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project gotham racing 3
Nov 18, 2005 15:46
i wanna post about the new xbox. i waited for better games that what they are now. and i´m very disapointed of PGR3, because i waited too much for this game after that i saw its first sreenshots(i told myself : wow that´s the new generation of graphik, we won´t be able to distinct between a game and a real car). but now after that the game is out, i find out that it´s may be a little bit better than GT4, but far away from what i expect) i was disapointed, and i wanna know what are your opinions. is PGR3 as good as you expected??!
< Message edited by sakr -- 19 Nov 05 11:31:51 >
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RE: project gotham racing 3
Nov 18, 2005 16:02
well Sakr i thin you should see the game in movement to make a better opinion, for one thing i' m sure of , the picture with the building is sure fake, but other than this one, the 2 old pictures are taken from photo mode, which is in game, so i guess that that' s how the game looks like... the other 2 new pictures doesn' t look that good because the camera is far away and the car is in movement so you can see the bluriness on the side... all in all i think that developers deliver what they promised (apart from that building that' s straight bullshit) and the difference between old and new is only because of the camera view and the motion... none of the websites i visited have said that PGR3 doesn' t look quiet good as before ..
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RE: project gotham racing 3
Nov 18, 2005 16:17
For some reason the links don' t work for me. Welcome to the forum anyway.
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RE: project gotham racing 3
Nov 18, 2005 16:27
fine abasoufiane, you mean that PGR3 is as good as you expected ? i didn´t say it in movement, it will be sure better. but for the graphik, as i told it before may be its the best car´s game graphik. but the deffirence between PGT3 and GT4 is far far away as the deffirence between GT2 and GT3. i really can believe that PGT3 can be done on xbox or game cube. i mean with all this, that we haven´t see yet what the new generation can really do, what i supposed to see with PGR3.
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RE: project gotham racing 3
Nov 18, 2005 16:35
thanks whatabout_paul even if you can´t reach the link, can i have your opinion about PGR3. and may be about the first xbox 360 games. are you satisfied with their quality as a new generation of games?
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RE: project gotham racing 3
Nov 18, 2005 18:00
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RE: project gotham racing 3
Nov 18, 2005 19:24
Sakr, how can u say ur disappointed when u haven' t actually played the game. U can' t compare PGR3 to GT4. If u say that GT4 looks better, well, look when it came out, at almost the end of the ps2 lifecycle, and PGR3 was developed on alpha kits. Wait till they make PGR4, and you' ll see the difference.
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RE: project gotham racing 3
Nov 19, 2005 02:17
to abasaoufiane : the links that you give us work well. but we can just see a blank with a sentence " pas bon..." . i think that´s not better as my links  . whatever i´ll erase them, and i think that most player here saw and remember the first PGR3 screenshots. to killer : yes. that´s right, i didn´t play the game yet, and i hope that i´ll change my opinion after playing it. that´s why am i talking just about the graphik (i didn´t say that GT4 looks better, but that PGR3 is just a little bit better then GT4 ). however PGR3 was my most wanted game on xbox360, and i really expected that it will be the GT killer. i hope that the xbox 360 will show us a better graphik. a graphik that one say : wow, such graphik can´t be done on xbox or gamecube. so must be the new generation of console.
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RE: project gotham racing 3
Nov 19, 2005 11:58
pictures in my upper post are working now
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RE: project gotham racing 3
Nov 20, 2005 22:21
hey, my brother played COD2 for 360 and PGR3 at his friend' s house, who won a 360 through the pepsi thing. He says that PGR3 looks really really good, and the gameplay is siick apparently. He also mentioned that COD2 for the 360 is soooooooooooooooooooooooooo much better, gameplay and graphics, on the 360 rather than on the xbox.
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RE: project gotham racing 3
Nov 21, 2005 09:09
rented this yesterday and was dissapointed. Mostly because' ve never played a PGR game before, and thought they were closer along the lines of RR or burnout, when in fact it' s closer to Gran Turisimo in the way it races. The graphics may be amazing, but i will be honest, you can' t notice it unless you stop, and no point in doing that, since this is a racing game.Was on my buy list, but glad i rented instead.
< Message edited by mxpx182 -- 21 Nov 05 17:10:25 >
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RE: project gotham racing 3
Nov 22, 2005 09:49
I was unimpressed as well. Then again, I am not a huge racing fan (except for burn out, and that is only because i get to smash things). My major dissapointment is that there was no batman in it (my mind links Gotham and Batman together forever). I am glad Mxpx has taken this off his to buy list.
Joe Redifer
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RE: project gotham racing 3
Nov 22, 2005 16:11
Yeah, where do they get the " Gotham" name from? The Batmobile (all versions) should be selectable from the start, completely armed. Also they need to include Denver as a city. I will stand outside some important building all day when they come to take pictures of the place just so I can show up in the game as a flat texture.
Terry Bogard
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RE: project gotham racing 3
Nov 26, 2005 11:43
in fact it' s closer to Gran Turisimo in the way it races. There goes my interest in the game. I' ve gone from being KIND of interested to really not interested. I will of course still check the game out either via rental or mugging just for the sake of checking it out, but anytime a game plays anything like Gran Turismo my stomach hurts. BAN all driving sims!  
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 26 Nov 05 19:44:09 >
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.