-Allows add ons
-Can be turned sideways to be used as an old school pad.
-Not enough buttons on base controller forcing you to buy the extra pieces.
-It' s a remote, not a controller. (personal opinion)
-I like holding my controller in two hands and I like a solid feel. Having two pieces a by a wire for something like a FPS will feel really wierd. I grip my controller fairly hard and having two seperate pieces will be very akward. I will most likely rip the cord right out.
-Most likely will not be used by most developers simply because even though the core concept is nice, it doesn' t offer enough functionality without having to make extra add ons (add ons generally aren' t a good thing). That also forces software developers to become hardware developers.
-Mulitplatform games will most likely not function right with this controller due to the extreme change.
-I' m scared of playing a fighter with this thing.
-Imo, it didn' t come anywhere close to the hype that Nintendo had around it. It was a huge let down.
-Again, it just isn' t a controller in my eyes. It' s remote. Using one hand just seems wrong. Even on my cell phone games I use both hands. I don' t like this one hand thing.
-Certain gamers like to flail around during games and this will screw with the gyro chips in it. I presonally do start bouncing arpound during certain games, especially fighting games.
-Sorry, but again... it' s a f-ing remote.
< Message edited by Rampage99 -- 16 Sep 05 22:16:40 >
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99
" Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day
