Silent Hill movie trailer

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Silent Hill movie trailer - Dec 07, 2005 22:01

Mass X
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RE: Silent Hill movie trailer - Dec 07, 2005 23:14
yaay i been waitin so long for somthing more then photos to show up. Looks to have that creepy silent hill feel. and even better Uwe Boll didnt touch it yaaaaaay!

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RE: Silent Hill movie trailer - Dec 08, 2005 08:03
I can' t handle this kind of stuff - way to creepy

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RE: Silent Hill movie trailer - Dec 08, 2005 08:47
I' m not a big fan of the series because like Sharon, the games scare me. I' m not a fan of being scared. Movies though don' t scare me at all. I did borrow Silent Hill 2 off a friend and got into it a little bit. I think the fact there were no real sudden ' jumps' meant I liked it more.

From what I' ve seen of the movie it looks to stick pretty close to the source material, unlike some game movies ignoring everything and only focusing on the irrelevant (DOA movie, I' m looking at you)

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RE: Silent Hill movie trailer - Dec 08, 2005 15:03
....dammit, i can' t see it..... ...a wmv downloads, but when it plays back all i get is audio...

... i can' t believe you guys don' t like scary movies.... Drew Barrymore does..
..don' t you like thrills?.... what about roller-coasters??....

..being scared is cool..... the only thing i like more than scary movies/games... scaring girls.....

...i am sick of mutant bugs though (Resi4, the Flood etc) ... i prefer psychological horror mostly, where the fear is mostly created buy your own presuppositions, suggestion, mood and atmosphere.... like the original Silent Hill, John Carpenter' s Halloween and The Fog to name a few....
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Gaius IV
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RE: Silent Hill movie trailer - Dec 11, 2005 14:54
Wow now this looks really good! I was a fan of the original silent hill and tho I' m not into scarey flicks I' m itching to see this! It looks exactly like the game. And it has a good director (christophe gans)
what is best in life? To crush your enemies, see them driven before you and to hear the lamentation of their women!

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RE: Silent Hill movie trailer - Jan 01, 2006 11:26
.... why are all you girls afraid of getting the willys?.....


...don' t answer that....
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RE: Silent Hill movie trailer - Apr 02, 2006 09:12
Places to stay away from when this movie comes out:

4.Shopping Malls
5.Apartments (Bathrooms especially)
9.Theme Parks
10.Prisons (Water and otherwise)