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Things you hope to achieve in gaming before you die
Oct 30, 2005 03:34
I hope to become better at fighting and puzzle games as at the moment I' m completely dire at both, though after years of dedicated training I' m happy to say that I have finally been pulling off some super combos on Street Fighter III  so progress has been made! What do you hope to become better at before you die/quit?
Terry Bogard
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RE: Things you hope to achieve in gaming before you die
Oct 30, 2005 04:45
Turn-based RPGs.. I absolutely despise them but have never written them off.
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.
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RE: Things you hope to achieve in gaming before you die
Oct 30, 2005 06:39
My plan is pretty simple - I Started it in the PSX days. That' s to complete every great game on every platform and I' m up to date with Xbox and 50% of GCN and PS2 (that said I choose those games not always by rating.For instance I have no interest in completing GTA SA - I' ve had enough of it already) I even played Alien VS Predator on Jaguar :) I' m Definitely not gettin a next gen system until I play all those amazing games made lately. I don' t care for graphics that much - I think Super Mario games for instance are 10/10 gameplay even today.It used to be the main difference between console gamers and PC ones - they were all about the graphics and all the bugs and non responsive controls or low gameplay were not a problem. Today Console gamers are just the same and games like GTA SA can get high scores even though they are good in some areas and mediocre in pure gameplay aspect plus have buggs. Auron do you use arcade stick? (Man if u like SF III go and get Mark of The Wolves from SNK it' s sooooo awesome - Gameplay 10/10 - I play it on Emu for Xbox but I discovered it on DC :) )
< Message edited by ]GaNgStA[ -- 30 Oct 05 14:42:45 >
Mass X
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RE: Things you hope to achieve in gaming before you die
Oct 30, 2005 11:31
To play in a Matrix-like world. Well maybe without the risk of real death. No real world physics but a realistic visual world none the less. Stab a needle in my brain, just get it done before I die.
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RE: Things you hope to achieve in gaming before you die
Oct 30, 2005 11:39
I want to be the lead designer of a game I' ve been creating on my own since 10th grade. It' s all just concept art and basic story right now but it' s one hell of an epic RPG.
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99 " Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day  "
Terry Bogard
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RE: Things you hope to achieve in gaming before you die
Oct 30, 2005 14:09
Biting off of Rampage' s reply, I' ve been dying to make a game for years. But I' m still trying to learn enough to wear I can do it all on my own. Programming, Graphics, Sound, ect. I' d like it to be a simple 2D platformer and side scrolling shooter hybrid.
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.
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RE: Things you hope to achieve in gaming before you die
Oct 31, 2005 01:35
I also want to create my own game, or work on a great game with other people. I' ll likely accomplish this. As a gamer I would like to win some big tournaments. Perhaps a console MLG tournament or PC FPS or RTS tournament or league. After college I' ll have more time to do it. I believe I can do it. " If you knew how good I am you would think I' m modest." Oh yeah I made a Pong game, you can download it if you want, its pretty simple you just need java. My next game I plan to make soon is marathon runner. You just hit 2 buttons, one for left foot and one for right foot. So many steps till you finish the race. The number of steps a typical marathon runner has to take lol.
< Message edited by locopuyo -- 31 Oct 05 9:38:36 >
"If you knew how good I am you would think I'm modest."
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RE: Things you hope to achieve in gaming before you die
Oct 31, 2005 02:19
Auron do you use arcade stick? (Man if u like SF III go and get Mark of The Wolves from SNK it' s sooooo awesome - Gameplay 10/10 - I play it on Emu for Xbox but I discovered it on DC :) ) Nope, I don' t have an arcade stick, do they really make fighting games easier to play? If so, I' ll definitely purchase one as soon as possible. Also thanks for recommending Mark of The Wolves to me, I' ll be sure to try that one out in the near future.
Joe Redifer
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RE: Things you hope to achieve in gaming before you die
Oct 31, 2005 02:22
I' d like it to be a simple 2D platformer and side scrolling shooter hybrid. Your dream game already exists on the exciting NES platform as the game called Xexyz. By the way how the hell do you pronounce the name of that game? Whenever somebody mentions that game, it sounds like there' s a swarm of bees in the room.
< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 31 Oct 05 10:23:46 >
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RE: Things you hope to achieve in gaming before you die
Oct 31, 2005 06:06
ORIGINAL: locopuyo My next game I plan to make soon is marathon runner. You just hit 2 buttons, one for left foot and one for right foot. So many steps till you finish the race. The number of steps a typical marathon runner has to take lol. I' d like to know how many steps a marathon runner typically takes. I' ll be running a marathon in June. If anyone plays your game they better be prepared to sit there pressing buttons for hours.
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99 " Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day  "
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RE: Things you hope to achieve in gaming before you die
Oct 31, 2005 10:33
One day I just wanna be able to participate in the counterstrike tournaments. BTW, GaNgStA, Garou: Mark of The Wolves is a sick 2D fighting game. I' ve had that game for 4 years already and I' ve mastered it, lol. I' ve beaten it so many times I' ve lost count. That game i think beats any other 2D fighting games, even street fighter, sick graphics. Anyone that gets a chance, just google it, NeoRageX 0.8C, download it, get put it in the NeoRageX directory and then do a search for Garou Mark of the Wolves, it' s like 30 megs. if u want it for xbox, do a search in xbox-scene, they have all the links. wicked game.
- If you' re searching for truth you must look in the mirror and make sense of what you can see, just be..just be!
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RE: Things you hope to achieve in gaming before you die
Oct 31, 2005 15:06
To make my marathon game more realistic there will be no pausing. I don' t know how many steps there are in a marathon, but I' m sure I can find it on google or something.
"If you knew how good I am you would think I'm modest."
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RE: Things you hope to achieve in gaming before you die
Nov 01, 2005 08:54
I would like to teach my grandchildren how to play all the wonderful videogames from the Atari 2600 through the XBOX...and then some. Videogaming brings family members least the male one' s in my family.
Videogaming is the contemporary interactive pasttime.