oh my god Sony might go crazy and sign its death...

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oh my god Sony might go crazy and sign its death... - Nov 10, 2005 14:43
sony has a technology that would prevent rented or borrowed/used games to run on its PS3, yes you read it !! each game will be unique to one console and can' t run on any other one ?? now here is the rumor, sony think of implementing this technology in its PS3 for real... the source is gamespot ...
if they do that i' ll kiss sony goodbye and i' ll remember this as the silliest move ever done in gaming history period.
< Message edited by abasoufiane -- 10 Nov 05 22:45:46 >

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RE: oh my god Sony might go crazy and sign its death... - Nov 10, 2005 15:14
I don' t think they' re stupid enough to do that. If so, then only the die-hard fans of sony will buy the ps3s. That would be so inconvenient, I would have to take my ps3, instead of just my cope of some game, so I could play it at my buddy' s house. that sucks. ppl won' t be able to rent games. We' ll see what they have in mind. But this is certainly not a good solution to the modding problem.

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RE: oh my god Sony might go crazy and sign its death... - Nov 10, 2005 15:15
just a thought how about if your ps3 broke , guess you should buy again every single game you owned , that' s just great...

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RE: oh my god Sony might go crazy and sign its death... - Nov 10, 2005 15:18
may be they' ll add some stuff to put in your memory card so your game will recognize it when you try to play it on other console... i do think it' s bogus , that should not even go throught their minds...

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RE: oh my god Sony might go crazy and sign its death... - Nov 10, 2005 15:40
Can we have a link for this info? While it is possible for them to do I highly doubt that' ll it will happen.

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RE: oh my god Sony might go crazy and sign its death... - Nov 10, 2005 15:49

Terry Bogard
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RE: oh my god Sony might go crazy and sign its death... - Nov 10, 2005 17:13
It sounds like a temporary solution for Sony' s intended target, Piracy. We' ll just have to see how well implemented such technology is. Sony' s already taking some heavy hits from lawsuits as of late.
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.

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RE: oh my god Sony might go crazy and sign its death... - Nov 10, 2005 18:01
And ms doesnt tell about those people who had modded xbox and had developeres games cracked on them,cause they are paying customers via xbox live...
sue ms?
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RE: oh my god Sony might go crazy and sign its death... - Nov 10, 2005 20:08
A mod chip could easily defeat this. The only way not to have piracy is... well there is no way. Anyway I think the technology works by the PS3 burning its own ID code to a section of the disc when it is first booted up if the ID code is not already in place. If the ID code does not match the disc will not play. So when your PS3 breaks down (and many, many, many of them will... it is Sony after all, even Mexico is more reliable) a new unit will not be able to read your old discs unless somehow you were able to transfer machine IDs.

I agree that Sony cannot be this stupid. Kutaragi can, however. He is the one who came up with the dual 1080p ports and also the BS about supporting 120 frames per second even though no TV in the world can produce that. He is also the man behind this new scheme. Sony would be wise to let him go and have him run down on the highway and MURDERED just like Gunpei Yoiki or whatever his name was from Nintendo when they MURDERED him and gave AIDS to his family. OK maybe not that harsh but Sony really needs to get his ass out of the company because he keeps on saying so much BS and it really is giving the company a really bad reputation.
< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 11 Nov 05 4:10:27 >

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RE: oh my god Sony might go crazy and sign its death... - Nov 10, 2005 22:42

Joe Redifer
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RE: oh my god Sony might go crazy and sign its death... - Nov 10, 2005 23:38
It' s like Sony is trying to win the " Most retarded company in all existence" award or something.

Installing software without consent AND without providing a means to fully remove it, is illegal in Canada, the US and the UK.
< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 11 Nov 05 7:39:12 >

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RE: oh my god Sony might go crazy and sign its death... - Nov 10, 2005 23:43
modders will always find a way to hack the consoles. even if u try to do what microsoft is doing, making it a home entertainment system (which is what u did when u modded the xbox, XBMC just let u do that, even connect to ur computer and stream files) so there r less reasons to mod the system, there remains one good reason for modding and they can' t do anything about this: there r ppl out there who don' t wanna pay money for the games, so instead they download them,all u need is a fast connection and a burner.

what sony might wanna do will really make it difficult for the modding community but it certainly is gonna make it hard on the gamers that buy the games too.

Vx Chemical
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RE: oh my god Sony might go crazy and sign its death... - Nov 11, 2005 00:32
If this is true, Sony should just start hammering the nails into their coffins right away. People will hack and mod their consoles, it just a matter of how much time it takes to do it.

they would be stupid to punish the ones who do buy things legaly by implenting this!

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RE: oh my god Sony might go crazy and sign its death... - Nov 11, 2005 05:10
Well,as we know ps3 can show a game on 2 diffrent tv' s at once,and it support 7 controller,isn' t that for multiplayer? 4vs3 on two screen?
Sounds great at Lan and so on,some guy said if they wanted to add one more port they had to put 7 controllers extra that ps3 support which would be just stupid.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: oh my god Sony might go crazy and sign its death... - Nov 11, 2005 05:17
mmm where did sony say it could show on two tv' s at once? i havent really read anything solid on the PS3 yet.

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RE: oh my god Sony might go crazy and sign its death... - Nov 11, 2005 05:19
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

Terry Bogard
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RE: oh my god Sony might go crazy and sign its death... - Nov 11, 2005 06:50

Installing software without consent AND without providing a means to fully remove it, is illegal in Canada, the US and the UK.

Illegal in other galaxies as well.
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.

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RE: oh my god Sony might go crazy and sign its death... - Nov 11, 2005 08:19
For Sony to install something as stupid as this in the PS3 is ridiculous - they won' t do it. It doesn' t make any sense to include borrowed or rented games - everyone in the freakin' world borrows and rents games.

Vx Chemical
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RE: oh my god Sony might go crazy and sign its death... - Nov 11, 2005 08:45
I have never rented a game actually, but its mostly because my Blockbuster doesnt carry xbox games.

But in any case, i cant ever put as much time into a game in two days to make me want to rent it. Life outside gaming....

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RE: oh my god Sony might go crazy and sign its death... - Nov 11, 2005 10:28
i think i read that Sony is remving the dual HDTV support because how many people will be able to afford 1 HDTV much less 2. Plus they need to be careful they are adding crap 99% of the people will not use and it drives the cost way up which means even $500 will be taking a big hit and if they lost too much of the fan base they will have hapen what happened to Nintendo and lose 3rd party support whicvh we all know is death seeing how Sony has like no real 1st party games to keep it afloat, Nintendo has the best 1st party games which was able to live off but they seem to be getting more and more now thanks to the inmnovative and hype of the the Rev and DS.

Sony is not only pissing off fans they are also pissing off rental places like Blockbuster, gamefly.com, and other places which simply choose to not rent theirt crap which means they won' t get publicity form them or money frm them buying their games to rent.

BY the way what ever happen to that other stupid idea they had that says on the Blu-Ray discs that you have to be connect to the internet to watch a movie and if it detects that the disc is not legit it frys the player? it was on the forums not to long ago maybe about a month or so which also had peopel up in arms.

See this is why the saying goes " Power corrupts and absolute power corupts absolutely" Sony has been #1 for so long they think they can do no wrong and everyone wil follow no matter what. Guess again Sony people will not bend over for you like you think.

one last quote, " by the law of gravity everything that goes up must come down and once you are donw the only way to go is up" , so nintendo is going back up and hopefully learn to not be arrogant and Sony is going down. I think Micro$oft will most likely stay at #2

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RE: oh my god Sony might go crazy and sign its death... - Nov 11, 2005 10:33

Let us see the death of Sony, no maybe not death, but they do deserve a kick in the arse for all the shit they have pulled. I think MS will leave them in the dirt this time around. Hopefully Nintendo will come second.

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RE: oh my god Sony might go crazy and sign its death... - Nov 11, 2005 10:41
I don' t know...There r a lot of ppl out there that like Sony and might be willing to make exceptions. They have money, they have the rep and they' re takin advantage of it too much. I personally think their fanbase is gonna lower, but not to the point that Nintendo, or MS is gonna become #1. Pepople I ask, friends and stuff, they all still wanna get a PS3, even tho I tell them what they might do, they' re just skeptical about MS, for some reason they don' t think the 360 is a good gaming console and will have no support. dumb...

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RE: oh my god Sony might go crazy and sign its death... - Nov 11, 2005 10:57
I think we should concentrate our thoughts on the 360 and current-gen games until we get a good amount of official info about the PS3. All we know now is based on rumors, Sony propaganda and strange predections.

Vx Chemical
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RE: oh my god Sony might go crazy and sign its death... - Nov 11, 2005 14:10
Most europeans and americans will get the 360 because the wait for PS3 is too great, we wont see the console untill into 2007. Even the japanese are getting interested in the PS3.

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RE: oh my god Sony might go crazy and sign its death... - Nov 11, 2005 14:49
European pr guy said 2006 spring, for ps3.
So i dont think 2007 at all.
And apparently my pc can still play all xbox360 games at this moment :O
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What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: oh my god Sony might go crazy and sign its death... - Nov 11, 2005 14:54
do you take this seriously? this is complete Rumor or BS.. maybe both. Sony are certanily not stupid enough to do this, and by the process of burning a code number into the blue-ray disk would sky rocket the price of the console especially when they are trying it keep it down. Huge chains like blockbuster would hate this, as this means no more renting games, selling an game would be impossible also.

Pure BS.
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Vx Chemical
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RE: oh my god Sony might go crazy and sign its death... - Nov 11, 2005 15:43

European pr guy said 2006 spring, for ps3.
So i dont think 2007 at all.

Sony has never released a console in europe within a reasonable time after the launch in japan. its always been 6 months or more (as far as i can remember) så Japan spring release (which i highly doubt) will spell a 2007 release for europe with luck a holiday release.

Most likely your pc if you spend all your cash and buy equipment every month, will be able to pull the grafik of the consoles off. Might be different this generation, but probably not.

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RE: oh my god Sony might go crazy and sign its death... - Nov 11, 2005 16:08
This is old news. It' s not BS. Go to the official Blu-ray site and do some searching, kids. It' s funny how much support PS3 has given that no one knows its concrete specs or features. Sony can hype up the biggest hunk of garbage and people will fall for it as long as it' s pre-rendered and mentions tflops.
< Message edited by mr_vandelay -- 12 Nov 05 0:11:43 >