My 4 year old brother beat Halo 2!

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My 4 year old brother beat Halo 2! - Sep 21, 2005 10:43
Yeah that' s right. He played the entire game from start to finish. It was on easy but think about it, he' s a 4 year old. He died from time to time but somehow he basically managed to train himself in the game (all the buttons, duel wielding, vehicle jacking, and good fighting tactics). He can' t even read yet. After he sucessfully beat the game I told him to never play that garabage again and I gave him Sonic Mega Collection Plus. Kids need to know what good games are.
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RE: My 4 year old brother beat Halo 2! - Sep 21, 2005 11:38
How...did he managed to do that...
But,i for ex finished zelda and sonic when i was 6 years
So i guess its not impossible.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: My 4 year old brother beat Halo 2! - Sep 21, 2005 12:14
When they' re interested in something, kids can learn just about anything!

Awesome accomplishment for your brother...

I wouldn' t discourage him from playing games like Halo 2 - I would teach him the difference between reality and ' pretend' . Once he knows the difference, he will know to stay away from acting like something he sees in a game or on TV.
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RE: My 4 year old brother beat Halo 2! - Sep 21, 2005 14:10
He already knows the difference between games and the real world. The kid' s a genious. He knew how to run our dishwasher at the age of two. He also has been able to take off child safety caps since the same age. It kinda freaks me out sometimes but he' s an awesome kid and some how manages to always stay out of trouble. Lol, the first time he learned how to open child safety caps he pushed a chair next to our cabnets, crawled up to one of the doors, took out all the pill bottles, then proceded to take all the caps of the bottles leaving them in a straight line with the caps next to them. After that he just sat on the chair making noises until someone came to look. He didn' t even take out a single pill. Needless to say we went to an extra extenet to hide the medicine from that point on just in case.

For some reason he' s into Counter Strike now. He' s still getting used to the controls but isn' t doing all that bad.
< Message edited by Rampage99 -- 21 Sep 05 22:12:24 >
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" Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day "

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RE: My 4 year old brother beat Halo 2! - Sep 21, 2005 15:49
Please don' t take offense Rampage, but don' t you think he' s too young to play those games? Genius or not, any child at age 4 does not fully understand the difference between fantasy and reality. Children are usually just starting to use their imagination at this age, broadening their skills through active play of all sorts, including fantasy. Now, I' m a firm believer that playing video games does help in this area, as well as with helping to develop fine motor skills, etc., but age 4 IMO is too young for Halo and Counterstrike.

Sorry, don' t mean to lecture, but I am a Mom after all.

Terry Bogard
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RE: My 4 year old brother beat Halo 2! - Sep 21, 2005 16:28
That' s right Rampage, at the age of 4 the little trooper shouldn' t be messing around with games like Counter-Strike and Halo 2, you need to put the little soldier on something like Resident Evil 4 or Silent Hill 4

p.s.--- I am SOO kidding!!!!1! ......I ...... think.
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.

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RE: My 4 year old brother beat Halo 2! - Sep 21, 2005 16:37
Silent Hill 2 DESTROYS Silent Hill 4 or any other Silent Hill. Part 4 was the worst.

Put him in front of the Xbox version of Silent Hill 2 and turn out the lights. Tell him that what happens in the game will happen to him in real life so he' d better do good. 4 year olds only exist for us to have fun with.

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RE: My 4 year old brother beat Halo 2! - Sep 21, 2005 17:40
Oh god Nooo!

If you' re going to introduce your brother to videogames do it with something other than CounterStrike. Do you want him to abuse you the next day with immature " OMFG u H4X F$^KING GAY HOMO IM GONNA DEMO AND BAN U!!!!1111oneoeneleveenty."

Please, you owe it to your brother not to introduce him to such a braindead and pathetic community. It will remove all of that intelligence he has.

Edit: If I was you, I' d introduce him to the classics first. It' ll show him how great videogames are without the abusive communities and violence.
< Message edited by unluckyOne -- 22 Sep 05 1:42:39 >

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RE: My 4 year old brother beat Halo 2! - Sep 21, 2005 20:39
Sharon, I understand your point of view but imo it' s not a problem. I was playing videogames since I was three (and actually beat Mario while still being three as crazy as it sounds). I feel as though I turned out fairly decent and my parents say they couldn' t be more proud of me for what I' ve become. My little bro is a very active little kid and loves to play out side and spend a lot of time in our pool. He only plays games for an hour or two a game. I don' t let the kid become brain dead by playing them day and night. I know there should be a limit to how much a child should play. Thanks for the input though.

Terry, as much as I' d like to see him tear apart RE4 I' m not going to scare the sh*t outta him. He' s a little chicken, lol. the last thing I want for him is to be up all night trying to wake me up because he' s scared. That and the fact that those games would warp the hell outta his mind. I' m trying to get him on Sonic and other old school gamesbut he seems to like the 3d stuff more...

Joe... that was hilarious

UnluckyOne, I don' t let him play stuff online. Hell, I' m affraid of most of the people I play online with. I can' t believe how many poty mouth 10 year olds there are that play these games. My little brother plays strictly off line. He also knows what bad words are and he doesn' t like them. He heard Sarge say " ass" in Halo2 and he got upset at the character. It was kinda funny.
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99

" Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day "

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RE: My 4 year old brother beat Halo 2! - Sep 21, 2005 23:07

I can' t believe how many poty mouth 10 year olds there are that play these games.

I would never have believed 10 yr. olds played these kind of games online until my next door neighbor' s 10 yr old son received, as a birthday gift from his parents, a xbox live subscription and the San Andreas game. He says he' s a " sniper" guy on Halo 2 regularly.

Also, the boy (and the mother verified this as well) told me that his uncle was shot to death (5 times in the head) while going to the store for ice-cream. The boy and his 5 yr. old sisters were with him at the time and witnessed this. This happened in June just down the street from me. Supposedly the uncle shot the other guy' s pregnant wife in the leg and this was a " revenge" shooting. The boy told me this with a " smile" , as if this was an everyday event. One of the sisters told me that she threw up all over herself when she saw the " holes" in her uncle' s head. Nice freakn' neighborhood, huh? Thank god I' m moving soon.

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RE: My 4 year old brother beat Halo 2! - Sep 22, 2005 02:02
Thats cool that your lil bro beat halo 2. keep feeding him good games.

My brother is 12 and I let him play xbox live halo 2 with me a bunch. He always begs me to do it lol. I would let him play without me sometimes too, but not let him use the mic. Eventually he finally got his own xbox live. And eventually got a mic, but I gave him a lecture on not to be a dumbass on the mic like the other 12 year olds. Hopefully he isn' t.
Anyways, he is really good for a 12 year old, really smart too, I wouldn' t quite say genius, but he is suposedly the smartest of his class of 45 people lolercakez.

Anyways, the point is kids are playing games at younger ages now. And this I think is good as long as it isn' t something crazy violent like GTA.

And now I see why Sharon doesn' t like the violent games so much. But you have to realize that it isn' t the game that makes people violent. Violent people just go for violent games. Also non violent people play violent games too, so don' t have a stereotype of everyone who plays GTA. There were millions of copies sold and murder rates went down since it was released.
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RE: My 4 year old brother beat Halo 2! - Sep 22, 2005 17:36


Please don' t take offense Rampage, but don' t you think he' s too young to play those games? Genius or not, any child at age 4 does not fully understand the difference between fantasy and reality. Children are usually just starting to use their imagination at this age, broadening their skills through active play of all sorts, including fantasy. Now, I' m a firm believer that playing video games does help in this area, as well as with helping to develop fine motor skills, etc., but age 4 IMO is too young for Halo and Counterstrike.

Sorry, don' t mean to lecture, but I am a Mom after all.

On the one hand, I totally see your point, Sharon. On the other, I' ve known kids that have grown up playing some pretty bad games (Duke Nukem, Doom, etc.) and they' ve turned out fine. If I had kids or younger siblings I think I would restrict the content that they interact with, but that' s easy for me to say, seeing as how I don' t have any. They again, as long as they have a strong foundation of morals, I wouldn' t see a problem. Now if the kid is out threatening and/or beating up other kids, throwing rocks at cars, and crap like that, he/she' d get a strict daily dose of Animal Crossing, Paper Mario, and Katamari Damanci! Hell, there are plenty of good E-Rated Games out there, I guess.

Two things I do know; kids should not be playing GTA, and they should not be on Xbox Live! Well, maybe without the headset, but even then...

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RE: My 4 year old brother beat Halo 2! - Sep 22, 2005 18:12
Hm...i saw a lot of violence movies etc,and my mom let me see scaries movies that was rated for 15 year,when i was 12 for ex and it hasn' t affect me at all.
But i do know when it happend,remember when i was 6 and some of the kids in the playground brutally kicked another kid in a fight when playing power rangers,in fact he could have died,he kicked and hitting for surviving almost-
Very scary when i rethink about it,but then i never feelt scared,because we thought kicks and hit would not kill or really hurt anyone since we saw people in power rangers just getting up after a hit.
Anyway,after that day our teacher really yelled us at and starting threating us with things i cant remember(ofc not with violence though).
And we never did it again.
Im just glad that the kid survived.
I was in the fight,but we where all fighting each other,i got many bruise.
we really liked each other,and just wanted to do some karate stuff.
We really never thought about what horrible things could happend with each other.

So yes i do think people below 8-9 shouldn' t watch violence at all.
But playing halo2?
Shooting aliens? i dont think that will affect him,but fighting games...

Anyway i do think the gov are being over protective with their laws for watching movies or playing games,but after 10 i think its should be up to the parents.
I never got mad or angry or dreamt bad dreams when watching horror movies.
In fact i was like 12 when i saw chucky ^^ gotta thank my big bro for letting me see it when he was taking care of me.

Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: My 4 year old brother beat Halo 2! - Sep 22, 2005 20:30

And now I see why Sharon doesn' t like the violent games so much. But you have to realize that it isn' t the game that makes people violent.

It' s not that I don' t like them (well some of them I hate) - I play them myself. I also don' t believe that violent video games make people violent; however, when it comes to children playing them I have to draw the line. Children are susceptible to suggestion and I know, as a being a kid myself once, that we see things on TV or video games and mimic those things. As for my neighbor' s son, considering what he witnessed happen to his uncle back in June, I' m shocked that his parents bought him San Andreas, not to mention that he is only 10 yrs. old and immature for his age. This is a kid that needs the " reins drawn in" so to speak. The parents don' t even think he or his sisters need any kind of therapy to help them cope with this trauma.

As for Halo, it' s not so bad playing the game, but playing on LIVE where things are said that I have a problem with - kids under 14 should not be allowed on LIVE, IMO.

< Message edited by Sharon -- 23 Sep 05 4:31:46 >

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RE: My 4 year old brother beat Halo 2! - Sep 22, 2005 20:48
thats cool.a 4 year old gamer

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RE: My 4 year old brother beat Halo 2! - Sep 22, 2005 21:13
My parents were always pretty good about keeping me away from the mature video games....but then again they really didnt have too many mature video games when I was 4...or 10...I am kinda glad I stayed away from that crap at such a young age. I do think it is ridiculous however that the govn. is trying to regulate the stuff....

I like the idea about getting the classics. I might just pick up some of those gba classic versions and try to keep em around for when I do spawn little jartsus...they will probably think they are lame though..." Dad I hate you and your crappy Mario brothers, I wanna play Grand Theft Auto 14 Minneapolis,...."
Thats how that would prolly go....

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RE: My 4 year old brother beat Halo 2! - Sep 25, 2005 11:59
Poor Jartsu... really. So you can' t even buy games like Far Cry!? Not good.

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RE: My 4 year old brother beat Halo 2! - Sep 25, 2005 12:53
Whoa your 4 year old brother beat Halo2, that' s almost as impressive as the guy who beat Super Mario 3 in 11 minutes without dying
I have a 7 year old brother, its time I start training him.

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RE: My 4 year old brother beat Halo 2! - Sep 25, 2005 13:46
Heard people who said it was fake,with pc program and i also heard that he replayed many times some diffrent parts and just showed the times it went good and cliped to make it look like he just played one time.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: My 4 year old brother beat Halo 2! - Sep 27, 2005 13:34
Yeah, I heard the mario thing was fake. It' s awesome though. the thing is you can recreate that whole thing in Flash. Infact, a kid in one of my computer art classes in highschool created his own marios movie out of the game and it looked completely believible.
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RE: My 4 year old brother beat Halo 2! - Sep 27, 2005 21:18
Wow, there is so much shit being slung around this post your are all funnier than hell. A 4 year old beating Halo? ::laughs his ass off:: I' m sorry, but I' ve been in gaming for a while (and no, I didn' t start when I was three, but I' ll neglect to comment on that bS for now) but you' re full of shit!

Terry Bogard
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RE: My 4 year old brother beat Halo 2! - Sep 27, 2005 21:54
WoW, usually " newbies" start off with a " Hi, I' m new here. Can' t wait to post naked with the rest of you here." thread to introduce themselves, but you skipped all of that and just went for the gusto, the proverbial kill so-to-speak with your first post. Good Luck with that.
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 28 Sep 05 6:33:23 >
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.

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RE: My 4 year old brother beat Halo 2! - Sep 28, 2005 05:30
You can say I' m full of sh*t all you want but that doesn' t mean he didn' t do it. The kid loves Halo 2. He beat it. I was in shock. He started to play Halo on normal difficulty yesterday and was doing quite well.

Wtf is with all the less than intellegent newbs lately. Terry basically said it best.
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99

" Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day "

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RE: My 4 year old brother beat Halo 2! - Sep 28, 2005 06:53
Poor Rampage

It' s true. It seems like people just join up to abuse you. Group hug everyone!

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RE: My 4 year old brother beat Halo 2! - Sep 28, 2005 07:31

ORIGINAL: UnluckyOne

Poor Rampage

It' s true. It seems like people just join up to abuse you. Group hug everyone!

I know... what' s up with that?
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99

" Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day "

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RE: My 4 year old brother beat Halo 2! - Sep 29, 2005 18:29
Kids these days.

Well,I like Halo 2,and I think it' s an awesome game,but why not scare him a bit?

Doom 3 anyone?

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RE: My 4 year old brother beat Halo 2! - Sep 29, 2005 21:12
Heh, he played Doom 3 on accident. I had it on pause and he came into my room. I found him under my blankets crying with the game unpaused. Never again...

He beat two levels in Halo today on Normal. the kid continues to amaze me. I have to figure out how I can record this so I can show you guys.
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" Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day "

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RE: My 4 year old brother beat Halo 2! - Sep 30, 2005 03:18
a video camera?
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RE: My 4 year old brother beat Halo 2! - Sep 30, 2005 05:25
Since I don' t have a digital recoreder. The most I have is a web cam (crap quality). Plus, I don' t have any webspace to upload it to.
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99

" Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day "

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RE: My 4 year old brother beat Halo 2! - Sep 30, 2005 05:30
I seen a kid i have no idea what age he was though,but i think he was 4-5 that played unreal tournament,and was quite good >_< he defended the flag quite well.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: My 4 year old brother beat Halo 2! - Sep 30, 2005 16:29
Rampage if you get some recorded with your webcam I could put it on my site. If its like under 10 mb I could put it right on my site, or if it is a bit bigger maybe i could just put it on my college web space hehehe.
"If you knew how good I am you would think I'm modest."