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Xbox 360 launch date
Sep 15, 2005 02:12
Vx Chemical
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RE: Xbox 360 launch date
Sep 15, 2005 06:09
yeah im burning up here as well, super super machine, i want it. i want it now, damn it!!
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RE: Xbox 360 launch date
Sep 15, 2005 06:25
I like the fact that 11/22/05 is our day in the U.S. Thought M$ might choose the anniversary of the XBOX (11/15/05) as the release date for XBOX 360. Awesome either way...!
Videogaming is the contemporary interactive pasttime.
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RE: Xbox 360 launch date
Sep 15, 2005 07:30
" It' s true, I think. I mean, don' t get me wrong here. From a business aspect, I can completely understand the two-system approach from Microsoft' s standpoint. To quote an article on the subject, " it' s not a one-size-fits-all world" . Four hundred dollars is pretty steep for a new console system. I believe the most I' ve payed was three hundred. When the original Playstation came out, I plunked down $315 (tax included) to take home one of those shiny new systems. I think the same case was true for the N64. Three hundred dollars is no small amount of money, but back then, at my age, it was a vertibale fortune. So it' s amusing to look back and see paying so much for those systems which you can now get for... what is it? Twenty dollars and a smile? Anyone, if three hundred is steep, four hundred is beyond reach for many people, so like I said, from a business standpoint, I see the reasoning behind releasing a trimmed down " core system" . It will still play video games, and I guess that' s the " core" functionality that comes first. However, from a gamer' s standpoint, the second choice just doesn' t exist. The core system does not have wireless controllers, or include the system hard drive (which allows you to save games, is required for playing first generation Xbox games, etc). The hard drive is practically necesity, and the wireless controllers are just so damned cool. I' ve been wired to my consoles for 24 years now. It' s about time we broke free. Buying the core system is like buying a toaster without that little spring in it that makes the bread pop up. Sure, it will still make toast, but you' re going to burn the shit out of your fingers trying to get the bread out of the contraption." - Absath
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RE: Xbox 360 launch date
Sep 15, 2005 15:30
As long as it' s out for Christmas, I' m happy
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RE: Xbox 360 launch date
Sep 16, 2005 10:38
Amen to both the.ben and Sharon! By Christmas is just fine with me...I now will have the $$ to get the full-blown, hard-drive-included, version. And I have also set my eyes on the Nintendo Revolution as well... Sony consoles just don' t do it for me...sorry(NOT!)
< Message edited by DaRoosh65 -- 16 Sep 05 18:39:08 >
Videogaming is the contemporary interactive pasttime.
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RE: Xbox 360 launch date
Sep 16, 2005 11:03
My parents are paying for my 360 since I' ve been helping out at home after my mom' s injury. It will be in my hands launch day. I' m so skippy school.
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99 " Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day  "
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RE: Xbox 360 launch date
Sep 16, 2005 12:24
Mine is payed for and will be ready on the 22nd (JOOOOY) along with Elder Scrolls. Then when christmas comes 2 more games will be in my hands, elder scrolls alone will be enough to satisfy me for a very very very long time. Had to stop by EB Games today tho in order to give them the details on what exactly I want on launch day. -Premium Package (which I just found out the universal remote is actually a dumbed down version of the one being shown all over :P) -Play and Charge kit thing -Extra wired controller (altho I might axe that til I get ahold of a good non online multiplayer game.) -Elder Scrolls 4 -Warrenty (Ive been very lucky with all my game systems and never bothered with a warrenty, but now that the price is $400 I decided to go with one this time) A few interesting things I saw on the sheet I was filling out was that All 3rd party games were indeed $60, 1st party were $50, however, there were a few other 1st party listed as $40 (Project Gothem 3 being one of them). Have they announced at all the pricing of the games yet?
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RE: Xbox 360 launch date
Sep 16, 2005 13:14
no they have not, but new games certainly arent going to be 40 quid, expect 60 just like your normal new games, alltough some bastard game shops might jack up the price in the 360 hype. Allways happens.
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine. Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!
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RE: Xbox 360 launch date
Sep 16, 2005 15:14
I need to pre-order it. I' ve been waiting till I found out the date and well, now I know. It' s the first console I think I will ever have bought on launch day. I was late with my Saturn not wanting to accept my Megadrive was dead and I won my Dreamcast but it came a month later than the release date. I swear I' ve not been this excited about a new console since 1999. Even my PS2, Cube and Box I got a while after launch second hand at knockdown price. (I got my Cube for £60 on e-bay in 2003, bargain!)