fps as much as us.

The main reason it didnt sell is becuase it dosent appeal to the japs. They are not like americans and us europeans who want the biggest, the best, and the Most expensive technogly on the market today, instead they want the smallest,most quick and silent technolgy on the market today.

It will pick up after a while tough.

Unfortunately it was probably a case of " damned if you do and damned if you don' t" for Microsoft in Japan. They could either:

A: Release the console now, while it still has a little hype left, regardless of what games are ready or not.
B: Wait until the better games are completed and then launch. But by doing so they get closer to the PS3 launch date and run the risk of people forgoing the X360 completely in favor of the PS3.

ORIGINAL: Bishonen

Also: i have been wondering if half the people here work for Microsoft... it' s like the Xbox/360 can do no wrong...

I don' t think it' s just plainly fanboyism - at least it isn' t for me. I play the games that are fun regardless of platform. I think a lot of people want Microsoft to do well (including myself) because greater competitiveness between Microsoft and Sony will benefit us (the end users) in the long run. Close competition means more innovation, more games, greater variation of products, lower prices, etc.

A great example of solid competitiveness is the graphics card industry. A few years back Nvidia was the completely dominant force with very little competition. Nvidia completely stuffed it up with the NV30 chipset (GeforceFX) and if it weren' t for ATI and it' s great R300 chipset (Radeon 9xxx), we' d have to endure using those pieces of crap. Luckily ATI capitalized on Nvidia' s mistake and managed to take a large portion of the market from them. Now a few generations later and both Nvidia and ATI have stepped up and both offer completely amazing products. Hence, the end users win when it comes down to it.

We' re already starting to see some great competition between Sony and Microsoft that has spurned things like Xbox Live. But there' s still much more that can be done. That' s what I' m hoping for - greater competition.
< Message edited by Unluckyone -- 15 Dec 05 1:20:06 >

Chee Saw
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RE: WOW! Japan sure does hate the Xbox brand. - Dec 14, 2005 17:30
The Japanese are UNBELIEVABLY patriotic and resistant to outside influence. Yes, they have been embracing some western ideals and products, but if you think about it, the products weren' t MADE for them. Nobody setup a meeting and said, " how are we going to make these Nike shoes more attractive to the Japanese consumers." They marketed an existing brand (something that had already become huge in the western world) and the Japanese went for it. They should just let the same thing happen with the Xbox brand. Just do the best they can in the west, and see what happens in the east.

ORIGINAL: Bishonen


...there are exceptions of course... but why do you think most people own Playstations? ...because with Sony you know that you won' t be inundated with sh*tty, bottom of the pile games.... ...Seriously, does Microsoft really think an endless stream of second-rate sports, driving and first person shooters is what people really want? they are Japanese, American or European??...

I disagree Bishonen. The 360 launch lineup thus far has been GREAT for me. Actually, I don' t even have the budget to get all the games I want, nor the time to play even the ones I have as much as I want. Seriously. I mean, how many games will you purchase when you get your next system? Two? Three? Four? I got 3, and there are at least two more available right now that I want, and one in the pipeline (DOA 4). Then again, it is a matter of preference. I LOVE FPSs and fighting games. Of course RPGs ARE under-represented right now, but there' s not a lot we can do about that except wait. If you choose to wait to get your 360, or skip it completely, then that' s cool. I' ll be enjoying some next-gen goodness in the meantime!

ORIGINAL: ginjirou

Even the graphics weren' t as cool as I was expecting.

Key work: EXPECTING. I know a lot of people were EXPECTING a different world when the next gen was released. I think you' ll probably be disappointed with ALL new releases, because the graphics on the 360 are SICK! It' s leaps and bounds better than anything on the market right now, and there are just launch titles right now! By the time the PS3 comes to market the 360 games are gonna be even TIGHTER! Not saying that the PS3 is not desireable (because I WILL have one), just that it' s dangerous to get your expectation TOO high.

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RE: WOW! Japan sure does hate the Xbox brand. - Dec 15, 2005 03:25
Vx Chemical, you say you haven' t heard one single person who is disappointed with their purchase? That' s not strange since most of those who bought it are Xbox fans. I mean, if the console was sold out and they weren' t able to meet the demand, you can only expect that the true Xbox fans where there first to buy them. Also, if I bought a machine for 400$, I' d keep telling myself I' m satisfied with it until the end of days, even if I didn' t like it. And I bet there are lots of disappointed people, it' s just that they don' t show up in forums or in the media.
Chee Saw, my expectations weren' t as high as you seem to think. And I' m not comparing the 360 graphics with what the PS3 is said to have. I compared the graphics with current gen consoles and PCs and as far as I' m concerned, the graphics aren' t good enough to spend the money on a console with so many crappy games and so few good ones. I think the jump from PS to PS2 was a far greater jump in graphics than the XBox to the 360.
Maybe Nintendo is right, maybe we have reached a point where the graphics can' t be improved enough to keep interest in the industry?

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RE: WOW! Japan sure does hate the Xbox brand. - Dec 15, 2005 08:13

Vx Chemical You say MS only releases worn out sports games, but fact of the matter is, almost every single one of those games are released for the Playstation as well.
....There are more crappy games released for the your precious Sony console than there are on the xbox [edit]

...yes, rubbish games also get released on the PS2, but this is forgivable because Sony have all the best titles also, to make up for it..... .....Xbox just had piles and piles of utter sh*te which Microsoft tried to label as next gen..... and the signs are that 360 could be heading in that same direction...

UnluckyOne I don' t think it' s just plainly fanboyism - at least it isn' t for me. I play the games that are fun regardless of platform. I think a lot of people want Microsoft to do well (including myself) because greater competitiveness between Microsoft and Sony will benefit us (the end users) in the long run. Close competition means more innovation, more games, greater variation of products, lower prices, etc.

...on principle, i agree... I' d be a fool not to... but i don' t believe you should accept some of the BS that Microsoft has been trying to get away with, purely for an increase in overall market competitiveness..... i mean what kind of a message does that send out to other potential Console makers? .... that it is ok to con Console gamers with your sub-standard wanna-be PC in a box?? ...that Console gamers used to Japanese craftsmanship and quality, prefer your unrelenting barrage of average - person - shoot - then - drive - car dross??.... that owners of your Console appreciate it being abandoned three years after launch?...

... i guess my overall point is that you can' t dress unwanted PC games as Console games and expect people to not go " What' s this crap?" .....

Chee Saw Then again, it is a matter of preference. I LOVE FPSs and fighting games.

.... when they are well done and fresh, so do i .... ..actually, personally, i generally prefer adult Western-friendly Japanese games like Metal Gear, Resident Evil, Devil May Cry, Onimusha and Ninja Gaiden... i also like highly imaginative adult Western games like Soul Reaver, Mortal Combat, Jade Empire and Halo... ... i don' t know if either types of games do well in Japan though...
< Message edited by Bishonen -- 15 Dec 05 17:37:56 >
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RE: WOW! Japan sure does hate the Xbox brand. - Dec 15, 2005 09:30
...what about all those genuinely good PC games that never show up on xbox/360? F.E.A.R...Black and White...Spore.... The Witcher... NeverWinter Nights.....World of Warcraft ...Painkiller and so on? .... why do you have to wait for an age, before you see rubbish conversions of games like Half Life 2?? is it that Microsoft can' t get top drawer PC games released simultaneously on xbob/360?? ... how can they F*ck up their own niche market??? ...
< Message edited by Bishonen -- 15 Dec 05 17:44:07 >
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Vx Chemical
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RE: WOW! Japan sure does hate the Xbox brand. - Dec 15, 2005 10:09
Sometimes you really thrill with your " intelligent" MS bashing Bishonen. Japaneese craftmanship my ass, nothing as been poorer crafted than the PS2, and with the PStwo the artisans at Sony even forgot to check if their chipset could run with all the games making games incompatible with their new silver slimline model, thats just pure brilliance, yeah right.

The graphic and gameplay on the Xbox has surpased those of the sony console, just to mention Splinter Cell, which actually is a rather groundbreaking game, made for the Xbox, and released as an after thought of the PS2.

Sony releases as many AAA titles as MS does, after that its up to the developers and publishers.

Sony has released God of War, and Shadow of the Colussus

MS has Halo franchise.

Reason why more of your so called good publishers release their games for the Playstation is solely because its the most widely owned console, not because Sony has made a better machine.

If you listen to current developers Xbox 360 is the Machine to develop for where is the Playstation 3 is a pile of rubbish to sort through.

Dont bash microsoft because you prefer playing japaneese games.

It isnt even about conversions of pc games, its about original games, ofcourse they cant get Half Life 2 to run perfectly on an Xbox, its too slow a machine for that game, but they got it running decently.

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RE: WOW! Japan sure does hate the Xbox brand. - Dec 15, 2005 10:09
Ooooooooooo! Bishonen silents the entire Xbox fan-club!
Still, at least Xbox got a Half-life 2 unlike PS2
And isn' t it the publishers decision if a PC game gets released on the Xbox, not Microsofts?

Vx Chemical
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RE: WOW! Japan sure does hate the Xbox brand. - Dec 15, 2005 10:31
Bishonen silences nothing. He' s just sour his precious PS2 cant produce as the xbox can, Xbox is nextgen compared to the PS2.

Halflife 2 could never be made on the Xbox. Nor could doom 3 for that matter

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RE: WOW! Japan sure does hate the Xbox brand. - Dec 15, 2005 14:15
Back from spain/gran canaria :P what have i missed?!
Xbox360 sold bad in japan?
Well the great games was delayed so im not will get better,soon,how much? i dont know...
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: WOW! Japan sure does hate the Xbox brand. - Dec 16, 2005 09:20
....dude, i don' t even OWN a Playstation2 ... ...all i have is an Xbox, and a handful of games....

...damm sure wish i did have one though....

...PS2 is not undeserving of criticism... for example, i feel that it IS to blame for the current culture of iditotic-bog-standard-games....' s just that after five years, you also have a large collection of quality releases also... ...whilst M$, due to one reason or another, have taken the ' filler' mindset to ridiculously new high levels, thinking that all anyone wants to play is Vietnam games of insultingly low quality..... then they decide to throw in the towel, just when things were beginning to pick up...

...i have never felt as ripped off buy a ' Console maker' as i have with Microsoft...

...and because i am a Xbox owner, i have every right to ' bash' it.... ...if i pay my hard earned cash for a product, and get sh*it value for money, I WILL BITCH!!
< Message edited by Bishonen -- 16 Dec 05 17:22:38 >
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RE: WOW! Japan sure does hate the Xbox brand. - Dec 16, 2005 09:55
I have ps2+gc+xbox ofc i have the right to bash all 3 if i wanna,but i just cant do it,i love/loved them all 3,i was hoping for a better mario/zelda,and mayby this new twilight will deliver what i hoped for,but other then that im fine with my gc.
Tales of symphonia is one of the best rpg' s i played,sure the character and the towns could had have more " soul" into them,but the bosses/enemies/fighting system,and the lenght and the side quest was just awesome,it was a awesome rpg,and it came to gc,and heck even resident evil4 come to gc,gc gaved me a great sci fi game with rouge squadron,great rpg with tales of,and great racing with f-zero.

Same with xbox,it did not pump out as many great games as ps2,however i still prefered xbox cause of the few great titles.

Some of the xbox games that was awesome...

Sw kotor,splinter cell serie,halo,panzer dragon,shenmue2,ninja gaiden,doa3 and ghost recon/rainbow six serie to name a few.

I think all the consoles delivered what we expected of them.

The reason why xbox sold bad in japan was lack of rpg,and now they are late with doa4+enchant arm+pgr3 ofc the xbox360 wont sell good then.
What are they gonna buy?
xbox360 + pdz?
Thats fine,i would want that too,but i really dont think that will lure japanese people to buy the 360 tbh.
Lets just wait untill thir games are out there,and when the rpgs are coming...
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

Vx Chemical
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RE: WOW! Japan sure does hate the Xbox brand. - Dec 16, 2005 12:20
sure bash the Xbox, but there are soooo many good titles out for it, i didnt buy any of those so called cheap games you mention, because i dont play sports games for one.

Of good franchises on the xbox there are: Splinter Cell, Halo, Doom, Prince of Persia, KOTOR, Jade Empire, fable (to some extent), Crimson Skies, Morrowind, Raven Shield, DOA, Ninja Gaiden, Psi Ops, Halflife 2.

Of PS2 games im sad to have missed there are Shadow of the Colossus, and ICO, and DMC, and to some extent good of war.

I own a Xbox and a GC, and ofcourse a 360. whether i buy an PS3 depends on whether or not other game companies than the Japs bite on, because i despise the japs rpg' s i hávent played one yet that i find fun. when playing RPG the standard set for me is Baldur' s Gate and Planescape torment, things simply dont come better than that RPG wise!

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RE: WOW! Japan sure does hate the Xbox brand. - Dec 16, 2005 13:42
japanese games are extremly important for a console because they are simply the best... the industry without nintendo, squaresoft, capcom , konami , sega, will be dead however you can imagine the industry without euuuh (the euuuh is to show you that i had a hard time to find one that is worth listing lol) EA for exemple (i think the rest is juust so so to even crap ), the only american companies that i respect so much are (Activision, id software and Valve ) ... so it is obvious why x box is the second console choice for people and that is not because of the quality games it offers but because of its " X BOX LIVE" yes that' s what changed everything

i know that most japanese love ps2 than x box
i know that most europeans love ps2 than x box
and even in my small counrty ps2 is much more popular

i own ths ps2 and x box and a PC i was very disapointed by the x box , well i don' t have x box live but for the other hundred games i played on that system, only few really few offered a good quality time

Ninja gaiden, Fable (somehow), euuuh forza, Splinter cell 3,2,1 , conker' s bad fur day, Halo 1 and not really the 2... ok may be i forgot another 5 games , that is a very very poor list

for the multi platform most of the time i go to PC with higher graphics (i have a ps2 pad pluged in)
you don' t care about half life 2- doom 3 - or somewhat Far cry when you own a pc

PS2 offered so much better experience, i even had the chance to play resident evil 4 (thank you so much capcom) many AAA games and so many AA titles

VX Chemical, japanese RPG are much beter than the americans one, like it or not, the sales talk, the fan base talk, you cannot compare a name like final fantasy with bulder' s gate or jade empire.... i think you didn' t have a chance yet to try a JAP RPG and you should dude you miss so much...

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