I have a DS and i love my DS WAY more then a expensive Piece of glass you call the PSP. What is so good about it? It' s fragile, the controlls are annoying my friend sold his PSP after a month because he got bored with it and said, " no good games and it was not comfortable in his hands like the DS is." Plus how do you even fit the PSP in your pocket it' s bulky and doesn' t fit, plus why would you want to with the screen that scratches and smudges so easily. Also i see no reason to buy UMD' s seeing how they cost more then regular movies and no special features (no commentaries, no bloopers, no behind the scenes, nothing). Plus with the Play-yan the DS can play MP3' s and video files like Mpeg4. Also if you get the GBA movie player (only $20-25) you can read ebooks and Play NES roms. Plus the DS is kicking the crap out of the PSP in sales. The PSP has no good games for it to warrant spending almost $400 for it (the PSP, the memory card, and the games cost more for the PSP then DS). Plus wait until next month the DS will own the PSP and then some with the release of Mario Kart and Animal Crossing which the PSP will never see and not to mention lots of other good games. As soon as the Pokemon comes out the PSP will not have a prayer also zelda and mario and the Square-Enix games. Should i go on? THe PSP has GTA, OH WOW, a boring repetitive game already seen on the PS2 and this one is full of bugs and long load times, how fun huh? Why does there have to been fan boys? I never understood that. I am not saying i will never buy one i might later on when the price drops and if there are ever any good games to warrant spending the money on it. THere are so many good games on the DS i am goign poor just thinking of it. Advance wars is of the highest rated games on the system and for good reason, it' s an awesome game and most of the games on the PSP have gotten low scores with the exception of Lumines.
Hey Josh if you are going to have a competition show actual reasons why it is better to you and not show the ignorance of being a fanboy. " Sony made it so it' s awesome." even though it breaks easy and has no good games and is annoyinly long load times it' s still cool

to me one of the reason why it sucks is because of the arrogance and cocky people of Sony made it and which is why it' s fragile and will break fast. Sony thinks because they have been #1 for a while that they can do no wrong and they can release crap and people will buy it.
the law of gravity says everything that goes up must come down. Look at Nintendo thelast president thought the same thing after the SNES years and though they can do no wrong and look what happened. THey got reality smacked in their faces and are now they are slowly trying to rebuild themselves.
why the hell would you want to use the PSP as a controller for the Xbox 360 seeing how it' s alot better at being a controller then the PSP is i heard it' s one of the most comfortable and well made controllers in a long time.
Chee Saw you might just want to look into a portable DVD player and put it in a back pack or brief case and play your normal movies. I saw a 10" portable DVD player with MP3 playback and built in radio for like $250-300 which is cheaper then the PSP (with a memory card) and you don' t have to spend more money on UMDs you can play your own DVD' s. Just some friendly advice.
ok i am done