The better graphic quality games do not appear later in the console' s life cycle. In point of fact, the opposite may be true.
are u sure you have been in gaming for a long time ??
let me give u some exemples that will prove that what u said is almost false (cus there are always exceptions
N64: launch and around it : mario 64, golden eye , mario kart, turok 1
graphicaly there is huge gap one you compare them to bonjoo and tooie, perfect dark, turok 2, diddy kong racing, zelda ocarina of time...
PS2: ridge racer, tekken, street fighter ex, resident evil code veronica, shadow heart ...
can' t compare those to, gran turismo 4, god of war, tekken 5, resident 4, final fantasy x and 12, and even shadow heart 2...
xbox= halo graphicaly is not halo 2 and it' s not reddick nor doom, far cry, half life 2 those games appeared years later after launch
between splinter cell 1 and the chaos theory , there is a huge difference
i can' t stop giving exemples for all consoles, developers get used to the console years after its launch and only few developers are able to reach the ceiling from the very begining...
si if history is repeated, we are for a super ride on this next gen since those launch titles are only a entré of what will come next