Naked Snake
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ICO-your thoughts
Oct 22, 2005 14:21
I liked this game a lot. It was a one of a kind  . And the graphics aren' t bad, even today. What do you think about it?
Joe Redifer
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RE: ICO-your thoughts
Oct 22, 2005 15:19
The game was obviously meant for the PS1. Look at how low resolution the graphics are! They are only a measly 320x240, just like most SNES and Genesis games.
Terry Bogard
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RE: ICO-your thoughts
Oct 22, 2005 15:51
I wasn' t a fan of the original Ico, in fact I' d go as far as to say that I didn' t like what I played of it, but the ' sequel' certainly has my attention. I have a feeling I' ll enjoy it a great deal more.
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.
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RE: ICO-your thoughts
Oct 22, 2005 19:08
Ico was and is still an awesome game, it is unique, i really liked it a lot, its world was just magical, something that i coul not explain attracted me to that game so zen... Joe redifer you are exagerating a bit too much, ok may be teh quality was not top notch but it was one of teh best looking games i' ve ever seen, it is truly amazing and taht' s thanks to the art design and some light effect and gues what i just bought shadow of the colossus today and i was like wow, again the quality of the graphics aren' t good but the design droped my jaw, how those monsters were so huuuge and look really awesome, light effect as well were outstanding and the atmosphere is awesome, i just beat the 1st colossus and i loved the game so far
Joe Redifer
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RE: ICO-your thoughts
Oct 22, 2005 20:17
Sorry Aquaflame, but ICO' s graphics were 240p, or half the resolution of a normal PS2 game. The game was indeed only 320x240, just like most PS1 games. I have heard that ICO was originally in development for the PS1, but then the PS2 came out and they ported it to that and kept the same resolution.
Stephen Rowley
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RE: ICO-your thoughts
Nov 03, 2005 15:11
Joe' s right, it was at one point heading for PS1, just never officially announced as far as I can remember. Tis still v. pretty despite itself, but it' s hardly unique in the visuals department now Shadow of the Colossus is out... :P Still an ace game though.
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RE: ICO-your thoughts
Nov 03, 2005 16:54
I loved the game. It' s one of the few games I sat down and played exclusively until I' d finished it. It may not have had the best technical graphical grunt behind it but still managed to make some scenes look awesome. The game play was also inspired and the bond between you and the young girl... I' ve said this before but if one of the black critters even so much as looked at her they got a clobbering upside the head with a big stick.
Vx Chemical
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RE: ICO-your thoughts
Nov 09, 2005 05:04
It was my most wanted PS2 title, back when i had the system, too bad it never came out before i sold it to get the xbox. Ah well, atleast i got to play halo and splinter cell instead
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RE: ICO-your thoughts
Nov 09, 2005 08:40
Anyone that complains about the graphics in this game totally missed the point. Ico' s gameplay and atmosphere is what makes it a timeless classic, and IMHO Ico is one of the greatest examples of games being a pure artform. It' s absolutely beautiful. No other game has ever made me care for a digital character like Ico did. Hands down one of the best games ever made.
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RE: ICO-your thoughts
Nov 11, 2005 08:28
I actually liked ICO a lot. Sure the graphics weren' t great, but if I stopped playing games because the graphics were poor, there wouldn' t be a whole lot I' d play. ICO has a unique atmosphere and feel about it that you either hate or love. Frankly, you can say the same for the new one (except the graphics of the Colossi were amazing). I read recently that ICO is going to be re-released this year.
< Message edited by Sharon -- 11 Nov 05 16:30:40 >
Naked Snake
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RE: ICO-your thoughts
Nov 12, 2005 14:00
I really don' t care about the graphics, the gameplay is amazing! I couldn' t stop playing it. This game kicks ass!
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RE: ICO-your thoughts
Nov 12, 2005 14:39
how come you didn' t like the graphics that' s very weird, well i played the game like 3 years ago but at that time i thought the game look outstanding specialy in art direction, and the lightings were just waaaw , so i' m very surprised you say ico had " poor" graph, that' s very weird ... and for the whole game i loved it, one of the best ps2 games ever made period
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RE: ICO-your thoughts
Nov 16, 2005 02:51
Add me to the list of people who simply do. not. understand. any dissing of the graphics in this exquisite game. Someone who sits there counting the pixels and the framerate instead of glorying in the magnificent vistas, the stupendous use of light and the absolutely peerless character animation clearly has no soul. And let be it noted, those magnificent vistas have almost no load time. The game is also an absolute technical tour-de-force. This is one of the very few games in which the controllable character does not look like a robot or puppet in his movements, coupled with amazingly realistic sound effects that, it can be hard to remember, are being generated on the fly. Ico really does run like a little boy, and if you make him change direction in full flight, you hear the slap! of his sandals on the ground. It' s so natural that you don' t notice it, but it must have taken a great deal of work to get right. As to Yorda, she remains the only in-game character in all video games who looks like she' s an FMV throughout. She moves as if she is being frame-by-frame animated by Walt Disney himself, as he would do Cinderella. All of which combines to give the player an unprecedented level of emotional attachment to the game characters, and certainly raises Ico to the level of geniune art.
Joe Redifer
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RE: ICO-your thoughts
Nov 16, 2005 08:34
It' s simple. When you' re used to playing a game at a certain resolution then suddenly you start up a game with 1/4th the resolution it hits you square in the face like a ton of bricks. It' s kind of hard to ignore unless you are not prone to noticing such things.
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RE: ICO-your thoughts
Nov 16, 2005 09:54
Are you playing this game on a computer monitor? I, like most console owners I believe, play it on a TV. Resolution has never been an issue for me, since I don' t play console games on a screen less than a foot from my face - the only issue I have is with quality of artwork and animation. On those grounds, the game is well beyond the capabilities of the PS1.
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RE: ICO-your thoughts
Nov 16, 2005 10:12
defintly right, it' s shameful to compare that game to a PSone game, that' s a joke... i do remember a tree , how the leaves were so perfgectly made, i said to my friend my god those leaves look so real and how those monuments of art were so huge and that atmosphere, that very game attracted Hideo Kojima Itself and he took an idea from it to implement it in MGS 2, yes when Raiden takes that girl by her hand remember, i didn' t make that up he said that?? , i don' t know how it will look now may be not as expetionaly as before, but people this game deserve a great respect, and the resolution doesn' t really matter unless you' re playing it on pc monitor which i doubt
Joe Redifer
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RE: ICO-your thoughts
Nov 16, 2005 14:46
I play on a TV sitting 10 feet away. The artwork in the game is very good, but the resolution is far less than 99.99999% of PS2 games.
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RE: ICO-your thoughts
Nov 17, 2005 06:28
Must be something wrong with the resolution of your eyes, then!  Abasoufiane, I' ll check that MGS2 thing out.
Joe Redifer
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RE: ICO-your thoughts
Nov 17, 2005 07:25
Yeah, curse my good vision!