Virtua Fighter 5, After Burner, Virtua Tennis 3 & More!

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Adam Doree
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Virtua Fighter 5, After Burner, Virtua Tennis 3 & More! - Sep 02, 2005 19:31
You guys must have seen the news from yesterday about Sega' s new Lindbergh arcade board titles at this year' s JAMMA show, which is now in its final day today (Saturday).

VF5 looks truly a sight to behold! Guaranteed next gen fighting game heaven right there. Meanwhile, the new After Burner looks sweet and we finally get to see what Yu Suzuki has been doing for the last million years - Psy Phi - which is apparently a very promising game from what' s on the showfloor. The new Virtua Tennis 3 - aka Powersmash Tennis 3 - also looks amazing. For an economically affordable board, this new Lindbergh kit sure packs some punch. Hunt down the videos on GameSpot (the best I have seen) and prepare for more video coverage right here shortly.

It' s no secret we have some big Sega fans at Kikizo and these announcements have certainly made some of us pretty happy. :) I mean, I' ve even changed my avatar, which is pretty unprecedented.

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RE: Virtua Fighter 5, After Burner, Virtua Tennis 3 & More! - Sep 02, 2005 19:48
I can' t wait Adam. I must have VF5 now. Must play as Brad!!! Then as my girl Aoi who will kick your butt in a heartbeat. Mwaahahahahaaa!!
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Terry Bogard
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RE: Virtua Fighter 5, After Burner, Virtua Tennis 3 & More! - Sep 02, 2005 19:58
<-- crying... Why Nvidia??? What happened to NEC????
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.

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RE: Virtua Fighter 5, After Burner, Virtua Tennis 3 & More! - Sep 02, 2005 20:06
Ack my god you did change it?! My brothers the more hardcore of Sega fans, so this stuff shall make him shite himself madly.

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RE: Virtua Fighter 5, After Burner, Virtua Tennis 3 & More! - Sep 02, 2005 21:19
Woot Woot!
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99

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Joe Redifer
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RE: Virtua Fighter 5, After Burner, Virtua Tennis 3 & More! - Sep 02, 2005 22:18
Sega fanboys are A-OK in my book. Fanboys of anything else are NOT, however. Hopefully the next-gen systems will be able to do thse games faithfully. I' ll buy any system to get my Sega arcade fix!

Now where' s Super Monkey Ball 3?

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RE: Virtua Fighter 5, After Burner, Virtua Tennis 3 & More! - Sep 03, 2005 01:45
Agreed, sega fanboys are the only kind I like.
And yeah, super monkey ball 3 would be teh pwn. Next gen monkeys in next gen balls, 100 times the detail of their naked behinds. Online monkey mayhem would be cool too.

Would also be cool to be able to do some secret where you can be sonic the hedgehog in a ball. I remember the original Saturday AM cartoons where sonic was in a ball once and he pwnd so much. Sonic is my hero.
< Message edited by locopuyo -- 3 Sep 05 9:47:20 >
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RE: Virtua Fighter 5, After Burner, Virtua Tennis 3 & More! - Sep 03, 2005 02:16
Can' t wait for some of these games, particulary Afterburner. But what I really need is a next gen version of Streets of Rage, damn I' ve been hoping for this through a few generations of consoles

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RE: Virtua Fighter 5, After Burner, Virtua Tennis 3 & More! - Sep 03, 2005 05:15
Indeed SEGA-Fanboys are the best!!! (IMO they/we are the most hardcore gamers, since they stayed true to a hardware maker that does not produce hardware any more..)

One reason I really like Kikizo is the excellent SEGA coverage!

VF5 looks awesome, as well as PS3! The best video for VF5 I have found is on (imho). Really can' t wait for any home port of all those games, and this time they should all be arcade perfect, since Lindbergh is not as powerful as PS3/XBOX360 (except for the RAM maybe).

I told all my friends (at least the ones who wanted to hear it) that SEGA will be back, just give them some time. And indeed they are back!!!

(These last 2 weeks were very good SEGA weeks, can' t wait for TGS....)
Fighting for the Spirit of Sega!

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RE: Virtua Fighter 5, After Burner, Virtua Tennis 3 & More! - Sep 03, 2005 05:53

I remember the original Saturday AM cartoons where sonic was in a ball once and he pwnd so much. Sonic is my hero.

You talking about Sonic: Adventures that got cut off a long time ago? Not this new crap where they renamed Dr. Robotnik. Sonic: Adventures had most of the other characters except Knuckles. Its main story was that Sonic had to collect all the rings to stop Robotnik and everytime Sonic touched or used a ring it would boost his powers and speed. They even had the machines at the end of the 2nd stages where they were full of captured creatures from the game. I liked the drawing/animation for it. It was done very well.

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RE: Virtua Fighter 5, After Burner, Virtua Tennis 3 & More! - Sep 03, 2005 07:16
Well, since we' re on the topic of all sega stuff now I thought I' d mention I bought the Sega Mega Collection Plus last night. Greatest bundle of games ever! there are like 20 freakin' amazing games packed onto that disc! My sonic skills are incredibly lacking at the moment so I plan on putting some serious time into finally beating Sonic 1&2. I' ve beaten every other game in the past but these two always gave me trouble. Also, I unlocked Comic Zone which I never had a chance to play back in the day. That game is the sh*t!!!
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99

" Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day "

Terry Bogard
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RE: Virtua Fighter 5, After Burner, Virtua Tennis 3 & More! - Sep 03, 2005 07:36

Well, since we' re on the topic of all sega stuff now I thought I' d mention I bought the Sega Mega Collection Plus last night. Greatest bundle of games ever! there are like 20 freakin' amazing games packed onto that disc! My sonic skills are incredibly lacking at the moment so I plan on putting some serious time into finally beating Sonic 1&2. I' ve beaten every other game in the past but these two always gave me trouble. Also, I unlocked Comic Zone which I never had a chance to play back in the day. That game is the sh*t!!!

If you liked that then you might consider Sonic Gems Collection as well, out of 9 immediately available games and a few unlockable ones there' s only 1 good game in the entire collection!
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.

Adam Doree
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RE: Virtua Fighter 5, After Burner, Virtua Tennis 3 & More! - Sep 03, 2005 07:43


Can' t wait for some of these games, particulary Afterburner. But what I really need is a next gen version of Streets of Rage, damn I' ve been hoping for this through a few generations of consoles

This nearly happened once, as my last site exclusively revealed ;-)
It was actually in development for Dreamcast and everything! We even had videos of it running on Dreamcast.

Joe Redifer
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RE: Virtua Fighter 5, After Burner, Virtua Tennis 3 & More! - Sep 03, 2005 10:48
I know Yuzo and Ancient have proposed another Streets of Rage game more than once and Sega has always turned them down, citing that they don' t like good games. I want to beat up SUMFUCKAS in Streets of Rage 4!

Also, you can HACK the code in the PS2 version of Sonic Gems so you don' t have to listen to the Spencer Nilsen music during Sonic CD! You need either a modded Playstation or a PS2 hard drive, though. it' s worth it just to get rid of Spencer' s easy-listening lite rock tunes which in no way fit Sonic CD.

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RE: Virtua Fighter 5, After Burner, Virtua Tennis 3 & More! - Sep 03, 2005 14:49

This nearly happened once, as my last site exclusively revealed ;-)
It was actually in development for Dreamcast and everything! We even had videos of it running on Dreamcast.

Oh yes I remember GamerWeb it was one of my most visited sites until its eventual demise a few years back, regarding Streets of Rage 4 I actually remember reading that news somewhere, which I think may very well of been Sega Web. Good to see you' re still involved in fantastic websites anyway

I want to beat up SUMFUCKAS in Streets of Rage 4!

As do I and if it doesn' t happen sometime soon I might have to resort to some beating up of my own...on the guys in Sega that keep saying no
< Message edited by Auron -- 3 Sep 05 22:57:21 >

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RE: Virtua Fighter 5, After Burner, Virtua Tennis 3 & More! - Sep 03, 2005 16:51
The sonic the hedgehog cartoon I' m talking about had 2 seasons and started in 1983. Takes place where robotnic already took over everything and there are some freedom fighters. 1 ring appears every 12 hours and sonic uses it sometimes to become even more powerful and fast. An awesome cartoon. Often called Sonic SatAM
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Joe Redifer
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RE: Virtua Fighter 5, After Burner, Virtua Tennis 3 & More! - Sep 03, 2005 20:39
I would not approve if Monkeyball went online. I canceled my Xbox Live because it was so overrated. Bleh!

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RE: Virtua Fighter 5, After Burner, Virtua Tennis 3 & More! - Sep 04, 2005 13:36
Most people don' t hate playing games with other people. If you weren' t Joe Redifer I would ridicule you to my greatest extent.
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Joe Redifer
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RE: Virtua Fighter 5, After Burner, Virtua Tennis 3 & More! - Sep 04, 2005 15:21
I enjoy playing games with other people, just not online... not for the price anyway. I' m sure I' d like it more if it were free. Also most Xbox owners do not have Xbox Live.
< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 4 Sep 05 23:21:58 >

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RE: Virtua Fighter 5, After Burner, Virtua Tennis 3 & More! - Sep 07, 2005 11:43
I have to agree with Joe...XBOX Live just doesn' t live up to its hype.

Dropped my subscription after the first year...haven' t really regretted it, since I have heard of the cheaters and other issues.

Just make some good games and I' ll call my friends over to socialize at the house.

If I want to socialize online, I' ll visit a site like this and post for others to read and discuss.
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Joe Redifer
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RE: Virtua Fighter 5, After Burner, Virtua Tennis 3 & More! - Sep 07, 2005 14:14
The internet is for porn, not for playing games!