hey josh ar you a sony fanboy?
I don' t care for Sony they lie, make fragile expensive crap, and are too arrogant for their own good. The PS3 will not be that much of a difference graphically there is only so much you can do, plus it will be too damn expensive. They will both be in High Def and right now most peple don' t even have a HDTV and without no HDTV you will not be able to tell the difference at all because the TV will play them in the same dumb-downed res of normal CRT' s.
At E3 they were saying this is our graphics but the graphics card wasn' t even done yet, so it was all fake which is what they did for the PS2 saying it can do Toy Story like graphic (which was anothert lie). Plus if the stories are true we won' t get ours until at least late summer fall of next year (giving X360 and the Rev a big head start) and i aint spending no $500 seeing how Sony always has problems with their systems at launch. I also read that some companies might pull support for the PS3 because BRD (blu-rau discs) are too expensive to manufacture and making giames on the PS3 with the cell processor is too difficult, so too hard + too expensive means not economicaly feasible. Plus i wouldn' t be surprised if the Xbox 360 is more powerful like i read on some sites but then i also read the PS3 is more powerful which is funny because the PS3 is not even remotely done yet. the launch games were rushed on the X360 according to i think J allard so they weren' t able to explore the full potential of the power. From what i read anyway. The only thing i can say is wait and see.
I am sticking with my Rev
(for the commonly accepted price of $200) with LOTS more games then either will have at launch plus right now nostalgia is in full swing and big business and look how popular the classic NES series was on the GBA plus NES, SNES, and N64 games are still being sold at my local game stores. So half price system, more games, more sturdier and well built machine which nintendo is commonly know for. HMM hard choice huh?
Although everyone is entitled to their opinion just felt like giving my 2+ shiny mint condition cents hehe (OOOOO shiny).