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Dead or alive 4 is delayed !!
Nov 04, 2005 09:27
Yes it is official, DOA 4 won' t meet launch time until possibly january 2006, i guess it' s too bad specialy for those willing to get a 360 at launch... line up is shrinking first gears of war then oblivion then PRG3 (am i wrong on this one?) and now DOA4 ....
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RE: Dead or alive 4 is delayed !!
Nov 04, 2005 09:30
pgr3 is gonna make it, but ghost recon won' t.
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RE: Dead or alive 4 is delayed !!
Nov 04, 2005 09:42
OUCH! And Dead or Alive 4 was one of the big reasons to get the Xbox 360 at launch, despite the fact that the game' s story mode, if anything like its predecessors, would last about 5 - 7 minutes!
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.
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RE: Dead or alive 4 is delayed !!
Nov 04, 2005 09:51
Gears of War was never a launch title. Oblivion is the only game that really pisses me off. Delaying it f*cking 5 months is a joke. I guess at this point I' m stuck with either PD0 or Call of Duty 2. NBA2k6 is also a possiblity as is NFSMW but I want a game that' s gonna have some good length. I guess I' ll fighure it out the night I pick up my 360.
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RE: Dead or alive 4 is delayed !!
Nov 04, 2005 10:20
4 games i cared for... Oblivion+pgr3+doa4+cod2... i got cod2 to pc and it kick ass,but now doa+oblivion is delayed too omg... I really dont care now...i get a xbox360 december or 2006 i just doesnt care anymore...
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
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RE: Dead or alive 4 is delayed !!
Nov 04, 2005 10:28
yes ghost recon was delayed as well, i knew i forgot a game and it was this one ... are u sure gears of war was never annouced as a launch title ?? anyone can confirm this??
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RE: Dead or alive 4 is delayed !!
Nov 04, 2005 10:35
I can,they said in the video footage at e3 and TGS that emergen day was somewhere 2006,which means they said the game is coming 2006 sometime.
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RE: Dead or alive 4 is delayed !!
Nov 04, 2005 13:12
Just out of interest where did you hear this?
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RE: Dead or alive 4 is delayed !!
Nov 04, 2005 13:43
Yeah, I would like a link.
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99 " Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day  "
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RE: Dead or alive 4 is delayed !!
Nov 04, 2005 14:04
Just to make one thing clear,i want more then those 4 games :) but the question is if i wanna wait out the console price now or not? I must have a xbox360 at launch isn' t really there for me anymore. I get one when i get one :)
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
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RE: Dead or alive 4 is delayed !!
Nov 04, 2005 14:40
it' s a french website that i trust www.best4gamers.com, now if you ask me where did they get that i don' t know but they should know better...
Boss Hogg
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RE: Dead or alive 4 is delayed !!
Nov 04, 2005 14:52
WOW thats depressing that game was the main reason I wanted a 360. The only games I can look forward to now are NBA 2K6, PDO, and Call of Duty 2. Besides those all the other good games are coming out in 2006. So this means Joe was right about 360' s lauch line-up. *Shivers*
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RE: Dead or alive 4 is delayed !!
Nov 04, 2005 16:20
Here is the exact link to the news story:http://www.gamers.fr/lire_news.php?id=13548 I don' t read French but yeah, Jan 2006 it says at the bottom there. he only thing is it' s not been reported on any other webpages yet so I' ll take this with a pinch of salt until it becomes common knowledge. DOA4 is one of the games I' m looking foward to along with PGR3, Kameo and PDZ. I was looking forward to Oblivion but will have to get used to waiting a little longer for that.
< Message edited by whatabout_paul -- 5 Nov 05 0:23:29 >
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RE: Dead or alive 4 is delayed !!
Nov 04, 2005 16:26
Here' s the translation into English. Hilariously brought to you by Babelfish... Not the sorrow morfondre, to shout that the line-up of Xbox 360 is very rotted, the fans of baston will have their Dead gold Alive 4 only one week after the exit of the new bike of Billou. A small delay which could nevertheless be transformed into true carryforward since certain sources announce an exit in January 2006... Update: it is henceforth confirmed, Dead gold Alive 4 is well pushed back in January 2006...
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RE: Dead or alive 4 is delayed !!
Nov 04, 2005 16:26
HAH!! I knew it! I saw it coming and I was right! I knew those games wouldn' t make it for the opening. Damn right! Mwahahaha. Still sucks but, I was freaking right. I knew there was no way for them to have that done by launch title. Cause of microsoft delaying the information on what will come with the Xbox360 and it' s versions.
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RE: Dead or alive 4 is delayed !!
Nov 04, 2005 16:35
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RE: Dead or alive 4 is delayed !!
Nov 04, 2005 16:37
If this is indeed true I must say I' m disappointed, but I suppose there' s still plenty of apparent launch games that interest me. I just hope no more are delayed!
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RE: Dead or alive 4 is delayed !!
Nov 04, 2005 19:53
Doesn' t affect me at all. I live in America. Looks like we' re still going to be getting our copy on time.
Mass X
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RE: Dead or alive 4 is delayed !!
Nov 04, 2005 20:11
All I cared for the most was Oblivion... Condemned: Criminal Origens looks interesting so that may be a replacment, but its gonna be hard to find a single game to last the length. Online rental services should do for now if they can get enough copies of each game...owell.
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RE: Dead or alive 4 is delayed !!
Nov 04, 2005 21:28
condemned looks sik man, honestly, I can' t wait to play that game. have u seen the graphics and the way the camera moves when u hit ppl or they hit u. Sega is doing a good job.
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RE: Dead or alive 4 is delayed !!
Nov 05, 2005 07:55
next time i' ll spare you babelfish although it' s funny and i' ll make the translation ... well according to the website , first it was a rumor from certain sources and then it became official , january 2006
Vx Chemical
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RE: Dead or alive 4 is delayed !!
Nov 06, 2005 05:28
Albogino Monolith (fear, no one lives forever) is making Condemned, sega is the publisher. but yeah, it looks great, might take it as my 3rd game, it sucks if DOA 4 really is delayed, MS is reallly screwing up the launch. Games i want are dwindling, right now i can only come up with PDZ, and Kameo, might get a racing game, but im bored with them quickly. I wan DOA 4 damnit. And i was thinking of getting a 5 game bundle, i cant even find 5 games i want,, Bah
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RE: Dead or alive 4 is delayed !!
Nov 06, 2005 12:35
Wow. I was really looking forward to getting the 360, but this is certainly disappointing. You guys are right; if it' s true that DOA4 is delayed then the launch lineup is looking very anemic. My last hope is PDZ and PGR.
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RE: Dead or alive 4 is delayed !!
Nov 06, 2005 14:02
I' m pretty sure this has nothing to do with the United States launch.
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RE: Dead or alive 4 is delayed !!
Nov 06, 2005 14:33
ORIGINAL: locopuyo I' m pretty sure this has nothing to do with the United States launch. I hope you' re right. I remember seeing something about games that were being tested by the ESRB, and there was one game that was slated for launch that wasn' t going through the rounds yet. I don' t remember whether it was DOA4 or PDZ, but I was thinking, " uh-oh" .
Vx Chemical
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RE: Dead or alive 4 is delayed !!
Nov 07, 2005 23:05
I guess info would have been released by now if the game was late in either europe or the US, so i think its just french crazyness
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RE: Dead or alive 4 is delayed !!
Nov 08, 2005 04:02
We' ll find out in the next few weeks. I can' t beleive an official release schedual hasn' t been released yet anyway. Thats the only way we' ll find out for sure.
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RE: Dead or alive 4 is delayed !!
Nov 08, 2005 14:57
yeah that' s really weird , i' m strating to have some doubts about this news
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RE: Dead or alive 4 is delayed !!
Nov 08, 2005 17:20
If it were just 1 site reporting this I' d have dismissed it by now. The fact a few French sites were saying the same still leaves me slightly uneasy. I would love to take the game home a lauch with PGR3, hook up to live for the first time and test my metal.
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RE: Dead or alive 4 is delayed !!
Nov 10, 2005 10:39
www.xbox360news.com has the info u need on DOA4. Apparently it' d gonna launch on December 1. It' s not too far from the 360 launch date, but it' s still far enough to piss off a lot of 360 fans. I think they should' ve just fuckin waited until 2006 to release the 360. They rushed everything so much, an now look...i' m just pissed
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RE: Dead or alive 4 is delayed !!
Nov 10, 2005 12:12
Okay, how about you just pretend it doesn' t come out until 2006 and get one then. I' m happy it comes out in 12 days. I can' t wait to play PGR3 and PDZ. I didn' t plan on getting DOA4 right away anyways. I won' t have enough time to play all of the games and need to build up some more money.
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RE: Dead or alive 4 is delayed !!
Nov 10, 2005 15:11
ye but what I was trying to say is that what they told us before and what they r doing now, totally diff. and they' re having shortages of 360s on purpose? that just pisses me off man, don' t care about the reasons why.
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RE: Dead or alive 4 is delayed !!
Nov 10, 2005 16:07
all right guys , here is what make things clearer there is a news on the website www.best4gamers.com that says Après le report de la version européenne, c' est au tour de la mouture ricaine de Dead or Alive 4 de subir un retard intempestif. Tout comme chez nous, le lancement de la Xbox 360 n' aura pas son jeu de combat phare dans son line-up. Prévu jusqu' alors pour le 22 novembre, le titre sortira finalement le 1er décembre. translation: after the delay of the europen verison, it' s americans turn to suffer. like us, xbox360will not get its glory fighting game on its line-up. aimed for the 22 november, now the title will be on shelves until 1st december. ok that' s much better than babelfish... well i guess that explains everything, the delay to january was affecting only europeens
Vx Chemical
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RE: Dead or alive 4 is delayed !!
Nov 10, 2005 23:22
I think its weird only french sites are reporting the delay, i would be sure the rest of europe would as well.
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RE: Dead or alive 4 is delayed !!
Nov 10, 2005 23:36
Vx Chemical
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RE: Dead or alive 4 is delayed !!
Nov 11, 2005 00:20
Yeah, but thats only untill december 1st, well in time for european launch, though stumbling my way through amazon.co.uk, i saw that they have it set for January, so maybe it is true, its getting harder and harder finding my launch titles, but i guess i dont have to be sad going home with a game i wanted but couldnt afford. Right now its looking to be: Kameo PDZ Condemned maybe PGR
Chee Saw
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RE: Dead or alive 4 is delayed !!
Nov 11, 2005 05:57
ORIGINAL: Vx Chemical Kameo PDZ Condemned maybe PGR Not a bad selection. My friend and I decided that we' re going to buy different games at the launch. For instance, I' m getting Ridge Racer whereas he' s getting PGR3. That way we can play a larger variety of games at launch. Of course we' re BOTH getting PDZ!
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RE: Dead or alive 4 is delayed !!
Nov 11, 2005 10:34
LoL, I still need to get a job so I can make some money and buy a premium 360. and I' m planning on buying PDZ, Kameo (never liked the genre but wanna give it one more try), PGR3, Condemned. I' m not gonna buy call of duty since I' m honetly bored with the series, all WW2 games in general. Unless they come up with something unique, I' m not buying ww2 games anymore.
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RE: Dead or alive 4 is delayed !!
Nov 14, 2005 12:07
The French were right but the mystery remains... how come they picked up on the delay and nobody else seemed to report it?