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are Pc games threatened by these next gen cons ?
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- Joined: Sep 14, 2005
RE: are Pc games threatened by these next gen cons ?
Nov 30, 2005 16:38
I guess I was the only one who actually played on a modded xbox you' re not the only one here My point is that any console can be turned into a pc and any pc can be turned into a console i don' t understand your point... talking about a console turned to pc ?? how ??? can ps2 and game cube be turned to a pc? well no even illegal stuff don' t offer these possibilities and for the x box , even if moded you can' t say it' s a PC just because it can emulate very old games, play mp3' s and burned games and dvd movies... that' s not even the point of this discution , we' re talking about the legal stuff here ... Some of you say that a pc can' t beat a console system if you' re talking about the power then i think nobody said so... and what i said is that PC' s will need this round a longer time than usual to catch up on consoles and my question was , will pc sales in that " period" will decrease significantly for reasons mentioned in first page... Silentbomb , why you' re mixing pc functionalities with consoles, what' s posting on forums and internet has to do with gaming and this thread... and about your 7800 gtx what do you mean minimum money may be i didn' t understand what you mean , but that certainly isn' t " minimum money"
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RE: are Pc games threatened by these next gen cons ?
Dec 01, 2005 14:46
< Message edited by Bishonen -- 2 Dec 05 0:20:30 >
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- Joined: Sep 14, 2005
RE: are Pc games threatened by these next gen cons ?
Dec 01, 2005 15:36
there are some people who talk just to open their mouth... PLZ READ THE TOPIC AT LEAST ONCE
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- Joined: Apr 25, 2005
RE: are Pc games threatened by these next gen cons ?
Dec 02, 2005 07:00
Sorry, I guess my point didn' t come across clear. I was rambling and left off my point. My point was that pc games aren' t threatened due to the fact that console games are predecessors of the parents. Parents meaning PCs and thier spawning children being consoles. The parents will always have the upper hand until the children start making thier own technology. Therefore, pc gaming will remain a resident force due to the fact that consoles don' t offer anything really better except for convenience. They are very easy to use for the average person and that' s why they have more of a grip to gaming rather than pc gaming. there are some people who talk just to open their mouth... PLZ READ THE TOPIC AT LEAST ONCE Becareful of your accusations, let a person respond before stating something like this.
< Message edited by kombatfighter -- 2 Dec 05 15:15:35 >
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RE: are Pc games threatened by these next gen cons ?
Dec 02, 2005 08:25
Can' t you speak like normal people? " Parents" this and " children" that. Are you having so much trouble proving your point that you have to speak in riddles? Hehe, ok I understood but still. Anyway, PC,s now only have one advantage and that is power. But the thing is that the new consoles are so powerfull that the gap between consoles and PC,s is much smaller than it used to be. That is why this discussion is interesting. And besides, like Nintendo use to say, some day we will not be able to see the difference in graphics and power anymore, then what? Games on the 360 look near photo-realistic as will the games for PS3 (probably). Adding more power in this state is unnecessary and that is why computers might see a decreasing population. As I said before, PC,s used to have the advantage of online gaming and they were also alone with the keboard/mouse setup. But today, you can play FPS games online on a console with ease. Adding mods and patches is also possible now that the consoles are equipt with hardrives. Consoles are becoming more like PCs but the difference is that consoles are made to play games on, which make them a better choice for a person who just wants to play games. And considering the difference in price, the console is superior.
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- Joined: Dec 02, 2005
- Location: Manchester, England
RE: are Pc games threatened by these next gen cons ?
Dec 02, 2005 21:18
Im a PC guy  although I love my genesis, snes and playstations as much as the rest. I tend to play PC games for different reasons to console. I dunno what it is tho, altho here are a few ideas... There are some great games on console which I can enjoy in front of my TV in the living room, which feel like complete and well crafted experiences that I can share with friends but are ultimately confined and unchangable. Whereas with many PC games I just feel I' ve got more freedom to have things the way I want it. Does that make any sense im not sure? There are set games on consoles that everybody must enjoy in the same way, whereas there are some niche games on the PC that noone else has played but still do well. Plus I was in Leeds for the X360 tour recently and imo the launch titles dont look that much different and in some places worse than recent PC games like FEAR. Of course these are only launch titles and the gfx quality can only go up, but I cant help feeling that I expected a LOT more just in terms of gfx alone. Like the in-car textures in PGR3 really spoil the pristine visuals in the rest of the game. Consoles are becoming more multipurpose like PCs this time round, but from that article before about not being able to transfer music and media that easily, it still seems that that level of freedom is still not there. One other thing is that PCs are all set to start the digital distribution revolution which will see more independent, original and low budget (also see ' cheaper' ) games being just as successful as the big budget blockbusters. Its basically that feeling of freedom that Im talking about. Obviously it comes at a price to keep ugrading, but I believe PCs offer something different to consoles (not better or worse) which is worth the extra cash.  Plus for the full 360 experience you' d have to pay much more than £280 if you wanted true hi-def, online play, personalised faceplates (hehe) etc.
Chee Saw
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- Joined: May 12, 2005
- Location: SoCal USA
RE: are Pc games threatened by these next gen cons ?
Dec 02, 2005 21:57
The power of the 360 is actually above that of any pc on the market right now. About the only rig that would be comparable to the 360 would be something with the new Dual-core processors in them (they don' t even have 3 core machines yet!) which cost upwards of $800. This is the lowest I' ve seen them. I may have missed a cheaper system, but I' m POSITIVE that they don' t have one below $400! None of this stuff matters, as far as the topic goes, though. I kind of agree with Kombatfighter on this one. While innovations in PCs lead to better consoles, I think it' s kind of going the other way around now, as well. The console market is HUGE and they' ve taken their development up a notch. Bottom line: PCs and consoles will continue to coexist for a long time!
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