Pokémon has sold 140 million copies,and kids love them,so basically its a awesome game,no matter if i dont like it,it deliver what kids what, cute monsters to train,and then go on a adventure etc,so it is with all other big games,i dont have a thing for gta,because i dont like meanless violence that just added some missions to make like thats why you bought it,and not to do rampage on the city.
But i understand why people do like gta etc.
Its all about diffrent taste,i dont trash those big games i dont like,i understand why people love them,i just doesnt.
And im sure they deserve their high score.
I understand why people doesnt love my favourite game ff7,if you dont get into the story,why sit 40-100 hours reading more text?
Or do hours of battle just to get more of it? make no sense at all,and if people doesent like building up characters and see cool limitbreaks and magic,then it make no sense press attack button for the 100000000 time in ff7,as it goes on hours and hours :P
geeeeeh wtf did i write this for?

nvm thats how i see it.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.