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Have you seen this website?!
Oct 31, 2005 02:24 Now, im not bashing this just because I prefer 360. Just READ the stuff on that website. It takes it like a political campaign. Official: Xbox Never Turned a Profit *confirmed* Microsoft' s latest quarterly report confirms the complete failureof the original Xbox console. A week or so before launch, Sony is going to drop the Megaton. This you can trust me on. Many Xbox 360 pre-orders WILL be cancelled by what Sony announces. Regardless, the Xbox 360 will ship in November in the United States. Overseas ship dates will slip and inventory will be low due overall to poor supply (not demand). At the end of the Holiday season Microsoft will announce fluffy sales reports for the United States but not focus on Europe and Japan because sales will be poor in those regions. In Spring 2006 the Playstation 3 will arrive and pretty much halt all Xbox 360 sales world-wide. Microsoft will attempt to counter with a Halo 3 announcement, but the failure of the Xbox 360 launch titles to garner a decent user base for the 360 will be no match for the Playstation 3 juggernaut. The Playstation 3 will eclipse all Xbox 360 sales to date in its first month on the shelf. Microsoft Q4 2006 reports will show giant losses for the Xbox division, quite the same as it has been seeing currently (4-billion in the red and counting). In March 2007 J Allard announce he is leaving Microsoft to " spend more time with his family." Peter Moore will be fired outright. The Xbox brand will be repurposed as a set-top box for streaming video from Vista PCs as Microsoft plays catch-up to Apple, who by that time will dominate the market for Internet video distribution (the seeds were planted with the release of iTunes 6.0). The video streaming capabilities will be further hampered by lack of Blu-Ray support.
Shenmue... It' ll be back....
Joe Redifer
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RE: Have you seen this website?!
Oct 31, 2005 02:29
Support our troops! Support AIDS! Support the economy! Support equal rights! Vote Playstation 3!
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RE: Have you seen this website?!
Oct 31, 2005 02:35
Check this quote from one of the comments: Things are so bad for the xbox loonies they are getting as paranoid as crackheads. And they are turning on each other. They think everyone is out to get them. They think everyone is lying. You' ve got the pathetic lala land xbox loonies who are covering their eyes and ears screaming " happy place, happy place. this is not happening!" You' ve got the disgusting angry xbox loonies who think if they bark loud enough at the flood of negative impressions they will all go away. You' ve go the sad intellectual xbox loonies who think they can convince all the people who have seen the crappy 360 graphics that they really aren' t smart enough to understand how good they really are - and oh yea, nothing is configured or, uh, optimized right Remember folks, the xbox was just a warm up. Microsoft wasn' t really trying. They were just ' building a brand' and ' breaking in to the market' The 360 is the ' good stuff' Ha!
< Message edited by Twist -- 31 Oct 05 10:36:02 >
Shenmue... It' ll be back....
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RE: Have you seen this website?!
Oct 31, 2005 02:38
Plz...ofc xbox would not make profit,it came in a dead end,the console costed more to make then they sold,and they paid good developeres for some games,sony came in at a great time with their psx.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
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RE: Have you seen this website?!
Oct 31, 2005 03:45
I don' t think Xbox360 is going to be a big success compared to PS3 but that guy is nuts. He' s really underestimating Microsoft and it' s clear that he is a complete Sony-fan. If he is writing a book called " War and Pixels: How Ken Kutaragi Won Over the World" then it' s pretty obvious. I was looking for a " payed for by Sony" label on the site but couldn' t find it. Guess he forgot to put it there... " Gaming news. Fair and balanced" -yeah right!
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RE: Have you seen this website?!
Oct 31, 2005 04:07
What i mean is,MS just wanted to make a name with their xbox,so their sequal could be battle ready,and they did very good,even though they lost a lot of money. But nvm,about ken,yes ken is a damn liar k? But he also made gaming mainstream with his 100 million sold psx,and we got a lot to thank for him. I know that one reason why psx sold so much was that a lot just chiped it and burned cd,and could have 100' s of games,however the gaming industry almost exploded,and some awesome titles came,in fact psx is probably my favourite console so far,seeing how i love rpg,but i liked xbox more then ps2. Ken is worth the respect some people give him,and i thank him for the psx,but now he become a childish liar,but i dont care,im in for the games/console' s. Ofc MS staff is liars too,and ed fries said he left of some of the direction the company was going,probably 2 sku' s...which i hate and so on. but nvm :P I think ps3 gonna sell more too,but im getting xbox360+ps3+NR so i dont care.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
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RE: Have you seen this website?!
Oct 31, 2005 10:45
wow, that guy is a HARDCORE Sony fanboy, it' s sad. maybe he has his ps2 up on a shrine, surrounded by candles, and prolly prays to Ken, maybe even thanks Ken for the food on his table instead of God.
- If you' re searching for truth you must look in the mirror and make sense of what you can see, just be..just be!
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RE: Have you seen this website?!
Oct 31, 2005 16:57
This is a disaster from ken kutagari and this childich sony fanboy, why are they so prouf of ps3 being able to run games at 120 fps!!! this time ken kutagari really exagereted in its marketing bullshit ... of course playstation 3 can run 120 fps or may be 200 fps hell it can run mario 64 at 1000 fps, is he trying to fool the most ignorant people on the planet come on ken!! what he said doesn' t mean anything in gaming, my 9800 pro can run far cry with minimum graphics over 140 fps most of the times.... i don' t think he can run gears of war at 120 fps or metal gear solid 4 at 120 fps (i just hope for a solid 30 fps)!!! the more games get prettier the more it consumes power and frame rates drop , that' s the rule so what he saying is akjhjefbzubeb !! playing the dumb f**k off!!!
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RE: Have you seen this website?!
Oct 31, 2005 16:59
Agree,like they said at epic games(makers of gears of war) if we reach near or 60 fps we add more details we wont be over it at all,probably more at 40 fps.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
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RE: Have you seen this website?!
Oct 31, 2005 17:13
oh my god!! i' m a junior member now i' m not noob  happy tears lol
Vx Chemical
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RE: Have you seen this website?!
Nov 01, 2005 00:55
Grats Abasoufiane On a more serious note, that dude is seriously fucked up, thats just propaganda for the weak minded. Imagine that stuff being poured out on the streets in Tokyo, but Sony controlled loud speakers!
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RE: Have you seen this website?!
Nov 01, 2005 09:48
Look at the latest entry: Word of the Day: Oblivion oblivion Main Entry: obliv·i·on Pronunciation: &-' bli-vE-&n, O-, ä- 1 : the fact or condition of forgetting or having forgotten; especially : the condition of being oblivious. 2 : the condition or state of being forgotten or unknown. Quite fitting indeed! Elder Scrolls IV missing Xbox 360 launch In a conference call with analysts today, Take-Two Interactive announced that The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion is being delayed until the second quarter of its next fiscal year, which runs from February to April 2006. While this is still technically within Microsoft' s 14-week " launch window" for the Xbox 360, it means that the game will not be on sale when the console arrives in stores on November 22. What a launch lineup! The good news it should be completed in time for the Playstation 3 launch. You can bet it' s being coded in parallel for the PS3. So he thinks the game is being delayed because the XBOX 360 is a falilure? And he also just because this games not being released immediatly, the launch lineup is now a failure. This guy is a joke. Oh, and no, its not gonna be out for PS3, and even if it was being coded parrallel, I be suprised if it wasn' t compleleted for the PS3, seeing as its almost a year away.
Shenmue... It' ll be back....
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RE: Have you seen this website?!
Nov 01, 2005 10:40
don' t even go to that website anymore, who cares about him. he obviously is a hardcore ps3 fanboy. I' m sure even other regular ps3 fanboys hate him. what puzzles me is " Gaming News. Fair and Balanced" , if ur gonna have a website and write news for games and stuff, be objective about it, not subjective, what a bumtard.
- If you' re searching for truth you must look in the mirror and make sense of what you can see, just be..just be!
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RE: Have you seen this website?!
Jan 02, 2006 04:05
wow that' s seriously fucked up :)
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RE: Have you seen this website?!
Jan 02, 2006 16:13
Every system is a great system, all of `em have their strong and weak points, no one can deny that. It`s mostly what type of games that you prefer (atleast in my case) that have the impact of what console you`ll buy. Not because i am a 360 Or Nintendo Fanboy but i think the biggest factor why Playstation grew that big is because it was the First console to jump from 2D to full 3D. an incredible hype just to have complete 3D environments and stuff like that. Sure no one can deny that Playstation had a mountain of great games. And it`s just a load of bullshit that Ps3 will feature so much much better graphics than the 360, Everyone who have seen the MGS4 trailers states that Ps 3 will kick xbox:s arse big time, but infact in a newly produced interview Kojima himself stated that he could (with some very small differences in graphics, nothing drastic though) create MGS4 for the Xbox 360 too, but for different reasons he chose to develop it for the Ps3. Both Ps3 and Xbox 360 are/will be Great consoles but i think it`s too much about all this system specc talk and fanboyism