honestly man, nintendo needs to make more mature games, and their GC controller is not better than the S Controller so don' t talk about the controller.
The rev controller might be fun for a week, but i can' t possibly see how fps or third person shooters will be made to accomodate the controller. Plus, if u will wanna play for 4 hours straight, won' t ur arm get tired????
It is true that a lot of small game studios will probabily team up with nintendo and that will be good for the industry cuz they will get a chance to make some money and expand, make some good games and stuff like that.
About the porting thing, i dun think they gonna make 5 dvd games for xbox (exaggerating here) from ps3. Plus, porting will not be as easy cuz of the way the 360 cores r set up. anyways, u can' t really call me a xbox fanboy cuz i actually also own a ps2. And I know microsoft is losing money on every xbox they sell, but that doesn' t hurt them one bit cuz they get a sh**load more money from software and stuff, don' t forget, it' s a a multi-billion dollar company, they got money to throw around.
im guessing the japanese market didn' t really like xbox cuz it was american, and cuz it barely had any rpg games. and what r u talking about when u say they don' t have a good library of games. dude, they do have a good library of games, don' t make me start naming them...
neways, u have ur opinions and I can' t change ' em. i' m just expressing my view of things, I might be wrong, who knows what happens, all i know is im buying all three consoles and if i don' t like any, ill just trade it in at EB Games for some games.