Proof that 2D is better than 3D!

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Terry Bogard
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Proof that 2D is better than 3D! - Nov 30, 2005 10:52
Sega says it:

I say it, so it MUST be true without question!!!!1!

Don' t bother disagreeing cause the combination of Sega OF JAPAN and Terry Bogard will always own j00!

< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 30 Nov 05 18:53:38 >
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.

Joe Redifer
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RE: Proof that 2D is better than 3D! - Nov 30, 2005 13:17
And here I thought this thread would be nothing more than a picture of a Sega Master System, Sega Genesis, and Sega Saturn sitting next to an Xbox and PS2. That would be enough to convince me of what I already knew. I play more Genesis than PS2, Xbox, and GC combined. I still buy games for my Genesis straight from Japan. My latest purchase was Monster World 4.

Also, is " manoeuvre" really a word? Looks like the French version of our " maneuver" .

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RE: Proof that 2D is better than 3D! - Nov 30, 2005 15:43
what a coincidence!! i' ve been playing lately some old game through emulators, sonic 3, sonic 2 which i just beat for a second time, and some other games that i want to remember just for nostalgia (aaah comix zone , flashback )... but anyway 2D might be very fun in " certain" types of games but to say that 2d is overall better than 3d is rediculous and sorry for you guys to say so!!

Joe redifier , you play your genesis more than ps2 and x box and cube combined waw you are truly a specimen specialy when you purchase these old games and you even bought Monster world 4 bravooooo

if a 3D game is well designed with a super control then there is probably no way the same game in 2d can be better, there are so many exemples of successful ports from 2d and 3d, the best are Mario 64 and zelda 64...

i loooved Castle vania symphony of the night and it' s 2d game but i wish if they could make a 3d castlevania as successful as this one.... sadly all 3d castlevania are almost crap, very porr graphics and limited gameplay ... this is not 3d fault this is developer fault. Castlevania has a great potentiel to be an excellent 3d game, only Devil May Cry tries to deliver the same experience and it gets very close... it' s truly sad when Konami always messes up the game...

Terry Bogard
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RE: Proof that 2D is better than 3D! - Nov 30, 2005 17:37
Super Mario World pisses on Mario 64 from great heights. No contest :p

Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.

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RE: Proof that 2D is better than 3D! - Nov 30, 2005 17:48
The Sonic games have never really worked in full 3D. That fact shows up even more when a polished effort such as Rush managed to play better than any of the 3D Sonic games to date including and especially the latest effort in Shadow The Hedgehog. If only we could get a 2D Sonic game with next gen power behind it. Talk about a dream...

Terry Bogard
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RE: Proof that 2D is better than 3D! - Nov 30, 2005 17:54
The only 3D Sonic game I found enjoyable was the original Sonic Adventure. I finished it with all of the characters including Super Sonic..

The later games like Sonic Adventure 2 and Sonic Heroes I didn' t bother playing past the one hour mark.. I finished Shadow but the game was short, especially since you' re not required to complete most of stupid tasks presented to you!

Sonic could work wonderfully well with 2.5D graphics!
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 1 Dec 05 1:56:00 >
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.

Joe Redifer
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RE: Proof that 2D is better than 3D! - Nov 30, 2005 18:27

Joe redifier , you play your genesis more than ps2 and x box and cube combined

Yes, the games for that system are FAR better than the ones available for the current generation of systems (Xbox360 included as that is now current-gen).

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RE: Proof that 2D is better than 3D! - Dec 01, 2005 01:35
i agree with you Terry, the first sonic on dreamcast was good and beter than all the 3d sonics that were released later, but i think if those weren' t successful it' s because it' s just difficult to make a 3d sonic... 2.5 might really work

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RE: Proof that 2D is better than 3D! - Dec 01, 2005 02:57
I think it would be best if it was just played at the 2D level, like the original sonics, but had sweet 3D graphics. That is the way most side scrollers are done now days. I would buy a sonic like this for xbox 360.
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RE: Proof that 2D is better than 3D! - Dec 01, 2005 04:54
Its all preference and which type of games you like, some have strong nostalgic feelings about old games, but if things had evolved, the market wouldnt be as big as it is today, there are plenty of stupid games out now, and there are plenty of stupid games from the 2d Era, whether you want to play winter games of Fifa06 is up to you.

some games, such as the adventure games from Lucas Arts never worked in 3d, and i was sad to see them go!

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RE: Proof that 2D is better than 3D! - Dec 01, 2005 06:36
Ever played Guardian Heroes for the Saturn? That' s a great 2D (2.5D?) game!
If played with the ultimate 2D controller, the Saturn controller, it is one of the best games created during the 32-bit era.

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RE: Proof that 2D is better than 3D! - Dec 01, 2005 06:50
2D is better when the objectives are dodge/shoot or run/jump only.

3D is better suited to games that require more complex maneuvers (duh!?).

It appears that veteran gamer' s (20+ years PLAYING games) seem to prefer the old school 2D over 3D...and that is to be expected - you play games that you are comfortable with.

You cannot deny that Sonic is awesome!!!

But, on the flipside, Halo cannot be denied either!
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Terry Bogard
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RE: Proof that 2D is better than 3D! - Dec 01, 2005 07:54
There' s no denying that Forward scrolling games like Racers, FIRST-PERSON-shooters, Space Harrier-style games benefit the most from 3D graphics.

But there are definitely genres in which I feel 2D continues to trounce 3D in, i.e. Platformers, shooters, and beat-em ups among others..

Fighting games however, benefit from both. I' ve played superb 2D and 3D fighting games so neither gets the edge in that area. The same goes for Wrestling games.

I gotta give it to Sega though, Sonic Rush featured a BEAUTIFUL marriage of 2D and 3D. The action levels maintained the sidescrolling 2D visual style while the boss battles were 3D. Superb!

and there are plenty of stupid games from the 2d Era

You can thank THQ for them :p
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 1 Dec 05 15:57:00 >
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.

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RE: Proof that 2D is better than 3D! - Dec 01, 2005 08:49
Hm...i loved sonic1,2 and 3 but i dont play any more 2d games...
Cell shading is as low as i can sink nowdays :P
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RE: Proof that 2D is better than 3D! - Dec 02, 2005 08:31
Here is a great Sonic Flash game:
Ultimate Flash Sonic. Many of you have probably played it already.
I recommend you try it!

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RE: Proof that 2D is better than 3D! - Dec 02, 2005 09:16
You can' t say 2d is better than 3d or that you have proof. I haven' t seen the proof.

What about final Fantasy Mythology (2d game), it straight up sucked, but the rest of the Final fantasy games and still to come were powerful with its 3d. They were made into great, adventurous games.

You remind be of my father, he sticks with the 2d because he hasn' t yet figured out how to use the next gen graphics. So to your advantage 2d is only what you can handle. If you can' t take the 3d graphics atleast give them a chance, promise if you upgrade and start playing more 3d, you will like it more.

Don' t get me wrong I still love my 2d mario brothers and others, but I love the new.

Thank you,

Chee Saw
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RE: Proof that 2D is better than 3D! - Dec 02, 2005 11:13
Remember when parallax scrolling first appeared on the scene?! Man, those were the days! Almost as good as when the SNES debuted with SCALING AND ROTATING!! OMG!!

I remember the good ol days, but sorry guys, I' m all about 3d now. I tried some 2d games a couple of days ago and had about as much fun as a man in pirahna infested waters with a strip of bacon wrapped around his testicles. Hey! Now there' s one for " This or That" ! Now I just have to think of something comparably horrible...


...this may take a while.

Joe Redifer
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RE: Proof that 2D is better than 3D! - Dec 02, 2005 18:05
Then you have NO CHOICE but to absolutely hate Castlevania DS and every Street Fighter game!

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RE: Proof that 2D is better than 3D! - Dec 02, 2005 20:21
Couple more examples of when 3D goes bad = Lemmings and Worms. Some game types just suit 2D better. Long live 2D!

(btw hi all, long time reader, just joined )

Terry Bogard
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RE: Proof that 2D is better than 3D! - Dec 02, 2005 20:35

You remind be of my father, he sticks with the 2d because he hasn' t yet figured out how to use the next gen graphics. So to your advantage 2d is only what you can handle. If you can' t take the 3d graphics atleast give them a chance, promise if you upgrade and start playing more 3d, you will like it more.

Actually you kinda missed the point of this thread which was there was NO point, just a light-hearted jab at the long-running 2D vs. 3D issue :P .

I' ve been playing games for twenty-something years and have been exposed to all types of gaming in arcades, consoles, and handhelds. My preference for 2D when it comes to some gaming genres has absolutely nothing to do with getting used to 3D cause I' ve been exposed to 3D and have been used to it since the early 90s in arcades, and as I said in my previous post, some games work better in 3D and some work better in 2D.

Heck take Castlevania for instance, I' m not even a fanatic of the series but everywhere I go people are clamoring for a 2D Castlevania on consoles, and cringing at the thought of another 3D effort. Alot of these people don' t have an undying love for 2D over 3D, they love their 3D games, they just want to enjoy a continuation of what WORKS for them. 2D Castlevania works wonderfully, 3D so far does NOT for a lot of people. For me, side-scrolling and vertically scrolling shooters (shmups) remain awesome in 2D but don' t work ANYWHERE near as well in full 3D, and I have yet to encounter a single fan of the genre that' s the least bit anxious for a full 3D shooter.

Complexity isn' t automatically better than simplicity, otherwise something like Pong wouldn' t be remembered more fondly than a lot of the gorgeous, colorfully vibrant looking 3D and 2D turds released within the past decade. And even though I had quickly gotten used to 3D looong ago I didn' t like it more than 2D like you said. I accepted it as adding another dimension to gameplay and it took its place right beside 2D, not above it or below it.. A wonderful example of a successful marriage of 2D & 3D technology would be Sonic Rush for the DS, you also have Klonoa 2 for the PS2.

When it comes down to it it' s all a matter of preference and what we feel works well with the given gameplay/visual style.

< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 3 Dec 05 4:39:10 >
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.

Chee Saw
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RE: Proof that 2D is better than 3D! - Dec 02, 2005 20:58

ORIGINAL: Joe Redifer

Then you have NO CHOICE but to absolutely hate Castlevania DS and every Street Fighter game!

Honestly, they just don' t hold my interest any more. I LOVED Street Fighter back in the day, but I tried to play it recently with a friend of mine, and only made it through two fights. I mean, I wish it weren' t that way, but I guess my tastes have just changed over the years.

As for Castlevania DS, I don' t know. It makes it kinda hard to evaluate the game, considering it' s on a system I don' t own! Once again; I just can' t seem to get into portables. Oh well!

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RE: Proof that 2D is better than 3D! - Dec 11, 2005 03:28
I love 3D games (I can' t imagine games like Shenmue or Ocarina in 2D) but whenever I play 2d mario it feels so ...responsive so' s just 100% control and the gameplay is so " clean" , it' s incredible.

Actually that responsive control was in Starfox Adventures for GCN - Mario 64 and Zelda both were good but the analog stick for N64 wasn' t all that cool.

For instance the 3D fighting games are great - casue they have that tight and responsive controlls - same with FPP games like Halo ,Hal-Life 2 and Metroid.

It' s not about dimensions - it' s about game design and controls - if they feel right than the gameplay is tight and great.Still not that many games can keep up with Mario' s precision in my opinion.

We play games like that because they have nice atmosperic graphics and sound - but it' s gameplay that' s , in many cases , lost in translation between your fingers and controller ports on the console.

I don' t understand why can' t they make GTA games that have great , tight and responsive gameplay next to fantastic presentation and freedom ...a few less bugs and less Beta-like enviroment would' ve been nice as well.

I say it' s mostly because more and more PC developers come along to our world who make another PC game only for consoles.And those Devs are known for pushing the graphics - because that' s what PC gamers are used to and want.

Still thanks to the fact that they come to consoles , we get to play Half-Life 2 - and that' s pretty cool.

I think 2D and 3D should coexist - like many of you said some games are not good when the free 3D world exploration is implemented (like Sonic and others) so why not 2,5 D? It' s a perfect way to combine what' s best of 2D and 3D.It' s why fighting games were the first to kick ass in 3D , it was a new dimension but the game perspective was 2,5 (untill more advanced games apeared but even now most of the fighting is 2,5D with 3D " cut-scenes" for throws and stuff)

One genre that needs 3D bad is racing games - even in 2D era those games had a 3D like view made in 2 dimensions technology and 3D just made them better and I don' t think you' ll argue here.

Thank God that I can play cool 2D games on my DS , cause I love the graphics of Castlevania and others.One of the best looking games up to this day is Metal Slug - the work that went into this is incredible.

It' s gotten to long I guess - sorry :)