Reminder about Team Ninja

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Reminder about Team Ninja - Oct 28, 2005 01:17
If anyone cares enough , back in August Itagaki announced 4 out of the 5 games in the line-up, 3 of which were more DOAs (yuck), 1 new title called Project Progressive. He didn' t announce the 5th game cuz it " would have had such an strong impact that he felt it would be better to hold off on a proper announcement" which would be after the announcement of the mysterious unlockable character in DOA4, Spartan-458.

I think the announcement will come pretty soon and I think it will be Ninja Gaiden 2 since it was the best selling game of the year for xbox when it came out, which means a lot of ppl bought it and a lot of ppl r anxious for it, like me. It can' t be a new title since they have Project Progressive already and it would be a mistake not to make Ninja Gaiden 2 cuz I' m sure it will be very successful. What do u ppl think????????

If anyone hears or reads anything, let us know here, thanx!
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RE: Reminder about Team Ninja - Oct 28, 2005 02:18
I don' t think humanity is ready for this announcement. It will obviously change the world in so many ways that it is almost inconceivable! Only be holding hands and singing " We Are the World" does humanity have a chance to mature enough to hear this grand announcement in our lifetimes.

We are not ready. We r not e

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RE: Reminder about Team Ninja - Oct 28, 2005 23:35
LoL, nice way of saying u don' t care
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RE: Reminder about Team Ninja - Oct 29, 2005 02:44
" DOA Adult Film Director" is my guess for the next game
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Chee Saw
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RE: Reminder about Team Ninja - Oct 29, 2005 14:33

ORIGINAL: locopuyo

" DOA Adult Film Director" is my guess for the next game

I' m already in line!

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RE: Reminder about Team Ninja - Oct 31, 2005 12:05
maybe a DOA with playmates fighting with dildos and stuff. maybe even fighting in bed, and ripping each other' s clothes off and accidentally touching in different areas
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RE: Reminder about Team Ninja - Oct 31, 2005 12:10
Is it just me or are the ninjas in the DoA games superior to the other fighters? They have like, supernatural powers and everything And there' s so many of them! And considering the developers name is " Team Ninja" I just can' t help but feel that it is no coinsidence.

Joe Redifer
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RE: Reminder about Team Ninja - Oct 31, 2005 17:17
Well obviously they are better in DoA since the game was developed and programmed by actual ninjas. You don' t think they would call themselves " Team Ninja" if they weren' t all true 100% 100th degree black belt ninjas, do you? No, of course not.

Vx Chemical
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RE: Reminder about Team Ninja - Nov 01, 2005 00:50
Lol Joe, im sure thats true,

I guess thats why Hayabusha is vastly Superior in atleast DOA3

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RE: Reminder about Team Ninja - Nov 01, 2005 10:42
ryu hayabusa has always been superior, in every game, even in the old 2D ninja gaidens.
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RE: Reminder about Team Ninja - Nov 01, 2005 12:16
Well actually all of the characters are about equal. If you look at the stats online in the game it shows the winning percentage of each character and they were all within 5% last time I looked.
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RE: Reminder about Team Ninja - Dec 19, 2005 11:19
Hayabusa F*cks shit up in DOA4....Itagaki said he wanted Ryu to act more the part of a super ninja.... and various reviewers fortunate to of played the 95% build of the game attest to this....

.. I think that Team Ninja could be going over to the ' Dark Side' because Ninja Gaiden 2 is surely an absolute given...

...but all these different projects is kinda confusing me..... let' s remind ourselves....

1) DOA: after number 4, there will be a looong hiatus before the next one, if ever (too many other projects to do, Itagaki saying he has more or less realised his fighting dream with DOA 4)

2) Xtreme Beach Volleyball: First successful spinoff, and the sequel is well into production.... should be out around this time next year hopefully....

2) Code Cronos: Originally planned as an late xbox release, now likely to follow next.... ...Code Cronus is merely a code name for a top secret project rumoured to be an Action-RPG starring Kasumi and Ayane....

3) Project Progressive: .... is this the new NG inspired action game staring most of the DOA cast?... something to do with La Mariposa (Lisa if you didn' t know) and the end of DOA4?.... i can' t remember.....

4) ' strong impact venture' .... this i believe, is the ' Dark Side' project.... in other words, a totally new non-DOA exclusive for the Playstaion 3......

....just remember you herd it first here....
< Message edited by Bishonen -- 19 Dec 05 19:21:26 >
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RE: Reminder about Team Ninja - Dec 19, 2005 12:05
Didnt think Team Ninja developed for Sony, since all iv ever heard was Itagaki bashing the playstation.

We all learn something new

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RE: Reminder about Team Ninja - Dec 20, 2005 15:10
Yeah exactly, I always thought itagaki had problems with sony. I doubt this game would be a ps3 title, I can believe it to be nintendo revolution or maybe handheld.
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RE: Reminder about Team Ninja - Dec 20, 2005 18:39
I wish that Team Ninja could somehow, someway develop a game that didn' t revolve around Dead or Alive/Ninja Gaiden characters. Seriously, the characters are not all that great. Give us something truly new!

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RE: Reminder about Team Ninja - Dec 21, 2005 02:47
Yeah, thats a problem with developers, they keep running in circles agin and again, sometimes i want to revisit characters, but new IP is a lot of fun as well. Thankfully the xbox lineup looks quite promissing, lots of new IP for it!

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RE: Reminder about Team Ninja - Dec 21, 2005 04:14
Developers fall back on what' s " safe" because the cost of failure these days is in the millions of dollars. When you fail, you crash and burn. As long as Team Ninja doesn' t churn out their trademark characters to a Mario extent then I' m not too concerned what Itagaki does.

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RE: Reminder about Team Ninja - Dec 21, 2005 04:22
What are you talking about?
Its only natural that mario after being a plattform hero goes to racing,golf,baseboll,fotboll,party games,doctor in a puzzel game,rpg games,cartoon series,comedy series and playboy magazines with covering nude girls private part(no,im not joking he was,very bizzare move of nintendo to let him be in it).
He been milked? naaaaaaahhh
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RE: Reminder about Team Ninja - Dec 21, 2005 04:59
...mario doing what?...

...anyway... .. Itagaki said his games only work on the most powerful console, which clearly was Xbox... however, things are very different... ...and Itagaki has hinted that he wants to develop new non-DOA games...

... the result? new title for the PS3, which may or may not be exclusive....

Joe: Seriously, the characters are not all that great.

...i think a lot of them are.... how else could a generally basic beat em up be so popular and have so many spin offs and sequels??...

...the character design is the best of any 3D fight series in IMO...
< Message edited by Bishonen -- 21 Dec 05 13:00:39 >
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RE: Reminder about Team Ninja - Dec 22, 2005 07:40
they were a team of the best of the best of the then in dire straights tecmo - obvioulsy they were all forced by the big boss to play revenge of shinobi on the MD over and over until their hands became melded to the joypads and they had cranial implants to erase all shadows of their former lives.

oh, my brother says there was a game called sexy beach girls or somethign which was a DOA beach volleyball without the volleyball and operatable dildos....?!?! any gen anyone?!

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RE: Reminder about Team Ninja - Dec 22, 2005 21:24
He' s talking about either Sexy Beach or Sexy Beach 2. PC only. Japanese only. You could probably find it at some import shop online that sells hentai games.

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RE: Reminder about Team Ninja - Dec 23, 2005 14:42
...Check this out:

...that is a crop taken from one of the new DOA4 advertisements seen in Japanese games magazines.... first shows box artwork for doa4, then a mock up for DOAX2 (could be out sooner than i thought)...

.....then Code Cronus!....looks like it could be a Kasumi/Ayane ' Year One' sort of deal..... cool.... ...finally, Project Progressive is represented..... that is the boss character from DOA4, right?...

....i believe this is also the release order of Team Ninja' s next projects over the next 2 years....

...looks like all you Ninja Gaiden 2 fans are in for a looong wait... ..however, check this out:

Muramasa is harassed

...damm, I' m just too good...
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RE: Reminder about Team Ninja - Dec 24, 2005 05:24

ORIGINAL: Bishonen

...Check this out:

...that is a crop taken from one of the new DOA4 advertisements seen in Japanese games magazines.... first shows box artwork for doa4, then a mock up for DOAX2 (could be out sooner than i thought)...

.....then Code Cronus!....looks like it could be a Kasumi/Ayane ' Year One' sort of deal..... cool.... ...finally, Project Progressive is represented..... that is the boss character from DOA4, right?...

I' ll believe it when I see it. The one for DOA: XBV2 has the same picture that is used in the Play Magazine " Girls of Gaming: Volume 3" issue. The third one, Code Cronos, looks like a screen cap from DOA Ultimate. The fourth one... well, I don' t know what the hell that is!

I guess what I' m saying is, if this is the order that the games are released in, fine. If not, that' s fine too. As long as the games are released EVENTUALLY, I' m good.

Actually, I can' t wait to play DOA: XBV2 on the 360! Yeah, I hope that one comes next. Also, considering that I never played all the way through Ninja Gaiden (I messed up and added the hurricane packs, and it started me back at the beginning! Doh!) this would give me a chance to go back and see if I can make it all the way through. The hurricane packs KICKED MY ASS, AND TOOK MY NAME!!

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RE: Reminder about Team Ninja - Dec 24, 2005 05:48
..... you' re supposed to say:

" Wow, Muramasa is in DOA4! COOL!! is he a playable character?"

.... anyway, i did say that they are MOCK UPS.... you won' t see new artwork until closer to when they are released.... it' s just Itagaki letting us know what to expect next in the DOA universe...
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RE: Reminder about Team Ninja - Dec 26, 2005 21:41
Itagaki-san hasn' t been enacting some deep-rooted vendetta against Sony...he' s just a hardware whore :D

Also, he has strong attachments to his long-standing characters. He' s actually referred to the DOA girls as something akin to " daughters" when quizzed about the dubious nature of his peep-em-up and volleyball-sim. I find it all relatively innocent.
I found DOAX pretty relaxing. What' s that saying about art for art' s sake? Anyway, I think the point is that it' s allowed to be morally subversive (even though I don' t think it actually is) if it' s executed well. And it sure was executed well.

His attachment to his characters may be why Team Ninja keeps tossing curvy kunoichi babes into every game they get their grubby little hands on. Anyway, a new Gaiden would be awesome. The mainstream videogame press went overboard, and then a few journos underrated it a wee bit because it wasn' t what they thought it was. It' s one of those games that I think about fairly frequently though, despite not having played it in months. That' s the sign of a good game, hontou ni.

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RE: Reminder about Team Ninja - Dec 27, 2005 12:44
Ninja Gaiden is one of the best games out there, too bad some ppl don' t see the quality in it, maybe because it' s too linear? I don' t know and I don' t care honestly. I love that game, and I love the old 2D series too (sooo hard to beat, ninja gaiden 2 especially, god i used to get so frustrated). I' m not into DOA really, even tho it' s a good game I have to admit. I think we will probabily see Ninja Gaiden 2 in late 2007 at the most, maybe a lil earlier, hopefully. I think it will be for the 360, since Ninja Gaiden was on the Xbox and I don' t think Itagaki will wanna disappoint fans by making it a PS3 exclusive, and for the PS3. Gosh I can' t wait to hack and slash my way through demons. I hope the Dabilahro is available in the beginning of the game, or the wooden sword w00t w00t

Joe Redifer
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RE: Reminder about Team Ninja - Dec 27, 2005 15:33

maybe because it' s too linear?

Well for me it was because it was too hard. Now normally challenging games keep me coming back for more, but Ninja Gaiden isn' t challenging. It' s hard. And it is hard SOLEY for the sake of being hard and for no other reason whatsoever. If they would have made the game more accessible I would have been happy, as I recognize the well-designed aspects of it. I wouldn' t mind if you played through on an easier setting if you didn' t get the real ending, and instead a text message that said: " ok u beat the game on easy now go play the game on norml or hard u fckr!" I know there are a ton of people out there who insist that Ninja Gaiden is perfectly balanced and anyone who thinks it is too hard for them is an inferior gamer and/or human being. It just helps them feel better about themselves and their gaming skills to berate players who can' t beat it or even get very far, I think.

If you want a challenging game, try Super Monkey Ball on the hardest mode. I can walk through it and have a blast. The thing about that game is it makes you want to keep trying because you KNOW you can get through it.
< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 27 Dec 05 23:36:58 >

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RE: Reminder about Team Ninja - Dec 27, 2005 16:04
Ninja Gaiden is badass...and to be honest, I' ve never finished it, but not because I found it too difficult.
Two levels away from the end I decided to spend quite a lot of time upgrading the wooden training sword because I heard that it was the second most powerful weapon in the game. No sooner had I upgraded the mofo than I find myself lumped with an oar. From a boat. I got really depressed, because there was a bunch of other stuff I' d have liked to spend the money on...but anyway. It also coincided with a period in my life where I didn' t have much time for gaming, so I sadly had to drop several unfinished games and spend my time earning money (not even enough for me to spend the excess on gaming :().

I completely feel for you though, Joe. Those black ninjas, what were they called, Spider Ninjas (??) were ridiculous. It' s funny, but I got to a certain point in the game where either my skills or the system itself seemed to balance everything out. It was challenging, but very doable.

...and Super Monkey Ball pwns me...
Maybe if I had it I could practise...but, I bet it would still kick my ass all the way to Friday. ^_^;;;
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RE: Reminder about Team Ninja - Dec 28, 2005 05:01
....i truly don' t understand those people who say ninja gaiden is too hard...

..i truly don' t... ....what sort of gaming level are these people? ....are you capable of completing video games in general? ....have you been playing DOA3 on easy for too long?...

...i can' t understand how any serious gamer would have any major difficulties completing the game fairly quickly on the normal difficulty setting...

....the Hard setting however... a different matter

....Joe, if you really find the game that hard on normal you CANNOT be playing the game properly..... are you levelling up the weapons?, using ultimate attacks as often as you can? learning the weapon combos? utilising the reverse wind technique? etc.

...if you were you' d find the game mostly easy (only certain bosses pose any real challenge) .... you just have to engage a few braincells...
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RE: Reminder about Team Ninja - Dec 28, 2005 05:06
It is a hard game Bishonen, its a really hard game, its the hardest game i ever played. I completed it on normal, but some of the bosses took me ages to get down. Also the limited save options makes it a bit harder as well!

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RE: Reminder about Team Ninja - Dec 28, 2005 11:35
...what the Genin calls difficult... what the Jonin call depth.....
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Joe Redifer
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RE: Reminder about Team Ninja - Dec 28, 2005 12:24
Actually the part that I am stuck on I cannot find an exit, and I have never been motivated to power the game up again. I don' t recall leveling any weapons up or even knowing that they could be leveled up.

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RE: Reminder about Team Ninja - Dec 28, 2005 15:39


*stunned silence*



....Joe, that is truly shocking..............
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RE: Reminder about Team Ninja - Dec 29, 2005 09:08
It' s time for my hick-mechanic-who-knows-you-have-nowhere-else-to-go impression!

*makes sucking noise with teeth and then shakes head forlorny*

Yup...there' s ya problem. Imploded rotary chain.

Vx Chemical
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RE: Reminder about Team Ninja - Dec 29, 2005 09:12

It' s time for my hick-mechanic-who-knows-you-have-nowhere-else-to-go impression!

*makes sucking noise with teeth and then shakes head forlorny*

Yup...there' s ya problem. Imploded rotary chain.

Ohh wait hahahaha

no just kidding, but im sure it would have been more fun seeing it than reading it.

Joe, you should give the game a second try, and upgrading the weapons helps, the Vigorian Flail cuts like a badass through anything made of flesh

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RE: Reminder about Team Ninja - Dec 29, 2005 09:15
There' s where you' re wrong. I' m far too cool to be able to accurately pull of a hick impression in person ;)

Joe Redifer
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RE: Reminder about Team Ninja - Dec 29, 2005 15:58
I just can' t get myself motivated enough to try it again. I really don' t care that much for 3D platformers anyway. I fell for the hype. That same reason is why I own Halo 2 as well.
< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 29 Dec 05 23:58:59 >

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RE: Reminder about Team Ninja - Dec 30, 2005 00:45
Amen to that. [The last bit I mean, I personally think Gaiden is far superior to Halo 2]

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RE: Reminder about Team Ninja - Dec 31, 2005 11:35

ORIGINAL: Joe Redifer

Well obviously they are better in DoA since the game was developed and programmed by actual ninjas. You don' t think they would call themselves " Team Ninja" if they weren' t all true 100% 100th degree black belt ninjas, do you? No, of course not.

Belts are only good for holding your pants up my friend!

So we' ll have DOA4 (out now), DOA Beach Xtreme Beach Volleyball 2, the fabled DOA Code Chronos, Whatever Project Progressive is and OBVIOUSLY Ninja Gaiden 2 or whatever they call it since Ninja Gaiden on Xbox was a remake anyway.

But they also didn' t say that the ' mystery' game (Ninja Gaiden 2) will be for 360, it could well be for PS3 only (shock horror!), but i can' t see them letting the die-hard Ninja Gaiden fans who' ve just bought shiny new 360' s down, ...or could they?!

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RE: Reminder about Team Ninja - Jan 01, 2006 11:20
....hey i just thought ...DOA Xtreme Beach Volleyball 2 is likely to be online.....
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