You remind be of my father, he sticks with the 2d because he hasn' t yet figured out how to use the next gen graphics. So to your advantage 2d is only what you can handle. If you can' t take the 3d graphics atleast give them a chance, promise if you upgrade and start playing more 3d, you will like it more.
Actually you kinda missed the point of this thread which was there was NO point, just a light-hearted jab at the long-running 2D vs. 3D issue :P

I' ve been playing games for twenty-something years and have been exposed to all types of gaming in arcades, consoles, and handhelds. My preference for 2D when it comes to some gaming genres has absolutely nothing to do with getting used to 3D cause I' ve been exposed to 3D and have been used to it since the early 90s in arcades, and as I said in my previous post, some games work better in 3D and some work better in 2D.
Heck take Castlevania for instance, I' m not even a fanatic of the series but everywhere I go people are clamoring for a 2D Castlevania on consoles, and cringing at the thought of another 3D effort. Alot of these people don' t have an undying love for 2D over 3D, they love their 3D games, they just want to enjoy a continuation of what WORKS for them. 2D Castlevania works wonderfully, 3D so far does NOT for a lot of people. For me, side-scrolling and vertically scrolling shooters (shmups) remain awesome in 2D but don' t work ANYWHERE near as well in full 3D, and I have yet to encounter a single fan of the genre that' s the least bit anxious for a full 3D shooter.
Complexity isn' t automatically better than simplicity, otherwise something like Pong wouldn' t be remembered more fondly than a lot of the gorgeous, colorfully vibrant looking 3D and 2D turds released within the past decade. And even though I had quickly gotten used to 3D looong ago I didn' t like it more than 2D like you said. I accepted it as adding another dimension to gameplay and it took its place right beside 2D, not above it or below it.. A wonderful example of a successful marriage of 2D & 3D technology would be Sonic Rush for the DS, you also have Klonoa 2 for the PS2.
When it comes down to it it' s all a matter of preference and what we feel works well with the given gameplay/visual style.
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 3 Dec 05 4:39:10 >