Avatar Pro pic help

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Mass X
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Avatar Pro pic help - Mar 24, 2004 02:54
Im fairly new here and decided to setup my profile and stuff however when i went to upload a picture i got this message:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error ' 800a0046'

Permission denied

/js/PGDUpload.asp, line 135

Can som1 explain what that means and how i can possibly fix it?
--I' ve checked the FAQ and I can' t find any other place for help...
< Message edited by Mass X -- 3/24/2004 2:56:06 AM >

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RE: Avatar Pro pic help - Mar 24, 2004 03:09
I' m new to the site too but one of these might be problem:

The type of file the picture is. I' m pretty sure it has to be a .gif or .jpeg.
The size of the picture might also be a problem. I think it has to be 115x115 or less.

I' m not sure of what I said was true (or if those are even the problems). Sorry I could be of more help...
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Adam Doree
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RE: Avatar Pro pic help - Mar 24, 2004 04:24
It' s more likely our fault than it is yours, let me look into this and get back to you asap.

Mass X
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RE: Avatar Pro pic help - Mar 25, 2004 01:43
o cool thank you, ya im still tamperign with things checking if its a fault on my end as well.

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RE: Avatar Pro pic help - Apr 04, 2004 21:39
good luck

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RE: Avatar Pro pic help - May 13, 2004 17:55
I tried uploading an avatar too and it didn' t work. I' d also like to ask if their is a way we can have sig banners. That is one thing I feel is really missing. I just made a avatar/sig comboe and I wanted to use it here.

< Message edited by Rampage99 -- 5/13/2004 5:56:47 PM >
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